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Ten years ago, when Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy and the global economy was in recession, the idea of a new type of encrypted currency called Bitcoin was simmering. In this decade’s sight, Bitcoin was transformed from an anti-authority wave on the Internet into a market worth billions of dollars; at the same time, it evolved from a hobby among programmers to a popular name.


In this short decade, currency circles have been floating. In order to promote the development of bitcoin, some would miss hundreds of millions of dollars; others would be obsessed with the wealth of bitcoin and venture into the forbidden land of the law; and more people would be anxious to achieve financial freedom and would be obsessed with the illusions of one night's richness.


These people form a 10-year map of Bitcoin, recording its trajectory to change the world.


If I say to you today that bitcoin has made a huge difference in the world, you must think I'm exaggerating and empty. Then I'll tell you six different stories about how bitcoin has changed the world and our lives.


1, the first programmer to buy pizza in bitcoin, Hannes: A new point-to-point payment method

2010年5月的一天,佛罗里达州天气温暖、阳光明媚,程序员兼比特币早期矿工Laszlo Hanyecz年幼的小女儿,正踮着脚伸手去拿放在餐桌上的披萨。这两个披萨是Hanyecz用一万个比特币换来的。 

On a day in May 2010, the weather in Florida was warm and sunny, and the programmer and young daughter of Laszlo Hanyecz, an early miner in Bitcoin, was stretching his feet to get a pizza on the table. These two pizzas were traded by Hanyecz for 10,000 bitcoins.


那时,距离比特币问世还不到两年的时间,在普通人眼中它几乎一文不值,一枚比特币的价格还不到半美分,并且根本没有商家愿意接受用比特币付款。而Laszlo Hanyec作为一名早期的比特币矿工,他的电脑每天都能够挖出数以千计的比特币,于是他萌生了一个念头,“在网上寻找一个愿意跟他用比特币交换食物的小伙伴。”

At that time, less than two years before Bitcoin was born, it was almost worthless in the eyes of ordinary people, the price of a bitcoin was less than half a cent, and no merchant was willing to accept payment in bitcoin. And Laszlo Hanyec, an early bitcoin miner, was able to dig thousands of bitcoins every day on his computer, and he conceived an idea, “ and sought out a small partner who was willing to exchange bitcoin with him on the Internet.


On May 18, 2010, Hanyecz made his first request for a deal at the BitTalk Forum, stating that he was willing to buy two pizzas with 10,000 bitcoins from the mine. In the first two days, most of the people at the Forum were still discussing the value of 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas or how to send them to Hanyecz’s place of residence, and even suggested that he sell those bitcoins on the Bitcoin market at a price of $41 instead of buying two pizzas.


It was not until four days after the request was sent that Hanyecz announced that he had successfully exchanged two pizzas with a user named jercos in Bitcos.


18 May 2010, 12:35 a.m.

Laszlo Hanyecz:“我愿意花一万枚比特币买两个披萨。我可以今天吃一个,留一个到明天再吃。你可以自己做或者将外卖订单的收货地址设置为我家。我的目标只是用比特币换取食物而已。”

Laszlo Hanyecz: & ldquo; I'm willing to spend 10,000 bitcoins on two pizzas. I can eat one today and leave one until tomorrow. You can either make it yourself or set it up as my home. My goal is simply to exchange bitcoin for food. & rdquo;


18 May 2010 at 7.01 p.m.

  • ender_x:“10000枚比特币相当多了,你可以拿到bitcoin market上去卖掉,它们还值41美元。”


21 May 2010, 9:12 p.m.

  • BitcoinFX:“Laszlo,我愿意给你买一个披萨,但我不是美国人,他们可能会以为我在恶作剧。”


22 May 2010, 7.17 p.m.

  • Laszlo Hanyecz:“我只想说,我成功的用一万枚比特币换到了披萨。” 


At that time, probably no one thought that eight years later, the price of Bitcoin would be up to $20,000, while the two pizzas would be worth 200 million dollars.

面对与两个亿的失之交臂,有人曾采访过Laszlo Hanyec问他是否后悔错过了成为亿万富翁的机会,Laszlo Hanyec回答说:

Faced with the loss of two billion people, one interviewed Laszlo Hanyec and asked if he regretted missing the opportunity to become a billionaire. Laszlo Hanyec replied:


I don't regret it, because I think that my behavior is great, and that's one way I'm involved in bitcoin development. I know that if I can buy food in bitcoin, then it's like any other currency, and we can live on bitcoin.

