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以太坊(英文名:Ethereum)是一个区块链的平台,人们可以在以太坊上使用区块链技术,与比特币使用的区块链技术不同,以太坊使用的区块链技术平台,具有智能合约(Smart Contract)的功能,因此大家可以来建立属于他们自己的区块链应用。例如,我想建立发行某某代币,可使用以太坊的技术平台来建立,而使用以太坊功能则需要支付一定的费用,这时候将会使用以太币来支出,以太币(Ether)是一种在以太坊(Ethereum)平台所流通的代币(Token)。

Ethereum is a platform for the chain of blocks, where people can use block chain technology, unlike the block chain technology used in Bitcoin, which uses a block chain technology platform with smart contracts, so that you can build their own block chain applications. For example, I want to set up a generation of coins that can be built using a technological platform in Taiya, while the use of the cell function will cost a certain amount of money, which will be spent on it, with Ethel as a token of the Token that is circulating on the Ethereum platform.

以太坊(Ethereum)并不是一个机构,而是一款能够在区块链上实现智能合约、开源的底层系统,以太坊从诞生到2017年5月,短短3年半时间,全球已有200多个以太坊应用诞生。以太坊是一个平台和一种编程语言,使开发人员能够建立和发布下一代分布式应用。 以太坊可以用来编程,分散,担保和交易任何事物:投票,域名,金融交易所,众筹,公司管理, 合同和大部分的协议,知识产权,还有得益于硬件集成的智能资产。

The Etherium is not an institution, but a bottom-of-the-line system that enables intelligent contracts, open-source systems to be made on the block chain. From its inception until May 2017, in just three and a half years, more than 200 such applications have been produced around the world. It is a platform and a programming language that allows developers to build and distribute their next-generation distributed applications.

智能合约(smart contract):存储在区块链上的程序,由各节点运行,需要运行程序的人支付手续费给节点的矿工或权益人。

Smart contract (smart contract): a procedure stored on a block chain, run by nodes, and the person who needs to run the program pays the fee to the node miner or interest.


Tokens: Smart contracts can create tokens for distributional applications. The monetization of distributed applications makes the interests of users, investors, and regulators compatible.

叔块(uncle block):将因为速度较慢而未及时被收入母链的较短区块链并入,以提升交易量。使用的是有向无环图的相关技术。

Uncle block (uncle block): you can increase the volume of transactions by incorporating a shorter block chain that is not in time for the parent chain because of the slowness of the speed.


Proof-of-stake: More efficient than the workload has proven to be, saving large amounts of computer resources wasted in mining and avoiding the centralization of networks by special applications of integrated circuits.


Plasma: operates with a smaller branch block chain, with only the final result in the main chain, which increases the amount of work to be spent in unit time. (Not achieved)

状态通道(state channels):原理类似比特币的闪雷网络,可提升交易速度、降低区块链的负担,并提高可扩展性。尚未实现,开发团队包括雷电网络(Raiden Network)和移动性网络(Liquidity Network)。

State channels: The principle is a bitcoin-like flashline network, which increases the speed of transactions, reduces the burden of block chains and enhances scalability. Not achieved, development teams include Raiden Networks and Mobile Networks.


Shading: Reducing the amount of data required for each node and increasing efficiency through parallel calculations (not achieved).


Distributed applications: Distributed applications in the Etheria will not be disabled or shut down.

2013年年末,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin发布了以太坊初版白皮书,在全球的密码学货币社区陆续召集到一批认可以太坊理念的开发者,启动了项目。

In late 2013, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Etheria, released an initial version of the White Paper in Etheria, bringing together a group of developers from the global cryptography monetary community who recognized the Ethermian concept to launch the project.


In the period from December 2013 to January 2014, the focus of Ether's work was on how to activate the vision set out in Vitalik's White Paper. The team concluded that Genesis pre-sales were a good idea, and after a long, multi-dimensional discussion, the team decided to postpone the pre-sales in Ether, originally scheduled for February 2014, in order to create a suitable infrastructure and legal strategy.

