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Definition: holds a certain number of ETHs involved in network activities and returns.


The pledge refers to locking a certain number of ETHs in their wallets and participating in the operation of the block chain in exchange for rewards. In theory, anyone can participate in the pledge on the chain of blocks of any PoS-proclaimed consensus mechanism.

以太坊核心开发团队目前正在着手进行ETH 2.0重大升级。它涉及重新设计整个以太坊平台,并有效启动更具扩展性的新版本。该版本计划于2020年夏季开始实施,运行时间可能需要一到两年,直到完成所有三个阶段。ETH 2.0的部分内容涉及将以太坊从PoW工作量证明转为PoS。

The core development team of the ETH 2.0 community is currently working on a major upgrade. It involves redesigning the entire ETA platform and effectively launching a more expanded version. The version is scheduled to start in the summer of 2020 and may take one to two years until all three phases are completed. Part of ETH 2.0 involves moving from PoW workload certification to PoS.


PoS can provide totoken holders a right: is rewarded by validating blocks. In contrast to PoW, PoW is the consensus model used by bitcoin.


In many cases, all or part of the pledge will be forfeited if it is committed against the interests of the network or intentionally.


In principle, anyone can pledge totoken. But, in practice, protocols are needed to select participants to validate blocks and win incentives. The right to validate blocks and receive incentives is usually distributed in proportion to the number of tokens held.


One of the benefits of moving is very much supported by the core developers of the Tails.


In recent years, as a result of competition for the development of more numeric and sophisticated mining hardware, encrypted currency mining, including BTC and ETH, has become heavily dependent on a few large mining ponds.

相比之下,任何人都可以充当PoS验证者,无需专业矿机。因此,从理论上说,由于进入门槛较低,PoS区块链更有利于做到去中心化。另外,ETH 2.0还涉及分片的实施,这是一种分区技术,可实现更强大的吞吐量。

By contrast, anyone can act as a PoS certifier without a specialized miner. Thus, theoretically, the PoS block chain is more conducive to decentralisation because of the low entry threshold.


参与质押的最低门槛为32 ETH,并且验证者将需要运行验证者节点。整个质押过程不需要用到专业机器,只需要普通计算机或笔记本电脑上就可以完成。但是,验证者需要将始终保持在线状态,否则将面临小额罚款。

The minimum threshold for participation in the pledge is 32 ETH, and the certifying officer will need to run the certifying officer node. The entire pledge process does not need to be carried out by a professional machine, but only on a normal computer or laptop.


The return on the ETH pledge is expected to be about 4-10%. A procedure called “slashing” will be used to deal with those certifying by maliciously operating the network by confiscating their pledged assets.


currently has several larger PoS block chain platforms, including Tezos, Algorand and Qtum.

Tezos在“流动性PoS(LPoS)”算法下运行质押程序,LPoS是纯PoS和委托权益证明(DPoS)的混合体。在Tezos网络中验证区块的行为被称作“baking”。任何Tezos(XTZ)持有者都可以将其XTZ委托给验证者以代表他们进行“baking”。但是,原始所有者可以将XTZ保留在自己的钱包中。拥有8000+ XTZ的用户才可以自己进行“baking”,并运行验证程序节点。目前在Tezos上进行质押的回报率约为7%。

Tezos runs the pledge procedure under the Mobile PoS (LPoS) algorithm, which is a mixture of Pure PoS and Letter of Interest (DPoS). The act of the block is called “baking” in the Tezos network. Any Tezos (XTZ) holder can entrust his XTZ to the certifying officer to “baking” on their behalf. However, the original owner can keep the XTZ in his wallet. Users with 8,000+XTZ can “baking” themselves and run the validation process node. The return on the present pledge is about 7% in Tezos.


Algorand (ALGO) operates a consensus agreement known as “pure Pos.” It uses a “secret self-selection” system to randomly select a board of currency bearers to verify each block. The difference between Algorand and the rest of the world is that all ALO owners can be rewarded for holding a currency, whether or not they choose to participate in the PoS project and to verify blocks.


Similarly, Qtum operates on the basis of a “pure PoS” consensus, in which QTUM is available (even less than one is involved in block awards and has the opportunity to become a certificationer). The project has achieved the original application, making it easier for day-to-day users to participate in the pledge project and providing more technical users with command line options. The pledge on Qtum is rewarded by about 7 per cent per year. Qtum does not have a minimum pledge requirement, but users holding more QTUM have a higher probability of acquiring the right to authenticate and process transactions on the web.


In addition, projects such as EOS, Cosmos and others operate as variants of the PoS consensus mechanism, such as DPOS.


The pledge pool is operated by a pool operator.


For example, exchanges such as Binance, Crypto.com, and Kraken run pledge ponds, which deposit funds from their users in a wallet and then use them for pledge. Users keep token in their personal wallets (even cold wallets) and have the opportunity to participate in pledge ponds.


