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 > 本文是《区块链应用开发实战》一书的译者序

& nbsp; > This is the translated sequence of the & nbsp; > Book of the & & nbsp; & & gt;

在Web 之前,是互联网。

Before Web, it was the Internet.

互联网发明于20 世纪70 年代,正值美苏冷战的高峰期。

The Internet was invented in the 1970s at the height of the US-Soviet Cold War.


At the time, the US had a central computer to control its nuclear weapons. The US government feared that an attack could paralyse the computer system, making it impossible for them to respond. Thus, the US government created a decentralised system that allowed many computers to spread throughout the country. In the event of an attack, the defense system could continue to operate, ensuring that the two countries could destroy each other.


之后,在1990年,蒂姆•伯纳斯•李(Tim Berners-Lee)创建了Web(万维网),是互联网上最早的应用之一,使得人们能够轻松地浏览网上内容。然而,它是一个高度专业化的工具,主要用于研究人员和高校学生。五年后,像Mosaic和Microsoft Internet Explorer这样的新浏览器把Web 1.0带给了普通大众。

And then, in 1990, Tim & Bull; Bernard & Bull; Tim Berners-Lee created Web, one of the first applications on the Internet to make it easier to browse online content. However, it is a highly specialized tool for researchers and college students. Five years later, new browsers like Mosaic and Microsoft Internet Explorer bring Web 1.0 to the general public.

网页设计很糟糕,我们通过拨号(PPP)连接互联网,下载一张照片或一个视频将花费很长时间。这就是Web 1.0,也是我们在网上冲浪的美好时光。

Web pages are badly designed, we connect to the Internet by dialing (PPP) and downloading a photo or video takes a long time. This is Web 1.0, and it's also a good time for us to surf online.

Web 1.0具有三大特征:去中心化、开源和只读。Web 1.0是由普通电脑用户驱动的。蒂姆•伯纳斯•李(Tim Berners-Lee)的电脑上贴着照片,它上面有一张贴纸,纸上写着不要关机,因为这台电脑正在为互联网提供动力。开源使得像谷歌和亚马逊这样的新企业成为可能。1.0是只读的。只读是指每千名浏览Web的用户中,只有少数人具备发布内容的技术技能。

Web 1.0 has three main features: decentralisation, open-source and read-only. Web 1.0 is driven by ordinary computer users. Tim & Bull; Bernards & Bull; Tim Berners-Lee's computer has photos on it, and it has a sticker that says don't turn it off, because the computer is providing power for the Internet. Open source makes it possible for new businesses like Google and Amazon. 1.0 is read-only. Read-only means that only a few of every thousand users browsing on Web have technical skills in publishing content.


这一切在2005年前后发生了改变,YouTube、Facebook和Twitter等新网站带来了Web 2.0。这是第一次任何人无论技术水平如何,都可以在网上发布内容。Facebook、YouTube和Twitter都是人们创建自己Web的简单方式。它们导致了今天Web的大规模普及。

All this changed around 2005, with new sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter bringing Web 2.0. This is the first time anyone can post content online, regardless of their skill. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are simple ways for people to create their own Web. They have led to the massive spread of Web today.


But at that time, people were beginning to see the problems behind these new Webs. While they made our online life easier, they slowly built fence gardens on open Web. Moreover, computers that had powered Web were gradually evolving into the large centralized data centres needed to power these platforms.



The invention of smartphones has accelerated this phenomenon. Today, we have a lot of incredible equipment that allows us to do a lot of unexpected things. Yes, smartphones allow us to browse through applications like Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, to view the world through microlinks of friends, and by shaking.

互联网已经30岁了,但这不是我们想要的网络。互联网的发明者蒂姆•伯纳斯•李(Tim Berners-Lee)利用互联网30岁生日这个机会,表达了他对互联网近年来发展方向的不满。

The Internet is 30 years old, but it is not what we want. The innovator of the Internet, Tim & Bull; Bernard & Bull; and Tim Berners-Lee, used the opportunity of the Internet's 30th birthday to express his dissatisfaction with the way the Internet has evolved in recent years.

