
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:31 评论:0



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On March 15, the Yunnan block chain centre was inaugurated at the Fifth China Science and Technology Park in Kunming City. The Vice-Secretary of the Provincial Council and Governor, Nguyen Thanh, delivered a message and unveiled it. He stressed that, with the courage to eat the first crab, to act with vigour and perseverance, he was making a major contribution to the development of the block chain and to the social integration of the economy, in an effort to turn Yunnan construction into a pilot site for the development of the sector chain.

自从”区块链”概念火爆以来,就一直是人们关注的话题。区块链技术被认为是继蒸汽机、电力、互联网之后,新一代颠覆性的核心技术。 2019年,区块链技术历经了冰火两重天,从模糊的灰色地带,一夜之间上升为了国家战略。2020年,本应各大互联网企业一飞冲天的区块链实践,却因”黑天鹅”的影响,放缓了脚步。

Block chain technology has been a subject of concern since the concept exploded. Block chain technology is considered to be the core technology of a new generation of subversive technologies, following steam engines, electricity, and the Internet. In 2019, block chain technology went through two days of ice fires, rising from a blurry grey zone to a national strategy overnight. In 2020, the chain practice of the major Internet companies was slowed down by the effects of #8221; #8221; #8221; and #8221;


But not in Yunnan, where new opportunities have emerged, but also at the provincial level, where the country's first provincial block chain platform became the country's first #8221; the provinces that dared to eat the first crab #8221; and the provinces.


So, in the face of this unknown area, Yunnan's growing block chain industry, are you ready? Where is the building block chain industry going to break through? Where is Yunnan's bottom gas coming from?


Block chains are a term for information technology. By their very nature, they are a shared database containing data or information with 8221; non-falseable 8221; 8221; 8221; retraceable 8221; 8221; 8221; 8221; 8221; collective maintenance 8221; and so on. On the basis of these characteristics, block chain technologies have created solid 8221; trust #8221; foundation, creating reliable 8221; cooperation #8221; mechanisms, with broad application prospects.


In Yunnan's view, the block chain is both a new technology, a new application, and a new thinking, a new concept.


Yunnan’s block chain centre is a first step, and the road ahead will be long and difficult. But Governor Nguyen Thanh is convinced that all sectors in the province are actively embracing block chain technology, eating the first crab, facing setbacks, accelerating institutional innovation, introducing more nurturing efforts in block chain enterprises, strengthening technology demonstration applications in priority area block chains, and making every effort to promote innovation in block chain industries.

“一部手机游云南”成为智慧旅游新标杆,”一部手机办事通”打造”办事不求人、审批不见面、最多跑一次”的政务服务新环境,”一部手机云品荟”构建云南特色商品”一站购买”新模式,”一部手机云企贷”成为破解中小微企业特别是农业企业融资难题新平台,”一部手机办税费”探索足不出户办理税费新实践;云南正式开启5G时代.,要在智慧旅游、数字医疗、智能制造、虚拟现实、无人机、无人车等方面打造一批叫得响、立得住、看得见的 5G 应用项目……

& #8220; a mobile phone #8221; becoming a new signpost for intelligent tourism, #8221; a mobile phone #8221; becoming a new platform for breaking down the financing challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially agricultural enterprises, #8221; a new environment for government services, #8221; a mobile phone 8221; a unique commodity #8221; building a single stop for purchase #8221; a new model, #8221; a mobile phone #8221; becoming a new platform for breaking down the financing challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially agricultural enterprises #8221; a mobile phone tax charge #8221; exploring new tax fees and fees; opening up the 5G era in Yunnan to create a collection of smart tourism, digital medicine, smart manufacturing, virtual reality, drones, unmanned vehicles, etc. #8230; #8230; #8230; #8230; #8230;


In recent years, Yunnan Province has been bold in exploring the practice of #8221; in applying experiments for industry, in opening up markets for industry #8221; in developing the path of development, it has vigorously promoted the digitization of resources, digital industrialization and industrial digitization of 8221; a mobile phone 8221; in a series of boxing products, 8221; in digital Yunnan #8221; from nothing to nothing, from small to large and dynamic.


At the same time, in July 2019, the first 8221; Digital Yunnan ~8221; the International Forum on Block Chains, convened to generate the national electronic crown invoice for the first block chain, promoted 8221; Digital Yunnan #8221; and significant steps towards construction, which laid a solid foundation for the advancement of industrial innovation in the block chain.


These foundations are the bottom gas of Yunnan.


With regard to break-through points, Yunnan will further provide test sites for the technical application of block chains in the areas of #8221; block chains + agriculture & #8221; #8221; block chains + finance #8221; #8221; block chains + tourism #8221; and continuously exploring experiments to transform good ideas into successful applications and to promote Yunnan as a cluster for the development of sector chains;


(b) To accelerate the application of block-chain scenarios, including through the purchase of services by the Government, with a more active and open concept;


(b) Establishment of industry funds to attract market-based capital, such as domestic and foreign angel investment and venture investment, to gather in Yunnan, to expand market-based financing channels and to address financing challenges for block-chain enterprises;


Adhering to #8221; keeping the incision smaller, studying deeper and using a little more #8221; principle, focusing on product applications in various areas, accelerating the development of block chain industry projects and turning good ideas into good projects;


To establish an accessible and regularized dialogue mechanism between the Government and block chain enterprises, to strengthen communication coordination, to work together to address the challenges of the development of the block chain industry and to actively foster the ecological system of the block chain industry.


Yunnan is convinced that the development objectives of the sector chain industry can be achieved by strengthening policy leadership and political initiatives, one step at a time and moving forward.


On 15 March, the Yunnan Block Chain Industry Union was simultaneously announced, with 38 domestic and foreign enterprises taking the lead in joining the Union. The Yunnan Development Reform Commission, Ali Cloud Calculating Ltd., and Ant Block Chain Technology (Shanghai) Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement.


The Vice-President of the Alibaba Group and the President of the Ali Institute, HighRed Ice, released the Yunnan Block Chain Platform and the first provincial level throughout the country's territory, the block-linking commodity code, Peacock. Using the sector-chain technology as a retroactive and non-manufactured feature, the commodity code links the information chain to the “one-size-one-size” system, which will combine the application of industry applications such as the “Ten Talents” system for Yunnan green foods, the industrial cannabis regulatory system, the cross-border electricity vendor product traceability system, the electronic record-sharing system, the housing maintenance finance management system, the block chain electronic voucher, the block chain supply chain finance, and the judicial record-keeping.


To date, the first 24 enterprises in Yunnan Province are located in Ali, Fun Chain, St. Kanan, and others, located at the Fifth Huat University Building of Technology and Technology in Kunming City.




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