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References: https://www.jb51.net/blockchain/801891.html


1, foreword


These days, the knowledge associated with the learning block chain is summarized and documented here.


2 and what is a block chain


The basic function of the block chain is bookkeeping, characterized by immutable features. So it was created to create a book of accounts that cannot be tampered with, so that the block chain can be broken into two parts, namely blocks and chains.

2.1 区块

2.1 Blocks


Blocks may be considered to be a page in the electronic book of accounts, as shown in the figure below, which is a classic block with two transactions recorded.



First, Damian transferred 100 BTC and George transferred 100 BTC.


Second, Bernard transferred 200 BTC, Gerald transferred 200 BTC.


All the characters of these two transactions can be seen as a long string, calculating the long string as a Hashi, assuming that the value is “X32” (which will be a long time, and this is an indication), so that we get the only “signature” of the two transaction records. Assuming that someone now wants to change the transaction record, it will inevitably lead to a change in the signature, so as long as I remember the signature, I can know whether the transaction record has been tampered with, but it is also very expensive for one of my signatures to record, so the chain has been introduced.

2.2 链

2.2 chains


Assuming that we recorded two more transactions in the new block, we recorded the signatures of the previous block together at the time of the bookkeeping, and that the characteristics of the Hashi operation were known that if any characters in block 1 were modified, a new signature value, not “X32”, would be obtained, while the original block 1 had been recorded in block 2, so that it would be very easy to find out whether the value of block 1 had been modified.




In calculating the signature of block 2, we use the “transaction record plus the signature of the previous block” as a string to get a new signature, assuming a “9BZ” and recording this signature in the next block.



& nbsp; achieves a “chain” by analogy, where the value of any block cannot be tampered with, because arbitrary manipulation would cause the signature value calculated by the current block to be inconsistent with the signature value recorded by the next block, which we call a break. As shown in the figure below, the alteration of block 1 leads to a break-off of block 1 with block 2.



& nbsp;3 How the block chain completes the bookkeeping

3.1 私钥、公钥与钱包

3.1 Private keys, public keys and wallets


In normal transactions, we need to use “account names, passwords” more strictly than “transaction codes”, as in virtual currency transactions. In order to participate in block chains, you must first have a “private key”, which is a random 32-bit number, as follows.



It's entirely up to you, you can write your own hand, you can roll your dice, but you make it easy to repeat it with others, and you can use your assets if you do. So it's usually automatically generated through a dedicated random number generator, and it's probably hard to repeat two kinds of random 32 bytes, even if you grow old in the middle of nowhere. The platforms or clients are usually equipped with private key generators, and you don't have to worry about that.


The public key is another string obtained after a series of calculations based on private keys (public algorithms), while the wallet account is obtained after another operation based on public keys (public algorithms). In general, you now have three strings associated with the connection, which are about the following:


Private key: 8F72F6B29E6E225A36B68FE333C7CE5E55D83249D3D2CD6332671FA445C4DD3


Public Keys: 04a34b99f22c790c4e36b2b2c3c3c3c35a36db06226e41fc692fc82b82b8b56ac1c540c5bd5b8dec5235a0fa8722476c7709c025559e3a73aa73a03918ba2d492eea75abea235


Wallet: 3E1yP8eO5Wkaib7DRPsfTN9Xlmu1CizfQg


The most important of these are private keys, which must be preserved, and which need to be kept secret, because public keys and wallets are calculated on the basis of the private key “through open algorithms” whereby anyone who has your private key can use it to calculate the public key and wallet to control your virtual assets. It is also important to note that all three strings are locally produced and that the chain is recorded without the relevant “open account” work.

3.2 如何交易

3.2 How to trade


The course of the transaction may be illustrated by the figure below.



1) Upon the conclusion of the transaction between the parties to the transaction, the seller produces a record of the transaction and identifies its wallet and the wallet of the recipient (a string of characters mentioned above), and the seller then needs to sign the record of the transaction with its own private key (i.e., an encrypt calculation resulting in a string of characters) and to place the result of the signature behind the record of the transaction (i.e. attach the string to the later).


2) Once the seller produces the transaction record and signs it, the record is broadcast on the Internet, accompanied by its own public key (how to do so later).


3) Nodes in the chain network (i.e. miners, later mentioned) will be saved upon receipt of the record, and all records of transactions received will be written into the chain and broadcast to the entire network (why 10 minutes, who has the authority to record the account) every 10 minutes.


(4) In confirming the record of the transaction, however, the node also needs to verify the record of the transaction, for example by testing the public key whether or not the record of the transaction was issued by the seller (how to say later), and also by asking whether the seller has so many coins to deal with.


5) When the broadcast is received by other nodes of the network, the transaction is recorded locally, which allows for a web-wide data synchronization and also completes the confirmation of the transaction.


(6) The seller and buyer will then be able to trace their transaction records on the chain.

