波场“联姻”Tether 互补短板

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:27 评论:0



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Wen Wei Wei Wei Wei!


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In the early morning hours of 5 March, Sun Woo, founder of Tron, announced on Twitter that the Tron Foundation had entered into a partnership with Teth, the parent company of the stable currency USDT, which would land on the chain in the early second quarter of 2019.


Immediately thereafter, Tether officially confirmed this cooperation. Official sources indicate that USDT, based on the TRC20 standard, will be generated and circulated in the future in the network.


One is the moving public chain, the other is the giant that stabilizes the currency market, and the marriage between the two parties runs for win-wins and attempts to expand their respective layouts.


The acquisition of BitTorrent and the seizure of the Dapp market was to be accompanied by an additional “brick tiles” for the stability of the currency, increased liquidity and a French currency entrance, and three years of Tether, the monopoly of the stability of the currency market, an additional public chain facility following the Bitcoin and Etheria agreements.


The booming wave requires more self-portrait products to enter the ecology, so that the share of the public chain market continues to be seized; the unique situation of stabilizing the currency market, the USDT, has changed slowly, and TUSD, PAX, has encroached on the territory of the USDT with its compliance features.


The scenery coincides with that of Tether, and the two sides are happy to work together, with a win-win surface, where the challenges of technology compatibility and compliance are not insignificant.


USDT will be stationed early in the second quarter


Since the acquisition of the BTT (BitTorrent) in August of last year, the Dome played a big game yesterday: the Dome Foundation entered into a partnership with the USDT parent company, Tether, which will release the USDT on the chain of the Dome.


In the early morning hours of 5 March Beijing time, Sun Woo, the founder of the Poll, released a message of cooperation on Twitter.


Sun Woo said that cooperation would make it easier for users to access the Tron block chain.

当大家还在辨别消息的真假时,Tether官方出面证实,官网出现了与波场合作的声明。Tether的首席运营官Jean-Louis van der Velde也在声明中表示,与波场的合作将为用户提供分布式融资领域的另一个接入点,以不断满足数字资产社区的需求。

When you're still trying to tell the truth about the news, Tether's official sources confirm that the network has made a statement of cooperation with the waves. The CEO of Tether, Jean-Louis van der Velde, also said that cooperation with the waves would provide users with another point of access in the area of distributed financing to meet the needs of the digital asset community on an ongoing basis.


According to the official announcement of the waves, it is expected that the USDT, based on the Spot TRAC20 agreement, will be officially released early in the second quarter of this year.


The announcement also revealed the intention of the wave court to issue USDT: the USDT based on the waveground TCC20 agreement would allow interoperability with the decentralised application based on the wave zone agreement and allow users to conduct transactions and exchanges with French-linked currencies throughout the wave site.

创建于2014年10月的Tether,其核心产品就是基于比特币Omni协议发行的稳定币USDT。 2015年2月,USDT登录当时比特币交易量最大的交易平台Bitfinex,两家公司一直因团队人员大面积重合而为外界理解为“姐妹公司”。

The core product of Tether, which was founded in October 2014, is a stable currency USDT, based on the Bitcoin Omni agreement. In February 2015, USDT entered Bitfinex, the trading platform with the largest volume of Bitcoin at that time, and both companies have been understood by the outside world as “sister companies” because of the large overlap of team members.


In 2018, Tether issued a USDT based on the ERC20 standard in Etheria, which is compatible with the original agreement and further enhances the ease of its use.


At a time when the stable currency had not yet become a tide, the currency of 1:1 exchange was once regarded by the market as hard currency, with exclusive dominance over the market for encrypted currencies. Non-detailed data show that on March 5, the market value of USDT circulation was $13.6 billion, ranking seventh in the global market value of encrypted currency circulation.


After the cooperation of the high-profile officials, the sum of US$ 0.152 was offered for the TRX at the waveyard, and the news came out less than 24 hours, an increase of about 7 per cent.


the wavefield fills the gap in the steady currency layout


In the deep depths of the city of Bears, where the crypto-currency market is depressed and users are leaving, the waves rise back across the public-chain market. In the absence of users, the waves are based on the introduction of home-grown products into the community, as evidenced by the acquisition last year of BitTorrent, which has a large number of users.


"I'm buying without a user." This is what some people used to say about the waves. After BitTorrent was acquired, BTTs were distributed, and the currency was sold publicly on the Launchpad platform, and the prices rose tenfold.


This may prove the feasibility of a wave-field approach: short-term, fast-paced life.

就在和Tether 达成合作的两天前,孙宇晨发微博“报数”称,波场用户总数总突破200万,“第一个100万花了181天,第二个100万花了68天。”3月5日,波场官网显示,其用户量约为201万人,近两日增长近1万。

Just two days before the collaboration with Tether, Sun Woo posted a “Report” that the total number of users of the wave ranged over 2 million: “The first one million took 181 days and the second one million for 68 days.” On 5 March, the network showed that its number of users was approximately 2.01 million, an increase of almost 10,000 over the past two days.

此外,波场DApp的日交易额也超越了一直以来对标的以太坊。DappReview 网站显示,波场的日交易额为1.6亿元,以太坊为1亿元出头。6万人的日活也远高于以太坊的14000人。

In addition, the daily turnover of the Dome DApp is higher than the usual Etheria. The DappReview website shows that the dome is worth $160 million a day, with the Tai Spot rising to $100 million.

DappReview 网站显示波场的日交易额为1.6亿元

The DappReview website shows that the daily turnover of the waveyard is $160 million


In the public-chain market, the waves that have been stomping on the Etherkom have gone all the way, except that there is a gap in the stable layout of the currency.