其实,比特币诞生的初衷就是成为一种点对点的支付系统。Laszlo Hanyec用比特币换披萨的行为正式开启了比特币在现实中作为一种支付工具的大门。

In fact, Bitcoin was born to be a point-to-point payment system. Laszlo Hanyec's exchange of bitcoin for pizza officially opened the door to bitcoin as a payment tool in reality.

Laszlo Hanyecz和jercos 在这场交易发生之前,彼此并不认识,他们只是在IRC聊天室讨论过关于比特币的问题,对彼此的ID号很熟悉,在看到Hanyecz发出的交易请求之后,居住在距离弗罗里达州1900公里以外的加州西海岸圣克鲁斯附近的jercos在聊天室与Hanyecz取得了联系。

Laszlo Hanyecz and jercos did not know each other prior to the transaction. They only discussed the issue of Bitcoin in the IRC chat room. They were familiar with each other's ID. After seeing Hanyecz's request for a transaction, jercos, who lived near Santa Cruz, California's west coast, 1900 km from Florida, contacted Hanyecz in the chat room.

在那个比特币还属于极客玩物的时期,在商家还没有开始接受比特币支付的时候,他们的交易只能在双方达成共识的基础上进行。2010年5月22日下午,jercos先在棒约翰订购了两个披萨送到了Hanyecz的家中;而后在当天下午 18:16分左右,Hanyecz向jercos的比特币地址发送了10000枚比特币。 

At that time, when Bitcoin was still a gamer, their transactions could only take place on the basis of a consensus between the parties before the merchants began to accept the Bitcoin payment. On the afternoon of May 22, 2010, jercos ordered two pizzas for Hanyecz’s home in John John; then, at around 18:16, Hanyecz sent 10,000 bitcos to the bitcos address in jercos. & nbsp;



The advent of Bitcoin has allowed payment transactions to cross geographical barriers, making it unnecessary for both parties to hand over money on a fixed basis, as was the case when cash transactions were used; and making it unnecessary for third-party intermediaries, such as payment treasures, to complete transaction transfers in the payment process, as was the case with bookings online.


With the further development of the Bitcoin market, there are now more than 200,000 transactions per day in Bitcoin, and more businesses are receiving Bitcoin payments. In 2013, the Commercial Space Flight Company Virgin Galaxy began to accept Bitcoin payments; in December 2014, Microsoft began to allow users to use bitcoins to charge on Microsoft accounts and to purchase games, films and applications from Windows and Xbox stores; in 2015, Foldapp allowed users to obtain 20% discounts on Bitcoins and to buy coffee at Starbucks Gate; in 2016, the German domestic energy giant Energy giant Enercity announced that it would be paid by bitcoins and that residents could pay bills for electricity, gas, heating and drinking water; and in 2017, more than 200,000 businesses in Japan began to receive bitcoins as a legitimate means of payment.


And in the currency circle, May 22 is called & & ldquo; Bitcoin Pizza Day & & rdquao;. Bitcoin fans use this day to remember how Bitcoin, as an emerging means of payment, destabilizes the way the traditional world is paid and goes one step at a time into people's daily lives.


2, Ubrich, the founder of the Dark Net Silk Road: New pet of the illegal trade


In 2010, the 28-year-old Ulbrich published a declaration on LinkedIn stating: & ldquo; I want to build an economic model that will allow people to live in a world without power. & rdquao;


And here the so-called power is rooted in the police and the law of government agencies. Ubrisian liberalism believes that the use and sale of drugs should be based on personal choices; if you want, you can go to drug trafficking, prostitution, gambling, arms trafficking, and even murder.



In 2006, Ubrich graduated from Texas University of Physics, tired of boring physical experiments, and went to Pennsylvania State University to study for a master's degree in material science. During this period, Ublich became fascinated by liberalism and economics, and he not only joined the liberal-up community of Pennsylvania University, but also promoted liberalism in debates on several occasions. After graduate studies, Ubrich, who desperately wanted freedom, came into contact with the Bitcoin concept in the course of starting a business, and decentralised bitcoin seemed to fit well in his heart without & ldquao; power & rdquao; and the world was born out of a dark net with his core ideas of Bitcoin.


