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(a) 有關區議會的現行 (附錄I),包括《基本法》 第九十七條(規定區議會不得為政 性組織 )區議 會條例》第61條 (列明區議會的職能)
(a) the existing legal provisions (Appendix I) relating to DCs, including Article 97 of the Basic Law (BL 97) which provides that [...]
DCs shall not be organs of political
power, and section 61 of the District Councils Ordinance (Cap. 547) which sets out the functions of DCs
至於香港方面,香港旅遊業議會這個行 自律性 組織 過去 30年來,一直不時與政府商討,就加強香港旅客的外遊保障作出改善措 [...]
In the case of Hong Kong, the Travel Industry Council of
[...] Hong Kong, a self-regulatory organization, has long been [...]
discussing regularly with the
Government over the past 30 years in the formulation of measures to improve the protection for Hong Kong travellers joining out-bound tours, and the imposition of the stamp levy is one of the very successful policies.
4.23 守則管理組織如發 現 市 場 上出現可能違反 該守則的保建 聲
[...] 稱,便 會向相 關 執 法 機 關、規管機 關或自律性的規組織 , 同時亦會就作出此項行動知 會有關公司。
4.23 In the event that the Code Administration Body becomes aware that a health claim is being made in the marketplace which may be in breach of the Code, it may
complain to the relevant
[...] enforcement, regulatory or self-regulatory bodies, while at [...]
the same time acknowledging the company concerned of such action.
在7.1現場,除了維園進出口處較明顯看 組織 蹤影外,在其他地方遊行隊伍基本上是上了"自動波", 自律 式前行。
Some organizers can be seen in the
exit of the Park, yet in
[...] most places, the demonstration was not led by a centralized organization but only by the participants' self-organization.
傳媒要有效 自 律們認為 必 須具備以下條件:第一 , 要有一套 完整 的 專 業 守 則,為 整 個 業 界 和 社 會公眾 所共同接 受;第 二 , 要有負責執 行守則 的 監 察 機構, 這機構可以由傳媒本 但 要具備對投訴 作出調 查 和 處 理 的 職權; 第 三 , 監 察 機構的運作要有透 明 度 , 要 令公眾 對其專 業 判斷力和公 信 心 ; 第 四 , 對於嚴 重 違 反 守 則的行為, 要有效 地 加以處 分 , 以 起 阻嚇作用。
To enable the media to effectively regulate itself, we think that there must be in place the following conditions: Firstly, a comprehensive professional code of conduct that is accepted by the industry and the general public; secondly, a responsible monitoring body to enforce the code; thirdly, the monitoring body must operate with such transparency that the public can have confidence in its professional judgment and credibility; fourthly, effective penalty, acting [...]
as a deterrent, must
be imposed with respect to any serious violation of the code.
關於建議加強業外成員在會計師專 管制度所擔當的 角色,法案委員會曾 就香港的醫 生專業及律師專業,以及英 國及澳洲 的會計師組織,研究管治組織及調查及 律組織 外成員出任代表 的情況。
In regard to the proposed enhancement of lay members'
[...] role in the selfregulatory regime of the accountancy profession, the Bills Committee has studied the lay member representation in the governing council and the investigative and disciplinary bodies of the medical profession and legal profession [...]
in Hong Kong and of the
accountancy bodies in the United Kingdom and Australia.
这一准则所确立的原则是对条约的继承这个概念固有连辑后果,而不论继承是依照律自 生还是因继承通知而发生。
This guideline sets out this principle, which follows
logically from the idea
[...] of continuity inherent in the concept of succession to a treaty, whether it occurs ipso jure or by virtue of [...]
a notification of succession.
研究可以直接組織自 委託顧問進行,內容應該包括直接民主的理論探討、 的前設條件、民間社會的訴求、不同形式的投票制度和表決機制、外國的經驗、以至估計進行各項相關研究、推廣和執行工作的費用等。
The content should include
[...] theoretical studies on direct democracy, preconditions set in the legal framework, the demand from the public, the various types [...]
of voting systems
and mechanisms, overseas experiences, and also the estimated expenditure on relevant studies, promotions and executive work, etc.
