Wasabi Wallet下载

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  Wasabi Wallet是一个绿色安全、开源免费比特币钱包管理软件,内置生成钱包、找回钱包、装钱包、测试密码、硬件钱包等五大核心功能,可帮助用户高效安全的进行比特币钱包管理,使用这款软件用户可以快速生成比特币钱包,可以为比特币钱包密码进行检测等操作,可以有效保障钱包的安全性;Wasabi Wallet具备极强的兼容性、极为注重用户隐私,支持所有主流的操作系统安装运行,用户可安心下载使用这款软件进行比特币管理,该软件操作简单、功能实用,可为用户提供更好的比特币钱包管理操作体验。

Wasabi Wallet, a green security, open-source free Bitcoin wallet management software, built-in wallets, recovered wallets, packed wallets, tested passwords, hardware wallets, etc., can help users to manage bitcoins wallets efficiently and safely. Using this software, users can quickly generate bitcoins wallets, test bitcoins codes, etc., and can effectively safeguard wallets; Wasabi Wallet is extremely compatible and user-friendly, supports the installation and operation of all mainstream operating systems, and users can safely download the software for bitcoin management, which is simple and functional and provides users with a better experience of bitconet wallet management.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


1. Wallet generation generates an unlimited number of bitcoins quickly without any cost


2. Wallet loads can load multiple wallets simultaneously


3. The private model is the Wasabi wallet function, which hides the sensitive and critical information of physical observers


4. Recovery of wallets to help users quickly retrieve wallet codes


5. Test the password to test the password security of the wallet.


6. Restoration of mustard wallets in an electronic piano


Open source


Do not trust, verify. Wasabi is a free and open source software licensed by MIT. You have full access to every line of code and can operate as required.




Not your keys, not your bitcoin. With Wasabi, you can always have complete control of private and public keys without sharing them with any third party.


Focus on privacy


There is no human dignity without financial privacy. Wasabi is designed to protect your sensitive financial data, both at the network level and on the block chain.


1. Complete software download by double-clicking.exe file pops up and installs the program by clicking on the nett button

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


2. When the software is installed, click on the finish button to close the frame and start the software

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


3. The first time into the software to eject the software will eventually use the protocol frame. Click on the button to get into the software.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)

  4、进入Wasabi Wallet钱包生成界面可以帮助用户生成一个安全的比特币钱包

4. Enter the Wasabi Wallet wallet generation interface to help users generate a secure bitcoin wallet

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


5. Click on the set button to set up the wallet management software success

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


Gradually proceed to coinjoin

  启动Wasabi,然后打开包含要CoinJoin的硬币的钱包。请注意,还无法从硬件钱包中进行CoinJoin,密钥在您的计算机上必须是“热”的。然后CoinJoin,从顶部选项卡或右侧单击选项卡Wallet Explorer。

Starts Wasabi and opens a wallet containing coins for CoinJoin. Note that CoinJoin cannot be performed from a hardware wallet, and the key must be " hot " on your computer. Then CoinJoin, click on Wallet Explorer from the top tab or the right side of the tab.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)

  通过单击硬币列表中的复选框,最多可以选择七个硬币进行硬币加入。所选值必须高于最小所需数量(目前大约为)0.1 bitcoin。

By clicking the check box in the list of coins, a maximum of seven coins can be selected for addition to the coin. The selected value must be higher than the minimum required (currently approximately) of 0.1 bitcoin.


Mergers are bad for privacy.


Try not to select coins for CoinJoin in the same round with different privacy shieldes (different anonymous sets). This is because coins with higher anonymous sets will lose some of them, which is equivalent to less anonymous ones. The best option is to choose coins with the same anonymous set.


Specifies an anonymous setting of targets. Wasabi will automatically re-register your coins for the next round until the target is reached. You can easily switch between three levels by clicking a shield. You can also change the value of three shieldes in the settings.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)

  输入密码,然后单击确定Enqueue Selected Coins。您只需要在第一轮混音中输入密码,因为无需输入密码即可完成任何自动重新混音。

Enter the password, and then click to confirm Enqueue Seleced Coins. You only need to enter the password in the first round of the mix because you do not need to enter the password to complete any automatic remixing.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


Now, wait for CoinJoin to finish. The round starts after 100 peers register their coins, or after an hour from the last round. From now on, no user input is required. Just let Wasabi run on the back of the computer.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


Once CoinJoin and broadcast the CoinJoin deal, you will receive at least one anonymous coin collection and may receive non-private change.


