OKEx Research:为什么那么多人玩比特币?看完这10个问题你就懂了

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:26 评论:0



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Bitcoin is active in the global capital market in a completely new posture.


Since November of this year, Bitcoin’s prices have been historically high, just one step away from $20,000. Bitcoin’s prices have risen by more than 170% compared to the beginning of the year; they have risen by more than 400% compared to the March low, winning a traditional investment product.


There is no doubt that Bitcoin has become the most potentially alternative investment product at this stage. For many investors, the opportunity cost of not configuring bitcoin is increasing in a context where global benchmark interest rates are close to, equal to, or even below zero, and trying to recognize, understand, and even invest bitcoin as a need for investors.


According to the recently published Bitcoin Investor Study on Grayscale Investments, investor interest in Bitcoin is increasing, with more than half of United States investors interested in investing in bitcoin by 2020, while 83 per cent of respondents involved in Bitcoin invested in encrypted currency investments over the past year.

  国内投资者对比特币的关注度如何呢?OKEx Research近日随机调研了部分国内投资者,试图了解他们对比特币的认知程度和投资意向。结果显示,近八成投资者听说过比特币,15%的受访对象非常有兴趣投资比特币。

What about the attention of domestic investors in Bitcoin? OKEx  Research recently randomly researched some domestic investors in an attempt to understand their degree of awareness and investment intentions. The results show that nearly 80% of investors have heard of bitcoin, and 15% of respondents are very interested in investing bitcoin.

 来源:OKEx Research 来源:OKEx Research
来源:OKEx Research来源:OKEx Research

  虽然本次调研样本范围较小,却在一定程度上反映出当前公众对比特币的兴趣。不过,对于大部分投资者而言,比特币仍属于新物种,如何正确理解和投资比特币并非易事。OKEx Research为此收集了受访对象最想了解的10个问题,并进行一一解答。

Although the sample is small, it reflects to some extent the current public interest in bitcoin. However, for most investors, bitcoin is still a new species, and it is not easy to understand and invest bitcoin properly.

  Q1. 比特币是什么?合法吗?有没有国家的担保和监管?

What's a bitcoin? Is it legal? Is there a state guarantee and regulation?


On 1 November 2008, a man called Ben-in-law published the Bitcoin White Paper, Bitcoin: An Electronic Cash System for Point-to-Point, which aims to enable online payments to be initiated and paid directly by one party to the other, without the need to pass through any financial institution. On 3 January of the following year, Bitcoin was officially born.


Unlike the currency now in use, Bitcoin does not rely on specific monetary institutions for distribution, which is generated by a large number of calculations, using distributed databases consisting of numerous nodes in the entire point-to-point network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptographic designs to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation. The point-to-point decentralization and algorithms can themselves ensure that the value of currency is not artificially controlled by the mass production of bitcoins. Designs based on cryptography allow Bitcoins to be transferred or paid only by true owners. This also ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and circulation transactions.


Although Bitcoin has been controversial since its birth, a growing number of countries have included bitcoin in their regulation. In Japan, for example, as early as April 2017, Japan’s Payment Services Act came into force, and Bitcoin’s legitimacy as a virtual currency payment device was recognized.


In my country, five ministries, including the Central Bank, issued a Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk in 2013. The Circular states that bitcoin is a “specific virtual commodity.” That is, ordinary people can legally hold bitcoin under their own risk.


According to article 127 of the Civil Code, which will come into force in our country on 1 January 2021, data and virtual Internet property will be protected in principle. It is widely accepted in industry that Bitcoin, although not the legal currency of transactions, will be recognized by law as belonging and inheritance in the protection of property.

  Q2. 比特币有明确的价格可以用来投资吗?和外汇/黄金/股票/期货/保险/基金哪个最类似?

Q2. Does Bitcoin have a clear price to invest? Which is the most similar to foreign exchange/gold/stock/equity/insurance/fund?


Similar to foreign exchange, gold, equities, and insurance, Bitcoin is one of the ways in which investors invest in finance. Unlike the Bitcoin trading market, which operates 24 hours a day, with high price volatility, the resulting investment risk is relatively high.

