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1、最简单的一种:P2PK(Pay to Public Key)

2、P2PKH (Pay to Public Key Hash)

?3、最复杂的形式:P2SH(?Pay to Script Hash)



硬分叉(hard fork)

?软分叉(soft fork)















UTXO:Unspent Transcation Output


working principles & #xff1a; Bitcoin works on the application level xff1b; P2P network in Bitcoin is very simple xff0c; all nodes are reciprocal. Unlike other networks, there are supernodes xff1b; to join the P2P network xff0c; to know at least one seed node xff0c; then to contact the seed node xff0c; to tell you other nodes in the network of which it is aware xff0c; to use the TCP protocol xff0c for communications between nodes; to allow for the penetrating of firewalls.

比特币网络设计原则:simple,robust,but not efficient

Bitcoin network design principlesxff1a;simple, robust,but not efficency


Each node maintains a neighborhood node & #xff0c; the message spreads in the network in the form of funding. The node first receives a message & #xff0c; it disseminates the message to all neighbors and signs that it has already been received & #xff0c; the next time it receives this message will not be sent out.
The neighbor node picks random xff0c; does not consider the bottom of the network topping structure. A node in California xff0c; the neighbor node it selects may be xff0c in Argentina; the benefit of such a design is to enhance proficient #xff0c; but it sacrifices the network efficiency.

区块越大,网络上传播时延越长;区块越小,可包含的交易数目越少;比特币网络传播属于 尽力而为(),一个交易发布到比特币网络,不一定所有节点都能收到,也未必收到交易的顺序都一致。有的节点也不一定按比特币协议的要求进行转发(比如不合法交易)

The larger the blocks xff0c; the longer the distribution time on the network xff1b; the smaller the blocks xff0c; the smaller the number of transactions to include xff1b; the smaller the Bitcoin network disseminates as much as ()xff0c; a transaction is published on the Bitcoin network xff0c; not necessarily all nodes receive xff0c; or the order of the transactions is not consistent. Some nodes are not necessarily forwarded as required by the Bitcoin agreement (e.g. illegal transactions).

H(block header)<=target


So mining is a constant adjustment of xff0c; the Hashi value is smaller than the target threshold.


The smaller the target threshold xff0c; the harder it is to dig. The harder it is to adjust the target space as a proportion of the total output space.


The Hashi algorithm used in Bitcoin is SHA-256, the resulting Hashi value is 256 xff0c; so the total output space is 2⁄256 #xff0c; the proportion of the target space adjusted is xff0c; the popular term xff0c; that is, how many are required in front of the Hashi value.


Inverse ratio of mining difficulty and target threshold


The difficulty of mining equals the target threshold of 1 & #xff0c; the minimum difficulty of mining & #xff0c; is a very high value


What's the problem if you don't adjust to the difficulty of mining xff1a; the system is getting stronger xff0c; the difficulty of mining xff0c; the time is getting shorter and shorter. xff08; the summary of the teacher's words on a different blog xff09;


xff1a;? xff0c; transactions can be written into block chains xff0c more quickly; systems efficiency xff1b is improved; splits xff0c become normal xff0c; not only two fork xff0c; there may be many forks. Too many forks to reach consensus on the system are unhelpful xff0c; there is also a loss of arithmetic xff0c; and the cost of a split attack by the attacker is significantly reduced.


A 10-minute exit time is the best xff1a; not necessarily xff0c; and the release time needs to be maintained within a constant range.


Bitcoin requires readjustment of target thresholds xff08 every 2016 block; approximately every two weeks *10/60*24#61; 14 days xff09;

actual time:产生2016个区块实际花费的时间


expected time:产生2016个区块理想花费的时间:2016*10分钟(理想状况下每十分钟产生一个区块)

Expected time & #xff1a; time taken to produce the ideal 2016 blocks xff1a; 2016*10 minutes xff08; ideal situation results in a block xff09;


In practice xff0c; four times the limit for both up and down; if the actual time exceeds eight weeks xff0c; the formula can only be calculated for eight weeks xff0c; the same is true for less than 0.5 weeks.