#zerolink agreement step by step


# Enter registration

  在输入注册期间,您选择要为CoinJoin注册的硬币。这些硬币需要在比特币区块链上进行确认,除非它们来自Wasabi CoinJoin并重新注册。在后台,Wasabi生成输入证明,即带有锁定硬币的私钥的质询消息的签名。这样,协调员可以验证您是否实际拥有这些代币。

During the registration period, you select the coins that you want to register for CoinJoin. These coins need to be identified on the bitcoin block chain, unless they are re-registered from Wasabi CoinJoin.

  然后,您的Wasabi客户端会根据注册的输入值生成几个新地址。anonset CoinJoin输出的地址一定不能链接到您的输入,因此在密码上对不可理解的密文视而不见。由于可以使用CoinJoin Sudoku轻松将更改输出链接到您的输入,因此该地址不是盲目的,而是以明文形式保存。

Then your Wasabi client will generate several new addresses based on the registered input value. Anonset CoinJoin’s output must not be linked to your input, so you will turn a blind eye to an incomprehensible message on the password. Since CoinJoin Sudoku can easily link the change output to your input, the address is not blind, but is stored in an explicit form.


The mustard wallet creates a new Tor identity, called Alice. She is a separate entity, using a new Alice that has not been linked to any previous connection.


Enter the coin you want to register and the certificate signature you want to enter.


Change address explicitly.

  盲的anonset CoinJoin输出。

Blind anonset CoinJoin output.


The Wasabi co-ordinater now verifies:


There is still more room for peers on the CoinJoin.


Blind output has never been registered.


Each input is not registered, is not prohibited, is not used and the input certificate is valid.


The sum of the input is higher than the minimum required value of about 0.1 bitcoins.


Only when all these checks are valid, the coordinateer signs the blind output. He does not know the address he wants to sign because it is classified. This signature confirms that the coordinator has verified that Alice has not cheated. The coordinateer sends the blind output of the signature back to Alice with the only ID, the only ID being the identifier for this particular Alice in this round.

  爱丽丝(Alice)具有对带符号的,不可见的输出取消盲目所需的秘密参数。借助密码术的魔力,她可以揭示anonset CoinJoin输出的明文地址。但是,协调器签名仍附加到该地址。

Alice has a secret parameter to remove blindness from a non-visible output with a symbol. With the magic of cryptography, she can reveal anonset CoinJoin’s specified address. However, the coordinate signature is attached to the address.


The registration phase ends in any of the following cases: the number of entries registered exceeds the number of inputs required (means an anonymous collection of 100 peers) or has passed an hour since the last round.


# Connection confirmed


In the first stage, there are a lot of Alice (different users) to register their input, which takes a period of up to one hour. The confirmation of connections ensures that all these devices are still online and ready to continue. The coordinating device verifies the only ID from all Alice and returns to all registered Hashi when everyone is still communicating.


If Alice falls too many (for example, when mustard is closed or the Tor connection is temporarily disconnected), the round is abandoned and recommenced. When all Alice provides the only ID, or after overtime, when the number of Alice online is still larger than the required equivalent, the confirmation phase ends.


# Output registered #


Now, all counterparts are online, and we are ready for the launch registration phase of the round. Your Wasabi client will create a new Tor identity Bob, who has nothing to do with Alice. Bob sends it to the mustard coordinator:

  anonset CoinJoin输出的明文地址。

Anonset CoinJoin's specified address.


Sign the co-ordinate on this output.


All the input is rounded to Hashi.


Since the coordinator could verify his signature, he knew that the output had originally been sent by any Alice (who he could not know with certainty) and that he had verified that everything was well organized.


It is very important that the coordinator cannot link Alice to Bob. Because Alice has already sent the input and Bob has sent the output. So, if you link the two, the co-ordinate can enter the input into the output, which means an anonymous collection 1. Because Alice sends the output to the blind person by sending it to the output, and because Bob is the new Tor identity, not the link to Alice, the co-ordinator can verify that no one is cheating, but he cannot remove the anonymity of someone else.


