
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:35 评论:0



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The Fed’s state of thumb this month, however, remains “ patient” with interest hikes, pushing assets to continue to party. Against this background, the US shares are even more innovative, and bitcoin is more innovative.


On 9 November,


In addition to Bitcoin, the leader of the crypto-currency market, other major encrypted currencies, including `strong' Ethio, Binance, and Solana, have grown steadily over the past week, and has jointly pushed the overall market value of the encrypted currency through $3 trillion, which is four times the full market value at the end of last year.




New High on Monday, Bitcoin approaching the highest point in history


The encrypt currency has benefited from financial flows, good news and inflation concerns, and Bitcoin is approaching an all-time high on Monday, re-recording its record.


On Monday, Bitcoin rose by more than 4 per cent, to $66170, close to its historic high point of 20 October ($67016.50), and at a record level of $4768.07 in Ethio.


Since the beginning of October, as investors welcomed the introduction of the Bitcoin ETF, there has been an increase of about 59 per cent and about 51 per cent in Bitcoin since the beginning of October.

更有加密对冲基金经理Rahul Rai大胆断言,在2022年年中之前,以太坊的市值将超过比特币,这就是市场所说的“翻转(the flippening)”。他对媒体表示,以太坊有潜力通过DeFi的使用“为全球金融渠道提供动力”。

A more encrypted hedge fund manager, Rahul Rai, boldly asserted that, by mid-2022, the market value of the Taiyo will exceed Bitcoin, which is what the market calls “the flipping.” He said to the media that the Taiyo had the potential to “energize global financial channels” through the use of DeFi.

另外,加密货币数据聚合商Coin Gecko发布的数据显示,全球加密货币市值11月8日达到突破纪录的3万亿美元其中占据市场总额41.3%的为比特币,以太坊占18.7%。

In addition, data released by Coin Gecko, a condenser of encrypted currency data, show that the global market value of



经纪商IG Markets的分析师Kyle Rodda表示,随着交易员准备应对通胀,实际收益率不断下降,增加了黄金和加密货币等不支付利息的资产的吸引力。此外,该行业的投资情绪也一直不错。

The broker, IG Markets, analyst Kyle Rodda, said that as traders prepare to cope with inflation, the real rate of return continues to decline, adding to the attractiveness of non-interest-paying assets such as gold and encrypted currency. Moreover, investment sentiment in the industry has been positive.


According to Rodda: “In the area of cryptographic currency, financial institutions want to be involved, and regulators do not want to put too much pressure on them.”


In recent weeks, the largest bank in Australia has indicated that encrypted currency transactions will be made available to the bulk, and the Singapore authorities have taken a positive view of this asset class, and the spillover effect of positive stock market sentiment has supported the encryption of the currency.

上周,纽约新市长Eric Adams表示,他前三个月的薪水都将以比特币支付,并表示有意让纽约成为“加密货币行业中心”。此前,迈阿密市长也做出了类似的承诺。

Last week, the new Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, stated that his salary for the first three months would be paid in bitcoin and expressed his intention to make New York a “certificate money industry centre.” This was preceded by a similar commitment by the Mayor of Miami.




Attention! Bitcoin ecosystem is still dominated by large-scale and concentrated participants


According to the National Bureau of Economic Research of the United States, the top 10,000 investors in bitcoin control more than one third of the money supply and are the biggest profiter in the Bitcoin game. , however, this high concentration also makes bitcoin vulnerable to cyber attacks.


Through the use of data collection methods that distinguish between intermediaries and personal addresses, researchers from the National Bureau of Economic Research of the United States found that the intermediary type of address controls about 5.5 million bitcoins, while the individual type of address controls about 8.5 million bitcoins. In addition, the top 1,000 individual investors controlled about 3 million bitcoins, with a higher concentration.


It cannot be excluded, however, that some of the largest-currency addresses may be controlled by the same entity, such as 20,000 addresses for one person in China, but the data suggest that the bitcoins belong to a different 20,000 individuals.


The data show that Bitcoin's “miners” are more concentrated. US National Bureau of Economic Research found that the top 10% of the “miners” control 90% of the Bitcoins' mining capacity, while 0.1% of the miners (about 50) control 50% of the mining capacity.


Such a high concentration makes the Bitcoin network vulnerable to “51% arithmetic attack”, in which case a team of collusive miners or a miner can control most of the network.


As bitcoin prices rise significantly, so does concentration, which means that when bitcoin prices fall significantly, the risk of “51 per cent arithmetic” will also increase.


Researchers from the Bureau of Economic Research wrote, “Our results show that, despite the great attention that Bitnín has received over the past few years, the Bitnín ecosystem is dominated by large concentrations of participants, be they large “miners”, bitcoin holders or exchanges. This concentration makes Bitnín more vulnerable to systemic risks and also means that most of the benefits from this centralized distribution may fall into the hands of a small number of participants.”




