
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:29 评论:0



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The meta-cosmos is becoming the most interesting topic of the time. In a world of Internet circles or creative circles, talking about the meta-cosmos is just a hundred years of surfing. The last time it started, it was a block chain.


If we think of the "three o'clock block chain" event in 2018, it is easy to find that the Woncosmos, while wearing a brand-new leather bag, has a red logic that is linked to the chain of blocks.


No, the chain of blocks is red in 2018, known as the Year of the Block Chain, and the current year 2021, also known as the Year of the Woncosmos. The calendar years are the Year of VR, the Year of Material Networking, the Year of the 5G.


There are too many headlines and not enough years, which is the wonder of the Internet. The notion of the meta-cosmos has, to some extent, meant that the Internet industry has gradually entered the stage of stock competition, and capital has begun to look for the next “windlight.” The company, represented by Facebook, sees the meta-cosmos as the next phase of the Internet, with a view to gaining new incremental development space.


So, does Yuan cosmos ever become the next generation of the Internet?



So the bottom layer of the meta-cosmos means “another universe beyond the real universe” or, alternatively, “another universe in parallel with the real universe”, called “parallel universe”, with a stronger sense of science fiction.


Back in our real life, there is no real consensus on the meta-cosmos.


In this respect, the meta-cosm and the chain of blocks are so similar that liberation is a pair of twins. They all become a “top stream” overnight, which leads everyone to look at each other at the moment of conceptual fire, but it is not clear what they are.


But in the case of the star effect, it is clear that the Yuan cosmos, as a latecomer, is behind the tide.


Looking back in 2018, when the block chain was red, the crowds were rash. When it came to the Woncos, it came to the station of several big guys in the year.


The biggest big guy, naturally, is Zuckerberg.


On 29 October, Beijing time, the social networking giant Facebook, founded by Zuckerberg, announced that the company would be renamed “META”, while presenting to the audience a blueprint for the development of the meta-cosmos.


According to the Facebook demonstration, future users will be able to enter a completely digital world. There, through meta-cosm technology, users will be able to break physical distances, travel to a concert thousands of miles away, or gather friends north of the sky. In short, this is a big VR/AR social platform for real people.


Of course, the creation of a virtual world “as opposed to reality” is not the full ambition of Zuckerberg; it is only the first step in the meta-cosm.


In a letter from the founder of the company, Zuckerberg said: "In the Woncos, you will be able to do almost anything you can think of, to meet friends and family, to work, to learn, to play, to shop, to create...


Thus, the ultimate quest of the meta-cosmos is to integrate the real and virtual worlds.


In the era of meta-cosm technology, it is envisaged that as long as people wear headphones and goggles to find a connection terminal, they will be able to access virtual spaces that are simulated by computers and parallel to the real world.


It sounds like science fiction, like coming back from Avalanche.


Interestingly, Avalanche is an anti-Utopia novel. Naturally, it will not be missed by Zuckerberg’s competitors, as CEO Jack Dossy on Twitter mocked him as “anti-Utopia” when a change of name was posted on Facebook.


At home, there is no lack of resistance to the vision of the Won-Cosmos. First of all, Sci-Fi writer Liu Tsi-Shin, who said to himself, the Zuckerberg Won-Cosmos is not the future, nor should it be the future.


The simple reason for Liu Xiahin is, "The meta-cosm will be an inner circle of human civilization, and the entropy of the enclosed system will always be the greatest. So the universe will eventually lead mankind to the end of the road."


Another “big man” in the Internet area, the chairman of the 360th Group, Zhou Hongjun, shares the same view, stating that Facebook illusions do not represent the future, but rather the fall of humanity, “if everyone lives in an imaginary space, it will not lead to real development in human society”.



On October 29, the social networking giant Facebook, founded by Zuckerberg, announced that the company would change its name to “META”


strong> package of concepts


Liu Qiu's words are a wake-up call and a shock call, but the utopian dream is always indelible. Moreover, there is never a shortage of good people for such a grand vision of the meta-cosmos.

硅谷的明星投资人Shaan Puri,曾在10月时总结出一套他自己的“元宇宙观”。经过罗永浩的翻译,这段话成为了元宇宙风口上的滥觞。Shaan Puri发问说,当下对元宇宙的理解,是像电影《头号玩家》似的一个虚拟空间,但这真的是事实吗?

In October, Silicon Valley's star investor, Shaan Puri, summed up his own view of the meta-cosmos. With the translation of Lo Young-ho, this phrase became a mess on the mouth of the meta-cosmos. Shaan Puri asks, is it true that the understanding of the meta-cosmos is a virtual space like the film Player Number One?

“元宇宙不是一个空间,它是一个时间。”Shaan Puri的注解,又给元宇宙添上了玄之又玄的一笔。

"The Won-Cosmos is not a space, it's a time." Shaan Puri's note adds a new dimension to the Won-Cosmos.


According to him, in the field of artificial intelligence, there was a concept called “surprisedness”, meaning that the future moment when artificial intelligence became smarter than human beings.

在Shaan Puri看来,元宇宙就是这样一个时刻,“一个我们的数字生活变得比我们的物理生活更有价值的时刻”。

In Shaan Puri's view, the meta-cosmos is one such moment, “a time when our digital life becomes more valuable than our physical life”.

Shaan Puri对“奇点论”作了诸多论证,他表示,数字生活变得更有价值,这实际上是自史蒂文·乔布斯开始的历史趋势,在这股趋势下,人们的生活中重要的部分,都在实质上地数字化。

Shaan Puri's many arguments about the “unique theory”, stating that digital life has become more valuable, is in fact the historical trend that began with Steven Jobs, where important parts of people's lives are essentially digitized.


For example, our workplace is moving from factory to computer; our friends are moving from reality to line; and the game is, “Today, children playing fortite outnumber the children playing basketball and football together.” In short, everything is digital, and all value is transferred to the Internet.


Our attention has gradually moved away from the physical world to the digital world. For a long time, the singularity has come, and the meta-cosmos naturally emerges.


With the Anomalous theory, we have entered into the historical narratives of the supporters of the meta-cosm, which is a completely new feature of the meta-cosm narrative. In this way, measured by the meta-cosmos, it is the entire history of humanity. In this historical version, the evolution of human civilization has been divided into four phases: the primitive, the social, half the human, and the ultimate digital.


In four phases, the primitives need not say. Society refers to the stage of human society, characterized by “rationality” before the information age, when civilization has opened.


What's the state of "digital humans"? By meta-cosmology, that's "the transition from animal to spiritual, from entity to virtual, a human being of a new species." That's kind of a mechanical leap.

那么,我们究竟该如何看待元宇宙的出现呢?Shaan Puri在他的总结里说,“这是好事还是坏事呢?像所有的事一样,它既不好也不坏,它就是一件事,一件非常不一样的事”。

So, what do we think of the emergence of the meta-cosmos? In his summary, Shaan Puri says, “Is this good or bad? Like everything, it's neither good nor bad, it's just one thing, very different.”



Syberpunk 2077 video



Moreover, the technology shorts that can be seen at the moment are still seeing hope for improvement. In fact, the biggest constraint on the Earth dollar universe is the invisible ones.


If not, what is most expected is a quantum computer, which is likely to wait at least 20 years from the point of view of the quantum computing industry.


The complexity of the problem is that when the meta-cosmos is a combination of multiple technologies, it has a “barrel effect.” That is to say, the technology that supports the meta-cosmos, if it has a short plate, will make the whole effect much less effective. So what people think today is just another one that can't get to the other side.




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