The output registration phase ends when the specified output is added to the value of the change in output equal to the value entered. If all output is not registered after the timeout, the round is abandoned, the missing peer is prohibited and a new round is started.


# Sign and receive #


Now, all inputs and outputs are registered, and the Wasabi coordinater can start the signature phase by using all registered input, Anonset output, change output and coordinate cost to construct CoinJoin. He sends this transaction to all Alice on this round. Each Alice verifies that:


The submission round Hashi equals all the inputs into the proposed transaction.


Her input and output is correctly included.


Alice then uses the entered private key to sign the transaction. Alice sends the uniqueID, the signature and the input index to the coordinater, which then verifies the information.


The signature phase ends when the co-ordinate has received all valid signatures entered into the register.


# On the radio #


The CoinJoin transaction has been successfully constructed and signed, and it can now be broadcast to the counterpart of the Bitcoin network. The co-ordinater sends the transaction via the Tor network to random bitcoin P2P nodes, from which it spreads to other nodes and miners. Wasabi saves mining costs by setting the confirmed target at about 12 hours, but you can re-register unconfirmed anonset for the next round of CoinJoin.


How to send Bitcoin in stages


Select the coin you want to spend.


Specifies the target address.


Mark the observer for this matter.


Specifies the amount to be sent to the target address, or press the Max button to send all selected amounts.


Selecting mining fees.


Enter the password.

  点击Send Transaction。

Click on Send Transport.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


# A coin #


A coin is an unspent transaction output (UTXO), which can be sent in large amounts of bits in subsequent transactions. In the Wasabi wallet Send label, you can see a list of all coins that can be spent. You can receive them from others by first getting a coin to win them or by replacing their statutory currency, for example. You can spend one or more coins by selecting a coin in the Send tab. If you pay less than the value of the coin selected, you will receive the money to recover the coin.


# Clusters #

  每次收到付款时,首先必须标记知道该地址是您的观察员。此交易元数据用于建立人们了解您的硬币的集群。例如,如果您从爱丽丝那里收到硬币,则簇为Alice。如果您现在将这枚硬币的一半寄给Bob,则找零硬币的簇为Alice, Bob。目的是了解了解您的硬币的观察员,并尝试减少每种硬币的数量。

For example, if you receive a coin from Alice, it is Alice. If you now send half of the coin to Bob, you will find Alice, Bob. The purpose is to learn about the observers who know your coin and try to reduce the amount of each coin.


# Anonymizing episode #


When you send a bitcoin through a regular transaction with two inputs and one output, find a change coin to link it to that input. This link is found on a one-to-one basis and is not reasonably rebuttable. Therefore, Wasabi shows the coin in an anonymous set.

  。在Wasabi CoinJoin中,许多对等方在交易的输入中注册硬币,而在输出中,有几个等值硬币,例如100个硬币,精确地价值为0.1比特币。这意味着,当查看这些CoinJoin输出之一时,每100个机会中就有1个机会找到相应的输入。因此,匿名集越高,您的混合后硬币与混合前历史的联系就越多。你芥末显示了三个级别的匿名集:

. In Wasabi CoinJoin, many counterparts register coins in the input of transactions, while in the output there are several equivalent coins, such as 100 coins, with an exact value of 0.1 bits. This means that when you look at one of these CoinJoin outputs, one of every 100 opportunities has an opportunity to find the corresponding input. The higher the anonymous collection, the more the commingled coins are connected to the pre-mixed history. Your mustard shows three levels of anonymity:


By default, they have an anonymous group 2, 21 and 50; however, this can be changed in the settings.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


# The receipt address

  发送比特币时,您需要知道接收方的目的地地址。这符合接收者同意为此硬币拥有的消费条件。该地址可以是[以1]开头的公钥哈希,[以]开头的脚本哈希3,或者是[以]开头的本地SegWit bech32公钥哈希bc1q。确保每次付款时都要求收货人提供新地址,以保护您的隐私及其隐私。如果提供的地址有误,Wasabi将计算校验和并通知您。

When sending bitcoin, you need to know the destination address of the recipient. This is in line with the recipient’s agreed consumption condition for the coin.