The so-called dark network refers to a scaffolding network that cannot be accessed with an ordinary search engine, which is made up of layers of onion circuit encryption, which is very hidden and difficult to trace. In 2011, the physically and material chemically successful Ubrishi created the dark net & ldquo; the Silk Road & rdquo; with self-programming knowledge.


Upon completion of the network, Ubrishi became the first broker to be placed, placing his own and his girlfriend’s phantom mushrooms on the market, in a way that specified the need for anonymously powerful bitcoin, and quickly reaped the first amount of money. After that, the drug traffickers continued to come in the name of the drug dealer, with more than 1 million users of the Silk Road in less than two months, with more than 10,000 commodities, of which 70 per cent were drugs, in addition to selling counterfeit banknotes, gun ammunition, false passport driving permits and stolen credit card information on the Internet. & nbsp;



Bitcoin, as a new currency, became a hard currency of the dark net for less than a year as a means of payment, in addition to its anonymity, to a large extent because its hard-to-trace features are highly compatible with the dark web’s demands. This dual anonymous counter-tracking system, which uses onions by browsing and bitcoin transactions, makes it impossible to trace the funds traded in the dark net and the user’s information.


But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and in October 2013, Ubrishi was arrested by the US FBI while on the Internet in a bookstore. After getting his computer, the FBI analysed it for weeks and concluded that Ubrishi had more than 144,000 bitcoins in laptops, with a total value of more than $122 million, and that the Silk Road, in its two years since its inception, had more than $1.2 billion in drug transactions through bitcoin.



Early data also show that, in the first three years of Bitcoin’s existence, 30% of the transactions were directed to the dark net; by 2014, the average daily amount of transactions in the six dark nets amounted to $650,000. The dark web provided a platform for anonymous matchmaking for illegal transactions, while Bitcoin provided them with an anonymous way of moving assets, which complemented each other for a long time.


Ubrishi was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2015 and his appeal failed in 2017 to uphold the sentence. However, the crest of the dark net creator did nothing to prevent Bitcoin from continuing to be an accomplice to the illegal trade. Less than a month after his arrest in November 2013, the Silk Road version 2.0 went online; then, outside the dark web, Bitcoin became increasingly popular in other areas, such as money-laundering, cyber extortion, etc.


从2011年起,俄罗斯人 Alexander Vinnik开始用比特币洗钱,数额超过 40 亿美元;2014年,魁省29岁的Pascal Reid在迈阿密接头交易比特币时被美国特勤局当场以洗钱罪名逮捕,其用来购买比特币的钱是盗取信用卡数据获得的赃款;2017年5月,全球近100个国家的微软系统计算机遭到WannaCry病毒攻击,黑客要求被攻击用户支付比特币赎金,十天之内150个国家超过20万台电脑被入侵。

Since 2011, Alexander Vinnik, a Russian national, began to launder money in bitcoin, amounting to more than $4 billion; in 2014, Pascal Reid, 29 years of age in Qui province, was arrested on the spot by the United States Secret Service for money-laundering while trading in bitcoin in Miami, and the money used to buy bitcoin was stolen from credit card data; in May 2017, Microsoft computers in nearly 100 countries around the world were attacked by the WannaCry virus, hackers demanded payment of Bitcoin ransom by the attacking users, and more than 200,000 computers in 150 countries were invaded in 10 days.


As of January 2018, approximately 25 per cent of the Bitcoin users and nearly half of the Bitcoin transactions were linked to illegal activities, totalling $72 billion, and illicit transactions were on the rise with the help of encrypted currency such as Bitcoin.


For believers in encryption technologies, the active presence of encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin in the dark net and in the illicit trade has become a stubble of Aklius, which, by some carelessness, could lead to the extinction of Bitcoin.


3 Venezuelan residents in inflation: value-added assets in global circulation that do not depend on central bank issuances


& ldquo; we're all millionaires, but we're all poor. My monthly salary of 9 million Bolivar is barely enough to buy one kilogram of meat. ” Venezuela's 43-year-old nurse Magualda & Middot; Oronos says.


A year ago, the price of a cup of coffee in Venezuela was around 2300 Bolívar; this year it rose to 2 million Bolívars. In August, the price of a roll of toilet paper was 2.6 million Bolívars, and half a box of eggs was about to be shipped by pushers.



