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这是Protocol Labs创始人Juan Benet在EthCC 2021上的演讲概要,查看完整内容:

This is a summary of the speech by Juan Benet, founder of Protocol Labs, on EthCC 2021, looking at the full text:


Filecoin网络是面向生态的,它与Protocol Labs搭建模块化解决方案的倾向是一致的。因为它本来就是设计给其他人使用,所以Filecoin在Web3领域的其他栈、应用和生态里如鱼得水。自从其在2020年10月的启动开始,Filecoin已经增长到超过8 exbibytes的可用存储空间,有超过400个项目进入了这个生态。以太坊就是一个能持续证明其可协作性和共同利益的生态系统。

The Filecoin network is ecologically oriented, consistent with the propensity of Protocol Labs to build modular solutions. Because it is designed to be used by others, Filecoin has access to water in other stores, applications, and ecosystems in the Web3. Since its launch in October 2020, Filecoin has grown to more than 8 exbibytes of available storage space, with over 400 projects entering the ecology.

Filecoin + 以太坊



>Filecoin and Etheria Virtual Machine (EVM)


Filecoin Ecology recognizes the benefits of networking to support smart contracts. Initially, the developer community believed that the bridge service between Ether and Filecoin was sufficient to support smart contracts on Filecoin. However, the use of smart contracts through bridges was a clumsy way to do less than to achieve the functionality and collusiveness of smart contracts directly in Taiku. One proposal was to add the Ether Virtual Machine (EVM) to Filecoin, thereby enabling support for smart contracts on the reservoir and providing more opportunities for the integration of the two ecosystems.


Developer's tools and resources


Fleek: Allows users to set up websites, store and distribute files and develop dapps for decentralised networks. Fleek can make it easier for everyone (from professional developers to daily Internet users) to create apps and store files in a decentralised way, thereby accelerating the adoption of decentralized networks. Fleek can automate archiving on Filecoin and use the ecosystem in the Taikus through applications such as ENS (the Taiku Nam service).



Web3.Storage: A simple interface for developers to access data on the Filecoin decentralised storage network.Web3.Storage provides developers with simple building applications that can contain redundant decentralized storage and secure content location data.



PowerLoom: Combining data on and below the chain in a decentralised way to generate snapshots with cryptographic evidence. It aims to build trust and provide insights as needed by a rich node and stakeholder ecosystem (who are encouraged to participate in the agreement). PowerLoom is especially suitable for ecology such as DeFi in Ether. Such systems are very complex and need to be based on proven trust.



DeFi application

SecuredFinance(https://secured-finance.com/)是一个综合平台,整合了基于智能合约的点对点固定利率贷款、抵押品管理服务、货币间交易和其他类型的利率产品。Secured Finance的协议是去中心化的点对点金融协议,提供了由以太坊智能合约赋能的区块链上的中后台银行业务。Secured Finance可以满足Filecoin网络内的需求,它提供的解决方案能够满足Filecoin存储提供者对FIL贷款的强烈需求。

SecuredFinance (https://secured-finance.com/) is an integrated platform that integrates point-to-point fixed-interest loans, collateral management services, currency-to-currency transactions and other types of interest-rate products based on smart contracts. The Secred Finance agreement is a decentralized point-to-point financial agreement that provides middle-to-back banking on a block chain that is empowered by a Pacific Smart Contract.


The data market.

OceanProtocol(https://t.co/misApE3ggc?amp=1)是一个在Filecoin上搭建的数据市场。Ocean的数据token(data tokens)是以太坊ERC-20 token,可以轻易地用于发布和消费数据服务。如果你有1个数据token,你可以访问一个特定的数据服务。Ocean market是一个专门为数据服务的去中心化交易所,它分叉了一个Balancer AMM(自动化做市商)来降低gas成本。在这个市场中,用户可以对数据进行发布、购买、销售、消费和stake操作。

OceanProtocol (https://t.co/misApE3ggc?amp=1) is a data market built on Filecoin. Ocean datatoken (data tokens) is a remote ERC-20 token that can easily be used to publish and consume data services. If you have a data token, you can access a specific data service. Ocean market is a decentralized exchange dedicated to data services, which splits a Balancer AMM (automated market) to reduce gas costs.