# Watchers #


Similar to the Receive label, you must mark each new address with an observer who knows his or her address. In the Send tab, an address will automatically be created to receive the amount of the change. Of course, the person who sent the transaction is the recipient of the transaction, and any other third party that will find the transaction, such as the payment processor or the exchange. The metadata will be used to create a group of accurate observers who know your coins.


# Numbers


In the Amount text box, you can specify how many bits of currency will be received at the receiving address. If it is lower than the value selected, the remaining value will be sent to your automatically generated change address.


Avoid sending rounded values

  如果您指定一个舍入的值,例如0.0100 0000 bitcoin,则更改输出将不会舍入的类似0.0896 8413 bitcoin。这样一来,观察者就可以轻松地得出以下结论:支出金额为0.01 bitcoin,而其他输出为退回给发件人的更改。因此,为了增加您的隐私,您可以设置一个非四舍五入的值,例如0.0101 6843。

If you specify a rounded value, e.g. 0.0100000 bitcoin, the change output is similar to 0.0896,8413 bitcoin. The observer can easily conclude that the expenditure is 0.01 bitcoin, while the other output is returned to the sender. Therefore, in order to increase your privacy, you can set a non-rounded value, e.g. 0.0101,6843.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


# Mining fees

  每笔交易都必须指定一项费用,以激励矿工将其包括在一个区块中,该费用由计算得出value of inputs - value of outputs。每个虚拟字节(vbyte)交易大小的费用越高,矿工确认该交易的可能性就越大。Wasabi使用Bitcoin Core的smart fee算法来估计在给定费用水平上确认所需的时间。您可以通过移动滑块来更改费用,甚至可以通过在设置中激活此功能来手动指定费用。通过点击费括号中的滑块下方,你可以循环显示total bitcoin amount,sats per vbyte,percentage fee of sending amount或US Dollar equivalent。

Each transaction must be assigned a fee to motivate the miners to include it in a block, which can be calculated as a value of inputs - value of outputs. The higher the cost of each virtual byte transaction, the greater the likelihood that the miners will confirm the transaction. Wasabi uses the Bitcoin Core's smart feed algorithm to estimate the time needed to confirm the given cost level. You can change the cost by moving the slider, or even manually specify the cost by activating the function in the setup. By clicking under the slide in the price brackets, you can loop the total bitcoin below, sats pervbyte, permanent feed of sitting value or US Dolar equivalent.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)

  在某些情况下,对区块空间的需求很少,然后Wasabi会设置的最低费用1 sat/vbyte。

In some cases, there is little demand for block space, and the minimum cost set by Wasabi is 1 sat/vbyte.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


High-priority transaction costs

  当使用Bitcoin Core的smart fee算法估算给定当前内存池时交易确认所需的时间时,该算法会考虑该内存池和最近区块中交易的历史数据。

When estimating the time required to confirm the transaction at the time of the determination of the current memory pool using the Bitcoin Core's ssmart feed algorithm, the algorithm takes into account the historical data of the memory pool and the transactions in the most recent block.


If, after you have chosen the maximum fee for a, Send decides to use the higher cost than you have chosen to send a token, their transactions will be in front of you in the memory pool.


The placement of transactions to be identified in the memory pool is an ongoing block space auction.


Therefore, the fee to be recognized in the next block at the time the transaction is created is likely to be much higher, as it is also desirable to send coins after the next block, thereby ranking the transaction further behind. Confirmed.


If your transaction is of high priority and you do want to confirm it as soon as possible:

  进入芥末Settings,然后打开Manual fee entry。

Enter the mustard Settings and open Manual feed entry.

  使用内存池监控器(可在Tor onion网站上找到)查看可能需要支付哪些费用的交易才能在下一个区块中得到确认。

Check transactions for which fees may be required to be identified in the next block using a memory pool monitor (which can be found on Tor onion).


Select a cost that is much higher than the current maximum cost....may double or triple it... if it's very important for you to confirm the transaction as soon as possible.


In order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the process of cost estimation, the article deserves a first reading.


