
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:27 评论:0



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ICSU Xiamen City:

  《加快元宇宙平台建设 赋能城市数字化转型》(第20231095号)收悉。现答复如下:

Information received on the Digital Transformation of Enabling Cities through the Construction of the Melon Cosmos Platform (No. 20231095). The responses are as follows:




The Bureau attaches great importance to the implementation of this proposal by actively organizing communication discussions among relevant institutions, researching relevant businesses and proposing work plans in the context of eco-culture in the meta-cosmology industry.


With the development of technologies such as virtual reality, digital twinges, artificial intelligence, object networking, cloud computing, block chains, the integration of meta-cosm and traditional industries has contributed significantly to the development of digital economy innovation. Xiamen is one of the 14 software niches in the country, and the software industry is well-established, with typical scenes such as drums, golden chicken film festivals, marathons, etc., providing good conditions for the demonstration applications of meta-cosm enterprises.




In response to the call of the country's 14th Five-Year Plan to create new advantages in the digital economy, and based on realism, to seize new opportunities in the digital economy and in the development of the meta-cosmos, our city has, since last year, undertaken a series of work on eco-culture in the meta-cosm industry.


(i) Enhanced planning orientation


In order to seize opportunities for the development of the metaspace industry and further promote efficiency in the software industry, our Bureau, after intensive research and extensive consultation, published the Xiamen City Three-Year Plan of Action for the Development of the Geospace Industry (2022-2024), which combines the Xiamen industry base with five dimensions of basic research, application scenario construction, business-led development, industrial ecology, regulatory governance, and 12 priority tasks. Of these, the application scene section, we have combed the thumps, sand slope tails, Xiahus, and other urban brands such as the Golden Chicken Flower Award and Marathon.


(ii) Enhanced policy support


The first is the publication of the Xiamen People’s Government Circular on Measures to Accelerate the Development of Software and the Emerging Digital Industry (Singmen City Regulation No. [2022] 2), which includes the use of meta-cosm enterprises. Among these, efficiency-enhancing policies raised the standards of incentives for meta-cosm enterprises by 20%, encouraging them to do more; widening the scope of Xiamen’s technology innovation fund’s support by providing low-interest investment loans in research and development to emerging enterprises, such as the Yuan-Cosmos, and encouraging them to intensify their research and development efforts and produce good products.


The second is the launch of the Xiamen City Guidelines for Support to Innovative Conglomerates, which promote the formation of innovative clusters in sectors such as our city's leading industry, strategic and emerging industries and future industries, breaking through the “cricket” technologies and key core technologies that constrain industrial development.


(iii) Building industrial platforms to strengthen the ecological base of industry


The first is to build a model vehicle. In the first phase of the software park, about 10,000 square metres of meta-cosm incubators and accelerators will be built, rent concessions will be granted to enterprises that are resident in the meta-cosm incubators and accelerators, support will be given to the meta-cosm enterprises to build platforms, build application scenes and experience centres, open markets and enhance innovation capabilities.


The second is to strengthen the science, technology and innovation vehicle. To promote innovation alliances in our city’s leading industries, strategic and emerging industries, and future industries, to mentor Xiamen City’s Entertainment Technology Company, Inc., to bring together 12 companies and five university scientific institutions to form a meta-cosm support technology and scenario-driven innovation consortium, to promote technology integration and transformation in key cosmopolitan technologies such as ultra-low and delayed personalization networks.


The third is a professional exhibition. This year, the Xiamenmoto Cosmos Industry Fair, the Asia Dollar Cosmos Industry Congress, the Melon Cosmos Industry Financing Consort, the Business Exchange, and hundreds of businesses from around the world are exploring the ecological environment of our city.


(iii) Enhanced elemental safeguards for the development of industrial concentration demonstration areas


The first is a positive open application. Actively engaging corporations in the sphere of the meta-cosmos, building on such iconic scenes as the meta-cosmos + the golden chickens, the meta-cosmos + the drums, the meta-cosmos + the law, the meta-cosmos + education, etc.


The second is the creation of an industrial investment fund. Our industrial investment fund has been invested in 27 sub-funds in artificial intelligence such as the Won-Cosmos, with a total size of more than $19 billion and a cumulative investment of 36 enterprises in artificial intelligence such as the City-Cosmos, with a cumulative investment of $1.1 billion.