  据富达报告显示,从 2015 年 1 月到 2020 年 9 月,比特币与其他资产的正相关性(如下表所示)平均为 0.11,这表明比特币收益与其他资产之间几乎没有关联。

According to the Fuda report, between January 2015 and September 2020, the positive correlation between Bitcoin and other assets (as shown in the table below) averaged 0.11, indicating that there was little correlation between Bitcoin gains and other assets.



Although the fluctuations in bitcoin prices are less related to common investment patterns, there are also similarities in some aspects, such as:


By their own characteristics, the amount of bitcoins is constant (21 million) and production is reduced by half every four years, with a risk-free and anti-inflationary character, similar to gold; by the way investments are made, investors can not only engage in spot transactions in bitcoins, but also trade in related derivatives, which is similar to equities.


In general, Bitcoin is an alternative investment product, and a growing number of market participants are configuring bitcoin for their long-term potential. However, any institution or individual involved in bitcoin investment should be carefully assessed for its high volatility.

  Q3. 比特币可以直接用来支付买东西消费吗?

Q3. Can Bitcoin be used directly to pay for shopping?


At the beginning of a “transaction”, people get what they want through the exchange of things and things, and as social needs increase, money becomes the vehicle for humans to acquire what they need, a means of payment and a value for storage.


Unlike the usual currency, Bitcoins are not issued by centralized institutions, with high price volatility and no legal compensation, but can still be used as a digital asset to pay for it. According to Coinmap, as of December this year, 18,673 businesses worldwide, mostly located in Europe and America, Japan and Australia, had received bitcoins.

  公开报道显示,在全球部分地区,消费者可以通过比特币购买金银条(例如APMEX、GramGold和JMBullion)、房地产(例如 BitcoinRealEstate)、机票(例如AlternativeAirlines、CheapAir和Expedia)及游戏充值币(例如Satoshi)等。

Public reports indicate that in some parts of the world consumers can purchase gold and silver bars (e.g. APMEX, GramGold and JMbulion), real estate (e.g. Bitcoin RealEstate), airline tickets (e.g. Alternative Airlines, Cheap Air and Expedia) and games-filled coins (e.g. Satoshi) through Bitcoin.


In addition to this, Bitcoin also owns its own ATM machine and the public can use the ATM machine to convert bitcoin and cash more quickly.

  Q4. 比特币挖矿是什么意思,是能无中生有吗?

Q4. What does Bitcoin mean by digging?


The so-called bitcoin mining, unlike the mining that is understood in everyday life, is an incentive in the network of block chains. The block chain is a database in which everyone can participate in data processing. But without team maintenance, it is difficult for users involved in block network governance to maintain data free of charge.


In the 36th Plan, the explanation for what is missing is that there is no one, there is no metaphor, there is no truth, there is no fiction. This is not the case for bitcoin mining. If understood in a more general and understandable way, it is as if a group of players hit a boss together in a game, who has the highest output, and who kills them first, who gets the reward from the system, in which the player spends time and equipment in order to get rewards and rewards.


Q5. How do ordinary people own a bitcoin?


Typically, investors can obtain bitcoin through first- and second-tier markets. First-tier markets, as mentioned earlier, obtain bitcoin through mining, but in this way pre-inputs are costly, maintenance is expensive and there are certain requirements for technology, so more and more people get bitcoin directly through second-tier market transactions.


In the secondary market, there are three common ways to obtain Bitcoin: first, to carry out transactions with a registered account on a digital asset trading platform, it needs to be noted that bitcoin prices are highly volatile and investors should be fully aware of their risks before engaging in transactions and select more secure head-to-head trading platforms; second, to conduct transactions on a common network payment platform, such as Paypal, where users can purchase, hold and sell bitcoin; and third, to make transaction access via Bitcoin ATM.

  Q6. 在传统金融中,股票的价值是公司收益,期货的价值是大宗商品价格,基金的价值是投资公司收益,那么比特币的价值支撑在哪里?

Q6. In traditional finance, the value of shares is corporate earnings, the value of futures is commodity prices, the value of funds is investment company earnings, and where does the value of Bitcoin support?


Bitcoin’s value is underpinned by scarcity, convenience, and strong consensus. After the US financial crisis of 08, confidence in the US dollar as a central currency was lost, and bitcoin was born.