# Customally change address


In Settings tab, you can activate options to set custom changes of address.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)

  这将在Send选项卡中显示第二个地址字段,您可以在其中粘贴将用于事务的更改输出的地址。指定的发送金额将发送到第一个地址,的值input coins - payment amount - fee将发送到此更改地址。如果在此字段中未粘贴任何地址,则它将以与默认方式相同的方式从同一钱包中提取地址。

This will show the second address field on the Send tab, where you can paste the address of the change output that will be used for the transaction. The specified amount will be sent to the first address, the value of which is input coins - payment amount -fee will be sent to this change address. If no address is pasted in this field, the address will be extracted from the same wallet in the same way as by default.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


# Password


In order to spend the coin, the transaction must be signed by the private key corresponding to the coin. Wasabi stores the secret on the computer and encrypts it using the password you specified during the wallet generation.


# Play it #


Once the transaction is signed, Wasabi will connect to and provide a random bitcoin P2P node through Tor, and it will immediately be cut off. The first node will circulate the entire network, and the miners can then include it in one block.


If the first broadcast fails for some reason, then if you connect Wasabi to your own full bitcoin node, the transaction will be broadcast to the network.


Helper restore words and passwords

  Wasabi使用BIP 39助记码来生成BIP 32分层确定性钱包。 无论您的密码和所生成的12点记忆恢复的话是恢复你的钱包必要的秘密。指定的钱包名称供以后识别钱包。将根据官方单词表对恢复单词进行拼写检查,并在文本框下方显示正确的单词。现在,您可以单击Recover,Wasabi将恢复您的钱包,并加载钱包。短暂加载后,您可以照常使用芥末。在此级别下,仅导入私钥,而不导入地址标签。

Wasabi uses the BIP 39 assistive code to generate the BIP 32 layered determinative wallet. Whether your password or the 12-point memory recovery generated is a secret necessary to restore your wallet. The name of the wallet is specified for subsequent identification of the wallet. The word recovery will be spell-checked according to the official word list and the correct word will be displayed under the text box. Now, you can click Recover, Wasabi will restore your wallet and load it. After a short load, you can use mustard. At this level, only the private key will be imported, not the address label.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


This function is EXPERIMENTAL.


At the time of restoration, Wasabi cannot check your password for correctness. If you enter the wrong password, you will restore a completely different wallet.


You can also switch advanced options and specify the key path to the account for the HD wallet structure. The interval limit is that Wasabi will check the distance from a continuous address in the HD wallet structure where there are no coins, and in some cases you may wish to increase the limit.

Wasabi Wallet(比特币钱包)


A tip.


With this method, you can restore the wallets generated by any BIP39 compatible software, not just those generated by Wasabi.


# Backup electronic wallet files and passwords

  Wasabi钱包WalletBackups在Wasabi数据文件夹中创建您的钱包文件的备份。如果已备份了此文件,则可以将其复制到Wallets文件夹中,并且在下次重新启动Wasabi时,它将在中显示此钱包Wallet Manager,从那里可以照常打开它。使用此方法还将备份您的地址标签和群集历史记录。

Wallet Backups has created a backup of your wallet file in the Wasabi data folder. If this file has been backed up, you can copy it in the Wallets folder, and when you restart the Wasabi folder, you will display the wallet Wallet Manager, where you can open it as usual. Use this method to also back up your address labels and cluster history records.

  什么是“ COINJOIN”?

What's "coinjoin"?


A mechanism whereby multiple participants combine their coins (or, more precisely, UTXO) into a large transaction with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. The observer cannot determine which output belongs to which input, nor can the participant itself. This makes it difficult for the outside party to track the origin and place of dispatch of a given coin (as opposed to conventional bitcoin transactions, there is usually a sender and a receiver).


This can be done using a non-hosting software like Wasabi, which eliminates the risk of money disappearing or being stolen.


This can be done in a decentralized manner so that the service is not dependent on external parties or centralized servers. It only requires participants in the transaction.


CoinJoin is the preferred way to get privacy in the Bitcoin network.


CoinJoin means: “When you want to make a transaction, you find someone else to make a transaction and make a joint transaction”.


Further reading: en.bitcoin.it/wiki/CoinJoin


Do I need to trust WASBI with my coins? No, Wasabi’s coinjoin is not designed to be reliable. The participants need not trust each other or any third party. Sending the address (coinjoin input) and receiving the address (coinjoin output) are controlled by your own private key. Wasabi merely coordinates the process of combining the participants’ input into a transaction, but the wallet is neither able to steal your coins nor to know which outputs are entered.

  相关阅读:Chaumian Coinjoin

Read about it: Chaumian Coinjoin


Do I need to run TOR?