The advantage of a pledge pond is that it can centralize the user’s token, and thus have a greater chance of being selected as a certifier and receiving a pledge incentive, which will be distributed to all participants in proportion to their holdings. Since there is no need to set certification nodes in the network, the user’s participation in the pledge pool is also a good option for earning passive income.


The most obvious benefit of the pledge is the opportunity to generate income through the possession of encrypted currency, which is an active participation in the block chain project for which you see it.


The risk, however, is that the user will have to lock in the token involved in the pledge for a specified period of time. This means that if the market suddenly collapses, the user will not be able to withdraw the token from the pledge and will not be able to stop damage by selling the token.


Even in the case of a small fall, the value of the pledge incentive may not compensate for the loss caused by the fall in the value of the currency. It is also important to note that, when participating in the pledge pool, users may need to leave token in the custody of others, which poses a certain risk.

数据研究科学家Osho Jha认为,质押是使以太坊成为价值存储的关键。以太坊2.0将从PoW转变为PoS,而这个因素还未反映在当前的价格中(200美元)。

Osho Jha, a data research scientist for


It is well known that the fixed supply of Bitcoin is 21 million and that the rate of release of the new supply will decline over time, thus being referred to as “digital gold.” By contrast, while there is no fixed supply, the inflation rate is declining.


(Figures) With a long-term rate of inflation in Taiwan

按白皮书的设计,以太坊每年会按照一定比例增加供应。随着总量增加,新发行量占供应总量的比例会越来越低。转为PoS之后,以太坊年通胀率将降低至 0.5%-2.0%,与比特币和黄金达到同一水平。

As the total volume increases, the share of new distributions in total supply will become increasingly low. After moving to PoS, the annual rate of inflation will be reduced to 0.5% - 2.0%, the same level as that of Bitcoin and gold.

根据Osho Jha的理解,尽管加密社区对法币的无限供应量有负面评价,但其实它也有自身优点,那就是可以在多变的经济环境中灵活调整供应量(央行近年来已将这种灵活性发挥到了极致)。从这个角度来看,以太坊虽然没有限量,但其低通胀率可能是固定供给(比特币)与无限印钞(法币)之间的一个平衡。

As Osho Jha understands, while the encryption community has a negative assessment of the unlimited supply of French coins, it has its own advantages, namely, the flexibility to adjust supply in a volatile economic environment (which the central bank has done to the extreme in recent years). From this point of view, while there is no limit, the low inflation rate in the Taiku may be a balance between fixed supply (bitcoin) and unlimited printing (French currency).


In essence, the pledge encourages the holding of as many nodes as possible to validate the transaction. The more the number of nodes, the faster the network will run and the safer it will be. For investors, the pledge is motivated by systemic incentives, similar to the deposit of money into a bank to earn interest.


In a global low-interest-rate environment, Ether’s currency-bearing mechanism will undoubtedly attract more people to pledge. A pledge may become a killer-level application, making Ether’s role as a “positive arbitrage asset.” Unlike the cost of holding gold, holding Ether will yield more positive returns.

实际上,投资者已经开始意识到这种趋势,由于参与以太坊质押最少需要 32 ETH(质押矿池只需 1 个ETH就能满足最低要求),近期持有 32ETH以上的地址数量持续创下新高。

In fact, investors have become aware of this trend, and the number of addresses with more than 32 ETHs has continued to rise in recent times, owing to the minimum need for 32 ETHs (one ETH for a pledge pond).


(Figures) Number of transactional pens and stabilization of the market value of the currency in the Taiwan chain


Of course, the value of the tavern ultimately depends on the long-term growth of the value of sustainable systems and network use, in addition to what is expected. Investors usually measure the use of the network from dapp and from chain-to-chain transactions.

(图)DeFi 中锁仓的ETH市值

Market value of ETH in DeFi lockdown

在2020年3月份的流动性危机后,以太坊区块链上的稳定币总市值不断创下新高,链上交易数也上升至 2019 年夏季以来的最高水平。而且,以太坊在稳定币和 DeFi中也得到了大量应用。

After the March 2020 liquidity crisis, the total market value of the stable currency on the Etherton block chain continued to rise, with the number of transactions on the chain rising to its highest level since the summer of 2019. Moreover, Ether was used extensively in the stabilization of the currency and in the DeFi.


Changes in today’s world have forced people to embrace a more digital life, also demonstrating the limitations of traditional banking systems. While Bitcoin is receiving wide attention, Taicha 2.0 will also provide a platform for better digital experiences and reduce the resistance of individuals and institutions to a “digital world.”


In short, the pledge will make the Etherm an asset capable of generating positive returns, thereby stabilizing prices and broadening the investor base. Through the pledge, investors will be able to earn both from them and contribute to the security of the network.


And the need for stable currency and similar banking services to be deployed in DeFi is also rising. Such a change would encourage traders to use more stable currency, while it would act more as a source of interest income. That sounds a little schizophrenic, in short, that stable currency is the cash that will be used in the future, and that will be the asset of the future.




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