教科文组织继续努力鼓励行自律 以及高道德标准,以便为广大公众提供公平准 确的信息,促进国家当局及其他机构的透明度和问责制。
UNESCO continued its efforts to
[...] encourage professional self-regulation, investigative [...]
journalism, as well as high ethical standards
to provide the general public with fair and accurate information, thereby promoting transparency and accountability of national authorities and other institutions.
香港特別行政區 法禁止任何叛 國、分裂國家、煽動叛亂、顛覆中央人民政府及竊取國家機密的 行為,禁止外國的政性組織 體在香港特別行政區進行政治 活動,禁止香港特別行政區的政 性組織 體與外國的政性 組織體建立聯繫。
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
[...] shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People’s Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of [...]
the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies.
待股東於股東週年大會上批准上述建議後,一般授權及購回授權將於(i)本公司下屆股東 週年大會結束時;或(ii)任何適用 組織 細則規定本公司須舉行下屆股東週年大會之 限期屆滿時;或(iii)股東在股東大會上通過普通決議案撤銷或修訂(以最早發生者為準)時失 效。
Subject to the approval of the above proposals by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, the General Mandate and the Repurchase Mandate will expire at the earliest
of: (i) the conclusion
[...] of the next annual general meeting of the Company; or (ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting [...]
of the Company is
required by any applicable laws or the Articles of Association to be held; or (iii) the revocation or variation by an ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in a general meeting.
我們會同時保 留原有的刑事訴訟程序,以處理嚴重(例如重複或組 織性違規行為。
At the same time, the option to institute
normal criminal proceedings will be retained to tackle breaches
[...] of serious nature such as repeated or systemic problems.
六四之 後 發 表 的第三 稿 , 亦即是最 後 通過的文本 , 其中也 有這條文,仍 然 是 第 二十三條,大 家 也 可記得, 90 年 4 月 4 日 通過的《 基本法》的該 條 是 這樣寫 的:“ 香港特 別行政 區 法,禁 止任何 叛 國 、 分 裂 國家、 煽 動 叛 亂 、 顛 覆 中 央 人 民 政 府 及 竊取國家機 密 的 行為” , 即 將那數個 字加了回 去 , 接 還 有一條 尾 巴 : “ 禁 止 外 國的政 組 織 體 , 在香港特 別行 政 區 進 行 政 治活動 , 禁 止香港特 別行政 區 的政 性組織 體 與 外 國的政 性組織 體建立 聯 繫 ” 。
However, as we can all see, in the Basic Law enacted on 4 April 1990, Article 23 is written like this: "The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of State secret ……".
高等法院這樣的 裁決,無疑是蔑視醫務委員會的決定,也是對這個全醫學界最終的 組織 種嘲諷。
Such judgement by the High Court denigrates
the decision of the Medical Council and makes a mockery of
[...] this pan-ultimate disciplinary body of the medical [...]
然而,我們希望見到司法機構、律政署及 助署 組織 和聲望上有較大程度的改 善 為政府當局最近的滑稽舉動一點也不有趣。
However, we who wish to see greater strides being
[...] made in the composition and character of the Judiciary, Legal and Legal Aid Departments do not find the Administration's slapstick efforts to [...]
be the least bit amusing.
(e) 在行政長官的批准下,成為職能或宗旨包括促進競爭 或推廣競爭組織 式成員或附屬成員。
(e) with the approval of the Chief Executive, become a member or
affiliate of any international body, whose functions or objects include
[...] the promotion of competition or competition law.
可是,有哪個世性組織 美國特別的權力或有任何條文, 謂她是唯一有權售賣武器的國家,其他國家絕對不可以有這方面的任何發展或買 武器?
However, which world organization has given the United States the special right or any treaty clause making it the only country in the world that can sell weapons while the other countries must absolutely not develop or be engaged in defensive weapons trading?
