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Bitcoin is one of the forms of digital cash. Unlike the usual French coins, bitcoin is not controlled by any central bank; its financial system is run by thousands of computers around the world, and anyone who wants to be involved in it simply downloads open source software.

作为首款数字货币,比特币的概念提出于2008年(2009年发行)。它赋予用户收发数字货币的能力(英文简称为“BTC”),但比特币更瞩目的特性是:抗审查, 资金不可二次使用,交易可以随时随地进行。

As the first digital currency, the Bitcoin concept was proposed for 2008 (issued in 2009). It empowers users to receive and send digital money (the English acronym is “BTC”), but the more prominent feature of Bitcoin is that it is resistant to censorship, that funds are not used for secondary use and that transactions can take place at any time or place.


The point of departure for the use of bitcoin varies from one person to another. Many see it as a non-licensed feature, i.e. that anyone can receive and send as long as they connect to the Internet. Bitcoin is somewhat like cash in terms of unrestricted use; but the number of bitcoin means that it supports cross-border transfers.


Bitcoin is decentralised, resistant, secure and borderless.


On the basis of the above characteristics, the advantages of Bitcoin include international remittances and payments, which effectively safeguard personal identity privacy (use of debit or credit cards makes it easier to reveal personal identity information).

许多人不会花费比特币,而是选择长期持有(即 HODL)。比特币数量有限,因此“数字黄金”之称。部分投资者将比特币视为“价值储藏”,如同黄金、银等贵金属一样稀少且“开采”难度高。

Many do not spend bitcoin, but choose to hold it (i.e. HODL). Bitcoin is limited, so it is called “digital gold.” Some investors view bitcoin as a “value deposit”, as rare and difficult as precious metals such as gold and silver.


Together with the global and high mobility of Bitcoin, it has led long-term currency holders to believe that bitcoin is the ideal medium for the long-term storage of wealth, adding value over time.


In the Bitcoin system, money is not sent by a digital transfer of cash that most people imagine. If Alice transfers to Bob, it's more like Alice records her transfer of $1 to Bob on a ledger that anyone can see. If Carol wants to collect $1 from Bob, she can see on the same subbook that Bob does have $1.



The account book here is the so-called block chain database. All participants share a copy of the same data; the copy is stored in the participant's device and data updates are synchronized with all connected devices.


When payments occur, the relevant information is broadcast directly to the point-to-point network; the payment process is not involving the central bank or agency.


Block chains are only supplementary ledgers, i.e. only data additions are accepted. Once the information is added to the block chain, it is difficult to modify or delete. To ensure this, the block chain imposes a pointer in each block, pointing to the next linked block.



The pointer is actually the hash value of the first block. The hash (also referred to as “Hashi”) is to enter the data into a set of one-way functions and get the corresponding special fingerprints. The change in the input value will produce a very different fingerprint, even if it is only a little bit. As the blocks are connected as a chain, any change in the block is bound to render all subsequent blocks ineffective. Such a structure is one of the safety and security of the chain of blocks.


Bitcoins are perfectly legal in most countries, with few exceptions. Nevertheless, it is important to know the relevant laws of their jurisdictions before investing.


In the legal region of Bitcoin, government agencies adopt a variety of relevant taxes and regulations.


No one knows! The inventor of Bitcoin is a fake name, and the true identity remains secret. He may be a person or a group of developers from anywhere in the world. Although he is a Japanese name, he/she has a strong English language, which leads many to conclude that she/he/they are from an English-speaking country.


The White Paper and software of Bitcoin were published by China’s Central Council, but disappeared mysteriously in 2010.

实际上,比特币涉及到的多项技术已经存在了一段时间。区块链的概念并非因比特币而生,不可变更的数据架构可追溯至1990年代早期。当时Stuart Haber和W. Scott Stornetta构想出一种为文件添加时间戳的系统。它依靠加密技术来保障数据安全、避免篡改,跟今天的区块链很相似。

In fact, several of the technologies involved in Bitcoin have been in place for some time. The concept of block chains was not born of bitcoin, and the unchangeable data structure dates back to the early 1990s. Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta conceived a system to add timetamps to documents.


Interestingly, the Chinese white paper does not refer to the term “block chain”.


Bitcoin is not the first, but certainly the most successful, digital currency. Past attempts lay the foundation for medium-breathing inventions.


1980年代末,DigiCash公司由密码学家兼计算机科学家David Chaum创立,推出以隐私为中心的在线交易方案。该方案基于David Chaum撰写的论文(详情参见此处)。

In the late 1980s, DigiCash was founded by a cryptographer and computer scientist, David Chaum, to launch a privacy-centred online trading programme based on a paper written by David Chaum (see here for more details).

DigiCash的模式属于中心化系统,但不是为一次有趣的实验。公司后来破产,David Chaum将原因归咎为电子商务在当时尚未发展起来。

The DigiCash model was a centralised system, but not an interesting experiment. David Chaum attributed the cause of the company’s subsequent bankruptcy to the fact that electronic commerce had not developed at that time.



In the 1990s, the concept of B-Money appeared for the first time in the proposal of the computer engineer David, which was subsequently quoted in the White Paper of Bitcoin for obvious reasons.

B-money提案涉及到“工作证明”系统(应用在比特币挖矿)和用于交易签署的分布式数据库 。第二个版本的B-money还描述了一种理念,类似于其他数字货币所用的抵押机制。

The B-Money proposal relates to the “certificate of work” system (applying in bitcoin mining) and distributed databases for trade signing. The second version of B-Money also describes a concept similar to that used for collateral in other digital currencies.


Although B-Money was the last step at the drafting stage, its impact on Bitcoin was not difficult to see.

Bit Gold

Bit Gold与比特币的相似度之高,让部分人认为前者的创始人兼计算机科学家Nick Szabo就是中本聪。Bit Gold的核心是一个分类账,记录工作证明计算出的数据串。

Bit Gold is so similar to Bitcoin that some people think that Nick Szabo, the founder and computer scientist of the former, is a medium-breath. Bit Gold’s core is a ledger that records the calculated data string.

和B-money一样,Bit Gold没有得到开发。然而,Bit Gold与比特币的诸多共性巩固了前者的先驱地位。

Like B-Money, Bit Gold has not been developed. However, Bit Gold and Bitcoin's many commonalities have consolidated the vanguard status of the former.




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