3.3 如何知道节点的地址

3.3 How to know the address of the node


At the time of the transaction, we need to know the node address in at least one of the block chain networks in order to submit the data to the network. The Bitcoin source code actually has a direct “initial node” address, defaulting to an URL domain name, which can be accessed directly if the domain name lapses, and the initial node address can be changed by itself. In general, this was done when someone was driving the thing, so the client that they introduced wrote the initial node address, the node that they built and maintained. If you want to change the address yourself, for example, if you know the maintainer of a node, you can fill in his address. When you connect to a node, it will tell you more node addresses, so the mouth-to-mouth transmission maintains a huge node network.


4, how do nodes (miners) work


In the block chain network, two nodes are actually supported: full nodes, light nodes. The whole node is where all the transactions are recorded, so that usually miners maintain the whole node, and, of course, you can do thunderbolts. Light nodes only keep up-to-date records of transactions and synchronize old data according to your needs. Clearly, light nodes are normal “clients” and full node are miners, so how do miners play a role in the network?

4.1 节点如何记账

4.1 How do nodes account for


When it was said earlier that the block chain was created for the purpose of “accounting”, the way in which the account was kept was simple and rough, as described above, by keeping a continuous “block” locally, as well as when receiving blocks that were synchronized by other nodes, it constituted a network of accounts consisting of nodes. All nodes in the network have “full data”, and to be honest, this so-called distributional storage is quite different from the distribution that we often call it.

4.2 奖励机制与挖矿

4.2 Incentive mechanisms and mining


Since every node contains full data, the amount of data will change very quickly, and it will cost to store such data. Why would the node be willing to do so? Because there is a unique incentive mechanism, that is, every 10 minutes, the first node to obtain rights to account will receive 50 bits of money (50 at the start, halved every 4 years, and later).


So all the nodes in the network want to be the first to record, right? So how do we allocate this opportunity? The inventors of the block chain came up with an interesting way of remembering how the blocks we've been talking about were chained, but not completely, and there was a demand when a new block (Block3) was recorded.


That is, when Block2's signature “9BZ” is calculated, it is not written directly in Block3, but you are required to create a random number of nónce, and the string formed by this nónce+9BZ (the signature of Block2) acquired the power to write Block3 only when Hashi calculated that the following particular requirements were met.


This particular requirement is that “Hashi calculates no less than zero” and that the N value is automatically adjusted (and then how the network adjusts the N value), for example, when N is 10, you must calculate the result as follows:



It seems difficult, because Hashi calculates randomly, and the number of random numbers goes beyond the sky. You need to keep changing the values of nonnece and then doing the Hashi calculations, and you get a 10-zero-start string, and you get the right to account. And the network rewards you with 50 bitcoins, a process that is called mining, so we say that nodes maintainers are miners.


As mentioned earlier, once a transaction is concluded, the seller produces a record of the transaction that will be broadcast to the whole network, and all nodes will be received, which will then be available locally, and when a miner receives the particular nonce, he will write the record of the transaction that he will receive into the next block and broadcast it to the whole network, and when the other nodes receive the call, they will be validated and, after validation, all nodes will be searched for the next nonce on the basis of the most recent block.

4.3 为什么是10分钟

4.3 Why 10 minutes


Ten minutes is a target time, and we know that the full network is dynamic, and the more the number of nodes is dynamic, the faster the nonce is found. In order to achieve the goal of a 10-minute bookkeeping, the block chain is controlled by a number of reconciliations of 0. The result of Hashi's calculation, as previously stated, is to meet certain conditions: “Hashi's calculation starts with no less than 0”. Clearly, the smaller the N (0) is less difficult, the larger the N (0) is more difficult, so every full web synchronization is to assess the current network's computing power (that is, to see if it's too fast), and if there is too much weight, then N's value is raised to control the time interval.

4.4 公钥检验原理

4.4 Public key test principle


When you send a record of the transaction to the miners, there will be the following:


1) Assuming your private key is QWER, the public key is ASDF, the wallet is AAA, and the counterpart wallet is BBB.

2)你本地产生交易记录,假设是 “AAA转出100,BBB转入100”

2) You locally generate transactional records, assuming that "AAA transfers out of 100, BBB transfers out of 100.


2) Signing the transaction record using a private key, which in fact is an encrypted operation (which transforms a string into a random number, as Hashi has done), assuming that the signature results are "SDADKJHJGS"


3) Sending transaction records, signatures, public keys to miners


4) Miners' records are about as long as this:


AAA transfers 100 and BBB transfers 100 (transaction records); SDADKJHKJGS (signature); ASDF (public key)


5) Miners use your public key to de-sign a signature (and again a character operation) and can have the result, for example, "AAA transfers out of 100, BBB transfers out of 100."


6) The miner's release was consistent with the record of the transaction you sent, which proves that you did send the record of the transaction.


Why would a miner verify that you sent this record by unsigning it?


Assuming that your current wallet account is BBB, you want to falsify a record that AAA has transferred to BBB, but you do not have an AAA private key, and that you create a private key, QWER-2, on the basis of this private key, the public key, ASDF-2.


The result of the signature of the transaction record using the fabricated private key “Qwer-2” was “SDADKJHJGS-2”.


It is true that miners can also design “SDADKJHJGS-2” using the public key “ASF-2”, which results in “AAA transfers out of 100 and BBB transfers out of 100.