How to get all miners to adjust the target threshold at the same time xff1a; the calculation of target is written in the code in the bitcoin system xff0c; automatic adjustments are made for every block that digs into 2016 blocks.

1. 决定沿着哪条链挖下去。
2. 当出现等长分叉,选择哪一个分叉


In the Bitcoin network xff0c; most nodes are light nodes. If you simply want to transfer xff0c; do not need to dig xff0c; do not need to run a full node. During mining xff0c; if you hear that someone has dug out the blocks to extend the longest legal chain xff0c; then the current block xff0c should be abandoned immediately; reassemble locally a candidate block pointing to the last of the new legal block xff0c; restart mining.

memory less无记忆性,progress free挖矿本身具有无记忆性,前面无论挖多久,对后续继续挖矿没有影响

Memory less memory xff0c; progress free mine itself memoryless xff0c; no matter how long it takes to dig ahead xff0c; no effect on the continuation of subsequent mining


How the bitcoin system is secure xff1a; a warranty for cryptography xff1a; someone else's own private key xff0c; unable to falsify its legitimate signature xff0c; thus unable to transfer its account to BTC. xff08; premise xff1a; most computing power in the system is in the hands of good people xff09; br/>consensus mechanism xff1a; guarantees that malicious transactions are not systematically recognized.

普通CPU -> GPU ->ASIC芯片(挖矿专用矿机)

General CPU - & gt; GPU - & gt; ASIC chip & #xff08; special mine excavator & #xff09;


xff0c for a single miner; even if an ASIC mine machine is used xff0c; its arithmetic still accounts for only a small part of the system xff0c; even if it is profitable in terms of average earnings xff0c; but income is very volatile.
and xff0c; individual miners have other responsibilities for the full node xff0c; it results in the depletion of the arithmetic power.


It's a full node that drives multiple mine machines. Miners just have to count Hashi & #xff0c; the whole node has other responsibilities to take on by the mine owner. ASIC chips can only calculate Hashi & #xff0c; they cannot perform the full node functions. xff0c; there are ponds that solve the problem of unstable returns for individual miners. xff0c when the returns are obtained; all miners distribute the proceeds xff0c; thus ensuring the stability of the returns.


The ponds are generally organized in two forms. 1. Similar to the large data centre xff08; the same institution xff09; xff0c; and the concentration of thousands of mining machines for Hashi calculations. 2. Distribution. Miners do not know the miners (different institutions) xff0c; miners communicate with the miners xff0c; voluntary participants in their ponds xff0c; miners assign tasks xff0c; miners compute xff0c; and all miners in the whole pond after receiving benefits are distributed benefits.


xff0c; equal share of incentives for all. This is something like xff0c; 34; 34; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff08; not working ff0c; xff0c; b/> cost xff09; xff0c; there is also a need to distribute xff0c; there is a need for a programme of proof of workload. xff1f how to prove the workload per miner.

降低挖矿难度(可行方案)。假设原本挖矿难度要求,计算所得126位的哈希值前70位都必须为0,现在降低要求,只需要前60位为0,这样挖矿会更容易挖到。当然,这个哈希是不会被区块链所承认的,我们将其称为一个share,或almost valid share。矿工每挖到一个share,将其提交给矿主,矿主对其进行记录,作为矿工工作量的证明。等到某个矿工真正挖到符合要求的的区块后,根据所有矿工提交的share数量进行分配。

xff08; A workable option xff09; Assuming that the original mining difficulty requirement xff0c; or that the first 70 places for the calculation of 126 places must be 0xff0c; now the lower requirement xff0c; that only the first 60 places are 0xff0c; this would be easier to dig. Of course xff0c; this Hash will not be recognized by the chain of blocks xff0c; we will call it a sharexff0c; or almost valid share. Each miner digs to a share of #xff0c; submit it to the miner xff0c; record the miner xff0c; as proof of the workload of the miner.

