
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:26 评论:0



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1月18日,美国康纳尔大学计算机科学教授埃敏·允·西拉什(Emin Gün Sirer)和密码学专家罗伯特·凡·雷讷瑟(Robbert van Renesse)等5人合著了一篇论文,直指比特币世界奉为最高原则的“去中心化”存在疑问,认为目前世界上最流行的两种加密数字货币比特币和以太坊背后均存在隐形权力结构,原因之一是比特币和以太坊的挖矿过于集中,比特币50%以上的算力都被前四大矿场控制了。

On 18 January, Emin Gün Sirer, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Connor, United States, and Robert van Renesse, a cryptographer, co-authored a paper referring to the “decentralization” of the highest principle in the world of Bitcoin, arguing that two of the world's most popular encrypted digital currencies, Bitcoin and the hidden power structure behind the Etherm, were among the reasons that Bitcoin and Ether were over-centralized and that more than 50 per cent of Bitcoin's power was controlled by the top four mines.


Bitcoin was famous for its distributional and decentralized character, and its founder, a man named Binteng, once said that Bitcoin was a social experiment, and the most important thing to prove in that experiment was decentralization. In fact, it was displeasure on the part of central banks that Bintco wrote a white paper on Bitcoin.


In other words, the “decentralization” principle is at the heart of Bitcoin, and the Konnar University paper is questioning the roots of Bitcoin


The paper " Decentization of Bitcoin and Ether ", published in the MIT Review on 18 January, shows that there are hidden power structures behind both Bitcoin and Ether, with less than 20 mining teams in the chain of blocks in both systems, with over 50 per cent of Bitcoin and Ether in the hands of the first four mines and the first three.

假设比特币挖矿是解一道方程题, 而且只有把每个整数代入才能算出来,那么哈希率就是每秒处理数据的速度,也可以视作是挖矿的“算力”。

Assuming that bitcoin mining is an equation, and that it can only be calculated by intergenerationalization, the Hashi ratio is the speed at which data are processed per second, and it can also be seen as the “calculus” of mining.


According to many in the Bitcoin community, the original idea of Ben-Hung was that millions of members of the community would be able to use their own GPS to dig for absolute democracy, rather than the current split of giants.


The paper also argues that Bitcoin’s power is less decentralized than the Etherm that it was made later. Bitcoin’s nodes tend to be more geographically concentrated than Etheria’s, while the nodes spread around the world are more distributed. The reason for this is that 56% of the Bitcoin nodes are distributed around the data centres, compared to 28%, which is half of them.


“Build on a broader system of self-government with the nodes of the Taikus,” the paper says.


According to the paper, the Etherm mechanism is more equitable than Bitcoin and benefits small and medium-sized miners.


If a system is completely equitable, there is no need for small miners to pour their resources into a large pond and work with other miners to generate more benefits .


In fact, however, mining incentives for small and medium-sized miners in the Bitcoin chain are more difficult to predict than Ether, one of the reasons being that it can be understood that bitcoins produce blocks at a slow pace and that a new block can only emerge in 10 minutes, so there is a high degree of uncertainty as to who gets the reward generated by the system.


The ponds are primarily responsible for the central hosting of independent machines, maintaining the various nodes in the network, transmitting computing information to the Bitcoin network, and if there is a mine crash in the ponds that they manage, the pits are allocated equally to all the machines, mainly on the basis of arithmetic contributions.


In addition, the paper rebutted by in response to what many miners have mentioned that the formation of ponds avoids uneven returns from small and medium-sized miners. The paper noted that, firstly, after history, the ponds enter into private agreements with their members to alter the distribution of benefits; secondly, the small miners in the ponds do not usually leave the pool unless the pond has a system-wide 51 per cent capacity and is harmful to Bitcoin; and finally, even if one leaves because of some harmful behaviour, such as a transactional review of the pond, there is a capacity to identify and detect such behaviour, which is not available to most small and medium miners.


Therefore, the


One of the managers of Bitcoin's ponds said to the news that the Bitcoin mechanism could indeed reach a small audience and that it could achieve a “51 per cent attack”


The so-called strong > 51% attack on is to use Bitcoin's use of arithmetic as a feature of a competitive condition, using an arithmetic advantage to cancel a payment transaction that has taken place. If someone has more than 50% of the value, he can find the random number needed to exploit a block faster than anyone else, so he actually has an absolute right to a block. Strong simply holds 51% of the value of the whole net, as if he had 51% of the stake in the company .


“But the achievement of 51 per cent of the attack meant that it cost 30 billion dollars because of the high cost of laying the machinery and equipment,” said the regulators, “and because of the attack, the Bitcoin network has exposed itself to control, the price is instantaneous and nobody would be willing to do so”.


Bitcoin’s prices are now rewinding after falling. After a strong fall in South Korea’s regulation, bitcoin is now back above $110,000, yet there is still a significant gap between $20,000 and the highest point in history.

总部在塞浦路斯外汇经济商FXTM富拓外汇的全球首席分析师Jameel Ahmad对澎湃新闻表示,目前看来,1万美元是比特币的一个值得注意的价格,一般在1万美元以上,有可能出现抛售潮,每次跌破1万美元,又会出现上涨空间,“目前这个价格已经有相当大的压力了。”

Jameel Ahmad, the global chief analyst of FXTM-rich foreign exchange at Headquarters in Cyprus, stated in news that, at present, it appears that $10,000 is a notable price for bitcoin, generally over $10,000, with the possibility of a sales surge, a drop of $10,000 each time, and there is room for a rise “at present there is considerable pressure on this price”.

Jameel Ahmad称,比特币是这辈子见过的最具有投机性的东西,“2万美元到1万美元,1个月内涨一倍又跌完,这是任何基本面都支撑不了的,更多的是市场情绪在操控。”他也坦言,去年8月份之前根本没想过要研究比特币,但是市场情绪推动比特币上了很多头条,目前比特币是货币,还是金融工具,还是资产很难定义,并且难以判断接下去的价格走势。

Jameel Ahmad claims that Bitcoin is the most speculative thing he has ever seen in his life: “Twenty to 10,000 dollars, doubling it in one month and falling out, which cannot be sustained by any fundamentals, and more by market sentiment.” He also admits that before August last year, no attempt was made to study bitcoin, but that market sentiment pushed a lot of headlines on bitcoin, whether it is currency or financial instruments or assets that are difficult to define, and it is difficult to judge next price trends.

“6个月前我可能觉得不可能走出这样的趋势,但市场情绪是瞬息万变的,” Jameel Ahmad感慨道。

“I may not have felt able to get out of this trend six months ago, but the market moods are changing rapidly.” Jameel Ahmad lamented.




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