随着Web 2.0思想的广泛传播,一个不可避免的问题出现了:Web 3.0将会是什么样子?

With the wide dissemination of Web 2.0 ideas, an inevitable question arises: what will Web 3.0 look like?


Web 3.0,简称Web3,将带来三大变化:

Web 3.0, short of Web3, will bring about three major changes:

  • 货币将成为互联网的固有特征。
  • 去中心化应用(Dapp)为用户提供新的功能。
  • 用户将对他们的数字身份和数据拥有更多的控制。

web 2.0之所以被人们所诟病,在于广告成为Web的默认商业模式,其根本原因是Web上没有传递价值的可信方式。值得庆幸的是,最近有一项发明解决了这个问题。这项发明将在未来几十年对我们的社会产生重大影响,这个发明就是比特币。

The reason why web 2.0 has been criticized is that advertising has become the default business model of Web. The underlying reason is that there is no credible way of transmitting value on Web. Fortunately, a recent invention has solved this problem. This invention will have a major impact on our society in the coming decades, and it is Bitcoin.


Bitcoin has brought two major innovations:

  • 它允许数字稀缺。历史上第一次,我们可以创造既数字化又独特的物品。
  • 它允许我们在网上消费而不需要任何中介。


These two innovations have brought value to the Internet.

要了解价值互联网有多大,请考虑Web 1和Web 2如何彻底改变了信息的自由流动。科技改变了每一种媒体:报纸、电话、电视、书籍、广播、摄影、百科全书等等。很多没有改变的东西都与价值有关。

To understand the value of the Internet, consider how Web 1 and Web 2 have radically changed the free flow of information. Technology has changed every medium: newspapers, telephones, televisions, books, radios, photography, encyclopedias, and so on. Much of what has not changed is about value.

正如Web 1和Web 2带来了信息流的爆炸,Web 3也将带来价值流的爆炸。

Just as Web 1 and Web 2 brought the explosion of the information stream, so Web 3 will also bring the explosion of the value stream.


就像信息一样,在未来的几十年里,价值的转移将可能是全球性的,即时的,自由的,每个人都可以获得的。虽然比特币可能会颠覆现金或黄金(取决于你问的是谁),但价值革命远远不止于此。想想社会的每个组成部分都需要稀缺性—股票、债券、身份、不动产等。所有这些都可以通过Web3.0 进行转换,这将是巨大的机会。

As with information, in the coming decades, the transfer of values may be global, instantaneous, free, and accessible to everyone. While Bitcoin may destabilize cash or gold (depending on who you ask), the value revolution goes far beyond that. Thinking about every component of society requires scarcity & mdash; stocks, bonds, identities, real estate, etc.

比特币允许我们在没有任何中介的情况下进行交易。为什么我们不能用同样的想法来构建其他的应用呢? 将比特币的创新(区块链、密码学、对等网络和共识算法)添加到Web 应用程序中,这就诞生了去中心化应用(Dapp)。

Bitcoin allows us to trade without any intermediary. Why can’t we use the same idea to construct other applications? Add bitcoin innovations (block chains, cryptography, peer networks, and consensus algorithms) to Web applications, which gives birth to decentralized applications.

之后,很多疯狂的想法产生了,现在我们可以把日常使用的每一个应用程序都放在Web上。例如,Airbnb、Twitter、Facebook、YouTube 都有去中心化的版本,没有中央权威机构或权力。这掀起了去中心化应用的一场运动,在所有领域(无论是货币、银行、支付、广告、供应链等),人们都在构建我们今天使用的应用程序的去中心化版本。

After that, a lot of crazy ideas emerged, and now we can put every application we use on Web. For example, Airbnb, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube have decentralized versions, with no central authority or authority. This has set in motion a decentralized campaign, in all areas (whether money, banks, payments, advertising, supply chains, etc.) where people are building decentralized versions of the applications we use today.


