QBD区块链晨讯 | 湖南政府补助区块链团队 比特币非法使用比例降至10%

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:33 评论:0



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On 4 October, in the area of block chain digital currency transactions, as of 7:30 BTC current prices amounted to $6509, a decrease of 0.64 per cent; and ETH current prices amounted to $221, a decrease of 2.65 per cent.


At the sectoral level, the Hunan Government Office has put in place a policy of selecting 5-10 excellent innovation teams per year, with a one-time subsidy of 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan per team, for enterprises that carry out technical clearance and industrialization in the areas of artificial intelligence, block chains, etc.


In addition, data from the United States Drug Enforcement Agency show that the ratio of illegal to legal use of bitcoins has been adjusted, with 10 per cent of the $4 billion in transactions involving bitcoins being criminal, 90 per cent for legal transactions, and the ratio of illegal to legal use being 1:9, compared to 9:1 last year.


In addition, Fanfan, Chairman of the Board, indicated at the 2018 World Summit on Artificial Intelligence that a decentralised distributed AI platform might emerge over the next three to five years.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}This morning.


Non-nominal data show that, by 7:30, the market value in circulation in the top three figures was broken down as follows: BTC currents $6509, down 0.64 per cent, 24-hour transactions amounting to RMB 22,632 million; ETH current prices $221, down 2.65 per cent, 24-hour transactions amounting to RMB 11,711 million; and XRP current prices, 3.63 yuan, an increase of 3.64 per cent, 24-hour transactions amounting to RMB 5283 million.


Industry Development


1. The Hunan Province Government issued Opinions: an annual subsidy for technical innovation teams such as the selection of 5 to 10 block chains


In recent days, the Hunan Government Office has issued Opinions on Further Encouraging the Development of the Mobile Internet Industry, in which it is mentioned that emphasis is placed on closely following new and emerging technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, block chains, etc. Strong support is being given to technological innovation and industrialization in priority areas, and support is being given to enterprises to carry out key technological clearances and industrialization in the areas of mobile Internet, big data, material networking, artificial intelligence, block chains, etc. Teams carry out technical closings and industrialization in mobile Internet, big data, physical networking, artificial intelligence, block chains, etc. The economic benefits are significant, with 5-10 excellent innovation teams selected annually, with a one-off subsidy of $500,000 to $1 million per team.

2.全球ICO市场转暖 新加坡ICO规模超过美国

2. Global warming of the ICO market. Singapore's ICO is larger than the United States.

加密研究机构Elementus 最近报告显示,全球ICO市场在8月筹集了近15亿美元,触及一年前的低点之后,总体资金规模大幅增加。但增长原因不是由美国市场驱动,而是由亚洲的增长驱动,其中新加坡举办17次ICO,超过美国的15次ICO规模。

A recent report by the encryption research agency, Elemmentus, shows that the global ICO market raised nearly $1.5 billion in August, reaching a low point a year ago, with a significant increase in overall funding. But growth is driven not by the US market, but by Asia’s growth, with Singapore hosting 17 more ICOs than the US’s 15 ICOs.


3. Bitcoin Google is 18 months low


According to Google search trend data, bitcoin searches have declined by 60% since the beginning of 2018 and have been at their lowest levels in almost two years. The heat of encrypted currency-related products has also decreased.


4. Efficient block chain cross-chain and financial-grade public chain technology will be the hotspot of 2019 .


In recent days, Zipper has said: “The City of Cyclops has made it possible for more project investment agencies to see that inefficient traditional block-chain technologies do not carry substantial commercial applications, and that the fragmentation of the chain and the chain have resulted in a large number of asset islands. Investment agencies are now predicting that financial public and cross-chain technologies with applications in 2019 will become market hot spots.

5.比特币非法与合法的使用比例为1:9 非法使用比例降低

5. Bitcoin's ratio of illegal to legal use is 1:9 and the ratio of illegal use is reduced

美国缉毒局(DEA)代理人Lilita Infante 与福布斯分享了一个数据:比特币40亿美元的交易量中,10%涉及犯罪,90%用于合法交易。如果在2013年,90%的比特币应用都与非法活动有关,那么今天,90%的应用都在使用这种加密货币进行合法的金融投机。

The agent of the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Lilita Infante, shared data with Forbes: of the $4 billion traded, 10% involved in crime and 90% was used for legal transactions. If in 2013, 90% of the Bitcoins were used for illegal activities, today, 90% of the applications are used for legitimate financial speculation using this encrypted currency.


At present, only 10% of the bitcoins are linked to illegal activities. Infante also states that encrypted currency does not hide the identity of criminals as it was in the past. While some encrypted currency claims to provide privacy protection, DA’s agent says there is still a way to track them. 6. Coinness analyst: BTC has a greater risk of falling in recent times.


According to Coinness analyst Arthur, BTC has now been collated for several days near $6,500, and its volume is shrinking, while, from a crayon triangle, BTC is fast-tracked. According to the relationship between several USDT transfers and BTC prices, BTC has been more likely to move down in recent days. In addition, the digital money market as a whole is still in Bear City, and investors should be more cautious.