2014年2月对于以太坊是一个非常重要的月份,以太坊的各方面都在突飞猛进:社区成长、写代码、写wiki内容、商业基础结构和法律策略。在这个月,Vitalik在迈阿密比特币会议上第一次公布了以太坊项目,并在Reddit上举办第一次“问我们任何事儿”活动,核心开发团队成为世界级的密码学货币团队。迈阿密会议后,Gavin Wood和Jeffrey Wilcke加入以太坊,进行全职工作,虽然在在这以前,他们完全出于兴趣为以太开发C++和GO客户端。

The month of February 2014 was a very important month for Etheria, and all of Ether's actors are making rapid strides: community growth, code writing, wiki writing, business infrastructure and legal strategy. This month, Vitalik first announced the Ether project at the Miami Bitcoin conference and held the first & ldquo on Reddit; asked us anything & rdquo; campaigned that the core development team became a world class cryptographic currency team. After the Miami conference, Gavin Wood and Jeffrey Wilcke joined Etheria to work full-time, although before that they were totally interested in developing C++ and GO clients.

在三月初以太坊发布了第三版测试网络(POC3),并最终将以太坊总部搬到了瑞士楚格州。在六月份,团队发布POC4,并快速向POC5前进。在这期间,团队还决定将以太坊做成一个非营利性组织。四月份,Gavin Wood发布了以太坊黄皮书,这是以太坊的技术圣经,将以太坊虚拟机(EVM)等重要技术规格化。 在7月份,团队创建了瑞士以太坊基金会、发布了POC5,在24日开始了创世纪预售,同时在Reddit上组织了第二次“问我们任何事儿”。

In March, the third version of the testing network (POC3) was released in Etheria, and eventually moved to Chug County, Switzerland. In June, the team released POC4 and moved quickly to POC5. During this period, the team also decided that it would be a non-profit organization. In April, Gavin Wood published the Ether Yellow Book, a technical bible of Ether, which will be adapted to key technical specifications, such as the Etheraya Virtual Machine (EVM).

从2014年7月24日起,以太坊进行了为期42天的以太币预售,一共募集到31,531个比特币,根据当时的比特币价格折合1843万美元,是当时排名第二大的众筹项目。预售时所使用的比特币地址是36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2,在比特币区块链浏览器里可以看到每一笔转入和转出。在预售前两周一个比特币可以买到2000个以太币,一个比特币能够买到的以太币数量随着时间递减,最后一周,一个比特币可以买到1337个以太币。最终售出的以太币的数量是60,102,216。另外还有0.099x(x=60102216 为发售总量)个以太币被分配给在BTC融资之前参与开发的早期贡献者,另外一个0.099x 将分配给长期研究项目。所以以太坊正式发行时有 60102216 + 60102216 * 0.099 * 2=72002454个以太币。自上线时起,在POW(工作量证明机制)阶段,计划每年最多有60102216 * 0.26=15,626,576个以太币被矿工挖出。1~2年内转成POS(权益证明机制)后,每年产出的以太币将大为减少,甚至可以不再增发新币。

The pre-sale address used was 36 PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQSG8VwBUq2Eogxlo2, which was collected in the Bitcoin section browser for a total of 31,531 bitcoins, corresponding to the price of the bitcoins of $18.43 million at the time. The Bitcoin address used at the time of the presale was 36 PlZ1KHYMpqSyQSG8VwbUiq2Eogxlo2. Each transfer and transfer was seen in the Bitcoin section browser. One bitcoin could be bought in 2,000 bitcoins two weeks before the presale, one bitcoin could be bought in bitcoin at the price of the bitcoin at the time, and one bitcoin could be bought in bitcoin at the end of the week, and one bitcoin could be bought in bitcoin at the end of the week, 1337 in tayats. The amount ultimately sold was 60, 102,216 dollars per year.

2014年的秋季是以太坊的收获季节,在代码和运营方面都取得了很大进展。10月5日发布了POC6。这是一个具有重要意义的版本,亮点之一是区块链速度。区块时间从60秒减少到12秒,并使用了新的基于GHOST的协议。在11月份,以太坊在柏林举办了第一次小型开发者会议(DEVCON 0)。

The autumn of 2014 was a harvest season for the Taikus, and much progress was made in both code and operation. PoC6 was released on October 5. This is an important version, one of which is the speed of the block chain. Block time was reduced from 60 seconds to 12 seconds, and a new GHOST-based agreement was used. In November, Ether organized the first Small Developers Conference (DEVCON 0) in Berlin.


In January 2015, the team released POC7 and in February, the team released POC8. In March, the team issued a series of statements on the creation block, while POC9 was under intense development. In May, the team released its last test network (POC9), code-named Olympic. In order to better test the network, members of the testing network will receive a talic reward from the team during the Olympic phase.