In the face of severe inflation, the population is looking for a way to save itself. At this point, Bitcoin, which does not rely on global circulation issued by central institutions, has come to the stage of history and has become an option for Venezuelans who are in a hot state of water.



In most parts of the world, Bitcoin was mainly used as a speculative product, while in Venezuela it was not only able to bring a normal standard of living to the local population, but was also a means of holding foreign currency by circumventing regulatory restrictions in high inflation rates.


If you own a company that needs to import something from abroad, you must have the approval of the government before you can convert the local currency into a dollar. So, in a business like Venezuela, to function properly, you have to buy dollars on the black market or bribe government officials.


In 2014, the situation in Venezuela began to get worse. Reddit’s father opened a good air-conditioning repair company in Caracas, and when they began to realize that their country’s economy was going to get worse, the 858 Graphics planned to open a bank account in the United States, and then converted all of them into dollars against inflation.


In Venezuela, if you want to convert cash into United States dollars, first you can't deposit it in a bank because the government does not allow you to hold foreign currency; second, you can't wander the streets with a lot of money, because there were many thefts in Venezuela at the time; and you can't bring the cash to the airport because you could be blackmailed by airport police. In the absence of a road, 858 graphnics had access to the new technology of Bitcoin, and they converted all their assets into bitcoin if they had no choice.



With the passage of time into 2017, Venezuela's economy was irreversible, and the maintenance of air conditioners by the father of 858 graphics could not be sustained, and 858 & & ldquao, thanks to Bitcoin, enabled us to feed ourselves and to consider the problems of emigration to other countries & rdquao;


The same scene occurred on 29-year-old Venezuelan young Juan & Middot; Pinto. Juan & Middot; Pinto, when he was in line to buy tickets in front of the cinema, sold bitcoin with a cell phone just enough to buy a movie ticket. Although Juan & Middot; Pinto lived in Venezuela, most of his assets were not in national currency, he held a large amount of bitcoin, and he also had a lot of foreign currency in bitcoin.


According to Localbitcoin, the amount of bitcoin traded in Venezuela has been constantly updated since this year, and local residents in a position to do so have taken the Bitcoin route. Venezuela’s cheap electricity bill has made it one of the three most profitable countries in the world, where a common miner can earn around $500 a month by digging bitcoin.



In 2015, Juan & Middot; he quit his job as a mechanical engineer and started digging for bitcoin, which enabled him to make a living in Venezuela’s rocking economy. During this period, he also established “ Dr. Miner” and a company, which installs a bitcoin mining computer for people in need, who can operate automatically on a machine without having to know anything about encryption or mining, so that the mining software would be worth between $200 and $900 a month.


In addition,bitcoin, which could circulate globally, would not only help the Venezuelan people to resist inflation, but also provide them with an easy and immediate mode of transfer.


Juan & Middot; less than one tenth of Pinto’s family and friends remain in Venezuela; most able people have left the country, and most of Pinto’s family live in Spain. Unwittingly, he found that his father’s tenant of his apartment in Caracas, Venezuela, also had Bitcoin, and, for convenience, he agreed that the tenant should use Bitcoin to pay his six-month rent. So, immediately after the tenant sent the bitcoin to Pinto, he transferred it to his brother in Madrid, who immediately received it and converted it to euros on the localbitcoin, and their father deposited the rent in his bank account in Spain within an hour, thereby avoiding the delay and high processing fees for wire transfers.


To read this, we can see that in a country such as Venezuela, the attraction of Bitcoin to the general population is obvious, and that the absence of the characteristics of central agency issuance and global circulation eliminates the question of trust in government and banks and provides an easy and fast way of sending remittances.


From a historical point of view, the distribution of ancient shell money to metal currency, and later paper currency, is a process of gradual convergence between individuals and the government. By breaking this rule, Bitcoin has decentralized the distribution of money to every miner involved in the workload certification mechanism; in Venezuela, this means returning control of wealth to the people themselves.


4 Non-self-incognitive Benz in Australia: Bitcoin's private key is ownership


Who's Nakamoto? It's a puzzle that hasn't been answered yet.

