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醍醐灌顶是一个汉语成语,读音为tí hú guàn dǐng,比喻听了高明的意见使人受到很大启发。也形容清凉舒适。出自《敦煌变文集·维摩诘经讲经文》:“令问维摩,闻名之如露入心,共语似醍醐灌顶。”——摘自百度百科

It's a Chinese word, it's pronunciation, and it's inspired by a metaphor for good advice. It's also a word for cool comfort. It's from the Talent V. Widmore: "Ask Widmore, as famous as his own."


I've been listening to this word ever since I was a kid, but no one ever told me exactly what a twilight was until one day I searched myself and I felt like I had found a new world.

说到「醍醐」的来源,不得不提到我国古代的乳制品加工……对,你没看错,我国古代已经有很成熟乳制品加工工艺了。 ? 别不信,你看了下面对于「醍醐」的解释就明白了。

When it comes to the source of the ‘till’, it is necessary to mention our ancient dairy processing... Yes, you are right, our ancient dairy processing process is already mature. Don’t believe it, you can see the explanation of the ‘till’ below.


The detailed production process in the "XIV. Christmas" is : "Break out of cow, cheese out of cheese, souffle out of cheese, souffle out of mating, soak out of ripe, soak out of ripe."


The Tang Bengrass says :, in solstice, in solstice, in solstice, and in solstice, three or four litres of solitude, ripe, in receptacles, to be condensed, to be pierced to the bottom.


It's also recorded in The Head of the Herbs, Department of Veterans [3] : "The yellow and white cakes are very fat, yes. On the face of the cheese, their colour is as good as the oil."


In this way, there are several points to describe: the complex process of producing milk and cheese and souffle and souffle, which is the most delicate part of dairy products; the cooling and cementing of the souffle when it is heated. The absence of a small fraction of the condensed in the middle is a very low rate of 3 to 4 per cent; the color of the soak is yellow and white and is good for making cakes, in oil-like semi-solid form.


All right, now let's guess, what the hell is "twigs"? Is "twigs" butter?



No, the answer to "butter" is not precise enough. In order to really understand what a "podium" is, we need to elaborate on the process of "podium".



The ancients had long found that the milk that had just been squeezed was unstable, and as long as the fats in the milk were floating for a while, the milk would automatically be layered. Because of the bacteria in the raw milk, the static process would also be accompanied by light fermentation, which sometimes gave milk a thicker taste and sometimes led to milk condensing. This could be the earliest history of cheese.



There are a number of ways to make "cheese" in ancient times, such as "Chimin Wants" which states that when making cheese, it needs to boil raw milk four or five times, then cool it a little bit, and then take it out for "souffle." Clearly, cooking is more conducive to the formation of milk. The top layer of milk is "create" containing a lot of milk. Then, when the rest of the milk is filtered, it is inoculated with "cheese" before.


As can be seen here, the process of what's called "cheese" may be much closer to today's yogurt.



"Chimin Wants" also describes the way "cheese" is made: the good cheese will be sunned, the surface will be dried off, and it will continue until all cheese is dried. The "cheese" thus obtained is more like a dried milk than what is now called Cheese. The "cheese" will be filtered out with cloth. This process is kind of like the current "Down yoghurt milk" .



As has been said, milk can be re-cooled by cooking a layer of skin, which can be used as a raw material for making souffle. A method of making souffle is also documented in the "Chimin Wants" which is to mix milk with woody twirls and beat it, during which milk can be rapidly layered. It can also be used as a raw material for making soy sauce.


When you get these raw materials, you heat them up, stir them or shake them hard, and the milk droplets collide, condensate, and gather together. When you filter them, the butter becomes butter (butter). The crude butter that you get is called 500今天通过搅拌机搅打,可以快速让奶油变成黄油


Butter still contains a small amount of moisture, which is wrapped in it and forms the structure of "oil-packed water". This also makes butter perishable, needs to be stored and consumed as quickly as possible. In addition to moisture, butter saves proteins (which should be non-fat-milk solids).



By heating the souffle in the pot, the remaining water in butter will evaporate, and it will continue to heat it for some time, and the proteins in butter will change, settle, and gradually become brown. At this point, filtering these sediments away is left with more clarity about the transparent matter of deep yellow oil, which the ancients have termed " ripeness ".


This is what India calls "Ghee," and the modern Chinese translation should be "Indian souffle." In comparison to butter, "Indian souffle" is more useful than "silent" because it has less water, is longer to save and is less prone to corruption.



And, more interestingly, in the process of depositing protein variability, it is also decomposing , with complex chemical reactions during decomposition, as well as melladic reactions in proteins and the remaining trace of lactose in butter, which eventually produce odors similar to nuts. This also brings a representative smell of Indian syrup.

需要指出的是,这里的「印度酥油」跟西藏、蒙古等地区做酥油茶和酥油灯用的「酥油」不是同一种东西。后者实际上跟黄油更为相近[6]。如果在「熟酥」基础上继续加热,黄油会进一步变为褐色,这时我们就得到了西餐中非常常见的,具有浓烈坚果香气的「brown butter」[7]

It should be noted that the Indian souffle here is not the same as the souffle for tea and souffle lamps in Tibet, Mongolia, etc. The latter is actually closer to butter . If it continues to heat up on the basis of the souffle, butter will become brown further, and then we get what is very common in the Western meal, with the smell of "brunt butter" .

500法餐中常见的「brown butter」,法文称之为「Beurre noisette」最终成品:从熟酥出醍醐


After cooling, the liquid in the middle, which is uncondensed and uncondensed, is [8] . In fact, there may be no fundamental difference between and auque, which is a part of the serenity that has not yet been condensed. Or, we can assume, because Indian smelting points are higher than ordinary butters, those with less water content will coagulate at a lower temperature, and those with a higher water content in the middle may coag a little slower.



In this case, it should have been understood that the term is probably the part of "Indian souffle" that has more water content.


In general, the word "silk" is actually Indian butter. It is similar to the "waterless butter" in the current market, but there is a certain difference: the waterless butter has no protein reaction, so its smell is mainly milk fragrance and no nut flavour. And the "silf" adds the nut smell of the protein reaction on the basis of waterless butter .


这样的东西用来做成饼吃,和西餐用 Brown butter 做面包的吃法惊人的一致。这一定是欧亚大陆两端的不谋而合。李时珍爷爷很会享受啊。

Something like this is used to make cakes, and it's incredibly consistent with the way the bread is made in Western Brown butter. It must be the two ends of Eurasia. Grandpa Lee enjoyed it.

500印度 Dosa 卷饼配印度酥油500Brown butter 香蕉面包



See, do you feel like you're going to do it? Can you still look at the word "pump"? Imagine someone pouring a pot of Indian souffle on your head? You'll be hungry before you realize your wisdom.

作者:技术型吃货 来源:GAMECORES




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