  • 问:有没有可能,某个矿工平时正常提交share,但真正挖到区块后不提交给矿主而是自己偷偷发布出去,从而避免他人分走挖矿所得到的出块奖励?
  • 答:事实上,这种情况是不可能的。因为每个矿工挖矿任务是矿主分配的。矿主组装区块,交给矿工计算,而区块中铸币交易的收款人地址是矿主,如果矿工修改该地址,计算的nonce值也会作废。
  • 问:如果矿工自己刚开始就自己偷偷组装一个区块,
  • 答:自己挖矿,这样就类似于其脱离了该矿池。因为其自己所组织的区块不会被矿主所认可,其提交的share也不会被认可,也就得不到分配的收益。
  • 问:有没有可能矿工捣乱?平时提交share,等挖到后扔掉区块,不提交?
  • 答:这种可能是有的,如果矿工本身仅仅想捣乱,是可以这么做的。但扔掉区块后,对其本身来说,也没有相应的奖励获得,看似是损人不利己的情况。
  • 但是,矿池之间存在竞争关系。有可能为了打击竞争对手,会派出矿机加入竞争对手矿池挖矿,从而起到搞破坏的作用。即只参与其他矿工挖矿分红,自己挖到的区块却丢掉不给他人分。



xff0c for transactions that have been confirmed six times; 51 per cent arithmetic is used to roll the transaction log back.


Miners can only calculate Hashi & #xff0c; do not know which transactions & #xff0c are included in the blocks; what is the condition of the block chain. So & #xff0c; these “peoples” are ignorant & #xff0c; easy to use xff1b; and xff0c; 51% of attacks are just a question of probability xff0c; xff0c is not able to strike xff0c; cannot reach ff0c; and xff0c; the pond itself is also changing.



If the attackers don't like an account A, do not want A's transaction to go up the block chain & #xff0c; xff0c when someone else reports A's transaction to the block chain; immediately launch a fork attack xff0c; and prevent A's chain from becoming the longest legal chain. xff0c; this allows the closure of A's account.



This is xff0c of which cannot be ; because it does not have a private key to another person's account. If the value is strong xff0c; if the unsigned transfer is forcibly released to the block chain xff0c; if the normal node does not consider it legitimate xff0c; xff0c; even if the chain is longer xff0c; and if the others do not consider it the longest legitimate chain.

BTC使用的脚本语言是非常简单的,唯一能访问的内存空间就是一个堆栈?,不像C,C++那样有全局变量和局部变量还有动态分配的内存空间;所以叫基于栈的语言:stack base language

The script language used by BTC is very simple xff0c; the only memory that can be accessed is ?, unlike Cxff0c; C43; 43; that there are global and local variables and dynamic memory space xff1b; so it's called language xff1a; stack base


It's a array of transactions with multiple input xff0c; each input indicates the value of the input flower from the output of the previous transaction.


It's also a cluster structure.



There's a cross xff0c; the input of the transaction in the back is in the front xff0c; the output of the transaction in the front is in the back


The two scripts in the early BTC scripts are collated xff0c; perform from the beginning to the end


For security reasons xff0c; the two scripts are now executed separately xff0c; input script xff0c is executed first; no error xff0c is performed; output script xff0c is executed again;

最后栈顶的结果为非0值,也就是true,那么验证通过 ,这个交易就是合法的,如果执行过程中出现任何错误,这个交易就是非法的

The final top results are non-0 & #xff0c; that is, true & #xff0c; then authentication through & #xff0c; the transaction is legal & #xff0c; if any error occurred during the execution & #xff0c; the transaction is illegal


If a transaction has multiple input scripts & #xff0c; then all input scripts are verified after matching the corresponding output script & #xff0c; all authenticated with this transaction to be legal

1、最简单的一种:P2PK(Pay to Public Key)

  1. 把输入脚本提供的签名压入栈中,
  2. 把输出的公钥压入栈,
  3. 把栈顶的两个元素弹出来,用公钥检查一下签名是否正确,如果正确返回TRUE,说明验证通过,否则出错

2、P2PKH (Pay to Public Key Hash)


The difference from the first is that there is no public key in the output script that gives the payee directly.