通过Filecoin,用户可以利用Ocean来发起自己的Filecoin数据市场,或创建一个Filecoin dataDAO或指数基金。通过Ocean Protocol的工具和Filecoin的去中心化存储数据库,我们正见证新生的开放数据经济。

Through Filecoin, users can use Ocean to launch their own Filecoin data market, or create a Filecoin dataDAO or index fund. Through Ocean Protocol tools and Filecoin’s decentralised storage database, we are witnessing a nascent open data economy.


Video application


LivePeer: A decentralised online video stream media infrastructure, secured by Ether block chains. Decentralized video applications become possible when Filecoin and IPFS are combined to provide storage and content distribution.


Voodfy:正为私有的视频架设服务提供去中心化工具。这是一个多功能的安全流媒体解决方案,让用户能完全控制自己的内容,这包括了访问权的设定以及变现的方式。它利用了Livepeer、Ethereum、Textile Powergate和Filecoin.

Voodfy: A decentralised tool is being provided for private video set-up services. This is a multifunctional and secure media solution that allows users to fully control their content, including the setting of access rights and how they are realized. It uses Livepeer, Etheeum, Textile Power and Filecoin.



VideoCoin: A NFT solution that can reliably create, store and trade video-based content can bypass the complexities and costs inherent in storing actual content in the Tails. VideoCoin is integrating it into a centralised video processing network with Filecoin to build the first platform dedicated to creating and trading video NFT services. This platform is part of a much-needed new global digital collection market.



nft.storage(http://nft.storage/)是一个由Protocol Labs实验室和Pinata支持的服务,它专门为存储NFT数据而设计。

Nft.Storage (http://nft.storage/) is a service supported by Protocol Labs and Pinata, designed specifically for the storage of NFT data.


nft.storage allows developers to protect their NFT assets and associated metadata through content location and decentralised storage, ensuring that all NFTs follow best practices to achieve long-term accessibility.


Future use


As Firecoin and Etherum ecosystems grow and overlap, there will be more new examples and opportunities for developers. Some examples that can be innovative include:


A co-ordinated DeFIL

将存储和Defi的世界结合可以产生一些机会。人们可以将市场订单(如要价、出价和交易)带到一个去中心化交易所上,以观察市场是如何评判这些订单的价值的。通过这样的能力,生态系统可以开始想象硬件期货(hardware futures)和时空期货(spacetime futures)等的出现。

People can bring market orders (e.g. price requests, bids, and transactions) to a decentralised exchange to see how markets judge the value of these orders. By doing so, ecosystems can begin to imagine the emergence of hardware futures and spacetime futures.


Data-rich NFT

NFT将会越来越复杂,而Web3社区需要 探索 采用数据丰富(data-rich)的NFT的方式。VideoCoin已经将其视频处理引擎与Filecoin连接起来,以结合以太坊对NFT的支持能力及Filecoin的存储能力。像VideoCoin这样的工具可以用来创建一类新型的NFT,如短电影、视频片段和完整长度的专题特写。

NFT will become more and more complex, and Web3 communities will need to explore ways of using data-rich NFTs. VideoCoin has linked its video processing engine to Filecoin to combine the community's support for NFT with Filecoin's storage capacity. Tools like VideoCoin can be used to create new types of NFTs, such as short films, video clips and full-length feature features.


> > Media paid for by viewing number > > >


By storing information on Filecoin, we can build pages and media (articles, films, music, etc.) protected by Token with the Token support of the Tails. We can copy the Web2 pattern of payment by viewing times without copying data and advertising models.

这只是一个开始!Filecoin和以太坊生态有长期的协作 历史 和机会,未来可期。

It's just the beginning! Philecoin and Etherwood have a long history of collaboration and opportunities for the future.




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