  Q7. 别的投资产品都有很多的参与者,是大众产品,吸引的人和资金都很多,相对安全。比特币和它们相比,市场规模怎么样?

Q7. Other investment products have a large number of participants, are popular products, attract a lot of people and finance, and are relatively safe. How large is Bitcoin compared to them?


Although bitcoin is not yet a mainstream investment product, market size is growing at an alarming rate as the price of bitcoin increases and the user base increases. According to the encrypted asset market value website CoinMarketCap, the market value of bitcoin as at 10 December had reached $3.405 billion, or RMB 2.23 trillion, exceeding the market value of the A-share.

  Q8. 比特币是否有退市和准入制度?是否有财报公布,便于广大投资者透明公开公正的参与?

Q8. Does Bitcoin have a retirement and access regime? Is there a financial disclosure that allows for transparent, open and fair participation by a wide range of investors?


Typically, an encrypted asset-trading platform would have a de-marketing system for digital currencies, and the platform would assess whether to remove a digital currency in the event of a temporary increase, manipulation of prices or a low volume of transactions.


At the same time, trading platforms also have access systems for digital currencies, such as verification of their compliance, technical security, etc.


Bitcoin is the most dominant currency of all digital currencies, almost all of the encrypted asset-trading platforms are online in bitcoin and even Paypal supports the purchase of bitcoin; at present, with the exception of some regulators explicitly forbidding or platform collapse, few exchanges are willing to withdraw bitcoin from the market.


Bitcoin is not issued by a centralised institution and there is no traditional financial reporting, but, based on block chain technology, bitcoin-related data can be accessed in real time and cannot be tampered with, and investors can view the number of active addresses, the number of transactions in the chain, the volume of transactions in the chain, etc.

  Q9. 比特币有不同收益和风险的衍生品吗?

Q9. Does Bitcoin have derivatives with different returns and risks?


Currently, the main derivatives of Bitcoins are contractual transactions and funds. Contract transactions include durable contracts, cut-off contracts, futures contracts, etc. investors can use leverage, with greater risks and returns than on-the-shelf; funds are similar to equity funds, with smaller risks and returns.

  Q10. 国家正在推广数字人民币,和比特币有区别吗?它们有冲突吗?在国际市场上谁更有话语权?

Q10. Is there a difference between the national promotion of digital renminbi and Bitcoin? Are they in conflict? Who has a better voice on the international market?


The digital renminbi (DCEP) is the digital currency issued by the Bank of Our People, which is designated M0 (i.e. cash in circulation) and is the most mobile type of currency. Although all are called digital currency, there are many differences between the digital renminbi and the bitcoin:


(1) The basic characteristics of the currency – both of which are digitized – are account couplings, i.e., bank accounts are not tied or traded. The difference is that bitcoin is completely decentralized and the total amount is limited, but the figure renminbi is not. Moreover, according to the Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, bitcoin is considered a virtual commodity in our country and does not have the legal status of a currency, whereas the figure renminbi is the legal currency, and the figure renminbi is set at M0.


(2) From the point of view of debt, the issuer of the digital renminbi is the People’s Bank, with a government credit endorsement and unlimited legal compensation, while Bitcoin does not. Although there is no credit risk for the digital renminbi and Bitcoin, the reasons are different: the digital renminbi is not credit risk because there is no credit risk for the State endorsement, and there is no credit risk for the bitcoin because it is not a credit currency.


(3) Operationally, the digital renminbi operates on a two-tier system, whereby central banks first exchange the digital renminbi to commercial banks, which then issue it to the public, with commercial banks paying 100% of their reserves to central banks. Bitcoin operates on a full account book.


(4) From a user's point of view -- digital renminbi and bitcoin are not interest-bearing. The difference between the renminbi and bitcoin is that the renminbi can support offline payments and can still be used without the Internet, while Bitcoin is not; the renminbi is used with time and monetary limits, mainly for small retail venues, and Bitcoin does not have such restrictions; in order to strike a balance between protecting privacy and fighting crime, the renminbi is controlled anonymous, and the bitcoin is completely anonymous, and thus easily breeds criminal activities such as money-laundering; in addition, the biggest disadvantage in the use of bitcoin is that it is too volatile, its value is highly unstable and its value stable.

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