如果要说我们最接近中本聪的一次,大概是在2016年5月份澳大利亚计算机学者Craig S. Wright站出来称自己就是比特币之父的时候。当时,就连中本聪钦点的比特币代码合并者Gavin Anderson也出来为其作证,称其在私下用第一个和第九个区块(当年中本聪将第九区块的挖矿所得转给了已故的比特币开发者Hal Finney)的私钥签署了“Gavin最喜欢的号码是十一”这句话,并得到了Gavin Anderson的验证。

If we were the closest to Mid-Sight, perhaps in May 2016, when Craig S. Wright, an Australian computer scholar, came forward to claim that he was the father of Bitcoin. Even Gavin Anderson, a bitcoin code merger at the center, testified that he had privately used the first and ninth blocks (when Ben-Sight transferred the mine proceeds from the ninth block to the late Bitcoin developer Hal Finney) to sign &ldquao; Gavin’s favorite number was 11 & rdquao; and this was certified by Gavin Anderson.

但是,后来在Craig Wright公开的证据当中,他只用一个已知的签名信息签署了一段 1964 年 Jean-Paul Sartre 在拒绝接受诺贝尔文学奖的演讲片断;而对于记者提出的从已知的中本聪地址转出一笔比特币的要求,他又迟迟没有给出反应。这不禁让人猜测,所有的一切不过是Craig Wright精心布置的一场骗局。 

But later, in Craig Wright's public evidence, he signed only a piece of a 1964 Jean-Paul Sartre speech in which he refused to accept the Nobel Prize with one known signature; and he was late in reacting to a journalist's request to transfer a bitcoin from a known middle-class address. This leads to speculation that everything was nothing more than a scheme designed by Craig Wright.

(Craig Wright给出签名对应的交易信息)

为什么说从已知中本聪的地址转出一笔比特币可以证明Craig Wright中本聪的身份,而用一段已知的签名信息签署文件就不能呢?其实原因很简单,因为在比特币的世界,只有拥有私钥才能证明一个人拥有这笔比特币的所有权;而一段公开的签名信息任何人都可以拿得到,因此并不能证明Craig Wright就拥有这个地址的私钥,从而也就无法证明他中本聪的身份了。

Why is it that a bitcoin is transferred from a known address to prove the identity of Craig Wright, and that a document cannot be signed with a known signing information? The real reason is simple, because in the world of Bitcoin, only having a private key can prove a person's ownership of the bitcoin; and a publicly available signature information that can be obtained by anyone, therefore does not prove that Craig Wright has a private key to the address, and thus cannot prove his own identity.

2016年5月,BBC记者将0.017个比特币汇入2009年第一笔比特币交易的地址,要求Craig Wright表演汇回,但至今没有结果。而在知名记者Andrew O’Hagan的调查中,这场关于中本聪身份的闹剧俨然成为了一个涉及1500万美元的商业“阴谋”。 

In May 2016, BBC journalists remitted 0.017 bitcoins to the address of the first Bitcoin deal in 2009, asking Craig Wright to return the show, but to date there has been no result. And Andrew O&rsquo, a well-known journalist; Hagan, in an investigation, this farce about the middle-aged identity became a business of $15 million & ldquao; conspiracy & rdquao; and nbsp;


2015年,Wright陷入财务困境当中,并遭到澳大利亚税务局的调查,2015年末,他逃离澳大利亚并前往伦敦避难。在此期间,Craig S. Wright数次向他曾经的同事Stefan Matthews寻求帮助。

In 2015, Wright was in financial distress and was investigated by the Australian Revenue Service, and in late 2015 he fled Australia and took refuge in London. During this time, Craig S. Wright sought help from his former colleague Stefan Matthews on several occasions.

据Stefan Matthews的回忆,2008年时Wright曾给他看过一份署名为中本聪的文件,当时没有留意的他后来才意识到,那其实就是比特币白皮书的原稿。这件事情让Stefan Matthews确认Wright与中本聪或多或少存在某种联系。于是,他以此为条件,说服了加拿大P2P公司nTrust的首席执行官Robert MacGregor,让他投资Wright并以1500万美金的价格收购Wright旗下多家负债的电脑公司以及他的知识产权。

Stefan Matthews recalled that, in 2008, Wright had shown him a document that had been signed as a medium-breathing document, and that he had not noticed at that time that it was actually the original version of the Bitcoin White Paper. This led Stefan Matthews to confirm that Wright had some or less association with China’s deaf. So, on that condition, he convinced Robert MacGregor, Chief Executive Officer of NTrust, P2P, Canada, to invest in Wright and buy several of the indebted computer companies under the Wright flag, as well as his intellectual property rights, at a price of $15 million.