(三 ) 會 否考慮以或其他形 式作出規定,除 了 就 某 個內地 組 織 是 否已因國家安全為理 由 被中央 機關禁 制 這個事 實問題 而要求 中 央 機關發 出正式知會 外,香港特區政 府不可就上述諮 詢 文件第 七 章 所 載 關於“ 外 國政 性 組 織 事宜,根據《基本 法》第十 九 條 要求中 央 人民政府就涉及國防、外 交 等 國家行為的事實問題 發 出 證 明書; 若會考慮,規定的形 式為何 ; 若 不 會,原因為何 ?
(c) whether it will consider stipulating, by
[...] provisions of law or in other forms, that apart from requesting the Central Authorities to issue a formal notification regarding the question of fact on whether a mainland organization has been proscribed by the Central Authorities on national security grounds, the SAR Government shall not, in respect of issues relating to "foreign political organizations" set out in Chapter [...]
7 of the above Consultation
Document, request the Central People's Government to issue a certifying document on questions of fact concerning acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs in accordance with Article 19 of the Basic Law; if it will, of the form of such stipulation; if not, the reasons for that?
促请会员国以及媒体、媒体协会、媒体自律机构、学校及其他有关伙伴在尊 重媒体自由的同时,酌情开展提高公共意识的宣传活动并制定适当措施和机制, 例如有关媒体暴力的行业守则自律 ,以便提高对妇女权利和尊严的尊重, 防止歧视妇女和形成陈旧念。
Member States and the media, media associations, media self-regulatory bodies, schools and other relevant partners, while respecting the freedom of the media, are urged, as appropriate, to
develop public awareness
[...] campaigns and appropriate measures and mechanisms, such as codes of ethics and selfregulatory measures on media violence, aimed at enhancing respect for the rights and dignity of women while discouraging both discrimination and gender stereotyping.
宜家,我想再用小小時間解釋一下乜野叫做 組織性 工作:簡單黎講, 組織性 工作係指冇經過策劃 助人行為,而呢d行為會久唔久發生既,例如:扶長者過馬路、幫助隔鄰既婆婆買東西、幫助鄰居照顧小朋友等。
Simply speaking, mutual aid refers to the spontaneous behaviors aiming to help others that are not organized and would [...]
happen from time to time.
委員察悉,當局正就修訂條 例的建議諮詢主要持份者的意見,包括法律界、 、記 組織 人資料私隱專員等。
The Administration is consulting the major stakeholders including the legal profession, legal academics, reporters' associations and the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on the amendment proposals.
刪 除 “ 成立一個有足夠公 眾 參與的 獨 立法定機 構 ,處 理 醫
療 事 故 及 有 關的申訴 , 並 授 予調查權 , ”
[...] , 並以“確保醫院管 理局及各 醫護專業 的法定 組織 其處理 投 訴機制 的公眾 參與程 度、透 明 [...]
度 和 效 率 ,方便 市 民 作出投 訴 ; 本 會 同時促
請 政 府 加 強 生 署 監察非公 營 醫護機 構 的 角色, 以”代替 ; 及 刪 除 “有關 個案”, 並以“醫 療 事 故 及 有 關的申訴 ”代替 。
To delete "establish an independent statutory body with adequate public participation to deal with medical incidents and related complaints; this body should be vested with investigatory powers to ensure that the cases concerned" and substitute with "ensure
that the Hospital Authority
[...] and the statutory disciplinary bodies of different health care [...]
professions act to enhance the
public participation, transparency, efficiency and userfriendliness of their complaint-handling mechanisms; this Council also urges the Government to strengthen the role of the Department of Health in monitoring health care institutions outside the public sector, so as to ensure that medical incidents and related complaints".
我們在2011年 7 月向保安事務委員會作出匯報 後,便進而徵詢主要持分者,包括小組法官、法律專業團 體、本地大學的、記組織 人資料私隱專員 等對於各項立法建議的意見,該等建議包括授權專員及其 指定人員聆聽特殊個案(例如違規個案及涉及法律專業保 密權或新聞材料的個案)或聆聽專員隨機抽查的其他個案 的截取成果。
After reporting to the Security Panel in July 2011, we have proceeded to consult key stakeholders, including panel judges, legal professional bodies, law faculties of local universities, journalist associations, the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, etc on our legislative proposals, which include the proposal to empower the Commissioner and his designated staff to listen to intercept products of cases of special interest (e.g. cases of non-compliance and LPP or JM cases) or other cases chosen by the Commissioner at random.