Web 基础设施本身的改变是催生去中心化应用的重要因素。Web 基础设施将有自己的原生支付层,其中包含像比特币这样的项目(当然,比特币不是唯一的项目,还有许多其他竞争性的加密货币),然后是像以太坊这样的虚拟机。这些平台可以运行去中心化应用程序的代码。

The changes in the Web infrastructure itself are an important factor in triggering decentralisation applications. Web infrastructure will have its own primary payment layer, with items like Bitcoin (of course, Bitcoin is not the only project, and there are many other competitive encrypted currencies), followed by virtual machines like Ether. These platforms can run the decentralized application code.

在此基础上,还需要一个去中心化的存储层,用来存储去中心化应用所需的源文件,如图像、视频、文本等。在这方面,值得关注IPFS 和Filecoin 项目。IPFS(星际文件系统)是由协议实验室和Juan Benet 共同开发的一个项目,它的目标是成为HTTP 的替代协议。Filecoin 是基于区块链构建的可验证存储市场,是IPFS 之上的激励层。

On this basis, there is also a need for a decentralised storage layer to store the source files needed for decentralised applications, such as images, videos, text, etc. In this regard, it is worth noting the IPFS and Filecoin projects. IPFS is a project developed jointly by protocol laboratories and Juan Benet with the aim of becoming an alternative protocol to HTTP. Filecoin is a verifiable storage market based on block chains and is an incentive layer over IPFS.

原生支付、虚拟机、IPFS 存储服务、可验证存储,以及未来的可验证计算,随着更多基 础构件的成熟,区块链的后花园必将姹紫嫣红。

Original payments, virtual machines, IPFS storage services, authenticated storage, and future verifiable calculations, the rear garden of the block chain is bound to be purple and red as more base-string components mature.



And just this year, Filecoin, as the infrastructure of Web3, is approaching the main web line, the dawn and dawn of Web3. The content storage service based on IPFS and the verifiable storage based on Filecoin will provide a technological stack of storage layers for Web3. It is believed that in the future, as more basic building blocks, such as verifiable calculations, mature, the rear garden of the block chain will be purple and red.


The translation of this book has its origins in a number of interesting souls and life tracks. Guan Min is the editor of the mechanical industrial publisher, China’s China chapter, whose care, support, and trust have been her throughout. Feng Su-hyun is the editor of the mechanical industry publisher, China’s China chapter, whose great writing, professional knowledge, and strict attitude has made the book a great success. Mr. Cao Hong-wei, a 70-year-old programmer with more than 20 years of sedimentation in the IT field, expects to focus on the technology of the chain with the spirit of the coded agrosmiths. He is a chain engineer with more than 10 years of accumulation in the distribution system, hoping that more readers will benefit from the book in the spirit of scholars.


In any case, translation is a special creative process, and the interpretation and choice of the translator is included in the word-and-words, and in the grinding and grinding of each word. Despite caution, diligence, such as flying thin ice, and the limited quality of the translator, errors in the translation of this book are inevitable, and it is expected that all readers will be properly represented. Any omissions are a matter for the translator and have nothing to do with the original author or editor.


In general, each technological change requires an initial group of technocrats, developers, believers, preachers, fans. The technology community also needs more block-chain technical books to provide in-depth narratives and systematic development guidance.


(本文是《区块链应用开发实战》一书的译者序 ——“Web3.0,区块链后花园的姹紫嫣红”)

(This is the translated sequence of & mdash; — &ldquao; & Web3.0, the purple red & rdquao in the garden behind the block chain)


[This is an original article by 51CTO columnist & ldquao; Cao & rdquao; author of the Weibo Public Number: ooh House ArchiSelf, id:wriels-com]






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