By default, all Wasabi network traffic is transmitted through Tor - no need to set Tor yourself. If you have Tor and it is running, Wasabi tries to use it first.

  您可以在“设置”中关闭“ Tor”。请注意,在这种情况下,您仍然是私人的,除非您进行合并和广播交易时。在第一种情况下,协调员将根据您的IP地址知道您的输入和输出之间的链接。在第二种情况下,如果您碰巧将您的交易广播到监视您的完整节点,则它将知道您的交易和IP地址之间的链接。

In the first case, the coordinator will know the link between your input and your output according to your IP address. In the second case, if you happen to broadcast your transaction to monitor your full node, it will know the link between your transaction and your IP address.


My wallet can't be sent to the BECH32 address -- which wallet can I use?

  Wasabi仅生成Bech32地址,也称为本地SegWit地址或bc1地址,因为这些地址以字符bc1开头。某些钱包/交易所尚不支持此类地址,并且可能会显示错误消息(例如“未知比特币”地址”)。黑客是通过一个支持Bech32的钱包来管理您的资金。要检查Bech32的采用情况和交换/钱包支持,您可以关注Bitcoin.it Wiki和何时隔离见证?网站。

Wasabi produces only Bech32 addresses, also known as the local SegWit address or bc1 addresses, because they start with the character bc1. Some wallets/exchanges do not support such addresses and may show false information (e.g. an “unknown bitcoin” address). Hackers manage your funds through a wallet that supports Bech32. To check Bech32's use and exchange/ purse support, you can focus on Bitcoin.it Wiki and when to separate witnesses?


Please note that if you send all coins from an old wallet to a new wallet (from the above table) in a single transaction, you will merge all coins that are detrimental to privacy - but send them separately, or, if possible, import the seeds in the new wallet.


What's the cost of Coinjoins?

  您目前要支付0.003%*匿名集的费用。如果硬币的匿名集为50,则您需要支付0.003%* 50(=0.15%)。如果将目标匿名性设置为53,那么Wasabi将继续混合直到达到此程度,因此您最终可能会得到一个匿名性说60,并且您将支付0.003%* 60(=0.18%)。

If the anonymous collection of coins is 50, you will have to pay 0.003%*, 50 (=0.15%). If the target anonymity is set at 53, the Wasabi will continue to mix until it reaches that level, so you may eventually get an anonymous 60, and you will pay 0.003% (=0.18%).


In some cases, you may not pay the full fee or pay the additional fee. For example, if you are the smallest registered person in a round, you will never have to pay the fee.


Mixing can also result in more returns than input. This happens when network costs fall between start and end. Circles and their end. In this case, differences are distributed between the effective output of the mix.


What's an anonymous collection?


The anonymous collection is actually the size of your hidden group.

  如果3个人参加了CoinJoin(输入大小相等),并且有3个输出,则每个输出硬币的匿名集为3。 没有匿名集。 知道哪个匿名集输出硬币由哪个输入所有者拥有的方法。观察者所知道的是,特定的匿名集输出硬币归其中一个输入币的所有者之一(即3个人)所有,因此匿名集为3。

If three people participate in CoinJoin (in equal size) and have three outputs, the anonymous collection for each output of coins is 3. There is no anonymous collection. Knows which collection of coins to export anonymously is owned by which owner to enter. As observers know, a specific anonymous collection of coins is owned by one of the owners of one of the coins entered (i.e., three individuals), so the anonymous collection is 3.

  0.1 BTC (Alice) 0.1 BTC (Anon set 3)

  0.3 BTC (Bob) -> 0.1 BTC (Anon set 3)

  0.4 BTC (Charlie) 0.1 BTC (Anon set 3)

  0.2 BTC (Change Coin Bob)

  0.3 BTC (Change Coin Charlie)


Your Wasabi software has limited information about the anonymous collection that should be set up, so the anonymous collection it provides you with is only an estimate, not an accurate one. Using Wasabi, we are trying to make a lower estimate, not a higher one.


Can I regroup my mixed coins?