在听了Stefan Matthews的描述以及看到了网上爆出的证据之后,MacGregor确信Wright就是中本聪。因此2015年6月29日,他们达成了协议:MacGregor负责清除阻碍Wright公司东山再起的所有未偿还债务,Wright负责提供身为中本聪的故事和自证身份的证据。MacGregor的小算盘打的很好,他想一旦Wright中本聪的身份坐实,他就可以以超过10亿美元的价格出售掉Wright所有的技术专利,大赚一笔。

After listening to Stefan Matthews and seeing evidence of the explosion on the Internet, MacGregor was convinced that Wright was Chinese. So, on 29 June 2015, they reached an agreement that MacGregor was responsible for clearing all outstanding debts that prevented Wright from resurfacing, and Wright was responsible for providing evidence of being a medium-breathing story and self-incognizable identity. MacGregor’s little calculations were good, and he wanted to sell all of Wright’s technology patents at a price of over $1 billion.

然而MacGregor大概没有想到,最终Craig Wright不愿意拿出,或者说他根本没有自己拥有早期比特币地址私钥的证据。

MacGregor, however, probably had no idea that Craig Wright would eventually be reluctant to produce, or that he had no evidence that he had an early Bitcoin address private key.


For traditional assets, such as real estate, automobiles and even bank deposits, if you want to prove ownership, you have to produce a certificate of registration or registration with a central agency, which is entirely counterfeit; for a cash item, it is very difficult to prove ownership, because if you convince others that you own the money, then you are its owner and can spend it at will.

在这里,我们可以来回顾一下从2015年底至今都有哪些证据可以来证明Craig Wright是中本聪:

Here, we can look back at the evidence available from the end of 2015 to date that Craig Wright is a middle-aged man:


A paper published by Wright in his blog in August 2008 on the issuance of an encrypted currency; the paper was similar to that of Bitcoin, which was not published at the time by the Chinese-blog version of Bitcoin: an electronic payment system for point-to-point)

2008年11月,该博客又更新了一篇博文,它包括了一个请求,如果读者想要访问他们的信息,需要使用一个PGP 公钥,而这个公钥显然和中本聪有关联;

In November 2008, the blog updated a blog that included a request to use a PGP public key if readers wanted to access their information, a public key that was clearly linked to medium-tongue;


& ldquo, written by Wright in a blog post before Bitcoin's official access on 9 January 2009 Australian time; bitcoin test version will be online tomorrow & rdquo; text recording


Wright sent his colleagues an e-mail record using an e-mail address satoshi@vistomail.com in January 2014; the satoshi@vistomail.com address is very similar to the e-mail address satoshi@vistomail.com where Sakamoto published the paper)

Gavin Anderson和Stefan Matthews两人证明Craig Wright就是中本聪······

Gavin Anderson and Stefan Matthews proved that Craig Wright was the middle-class · · · · · · · · · ·

如果比特币只是一项普通的发明,以上证据或许可以证明Craig Wright至少是发明者之一;而如果比特币只是一笔普通的现金资产,不要说有Gavin Anderson和Stefan Matthews这两个证人了,即使没有人证明,他也可以随意支配这笔钱。

If Bitcoin was an ordinary invention, the above evidence might prove that Craig Wright was at least one of the inventors, and if Bitcoin was only an ordinary cash asset, let alone witnesses Gavin Anderson and Stefan Matthews, who, even without proof, could dispose of the money at will.


So one of the reasons why we say bitcoin's greatness is that bitcoin has changed the form of ownership of traditional assets. In the world of bitcoin, in any case, only the private key is the only proof that the assets belong to, so that no one can easily depose the wealth of others.


5, Monopoly: Bitcoin is the foundation of the tranco


& mdash; & mdash; meta-channel & nbsp;



In 1996, Chen Ying, who graduated from Qinghua University's Electrical Engineering Department for five years, began to march into the Internet and started to provide Internet data centre services to users by creating the Centurion Internet Data Centre Limited; in April 2011, Chen Ying led the century wire successfully to ring Nasdak’s bell; and today, century wire has become one of China’s largest independent data center operators. And long-term access to network infrastructure and large data has raised concerns about technologies that can help improve productivity.