There are 35 cases, 82 applications, and a variety of channels, such as the Xiamen Engineering Letter, which actively involve companies in the construction of the Yuan Cosmos Museum, city halls, etc. Indigenous enterprises such as 11 dimensions, Wind Clouds, etc. are actively involved in the development of the three-star collection of digital cultural heritage specimens, the Great Wall Museum in Ningxia, the Xiaozhou Museum, the Red Kowloon Army Chiefs, etc.


In May 2022, 89 organizations, such as Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt., Mt.


(iv) Increased cooperation between schools and enterprises to upgrade the pool of skills


One is to build a meta-cosm industry talent base. Focus on XR technology (including VR, AR, MR), block chain technology, artificial intelligence technology, 3D engine technology, video game technology, cloud computing technology, interactive technology, etc., building a meta-cosm industry talent base, including through joint development of curriculum content by co-builders.


The second is to accelerate the development of complex technologies in the field of the meta-cosmology. Support is being given to the Xiamen University, the Huaiwan University, the University of the United States of America, the Xiamen Institute of Technology, the Xiamen City Vocational Institute, etc., to join the Xiamen City Yuan Cosmos Industries Union at Xiamen High School, to seize new opportunities for industrial development, to build innovative vehicles such as key laboratories in the meta-cosm field, and to set up meta-cosm-related courses or specializations such as block chains, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, big data, and to accelerate the development of meta-cosm teaching systems and talent development.


Three are active in raising awareness of the needs of graduates of higher education institutions. The demand for jobs has been raised through the “i-turn” platform, the talent network, which has gathered nearly 80,000 people in four different batches of posts; the association of leading city schools, which have signed agreements with 41 colleges and universities for the exchange of visits to enterprises; the launching of induction and recruitment campaigns to cities in and around Chengdu, Fuzhou, Long Rock, etc.; the launching of an innovative televised orientation campaign; and the 2022 competition for university students, “winning for the future”, which is better achieved in the context of the epidemic.

  四是持续优化人才生态。进一步完善高层次人才认定工作,延长了申报周期,并增加认定评审批次,两批次认定1819人,认定人数翻番;持续落实“当月申请,次月兑现” 新引进人才生活补贴,惠及1.39万名人才,增强人才获得感;优化博士后服务,对出站留厦博士后大幅提高补贴;推进建设首批市级人才服务驿站,揭牌10家建设单位,延伸人才工作链条;放宽落户限制,优化高校毕业生、高级技师、技工院校毕业生等人才落户政策,首季度高校毕业生落户申请近2万人,技能人才6千多人,同比增长52%,引才效果显现。2022年厦门再度获评“中国年度最佳引才城市”。

Four are the continuous improvement of the talent ecology. Further improvements have been made in the identification of high-level talent, with an extension of the filing cycle and an increase in the determination of the review process, with two batches identifying 1819 persons and a doubling of the determination of the number; the continuous implementation of the “Application for the current month, cashing in the following month” of the new introduction of the talent living allowance, which benefits 13.9 million people and enhances the sense of talent acquisition; the optimization of post-doctoral services, with a significant increase in subsidies after leaving the site; the promotion of the first municipal talent service station, which will open 10 construction units and extend the chain of talent work; the easing of the drop-in restrictions and optimization of the placement policy for high-school graduates, senior technicians, technical graduates, etc. In the first quarter, high-school graduates applied for nearly 20,000 people, with more than 6,000 people with skills, a 52 per cent increase compared to the previous year, with the added effect.


(v) Promotion of standard-setting and seizure of industrial highlands


The first is the publication of the Opinion of the Xiamen People's Government Office on the Reform for the Deepening of Standardization and the Further Implementation of the Standardization Strategy (Procedure No. [2020]15), which encourages the participation of the city's business sector and social groups in the revision of international standards, national standards, industry standards and local standards, with support of up to 1 million yuan, 500,000 yuan, 400,000 yuan and 50,000 yuan, respectively, for the main entities involved in the development of the revisions.


The second is the publication of the Opinion on the Further Implementation of Business Standards for Group Standards (Municipal Regulation [2022] 1), which encourages civil society groups in the city to set group standards, and the funding of 50,000 yuan per item for quality group standards that meet local standard-setting requirements, which can be actively accepted as municipal local standards.