It's Hashi with the public key.


The public key was given in the script.


Enter the script to give both a signature and a public key


Output of the DUP, HASH160 in the script is to verify the validity of the signature.


>, 3, DUP xff1a ; meaning copying xff0c > 4 > 4 >, HASH160 ; ; ;

?3、最复杂的形式:P2SH(?Pay to Script Hash)




? First stage of validation


Or put the input script together with the output script.


First stage and #xff1a;

  1. 把输入脚本的签名压入栈

    Put the signature entered into the script into the shed.

  2. 把赎回脚本压入栈

    Put the redeemed script into the shed.

  3. 得到赎回脚本的哈希

    Hashi, who was redeemed from the script.

  4. 将输出脚本的哈希值压入栈,RSH是指redeemsrcipt hash

    Press the Hashi value of the output script into the pad & #xff0c; RSH refers to redeemsrcipt hash

  5. 判断两个赎回脚本的哈希值是否相等

    Find out if the Hashis are equal to the two redeemed scripts.


? Second stage verification


Second stage <#xff1a;

  1. 将输入脚本里提供的序列化的赎回脚本进行反序列化,反序列化的操作由每个节点自己完成,并不在PPT中展示,之后执行赎回脚本,将Public Key压入栈
  2. 然后验证输入脚本里给出的签名的正确性



Nxff0c is required for output scripts; input scripts only need to provide M legal signatures to verify pass through xff0c; N> 61; Mxff0c; N> 1/2M


Enter a script with a BUG that will eject an extra element from the stack & #xff0c; so the first element is redundant


Only if the order of M signatures is consistent with the order of the N-keys.


  1. FALSE就是多余的元素

    FALSE is an extra element.

  2. 将输入脚本的两个签名压入栈中

    Press two signatures into the script

  3. 将阈值M=2压入栈

    Put the threshold M61;2 into the pad.

  4. 将三个公钥压入栈

    Put three public keys into the shed.

  5. 将N=3压入栈

    Press N#61;3 into the pad.

  6. 执行CHECKMULTISIG,看看是不是符合多重签名

    Execute CHECKMULTISIG, see if multiple signatures are matched



The essence is to move complexity from an output script to an input script?


Script execution process


Phase I


step #xff1a;

  1. FALSE还是应对那个BUG
  2. 两个签名压入栈
  3. 序列化的数据压入栈
  4. 取Hash
  5. 将输出脚本里面的RSH压入栈中
  6. 最后判断这两个赎回脚本的hash值是否相同


  1. 把M压入栈
  2. 将三个公钥压入栈
  3. 将N压入栈
  4. 检查多重签名的正确性


It turned out to be a chain #xff0c; now it's two chains called a fork.

state fork:如果两个节点差不多同时挖到一个区块,这两个区块都是挂在当前的区块上的,不同节点先收到的区块不同,就会各自沿着先收到的区块往下扩展,这种时候就会出现临时性的分叉,称为,即由于对区块链当前的状态有意见分歧而产生的分叉。

state fork: if two nodes are almost simultaneously dug up to a block & #xff0c; both blocks are hung on the current block xff0c; different nodes are received first xff0c; each extends xff0c down the first received block xff0c; there is a temporary split xff0c; xff0c; i.e., a split due to disagreement over the current status of the block chain.

分叉攻击(forking attack)也属于state fork,只不过这种意见分歧是人为造成的,这种情况也称为。?

split attack xff08; forking attack) also state fork, except that this disagreement is artificially caused by

protocol fork:要修改比特币协议需要软件升级,在去中心化的系统中,没办法要求所有的结点都升级软件;假设大部分节点升级了软件,少部分节点没有升级(可能是没来得及升级,也可能是不同意协议的修改),这种分叉称为protocol fork,即对比特币协议产生了分歧,使用不同版本的协议而产生的分叉。

protocol fork: to modify the Bitcoin protocol requires software upgrades xff0c; in a decentralised system xff0c; cannot require all nodes to upgrade the software xff1b; assume that most nodes have upgraded the software xff0c; fewer nodes have not been upgraded xff08; may not have come and been upgraded xff0c; may also be non-consensual changes to the agreement xff09; xff0c; this split is called protocol forkxff0c; i.e., differences arising from the contrast currency agreement xff0c; splits arising from different versions of the agreement.