[...] 行時再無發行或購回股份,本公司將獲准於截至(i)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束;或(ii)任何 適用組織 細則規定本公司須舉行下屆股東週年大會之限期屆滿;或(iii)股東在本公 [...]
Subject to the passing of the resolution granting the Repurchase Mandate and on the basis that no further Shares are issued or repurchased after the Latest Practicable Date and up to the Annual General Meeting, the Company will be allowed to repurchase a maximum of 183,000,000 Shares which represent 10 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company during the period
ending on the earlier of (i) the
[...] conclusion of the next annual general meeting [...]
of the Company; or (ii) the expiration of
the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by any applicable laws or the Articles of Association to be held; or (iii) the revocation or variation by an ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in general meeting of the Company.
如果你意圖贈送或收受價值超過 50
[...] 美元的小金額贈禮、款項或其他利益,那麼你在行動之前必 須先與全球律組織 球道德與合規部門聯絡以獲得批准。
If you intend to give or receive a gift, payment or other benefit that is more than
nominal in value ($50 USD), you must
[...] contact the Global Legal Organization or Global [...]
Ethics and Compliance for approval before doing so.
戴姆勒股份公司採用所有合理的技術性 組織性 方法,以保障本公司擁有的資料數據不受意外或故意的篡改、遺失、破壞或 使
Daimler uses all reasonable technical and organisational security measures in order to protect the data we have in our control against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or against unauthorised access.
所有持有各項組織網報表的永久代理商應該慎重保管各項報表的機 理商只應將各項報表上的資料應用在管 組織 銷售和業務發展用途之 上。
(b) Every Distributor who is provided with such information must treat it as private and confidential
and take care to maintain its secrecy and
[...] refrain from making any use thereof for any purpose other than the management of their downline sales organization.
測試水壓可高達1000磅每平方英寸(PSI)Hugger包包輕便舒適、色彩鮮豔、防水耐用,是您正確的選擇! Hugger 擁抱者的官方網站:www.huggerbags.co.uk此款包包具有時尚的外觀設計,做工精細,功 ,是一款高品質聚酯的攝影背包,是小巧實用儲量大的單反 攝影包-專為旅行者而設,防護側蓋為主夾層防止雨水及灰塵,柔軟內隔板可根據需 格空間,前擴展外袋、拉下配件蓋附有拉鍊網袋、蓋口 下的拉鍊網袋、兩邊側袋和背後拉鍊袋可放存個相機配件和人物件如錢包或護照,穩固維可牢及扣保障物件安全。
Test the water pressure of up to 1000 pounds per square inch (PSI) Hugger bags are lightweight and comfortable, colorful, waterproof and durable, is the right choice for you! Hugger hug official website: www.huggerbags.co.uk bag this section has a stylish design, workmanship, strong functionality, is a high-quality polyester photography backpack is compact and practical large reserves SLR camera bag - designed for the traveler and the protective side covers mainly mezzanine prevent rain and dust, soft inner diaphragms can be freely combined according to the needs of nominative
space before the
[...] extended outer bag, pull down accessories cover with zipper mesh bag flap under zipper mesh bag, on both sides of the side pockets and zipper bag behind can put deposit camera accessories and person objects such as wallets or passports, secure [...]
Velcro and buckle protection object security.
占领国以色列企图改变被占领叙利亚戈兰的 人口地位和体制结 构已经采取或将要采取的各种措施和行动,如 1981 年 12 月 14 日的非法决定以 及以色列为在该地行使管辖和行政权利采取的措施,都是完全无效的,没有任何 合
All measures and actions taken or to be taken by Israel, the
occupying Power, in an
[...] attempt to alter the legal, physical and demographic status and institutional structure of the occupied Syrian Golan, such as the illegal decision of 14 December 1981, as well as the measures taken by Israel in order to apply its jurisdiction and administration there, are null and void and have no legal effect.



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