去年,稳定币成为业内热门话题,TrueUSD(TUSD)、Circle Coin(USDC)、Gemini Dollar(GUSD)、Paxos(PAX)这些新一代稳定币,与Tether(USDT)形成竞争,它们均基于以太坊网络发行。

Last year, the stabilization currency became a hot topic in the industry, with TrueUSD (TUSD), Circle Coin (USDC), Gemini Dollar (GUSD), Paxos (PAX), the new generation of stable currency, competing with Tether (USDT), all based on the Taiku network.


In the case of USDC, the Coinbase team explained that the stable currency was based on the benefits of being distributed in Taiwan, “improved sending and receiving. Two of the family purses can be sent and received any amount of USDC at any time of the day. Large transfers for business purposes have become as simple as small e-commerce payments.”


“The use of a network of ETA blocks allows developers to programme the dollar, which enables financial and technological companies to develop procedures that can easily and safely contribute to the stability of currency transactions.” Coinbasee emphasizes.


There is no doubt that a stable currency is a large market, and the market has been empty in this area. In addition, the public chain captures the stable currency and provides a currency for future decentralized trading applications that balance the risks of market volatility, and access to this infrastructure will lead to more applications.

此次,波场也直言,基于TRC20 协议发行USDT,可以打通与波场生态中去中心化应用的通道,也为TRX在交易场景中连同了一个法币入口。

This time, the scene was also straightforward, with the release of USDT on the basis of the TRC20 agreement, which provides access to decentralised applications in the ecology of the wave, as well as a French currency entry for TRX in the trading scene.


USDT excavated


Tether, who works with the waves, faces a great deal of competition for a stable currency, a three-year-old USDT, and the Territory is eating on its back.


Since March 2018, various stable currencies, such as PAX, USD, and DAI, have been on the market. In particular, PAX, a small number, shows that its market value on 5 March was about 730 million, the world’s top 50-highest encoded currency, with a high degree of market recognition.


Even the CEO's Chang Peng called for PAX, “If you're worried, you can understand the regulated and stable currency PAX.”


A strong rise of PAX

同态竞争不说,最近,市场上还传出Facebook也要发行自己的稳定币的消息。如若Facebook发币传言成真,USDT的日子或将更并不好过。毕竟,流通市值仅20亿美元的USDT,其体量与社交巨兽Facebook 4000多亿美元的市值无法相提并论。 除了外部竞争,USDT自身也不争气。去年10月,USDT脱钩美元价格,暴跌7%,“稳定币并不稳定”的现象再度引起市场对这个“硬通货”的怀疑,超发、资金管理不透明等问题再次甚嚣尘上。 内忧外患的Tether需要寻找新的增长点,这或许也是它与波场合作的原因之一。 与波场的“联姻”并非Tether和公链的第一次接触。2018年年初,Tether就曾宣布将在以太坊上发行基于ERC20标准的USDT,与之前基于比特币Omni协议发行的USDT等价。 当时,换协议发行USDT,Tether给出的原因是费用低、交易速度快。由于最初的USDT基于比特币网络发行,每次交易需要花费BTC作为网络手续费,且转账速度较慢,通常要半小时以上才能完成确认。ERC20 USDT交易确认时间减少为15-30秒。 在以太坊发行USDT后,Tether表示之后还会推出基于莱特币网络、Trezor和闪电网络的USDT。

In addition to external competition, the USDT itself did not compete. Last October, the USDT decoupled the dollar price, which plunged by 7%, and the “stable currency and instability” again raised the market’s doubts about this “hard currency” – excess hair, opaque money management, etc. – which could not be compared to the market value of more than US$ 40 billion on social giant Facebook.


Sun Woo-moo also interacted with his founder, V God, “10000 TPS, with the TPS 25 TPS; and he flaunted the comparison between the zero fees and the high handling costs of the TAP.”


Reducing transaction fees and increasing the speed of transactions may be another public-chain experiment by Tether to distribute USDT on the chain of the wave.

但与Omni 协议兼容的以太坊版USDT也出现过一些技术问题,网友Ashton 在简书上反映,以太坊USDT没有完全遵循ERC20标准,“公司有个业务,需要用户将ERC20版的USDT转入一个合约,满足一定条件时通过该合约将转入的USDT转回给用户。”而测试用户将 USDT 转入合约等待转出时发现,转入的 USDT转不出来了。

However, the Omni-compatible Ether version of USDT has also had some technical problems, as indicated in the brevary by our friend Ashton, which states that the Etherworld USDT does not fully comply with the ERC20 standard, “the company has a business that requires users to transfer the ERC20 version of USDDT to a contract through which it is transferred back to the user when certain conditions are met.” The test user discovered that the transfer of USDT to the contract was pending transfer and that the transferred USD could not be transferred.


It seems that the future USDT Tether, who will be released on the Spot Agreement, will be technically tested on both sides. This collaboration, according to some industry, is not sound. One of the founders of the public-chain project told the honeycombs, “It's a little far-fetched, it's not always going back and forth, it's not going back and forth, it's not going back and forth. The technical problems can be solved, but it is not easy to change the current state of some industries.


According to the above-mentioned sources, one of the challenges to be solved by the two sides is how to block the emergence of illegal acts such as money-laundering, in which the United States dollar can be used by the users of the stadium, “and the public chain is now a big casino, and the lottery is the best scenario for money-laundering.”


The challenge will follow the cooperation between the waves and Tether, which has gone for a win-win.

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