It is proposed to limit the combination of coins because it will only reduce the privacy of the coins in question. This will link all consolidated UTXOs together for a single transaction, producing only one output, and clearly controlling all of these funds. That is, if your sum is less than one BTC, it is unlikely to reveal your historical record of previous co-exist transactions. When you spend that coin, the potential problems come up. Depending on how you treat the coins, it may reduce the privacy of the changes (e.g. if you send half of the coins to the exchange because they know you have a coin for zero). Therefore, it is preferable not to regroup all of your mixed coins, although if you intend to keep the coins for a long time, you may wish to re-assemble some coins because it will reduce the cost of coins in the future.


Read further: [Reddit] Mixed coin


Can I send the mixed coins safely to the hardware wallet?

  大多数硬件钱包都与服务器通信,以为您提供余额。这会将您的公钥暴露给服务器,从而破坏您的隐私-硬件公司现在可以从理论上将您的所有地址链接在一起。因此,不建议您将混合硬币发送到与硬件钱包关联的地址,除非您确信以不与第三方服务器通信的方式设置了硬件钱包(请参见下文) 。

Most hardware wallets communicate with the server in order to provide the balance. This exposes your public key to the server, thus undermining your privacy. Hardware can now theoretically link all your addresses. Therefore, it is not recommended that you send mixed coins to the address associated with the hardware wallet unless you are sure that the hardware wallet is set in a way that does not communicate with the third-party server (see below).

  但是,您可以使用Wasabi界面管理硬件钱包。或者,您可以将硬件钱包与Electrum一起使用,该Electrum通过Electrum Personal Server连接到您的Bitcoin Core完整节点。

However, you can manage the hardware wallet using the Wasabi interface. Alternatively, you can use the hardware wallet with Electrum, which connects to your full Bitcoin Core node via Electrum PeopleServer.


How do you correctly use WASIBI to set up hardware wallets?

  您可以在Wasabi中直接使用流行的硬件钱包,包括Coldcard,Trezor和Ledger设备。插入设备,然后在Wasabi的起始页中选择“硬件钱包”。您将能够发送和接收比特币,但不能直接共同加入资金。为此,私钥需要在Wasabi中变得很热。您还可以通过SD卡导入和导出PSBT,以与ColdCard Wallet通信。

You can use popular hardware wallets directly in Wasabi, including the Coldcard, Tresor and Ledger devices. Insert the device, and then select " Hardware wallets " on the start page of Wasabi. You will be able to send and receive bitcoins, but you will not be able to join funds directly.


What about "change"?


There are no strict rules on how to deal with changes. There is usually an attempt to avoid changes, and the " Max " button is widely used at the time of dispatch. The most problematic type of change is to set anonymously to the content of 1 (Red Shield).

  警告您要避免将匿名集1个硬币与匿名集> 1个硬币合并在一起,因为这会将您的匿名集> 1个硬币链接到与之合并的硬币上。请注意,如果将它们合并在一起,这也是正确的,但是,由于某些区块链分析技术在计算上变得不可行,因此问题略少。

Warn you to avoid combining an anonymous set of a coin with an anonymous set of > a coin because it links your anonymous set of > and a coin to a coin that is merged with it. Please note that if they are combined, it is also correct, but there are a few fewer problems because some block chain analysis techniques are not workable.


It is also important not to send different coins to the same receiving address (even if executed as a separate transaction) because it links coins together, thereby undermining your privacy.


Your choice:

  -如果您不关心链接硬币的历史,因为它们都来自同一来源,那么您可以将它们组合在一起(将来自同一来源的所有更改排队,直到达到混合所需的最小输入量为止) ,目前约为0.1 BTC)。

- If you do not care about the history of linking coins because they come from the same source, then you can group them together (queuing all changes from the same source until the minimum input required for mixing is reached), which is currently about 0.1 BTC.


- Combine with Joinmarket.


- Donate them (for example, to the Federal Emergency Foundation)


- Spend them on things that do not involve particular privacy risks (e.g. gift cards).


- Turn on the lightning tunnel.


The ultimate solution would be a “closed ring”, which would be to spend change without combining it with other coins and not generate change by sending the whole coin.


WASABI's Privacy Wallet Alternative?

  除了Wasabi Wallet之外,截至2020年,JoinMarket是唯一可用于生产环境的,完善的隐私保护概念。

With the exception of Wasabi Wallet, by 2020, Joinmarket was the only well-established concept of privacy protection that could be used in the production environment.




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