In 2013, he began contact and was the first to promote the concept of block chains in China. In the area of block chains, he preferred to use the term meta-channel. In 2014, he pioneered the introduction of “ blockchain” translation & “ & & & rdquo; and joined the knowledgeable industry in the industry in the block chain industry; in 2016, with the support of the China-Kore Village Management Committee, he initiated the establishment of the China-Kojiang Block Chain Industry Alliance and served as its Board of Governors; in 2017, he introduced the concept of pass and advocated the development of & ldquao; & & rdquao; and in the financial economy & ;


So-called & & ldquo; Translator & rdquo; popularly speaking, running on a block chain, with evidence of negotiable digital monetary rights. In the spring of 2018, the chain was led by a three o'clock insomnia chain micro-strategy, and everyone was talking about the block chain, and everyone was afraid to step in. At this point, Mr. Yuando held a dialogue with Moncho, the founder of the Translator CSDN, to discuss the issue of the economy.


According to the matinee:

  • “像区块链和通证经济这么颠覆性的技术革命和生产关系变革,必然会激发巨大的浪潮,必然会催生巨大的泡沫;反过来说,也只有山呼海啸的浪潮和泡沫才配得上通证这件事。”


At home, Zhang Jian, who was the first to try to achieve a pass economy, started a currency conversion pilot project in July. The Internet and traditional enterprises, which have mature products and complete industrial chains, have been overhauled in part or in part to re-construct currency conversion and marketing, along the lines and modalities of the pass economy.

元道和孟岩在“我们为什么支持张健开启 FCoin 币改试验区”中说:

Maedo and Mongwa are in & ldquo; why do we support Zhang Jian opening the Fcoin currency conversion test area & rdquao; it says:

  • “我们已经清晰的感觉到,一场通证经济与实体经济相结合、改变传统的利益分配格局、释放人们的创新和协作热情的实践大潮正在孕育涌动,即将席卷而来。我们一致认为,互联网和传统企业通过“币改”,将自己的一部分或者全部业务按照通证经济的思路和模式重构,这将成为一个大趋势,任何人也无法阻挡。‘币改’对这些企业乃至整个行业来说,将是脱胎换骨的蜕变,对于通证经济来说,则是支持实体经济的关键一步”。


Block chains are the infrastructure for trade and value flow, and the translatorization of traditional economies through block chains will change essentially the way assets are expressed and circulating. In the term of meta-channels, they are: &ldquao; the block chain is the back-office technology of the new world, and the translator is the front economic shape of the new world. &rdquao;


But, in the current absence of regulation and infuriated currency circles, there is no denying that the advent of Bitcoin has laid the technical foundation for the realization of the mediocre economy; block chain technology based on bitcoin is actually of little significance to productivity per se, and its real meaning is that it allows people to choose the best way to register, split, and transfer values; it changes not only the way assets flow, but also the relationship between customers, shareholders, employees, and businesses.


In the world of block chains, users can act both as customers and as shareholders. Here, the traditional boundaries between employees, customers and shareholders have become blurred, and we can call them & ldquao; workers & rdquao; and workers are the first priority in the production relationships of the mediocre economy promoted by meta-channels.


6, common encrypted currency investor: 7* round-the-clock transactions


Unlike the traditional stock market, which has a daily trading time limit, the Bitcoin market is a 7* 24-hour place for uninterrupted transactions. Such trading rules break the limitations of traditional markets and provide more room for speculators to encrypt currency markets.


So-called “ moving bricks & rdquo; the process of buying bitcoin from a relatively low-priced trading platform and then selling it to a higher-priced platform. In April 2013, Yuan Ho-sheng and Goku, Chinese students studying in Berkeley, United States, also found that there was a very large difference between bitcoin and other exchanges, especially between different countries, when the difference between US and USbitco remained between 30 and 50 per cent for a long time.