在protocol fork中,根据对协议修改的内容的不同,又可以分为硬分叉和软分叉。?

In protocol fork & #xff0c; depending on the content of the modification of the agreement & #xff0c; again, can it be divided into hard and soft fork?


If the Bitcoin agreement adds some new characteristics xff0c; expands some new functions xff0c; at that time those nodes of the non-upgrading agreement do not recognize these new characteristics xff0c; they are considered illegal.

硬分叉的一个例子就是比特币中的区块大小限制。(block size limit)

An example of a hard fork is the block size limit in Bitcoin.


Bitcoin limits each block to no more than 1 M, this calculates a maximum of 4,000 transactions. On average, a block xff0c is generated in 10 minutes; it calculates that only seven transactions per second can be written on average.


Assuming that the software has been updated xff0c; increasing the block size limit from 1M to 4M, assuming that most nodes have updated the software to support the protocol. The " majority " and " minority " of nodes are not xff0c based on the number of accounts; but xff0c based on computing; and that the above is assuming that the nodes in the system with the power of the big Doha algorithm have updated the software.


When the system is running. Assuming that the new node digs up a block xff0c; that the block is larger xff0c; that the old node does not approve the block xff0c; that it does not continue to dig xff0c down along the block; and that it continues to dig down the previous block.


Old nodes do not recognize large blocks & #xff0c; smaller blocks are accepted both new and old nodes.


Assuming that most of the nodes are new & #xff0c; i.e., the software has been updated to support the new protocol & #xff0c; because "most" is its more arithmetic & #xff0c; the new block fork of the new node will soon be longer than the fork of the old node


xff0c for the new node; the upper and lower chains are legal xff0c; but only to extend the longest legal chain xff0c; so dig down along the upper chain.


Such blocks are recognized as new and old nodes xff0c; however, there is an old node on the chain that is considered illegal xff0c; so the old node will never expand the chain xff0c; or continue digging down the chain below.


This is a permanent xff0c; these old nodes will not disappear as long as they do not update the software xff0c. In the Bitcoin network xff0c; there will be some very conservative xff0c; there will be nodes to disagree with xff0c; there will be hard fork to create?


xff0c after the hard fork appears; two parallelly running chains appear xff0c; BTC on the two chains is also irrelevant xff0c; each digs its own mines. An exit incentive xff0c on a particular chain is valid for the nodes of the longest legal chain xff0c; xff0c on the other chain is invalid xff0c; BTC that arose before the split is acceptable on both chains. xff0c in this sense; hard fork can be considered to be the creation of a new encrypted currency.


If the Bitcoin agreement adds some restrictions xff0c; makes certain previously legal transactions or blocks xff0c; becomes unlawful in the new post-limitation agreement xff0c; the resulting fork is soft fork.


Assuming that the software is updated xff1a; making blocks smaller xff0c; moving from 1M to 0.5M. Assuming that most nodes are new nodes xff0c; i.e., the protocol has been updated xff0c; block limits are 0.5 Mxff1b; minor nodes are old nodes xff0c; block limits are still determined to be 1M.


At this point xff0c; xff0c; xff08; xff08; xff09; xff1b; xff0c; ff08; xff08; xff09; xff1a) within 1M; xff1a; xff0c; xff08; xff1a) may not be considered lawful; xff09; xff1a;


xff0c; so it is possible to dig up a block xff0c; there is a situation. The old node observed the longest legal chain xff0c; it gives up its fork xff0c; and then the chain above continues digging.


xff0c at a certain point; old node excavated a block xff0c before the new node; chained it up xff1a;


This block is greater than 0.5 M, the new node does not recognize xff0c; it will continue to expand the previous legal block


So in this case xff0c; soft fork xff0c will continue to appear; as long as the old node does not update the protocol xff0c; the excavated block will never be able to be chained. Compared to hard fork xff0c; soft fork is a non-permanent fork xff0c; it will only remain for a temporary period of time.