"Strange" alert! The encoded currency is subdued, and there are more and more frauds associated with it.


Recently, the encrypt currency named "Squid Game" – SQUID – was a fantastic scene. On October 26, the coin went online, and the price skyrocketed over 2,300 times over the next week, reaching $2861.80. Unsurprisingly, the price of the squid fell to 0.0008 in just five minutes on November 1, almost nothing. On November 3 , the exchange showed that squid currency could not be traded, and the operating team was instructed to roll.


According to insiders, this is a typical “carpet-and-carpet” scheme in the currency circle, whereby the crypto-digital money developer first develops the concept of the project, waits for the investor to enter the scheme and then abandons the project without any sign of any sign of any sign of progress, diverts all the funds.

康奈尔大学经济学家Eswar Prasad称,加密数字货币的炒作几乎没有监管。无需任何监管机构(审查)或尽职调查, 哪怕只创建一天,那些新发行的加密货币就能在交易所上市。

Economist Eswar Prasad, Cornell University, says that there is little regulation on the production of encrypted digital money. There is no regulatory body (review) or due diligence, and even one day of creation, those newly issued encrypted money can be marketed on the exchange.

11月5日,全球最大的加密货币交易所 Binance宣布对卷款潜逃的鱿鱼币开发商展开调查。该消息公布后,鱿鱼币的价格在24小时内上涨约660%。

On November 5, the world's largest encrypted currency exchange, Binance, announced an investigation into squid developers who had absconded. The price of squid rose by about 660% in 24 hours after the news came out.


It is worth noting that behind the squid boom is the frenzy of encoded money, which is turning to small Meme (also known as “encrypted currency”) and has burned the fire to entertainment and life.


On November 7, an encrypted currency investor, Wang Ming, explained to the Times Reporter: "Squid coins are also one of Memeco. These Meme coins, represented by Doges and SHIBs, are created mostly on the basis of web-based segments, or with hot spots, and are easily subject to discussion."


“Meme coins tend to be low-priced and less mobile, and tend to be targeted primarily at small, small and small households, with a clearer motive for speculation and a greater vulnerability to manipulation.” Wang Ming added that “as Meme coins have moved out of the cycle, the encrypt currency ring has recently been filled with a sense of fear of emptiness, which has led to a scheme similar to squid coins”.




Encrypted currency prices have risen sharply, and there have been increasing frauds. The United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data show that, in the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, consumers in the United States reported losses associated with encrypted currency scams totalling nearly $82 million, a more than ninefold increase over the same period.

加密货币炒作正与流行文化热点、娱乐名人紧密结合。他们不仅盯上《鱿鱼游戏》这样的全球文娱大IP,也盯上了之前爆火的美剧《星球大战:曼达罗人》 。据科技媒体Gizmodo在今年4月初报道,网红Matt Lorion向他的120万粉丝兜售一种名为Mando的加密货币。该加密货币以迪士尼《星球大战:曼达罗人》为主题。只是没多久,Mando加密货币的项目方关闭了网站跑路,Matt Lorion成为最大受害者。

In early April, the Internet media Gizmodoro reported that Red Matt Lorion was selling an encrypted currency called Mando to his 1.2 million fans. The encrypted currency was based on Disney Star Wars: Mandaros. Only a short time ago, Mando’s encrypted money project closed down its website and Matt Lorion became the biggest victim.

9月12日,马斯克新宠物狗Floki第一次出现在其Twitter中,随后一些名字含有Folki的小众加密货币价格暴涨。其中,Shiba Floki在24小时内大涨1406.37%。炒作向普罗大众渗透,这引发各界注意。

On September 12, the new moscow dog, Floki, appeared for the first time on his Twitter page, followed by a surge in the price of encrypted currency by small crowds with the name Folki. Of these, Shiba Floki rose by 1406.37% in 24 hours.

英国知名金融投资顾问公司Hargreaves Lansdown高级投资分析师Susannah Streeter表示,“除了高度波动之外,加密货币不受监管,这意味着投资者没有防止(遭遇)欺诈的保护措施。

According to Susannah Street, a senior investment analyst from the well-known British firm of Financial Investment Consultants, Hargreaves Lansdown, “except for high volatility, encrypted currencies are not regulated, which means that investors have no protection against fraud. ”


On September 24, the Central Bank, the Silver Insurance Supervisory Board, the Networked Office, the Foreign Exchange Bureau, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate jointly issued a circular on further prevention and treatment of the risks involved in virtual currency transactions. The document makes it clear that virtual currencies, such as bitcoins and so-called “stabilized currencies” in digitized form, which are issued by non-monetary authorities, use encryption technology, distributed accounts or similar technologies, do not have the same legal status as legal currencies and do not circulate as currency on the market.




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