In October 2022, 15 companies, such as Migu, Sky Wing, Mirror, and others, were organized to study the development of standards in the field of meta-cosmology. In May 2023, Xiamen Cloud Field Technology Ltd. and Xiamen City Local Standardization Institute announced the development of local standards for the application of meta-cosm events.


Four are forward-looking research on industrial norms. Together with the relevant units, the Xiamen City social science study entitled “Study of measures to promote the health of the Xiamen Won cosmopolitan industry under the rule of law in China’s visual domain.” Starting with an analysis of the state of law and order in China, the Xiamen Won cosmopolitan industry’s laws and related institutional safeguards, an analysis of the relationship between the Won cosmos industry and the digital economy, a comparison of policies, classic cases and successful experiences with the national and international cosmos industry, a study of the safeguards system of the Xiamen cosmos industry, and a promotion of the health of the Xiamen cosmbi industry.


(vi) Promotion of traditional industries based on inclusive development

  一是助力游戏发展。鼓励游戏企业在端游、页游、手游等产品线上不断拓展新兴游戏模式,积极开发融入VR/AR 等新一代信息技术的新型游戏业务,打造精品力作。大力支持咪咕动漫、梦加、真有趣、泡鲸等游戏软件开发企业,构建活力迸发的开放性游戏生态。助力元宇宙企业承建厦门经济特区纪念馆多媒体展陈、厦门集美“5G+AR”党史馆等标杆项目。

One is the development of game support. To encourage game companies to develop new and emerging game models on their product lines, such as end-to-end, page-to-page, and hand-to-hand, to actively develop new games that integrate the new generation of information technologies, such as VR/AR, and to create fine works.


The second is the development of digital media and the entertainment industry. The new audiovisual industries, such as digital video, cloud music, interactive new media, mobile multimedia, are being actively nurtured, and the construction of an IP-centric “pan-recreation” industry ecology covering a wide range of fields, such as games, manipulators, live broadcasts, and electric competitions, is being accelerated.


Supports companies to actively introduce outstanding works abroad and enrich their creative base. On the basis of the International Carnival Festival, a professional and efficient exchange platform for industrial cooperation has been created to pool and optimize industrial resources.




While Xiamen is active in taking advantage of the future of the meta-cosmos, the size of the meso-cosmos ecosystem is still generally small, and the development of features has yet to be strengthened. Next, the Bureau will take the initiative to work actively with all relevant institutions to develop the meso-cosmology of the meso-cosm industry and continue to promote the meso-cosm industry.


(i) Strengthening the foundations of the work. Ongoing research on new and emerging enterprises in the meta-cosmos is being carried out in order to map out the bottom of the industry; the list of local meta-cosm enterprises and niche products is being streamlined and publicity is being enhanced; and the various areas of industry are being developed in a sustained manner, and businesses are being actively involved in building and helping them to build their poles.


(ii) Increased policy support. The use of policies such as adequate software, the digital economy, the Xiamen City Fund for Technological Innovation strengthens efforts in the areas of content production, landscape applications, platform building, technology development and development, supporting a number of meta-cosm poles, creating a unique set of products and demonstration platforms, and scientific planning for the construction of a meta-cosm technology innovation base.


(iii) Increased investment in business. Based on special applications such as rumbles, golden chicken prizes and marathons, leading leading companies to establish pilot projects in the meta-cosmos field.


(iv) Creates a unique platform. Through well-known festivals, exhibitions, conferences, competitions, such as the International Mandarin Festival and the annual conference of the Chinese Cartoon Industry, more activities are planned in the Won cosmos to sustain the industrial climate.


(v) Strengthening of the talent base. To further promote cooperation between higher education institutions, vocational colleges and enterprises, and to explore the formation of occupational groups, industrial colleges, etc., as a community for the integration of trades and trades. To encourage higher education institutions and vocational colleges to send teachers to scientific institutions, highly sophisticated enterprises, enterprises and research institutions to participate in the design of professional curricula, and to improve the scientific innovation of students in general, and to provide talent support for my city-wide cosmopolitan enterprise.


(vi) Forward-looking normative research. Further development of standards such as technology, applications, etc. in the meta-cosmology field. Active exploration for the development of open-source ecology in the meta-cosmology field, data trade guarantees, regulation of applications development, etc.


Signed by Mr. Zhou Gui Liang

  联 系 人:王  罡

Associated persons: Wang & nbsp;


Contact: 0592-289689   厦门市工业和信息化局






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