这种情况下即是当前协议中未限制的一些域,被赋予了新的规则。一个例子就是铸币交易的CoinBase域,没人规定也没人检查。前面学习挖矿难度时,提到这个域可以作为extra nonce来使用,比如拿出前8个字节来和nonce一起调整,以增大挖矿的搜索空间。

In practice, xff0c; adding a new meaning to certain areas that are not provided for in the current agreement
, i.e. some areas that are not limited in the current agreement xff0c; given new rules. One example is the CoinBase field xff0c where the coins are traded; no one has specified and no one has checked it. xff0c when learning about the difficulty of digging before; mention that this area can be used as an extranoncet xff0c; e.g., bring out the first eight bytes to adjust xff0c together with nonne; to increase search space for digs.


CoinBase takes out the first eight bytes & #xff0c; there is a lot of adjustable space behind it. It is proposed that it be used as UTXO& #xff08; unspent transaction output & #xff09; xff0c; because this UTXO collection is currently only maintaining xff0c for each full node; the aim is to quickly find xff0c; to determine the legitimacy of the transaction xff0c; the content of this collection is not written in the block chain.

Merkle proof可以证明某个交易存在于某个区块中,那么如何证明某个账户A中有多少钱?全节点可以在本地的UTXO集合里算一下,即找到UTXO中所有转账给A的交易的输出,加在一起。

Merkle proof can prove that a transaction exists in a block xff0c; then how to prove how much xff1f is in an account A; the full node can count xff0c in a local UTXO collection; i.e. find the output of all transactions transferred to A in UTXO xff0c; add together.

有人提出将UTXO中的交易也组织成一个Merkle Tree,将其根哈希值写在铸币交易的CoinBase域里面,而铸币交易中的此内容也会随着影响交易的Merkle Tree的根哈希值,这在轻节点里是保存了的。所以在这种方式下就可以像Merkle proof的方式一样证明账户里有多少钱,需要提供UTXO的Merkle Tree对应位置的哈希。

It was suggested that the transaction in UTXO should also be organized into a Merkle Tree, that its root-hash value should be written in the CoinBase field where the coins were traded & #xff0c; and that it would also follow the root-hash & #xff0c of Merkle Tree, where the transactions were affected; and that it would be preserved in light nodes. So in this way, it would be possible to prove how much money there was in the account xff0c, as Merkle Proof would have done in the way of Merkle Proof; and that he would need to provide the Merkle Tre counterpart of UTXO.

比特币历史上著名的软分叉例子:P2SH(Pay to Script Hash)

#xff1a; P2SH( Pay to Script Hash)


hard fork characteristicsxff1a; provided that more than half of the system xff08; arithmetic xff09; nodes update the software xff0c; there will be no permanent fork. Such fork is soft fork.


soft fork characteristicsxff1a; must update all xff08; arithmetical xff09; nodes xff0c; no permanent fork does not occur.


xff0c at the time of the transfer transaction; xff1f if the recipient is not online (not connected to the Bitcoin network);
transfer transactions only need to record xff0c on the block chain; transfer bitcoin to another account xff0c; and whether the recipient is online has no effect.


Assuming that an entire node receives a transfer transaction xff0c; it is possible that the payee's address in the transfer transaction has never been heard of.
may xff0c; because the Bitcoin account only needs to be generated locally. Only when the account first receives the money xff0c; other nodes will know the existence of the node.