However, the wallet number obtained by the problem miners using the public key “ASF-2” could not be the AAA, so your plan went bankrupt and this transaction record was discarded.

4.5 矿工如何知道你有没有足够的币可以卖

4.5 How do miners know if you have enough money to sell ?


Because of the characteristics of the billing (mining) model, the Miners always keep the most up-to-date block information, he can check all previous transactions to see if you have enough currency.


5, what's six confirmations


When you send the record of the transaction to the miners, he first has a local presence (because he has not yet been given the right to account), assuming that now the whole network has received the record of the transaction that you have submitted, and there is a local presence. At that time, one miner, A, has succeeded in obtaining the right to account (the 10 zero-string string was found), he will write your record of the transaction into the next block, and he will broadcast the information on the nonne and the new block found to the entire network. When the other miners receive it, they will verify that the new block will be recorded on the local chain, and if the check does not pass, the process will be a vote. In general, we believe that the process should be smooth, but that there are bad people, which may lead to a break in the chain.


For example, a miner B did not recognize your results, and he himself found a new result, and he broadcast it to the whole Internet, so that some nodes received block A, and some nodes received block B. What do we do then? Nothing to do, everyone continues digging. But the chain does produce two branches, we call the chain with your transaction record " branch A ", the chain without your transaction record " branch B ", and there are parts of the whole network that support sections A or B.


Assuming that a miner under branch B now succeeds in finding a new nence and broadcasting it to the Internet, as branch B is now longer than branch A, the whole network will be based on the longest chain, that is, the approval of branch B to abandon branch A.


The result is that the transaction records you write are also discarded. So the default takes six confirmations, not six nodes or the whole network, six confirmations, but six new blocks in the chain, so that your transaction records are basically unalterable in the chain, even if a fork in the chain is created. Correspondingly, if the number of additional blocks in the chain is smaller, your transaction records are likely to be discarded. Of course, this number is not absolute, and sometimes three confirmations are OK, depending on you.


In addition, it can be seen that with the creation of a new block every 10 minutes, six new blocks will be created to keep your records secure (60 minutes), which is a bit slower.


6, fees


As mentioned earlier, miners get bitcoin by getting rights to account, but we also know that bitcoin's total is 2,100 W, and that production is going to be slower and slower. Sooner or later, when the digs are finished, no one digs the mine, no one has the incentive to record it, and the entire network of blocks is gone.


So there's a supplementary mechanism, that's the fee. In addition to receiving a direct reward, the miners who get the rights to record the transaction will receive a fee from the demand side, for example, if you need to sell money to someone, if you want the miners to record the transaction for you, you have to pay a certain amount of money.


So here's another point of knowledge: one block is about 2,000 or 3,000 transactions, so a miner digs hard for 10 minutes, gets rights to booking, and he can only record more than 2,000 transactions. But the whole network is active, and there may be tens of thousands of records in 10 minutes.


It's simple, I'll record who pays the extra fees. So another problem that arises is that you'll have to line up if you don't pay the extra fees, and if you don't, you'll be old and no one will record you.


7, 2100W and the halving mechanism


The total of 2100W, which is written in the source code, now has so many nodes in the chain that it is almost impossible to expand it (with all nodes agreeing, otherwise the branch chain would be created).


In addition, the mining unions mentioned earlier that were successful in obtaining the right to account were rewarded with 50 coins, but as more and more of the coins were dug up, the reward would be halved after reaching a certain amount, since it would be approximately 10 minutes to dig up the currency and a simple four-year mechanism could be calculated to halve the reward.

所以奖励是50、25、12.5.。。。依次变小一直到几乎没有,也就是挖矿不再有收益了。这个最终时间也算出来了,就是 2140 前后。

So the reward is 50, 25, 12.5. It's small until there's almost nothing, which means there's no profit from digging. And this is the final time, and that's & nbsp; 2140 before and after.


By then, however, miners would continue to dig, and there would still be a fee.


8 and block size 1MB can be changed


It can be changed, but it has to be agreed on the Internet that if someone changes it, it will lead to a chain fork, and in fact any modification of the agreement may result in a fork. The better known is the BCH, which was used to expand the block, most people disagree, and the person who agreed opened the new fork is the BCH.


9, the smallest split in bitcoin


The smallest division unit is one hearing, one BTC = 100 million, so we can see that BTC actually has a capacity of 21 trillion, so it doesn't look as scarce as 21 million.


10, summary


In general, the block chain is a multi-centric accounting system, and I think multi-centres describe the structure more accurately than distributed, because each node is stored in full, so each node is a centre.


Use private keys, public keys, wallets to achieve full process encryption.


The recording frequency for this system is 10 minutes, and a noce-specific numerical mechanism has been introduced to reconcile this frequency.


To encourage participation in bookkeeping, mechanisms have been introduced to reward Bitcoin after bookkeeping.


In order to avoid an unlimited increase in bitcoin, a total of 21 million mechanisms have been introduced.


In order to avoid digging out the currency in a few days, a mechanism was introduced to halve the incentives every four years.


In order to avoid the underutilization of 21 million dollars, a further 100 million deaf equals 1 bitcoin was introduced.





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