以太坊今日最新价格为:¥ 8726.03≈ $1217.0 ?0.073671453786,今个价格上涨+4.17% ( + ¥ 349.3
Taking into account the latest price available today for the Tai Fu: 8726.03.$1217.0?0.073671453786, the current price increase +4.17% (+349.3
), the maximum price for 24 hours is 8742.7 and the minimum price for 24 hours is 8260.3.
24小时最高成交量:430.6万 24小时波幅:+5.84%
Maximum 24-hour traffic: 4.3.06 million & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 24-hour band: +5.84%
24小时最高成交额:¥375.85亿 量比:1.07
Maximum value for 24 hours: 37.585 billion & nbsp; & nbsp; mass ratio: 007
以太坊行情 K线
with kline
It was originally proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. Vitalik
, a programmer from the Bit , who argued to the Bitcoin core developer that the Bitcoin platform should have a better programming language to develop, but not with their consent, and decided to develop a new platform for this purpose. Buterin
believes that many processes could be further developed by using a bitcoin-like principle. Buterin
wrote in 2013 a White Paper on the construction of a process to centralize.
最初以太坊程序是由一间位在瑞士的公司 Ethereum Switzerland GmbH
开发[11][12],之后转移至一个非营利机构“以太坊基金会”(Ethereum Foundation)。
Initially, the Etherium program was developed by a Swiss company, Etheeum Switzerland GmbH
[11 [12], then transferred to a non-profit institution, the Etherium Foundation.
At the beginning of the Platform's development, the technological and scientific innovations of the Etherms were praised, but their safety and scalability were also questioned.
Bitcoin has created the first river of decentralised crypto-currency, and for more than five years has fully tested the feasibility and security of block chain technology. Bitcoin’s block chain is in fact a distributed database, and if a symbol – bitcoin – is added to it, and a set of protocols is provided to allow it to be safely transferred from the database without trusting third parties, the combination of these features is the perfect construction of a money transmission system – a bitcoin network.
Bitcoin is not perfect, however, and the expansion of the agreement is a deficiency, such as the fact that there is only one symbol in the Bitcoin network – bitcoin – and the user cannot customize the other symbols, which may be shares on behalf of the company, or debt certificates, etc., which loses some functionality. Moreover, the Bitcoin agreement uses a stack-based script language that, while flexible, allows functions such as multiple signatures to be performed, is not sufficient to build higher-level applications, such as decentralizing exchanges.
At the beginning of 2016, when the technology of Etheria was recognized by the market, prices began to rise sharply, attracting a large number of outsiders into the world. China’s three major bitcoin exchanges – the Democratic People’s Republic of China’s Democratic Republic of the Congo, China’s Democratic Republic of the Congo, China’s Democratic Republic of the Congo, China’s Democratic Republic of the Congo, and China’s Democratic Republic of the Congo, were officially launched on May 31, 2017.
Since entering 2016, those who have paid close attention to the digital money industry have been eager to observe the development of the second generation of encrypted money platforms in Taiyea.
As a relatively new development project using bitcoin technology, the Tails are committed to implementing a global decentralised and non-ownership digital technology computer to do point-to-point contracts. In short, Ether is a world computer that you cannot shut down. The innovative combination of encryption architecture with the integrity of Turing can facilitate the emergence of a large number of new industries.
The Bitcoin network is, in fact, a distributed database, and even more so, she can be seen as a distributed computer: the block chain is a computer's ROM, the contract is a program, and the miners in the district are responsible for calculating and assuming the role of CPU. The computer is not, and may not be, free of charge. Otherwise, anyone can store all kinds of garbage information in the past and perform all kinds of computing, using it to pay at least the calculation and storage fees and, of course, some other costs.
The most well-known are the Alliance of Enterprises in Etheria, founded in early 2017 by Morgan Chase, the Chicago Exchange Group, the Melon Bank of New York, Townsend, Microsoft, Intel, and Essenzel, among the top 20 global financial institutions and technology companies. And the encoded currency that was generated in Taiku became, in the recent past, an asset pursued after Bitcoin.
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