After close to two rigorous tests, the team released the official Etherm Network in late July, which standardizes the operation of the Etherm block chain. The launch was divided into four phases, namely Frontier (front), Homestead (home), Metropolis (megapolis) and Serenity (silence), with the introduction of workload certification mechanisms (POWs) in the first three phases, with the Taipa Consensus algorithms (POWs) and a switch to POSs in the fourth phase.


The main purpose of Frontier is to run mining and exchange transactions so that communities can operate mining equipment and begin to build an environment in which people can test distributional applications (Dapps). Since there is only a command-line interface and no graphic interface for the flountier phase, the phase's main developer is a blank version of the Ether network: an interface for mining and a method of uploading and executing contracts. With the launch of the Frontier, the exchange has started trading around the world. In early 2016, the price of too much money began to soar in the market, attracting a large number of outside developers.

2015年11月9日到13日,以太坊在伦敦举行了为期五天的开发者大会(DEVCON 1),吸引了全世界三百多名开发者参加。第三次开着大会(DEVCON 2)将于2016年9月份在上海举行。

From 9 to 13 November 2015, Ethio held a five-day Developer Conference (DEVCON 1) in London, attracting more than 300 developers from around the world. The third launch of the conference (DEVCON 2) will take place in Shanghai in September 2016.


On March 14th, 2016, the Homestead phase was launched in Tai Tai. There were no significant technical milestones compared to the Frontier phase, only to show that the Ether network was running smoothly and was no longer unsafe and unreliable. At this stage, the Ether was able to provide a graphically interfaced wallet, which was greatly improved in ease of use, and that the Ether chamber was no longer exclusive to developers, and that ordinary users could easily experience and use it.


At the Metropolis stage, the team will eventually officially release a relatively well-functioning user interface designed for non-technical users, that is, the release of the Mist browser. The team expects that Mist will be distributed to include a decentralized application shop and some well-functioning and well-designed foundational applications, which will demonstrate the strength of the Taiyo network. The Mist browser will be very simple and easy to use, as long as ordinary browsers are used. On the ETAF platform, decentralized applications developed by third-party developers for ordinary users are increasing, not only as a platform for development, but also as a market for applications, whose developers and users are essential components.

Serenity阶段发布日期尚未确定。在Serenity阶段,以太坊将从PoW转换到PoS。工作量证明意味着将电力转换为热量、以太币和网络稳定性。但是若非必要,以太坊不想因为挖矿排放过多热量,所以需要修改算法:权益证明(POS)。网络从工作量证明(POW)转换到权益证明(POS)将需要一个实质性的转换,一个转变过程,这似乎是一个长期过程,但并不是那么遥远:这类开发工作正在进行中。POW是对计算能力的严重浪费,就像民主–除了其它系统以外的最坏系统。从POW的约束中解脱出来,网络将更加快速、出块更快、更加有效、对新用户来说更加易用、更能抵制挖矿的中心化等。这将可能是像将智能合约放到区块链一样的巨大进步。 转换到POS以后,前三个阶段所需要的挖矿将被终止,新发行的以太币也将大为降低,甚至不再增发新币。

At the Serenity stage, it is not certain that the distribution date for the Serenity phase is yet to be determined. It is a long-term process, but not so far away: this type of development is under way. Pow is a serious waste of computing power, like democracy & ndash; the worst systems, other than other systems, will have to be removed. The network will be faster, faster, more efficient, more usable for new users, more resistant to mining, and so on.

在以太坊2.0阶段,开发团队的主要目标是通过分片(sharding)方式解决可扩展性问题(Scalability),即提高区块链的处理交易处理能力,这也是所有的区块链项目致力解决的瓶颈。 预计2017年年末发布。

The main objective of the development team during the Taiyet 2.0 phase is to address scalability through sharding, i.e. to improve the processing capacity of block chains, which is also a bottleneck for all block chain projects. It is expected to be released by the end of 2017.

以太坊是一个平台,它上面提供各种模块让用户来搭建应用,如果将搭建应用比作造房子,那么以太坊就提供了墙面、屋顶、地板等模块,用户只需像搭积木一样把房子搭起来,因此在以太坊上建立应用的成本和速度都大大改善。具体来说,以太坊通过一套图灵完备的脚本语言(Ethereum Virtual Machinecode,简称EVM语言)来建立应用,它类似于汇编语言。我们知道,直接用汇编语言编程是非常痛苦的,但以太坊里的编程并不需要直接使用EVM语言,而是类似C语言、Python、Lisp等高级语言,再通过编译器转成EVM语言。

Etheria is a platform that provides a variety of modules for users to build applications, and if building applications is compared to building houses, then it provides modules like walls, roofs, floors, etc., so that users simply build houses like building blocks, so the costs and speed of building applications in Etheria are greatly improved. Specifically, Etherium builds applications in a fully fledged script language (Etherium Virtual Machinecode, or EVM language) that is similar to the compilation language. We know that direct programming in the compilation language is very painful, but programming in the ethom language does not require direct use of the EVM language, but more advanced languages like C, Python, Lip, etc., and is converted to the EVM language through a compiler.