7. South Korea refuses to classify the digital currency, block chain industry as a venture capital company


According to CCN, the Korean government’s insistence on excluding digital money, block chain industries from venture capital companies means that digital money start-ups and trading platforms will be classified as gambling, bars, entertainment, thereby losing domestic tax incentives for start-ups, small businesses, and other financial incentives. Currently, Korea’s main digital currency exchange is accredited as a venture capital company, but certification will expire by the end of the year.


The British Government is fully committed to encouraging the development and adoption of new technologies, such as block chains, in the country .

据Ambcrypto报道,英国数字、文化、媒体和体育部(DCMS)部长玛戈特?詹姆斯(Margot James)在伦敦 “Blockchain Live 2018”活动上讨论了政府对区块链技术的立场以及该技术的广泛使用案例。

According to Ambcrypto, British Minister Margot James of the Department of Digital, Cultural, Media and Sports (DCMS) discussed the Government's position on block chain technology and its widespread use at the London “Blockchain Live 2018” event.


Margot James said that the British government was fully committed to encouraging the development and adoption of new technologies in the country. In addition, James cited the case of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s focus on block chain technology. She said that regulators had incorporated a safety mechanism in which they started to test products and services in the real market and set up corresponding “safeguards.” Margott? James also stressed the importance of understanding block chain technology and expressed the need to look beyond the financial sector to apply block chain technology.




1. Money to the $2.5 million investment block chain PoS payment system


According to Blokt, Cheonan has now invested $2.5 million in the Australian entrepreneur TravelbyBit, which will launch a POS payment system based on block chain technology and install it at major airports around the world.


2. IBM's new patent to monitor security gaps using block chain technology has been passed


According to Coindesk, the US Patent and Trademark Office adopted a new IBM patent on Tuesday, submitted in 2017, using block chain technology to monitor security holes in the computer network, and the installation of a synchronous monitors in block chain configuration ensures consensus among monitors. Since a monitor could not change an event log in the past or falsify an incident log in the future, there may be no consensus that a monitor is not in a synchronized monitor, and that an incident may not be recorded in a log.




1. . . > > : decentralised distributed AI platforms within three to five years.


At the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Summit, China’s Vice-President and Executive Director, Van to Holdings Ltd., Shaw Fung, said that the block chain was a perfect pair. The Internet was an “information machine” and the block chain was a “fact machine”. Their combination would satisfy AI’s demand for data, data privacy would be protected, data assets would be secured, data sharing would be stimulated, data computing would be open, and data governance would be orderly.

2.Dfund创始人赵东:挖矿成本永远跟随价格 而不决定价格

2. Dfund Founder Jo Dong: The cost of mining will always follow the price and not determine the price

Dfund创始人赵东在通过微博解释“为何比特币的价格决定了成本”这一问题时表示:“比特币价格存在周期性(牛-熊),所以在某个阶段,比特币价格可以远远超过挖矿成本,而在另外一些阶段,当然也可以远远低于挖矿成本。 但是,挖矿成本永远跟随价格,而不决定价格。

The founder of Dfund, Zhao Dong, explained through Twitter why “the price of bitcoin determines the cost” that “the price of bitcoin is cyclical (cow-bear), so that at some stage it can far exceed the cost of mining, and at other stages it can, of course, be much lower than the cost of mining. But the cost of mining always follows the price, not the price.

当比特币市场价格低于一部分矿工的挖矿电费成本时,这部分矿工(设备)会被迫退出挖矿( 即使这部分矿工是比特币的忠实信徒,从来不卖币,他如果手头还有法币,会选择直接买币而非挖比特币) 一部分矿工的退出竞争,会导致比特币挖矿成本降低。 同时,比特币芯片技术的提升,又会让比特币挖矿成本更低,让一部分拥有先进技术的矿工更具备竞争力。”

When the price on the Bitcoin market is lower than the cost of mining electricity for some miners, the miners (equipment) will be forced to withdraw from mining (even if the miners are faithful to Bitcoin and never sell coins, he will choose to buy coins directly rather than dig bitcoins) and a portion of the miners will be out of competition, which will result in lower mining costs for bitcoins. Meanwhile, the upgrading of bitcoin chip technology will make bitcoins more expensive, and make some of the miners with advanced technology more competitive.”

3.前谷歌产品总监:持有0.28枚BTC 就有希望成为比特币世界前1%

3. Former Google Product Manager: With 0.28 BTCs, there's hope to be 1% before Bitcoin

前谷歌产品总监史蒂夫·李在Twitter上表示:“如果拥有0.28 BTC并且持有,可以确定当前世界人口中不超过1%可以拥有比这更多的BTC。今天适度投资1,830美元可以确保你在未来的比特币世界中占1%。”

Former Google Product Director Steve Lee on Twitter said, "If you have 0.28 BTC and hold it, you can make sure that no more than 1% of the world's population today has more BTC than that. A modest investment of $1,830 today will ensure that you make up 1% of the world's future bitcoin."

QBD编辑 | 南柯




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