在历史上,有很多次交易所被黑客攻击偷走大量加密货币的事情,其中最著名的为Mt. GOX(中文译为:门头沟)事件。该交易所曾经为全球最大比特币交易所,交易量占到全球比特币交易量的70%左右,设于日本。后来由于被攻击丢失大量比特币,导致交易所破产,其CEO被判刑入狱。
此外,也有交易所监守自盗,工作人员卷款跑路(有点类似 rm -rf */ 删库跑路系列)。

There is no way to find a private key if the account is lost. Because bitcoin is decentralised currency xff0c; no third-party central institution can reset the password xff0c; so money on the account becomes dead money.
Through an encrypted currency exchange (centralized agency) xff0c; generally there is a need to provide identification xff0c; xff0c; xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy; xxxxxxxxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxxyxyxyxyxvxyxyxyxvxyxyxyxvvx.xyx.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.xt.xt.fft.fft.fft.fft.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.t......................................................................................................................................................................


What if the private key leaks xff1f;
transfer the remaining BTC to another security account xff0c as soon as possible; no third-party central agency resets the password or freezes the account xff0c; only itself is responsible.
BTC accounts are public-private key pairs xff0c; passwords xff0c; cannot be changed.


What about the miswritten address of the transfer? xff1f;
there is no way xff0c; only self-confessed xff0c; cannot cancel a transaction that has already been issued. If it is transferred to an address xff0c; that part of the bitcoin becomes dead money. Of course xff0c; UTXO in the bitcoin system will permanently keep the transaction xff0c; record the address that does not exist. xff0c; xff0c for the whole node; this is unfriendly.


Earlier, OP_RETURN Directive & #xff0c was introduced in the BTC script; we mentioned & #xff0c; this method provided ordinary users with a copy of what they wanted to keep in the Bitcoin network. However, OP_RETURN executed an unconditional return error xff0c; the transaction returned error xff0c; how the block would contain xff1f; how the block chain would receive the block xff1f;


In general, anonymity is often associated with privacy protection. But in practice xff0c; anonymity in bitcoin is not really anonymous xff0c; it is falsely anonymous.


In fact, xff0c; the data in Bitcoin are completely public xff0c; the online transaction is xff0c, which deals with the real world; therefore, its anonymity is greatly undermined.




1. Users can generate multiple address accounts & #xff0c; these address accounts can be associated
on the face of xff0c; each transaction can replace a public-private key pair & #xff0c; each time it is a new account xff0c; is highly anonymous. But in practice xff0c; these accounts under certain circumstances xff0c; they can be linked.


An address account may also be linked to an individual's identity in a real society.
Any operation that links BTC to the physical world has the potential to reveal the user's true identity xff0c; the most obvious of this is the transfer of funds. For BTC, for money to buy xff0c; it interacts with the physical world. For BTC to become a real currency xff0c; it also needs to interact with the physical world.


When BTC pays
, for example, some businesses accept BTC for payment xff0c; for example, coffee, cake, etc. (this scene credit card has been resolved well xff0c; BTC transactions delayed high xff0c; transaction fee xff0c; not a good idea br/> br


In fact & #xff0c; exposure to user privacy is precisely due to the openness and non-frozenness of the block chain. Irreversible protection of privacy & #xff0c; it is disastrous.


Zero Knowledge Certificate xff1a; xff08 on one side; xff09 on the other side; xff08 on the other side; xff09 on the other side; xff09 on the other side; xff0c on the other side to prove that a statement is correct; but no information other than the statement is required to be disclosed.



The mathematical basis for proof of zero knowledge is homogeneity. The above figure is the three properties of the same state.
the first & #xff0c;
the first & 61; E(y)& #xff0c; 61; y. (no collision) the second br/> ff0c; the encryption function is indeterminate. Knows the encryption value xff0c; cannot reverse the password value.
the third xff0c; most important xff0c; known as the same-state calculation.




Mathematically xff0c; zero currency and zero currency are safe. But it is not 100% anonymous xff0c; it does not address the damage to anonymity when interacting with an external entity of the system?