The application on the platform described above is actually a contract, which is at the heart of the Etheria. The contract is an automatic agent living in the Etheraya system. He has his own e-mail address. When the user sends a transaction to the address of the contract, the contract is activated and, depending on the additional information in the transaction, the contract runs its own code and returns the result, which may be another transaction from the address of the contract.


The business that a contract can offer is almost endless, and its boundaries are your imagination, because the perfect language of Turing provides a full degree of freedom for users to build applications. The white paper gives a few examples, such as savings accounts, user-defined sub-currencys, etc.


In general, there are three applications above the Etherm.


The first is financial applications that provide users with a stronger method of managing and participating in contracts with their money. These include sub-currencys, financial derivatives, hedge contracts, savings wallets, wills, and even some types of comprehensive employment contracts.


The second is the semi-financial application, where there is a rich but heavy non-monetary aspect, and the perfect example is the self-coercive reward designed to address computational problems.


Finally, there are complete non-financial applications such as online voting and decentralized governance.


The initial total is 72 million, with an additional 15 million per year, and is expected to be converted to the POS algorithm in 2018 (not capable of mining), with a reduction in production following conversion to the POS algorithm.




Selecting a mine machine to look at arithmetic, a second at power, a third at history, including machine stability, after-sale service, etc. Arithmetic is the ability of a machine to perform calculations, that is, how many times a second the machine can operate. Currently, the power of a mainstream bitcoin miner is 14 T, that is, 14*10-13 times a second.


how to measure the price of a card

简单的成本计算公式:显卡算力÷显卡价钱=每1块钱获得的算力。比如我们一张rx580配备8g内存的显卡,未超频挖取以太币算力是22mhz/s , 价钱是2200人民币 , 那么每1块钱获得的算力就是22/2200=0.01,那么超频后基本可以达到平均28.5mhz/s的算力,这样情况下每1块钱获得的算力就是28.5/2200=0.01295。

A simple costing formula: Cube Calculus & Divide; CL Price = Arithmetic per $1. For example, we have an Rx 580 with a visible card with 8g memory, and an un-wieldred-drawn-in-Ten is 22 mhz/s, and the price is 2200 RMB, so that the value of each dollar is 22/2200 = 0.01, and the average 28.5 mhz/s after an over-frequency is 28.5 2200 = 0.01295.


with the hardware of the mine machine


The tatais are used mainly to dig mines with a GPU. A multi-card PC is required to run the mining process. The main hardware consists of: a card, a master plate, a power source, a CPU, memory, a hard disk (recommends 60 G and above SSD), an extension of a wire, a switch, and so on. The card determines the pace of mining, the main plate, the power source and, to a large extent, the stability of a miner's operation.

硬件准备:显卡挖矿不需要很大的PCIE带宽,主板上具备PCI-E 1X即可满足带宽要求。一般主板上具有3-5个PCI-E 1X接口,1个PCI-E16X接口,此外主板上具有大4PIN供电接口对稳定性有一定的提升。PCI-E1X需要淘宝购买1X转16X延长线。

Hardware preparation: A large PCIE bandwidth is not required for card mining, and PCI-E 1X is available on the main board to meet bandwidth requirements. There are three to five PCI-E 1X interfaces on the general main board, one PCI-E16X interface, and a large 4PIN power supply interface on the main board has some improvement in stability.

Ethereum可以用来编程,分散,担保和交易任何事物:投票,域名,金融交易所,众筹,公司管理, 合同和大部分的协议,知识产权,还有得益于硬件集成的智能资产。 以太坊将使用混合型的安全协议,前期使用工作量证明机制(POW),用于分发以太币。

Etherum can be used to program, spread, guarantee, and trade anything: voting, domain names, financial transactions, crowd-sourcing, corporate management, contracts and most of the agreements, intellectual property rights, and smart assets that benefit from hardware integration. The Etherworld will use hybrid security protocols, and the workload certification mechanism (POW), which will be used in advance for distribution in taut currency.




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