于是,发现套利空间的两人便立刻开始研究具体该如何在不同平台之间搬砖挣钱。但由于当时大部分交易所因为法律问题关闭了注册功能,刚入场的他们一时间找不到可以美元买入比特币的交易所,因此经过大量的搜索和筛选之后,他们选择了一家叫做Local BTC的场外交易平台,用美元与一位埃及卖家进行交易。在收到对方的BTC打款之后,他们第一时间在中国一家差价较高的交易所将其卖掉,这笔交易净赚30%。

As a result, two people who discovered the arbitrage immediately began to study how to move bricks between different platforms. Since most of the exchanges had closed their registration functions because of legal problems, they had not been able to find an exchange where they could buy bitcoin in United States dollars at any given time, after extensive searches and screening, they chose an off-site trading platform called Local BTC, where they traded with an Egyptian seller in United States dollars.


In the face of a 24-hour, round-the-clock market, the time difference between countries does not count, because in the middle of the night or at dawn, you can trade as long as you are awake.


In September 2017, the Central Bank and seven other ministries issued a bulletin to protect against the risk of financing the issue of money in exchange, classifying the hottest ICO as an illegal financial activity. In the interim, domestic currency prices fell sharply, while foreign investors were buying bitcoins at a very low price, resulting in a huge difference in prices in the Middle and Foreign markets.


At that time, a senior investor, A., took the opportunity to buy money on an out-of-country trading platform and then moved to a foreign exchange for a month, making a lot of money back and forth, up to 18% of the profits. Later, he set up a professional brick-shifting team and hired people to watch.


But the 24-hour model is not exactly a good thing. It's starting to make a lot of investors anxious, because perhaps your bitcoin price is already thousands of miles away while you're sleeping.

今年3月7日的深夜在币安平台上,VIA/BTC交易对异动,黑客先通过第三方钓鱼网站盗取用户的账号和登陆信息,再通过调取币安平台的API key在VIA/BTC交易市场程序化下市价买单,造成许多投资者的除了比特币以外的加密货币被以当时市价抛售,并被兑换成VIA,从而导致恐慌性抛售,比特币等币价暴跌而VIA币价大涨。

During the late night of 7 March this year, on the currency security platform, the VIA/BTC transaction was different, with hackers stealing user account numbers and landing information via a third-party fishing website, and API key from the money security platform buying market prices under the VIA/BTC procedure, causing many investors to sell encrypted currencies other than Bitcoin at the current market price and to convert them into VIA, leading to a panic sale, a sharp drop in Bitcoin and a sharp increase in VIA prices.


After creating chaos in the market, hackers profited by doing multiple VIAs or empty bitcoins, and when domestic investors were still sleeping, they had unwittingly completed the harvest.


The 24-hour-long currency market not only destabilizes traditional stock market trading patterns, but also brings speculators into a fast-paced and anxiety-free trading climate, as if it were an unstoppable battle, followed by day and night without sleep, and only a small opportunity for a quick-onset transaction.


concluding remarks


Change is the iron law of the world that lasts forever.


Ten years after Bitcoin, its transformation of the world is true in our lives. And it is changing from the technocrats and from the liberal utopia's bitcoin itself.


It's just this change, and it's not always good.


Bitcoin, for a group of encoded punks, is a realization of liberal thinking about anarchic decentralisation; decentralization, privacy protection, is the attitude that it conveys to the world. But, in development, it is accompanied by the destruction of decentralizing ideals; whether the concentration of mining computing power or the authority of currency circles’ opinion leaders’ calling, countless facts have shown us that bitcoin may be able to subvert traditional centrist forces, but at the same time a new centrist world is being built.


Bitcoin, for a group of cryptographers, is a realization of the technical beliefs of algorithms and consensus, and the developers had a common vision to create a new world. But, in the face of the boom, it was accompanied by a distortion of the technical beliefs; in the backsliding of the middle-brained, the decision-making power in the face of controversy was given to the community itself, and there were disputes and divisions, and numerous speculators began to pay for their lives under the banner of Bitcoin.


In the prophecies of the passive and the loser, Bitcoin is dead at least 315 times, and they're still wondering when its true demise will come; but in the eyes of the activist, Bitcoin may have a longer life expectancy of 10 years as a technology that will not die naturally, using the Lindy effect described in the anti-vulnerability book. & nbsp;



How about changing the world while changing its own bitcoin? Is there something that doesn't change?


Of course there is.


Now Bitcoin is more like a symbol of the human race’s constant quest for freedom and ideals. In the hearts of committed believers, Bitcoin is probably the symbol of the era of the liberal halo.


Good or bad, it's up to Bitcoin's next decade to turn everything upside down or back to square one.





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