The zero is spent xff0c; only a zero knowledge certificate is needed to prove that the money spent is a legal currency in the system xff0c; but it is not necessary to disclose which currency is actually spent in the system. This undermines relevance.
Of course xff0c; such currencies are not mainstream encrypted currency xff0c; because they are designed to be anonymous xff0c; they pay a certain price xff0c; xff0c; and there are not many users who require strong anonymity.


local memory address xff0c; meaningful only on local computers xff0c; meaningless if sent to other computers. xff0c at block release; how the Hash pointer spreads through the network xff1f;


So-called Hashi pointers & #xff0c; just a visual approach in the system. When applied in practice & #xff0c; only Hashi without a pointer.

回顾之前提过的Block header数据结构:

Recalling the Block Header data structure xff1a mentioned earlier;


The entire node is normally stored in a key-value database xff0c; key is Hashi xff0c; value is block content. The common key-value database is levelDB, the Hashi value of the last block can be found on the basis of the Hashi value.
Some nodes only save information about the block chain parts xff0c; if it needs to be used in the preceding block xff0c; other node points can be asked. The Hashi pointer properties ensure that the whole block chain contents are not altered.

如果按照这种方法,将私钥分为N份。但这样会有一系列问题。一. 如果N个人中任意一个人忘记私钥,则无法将钱取出。二.截断私钥长度,会降低安全性,因为私钥长度会直接影响破解难度(2^256 远远大于 2^128),之间难度差距远远不止一倍。【可见,对于多个人账户,应该使用多重签名,而非截断私钥的方法。】三.如果分手,该钱变成死钱,一直保存在UTXO集合中,对矿工不友好。

A couple buys BTC & #xff0c together; cuts private keys from the middle & xff0c; keeps a portion of them for each person. If two people are still in a good relationship xff0c; if xff0c breaks up, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c is permanently locked; xff0c cannot be removed; xff0xxx0xxxxxxxxxxxxx0xxxxxx0xxxxxqxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxffffxxxxxxffxyxyxxxyffxxxyxxyxxxyxyxxxyxxxxxxyxxxxyxxxxxxxxxxyxxxxxxxxffxxxxxyxxxxxxxxxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xxxxxxxxx.x.xxxx.x.xxx.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x......


Theoretically xff0c; distributed systems cannot achieve consensus. Strictly xff0c; Bitcoin does not have a real consensus xff0c; there is a possibility that xff0c may be overturned at any time; for example, a fork attack leads to a system rolling back.
and ff0c; theoretical and practical differences. It is not possible to draw conclusions for a particular model xff0c; a slight modification or addition of a sub-line approach to the model in practice would make it impossible to make it possible.


Early BTC is less difficult and offers high incentives xff0c; this attracts miners.


The BTC total is fixed xff0c; it is thought to be a fine design. But in practice xff0c; it is not suitable as a currency xff0c; this also determines that BTC will not completely destabilize the existing monetary system in the future.

一. 量子计算距离使用仍然有很长距离(人工智能也是,目前仍然处于弱人工智能阶段。其实很多技术都是如此,炒的情况很严重,但距离实用很远。但是不炒便不会有资本流入进行研究,这也是一个非常相悖的地方)。
二. 量子计算若真正使用到破坏现有加密算法,对传统金融业的破坏仍然是最大的。
三. 实际中使用的并非公钥,而是采用公钥哈希。而哈希函数一般都是不可逆的,所以即使量子计算也无法反推私钥。

BTC's cryptographic encryption currency xff0c; whether it becomes unsafe after quantum calculations.
I. The quantum calculation distance still has a long distance xff08; artificial intelligence is also xff0c; and is still in a weak stage of artificial intelligence. Indeed, many technologies are so xff0c; the fumigation is serious xff0c; but the distance is so far away. But there will be no capital inflows to study xff0c; this is also a very indisputable place xff09;
II. The quantum calculation, if actually used to destroy existing encryption algorithms xff0c; the damage to the traditional financial industry is still the greatest.
III. The actual use is not a public key xff0c; the Hashi function is generally an unreversible xff0c; so even the quantum calculation cannot be counter-inverted.


SHA-256, in BTC; regardless of how much #xff0c is entered; end result is 256


so encryption is reversible, #xff1b; encryption does not lose information,




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