区块链到底是什么?15 - 结语:对生产关系的变革

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:26 评论:0



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Over a period of two months, the basic knowledge of the block chain was completed, and today a wrap-up reading of the block chain is being done.


We spent 30 articles reading the block chain, and the central idea was that the block chain changed the pattern of trust, as summarized in an article on the cover of The Economist in 2015:


Block chains are trusting machines.


I understand this sentence to mean that the block chain itself produces trust, which replaces the role of a trust broker, a trust that comes from a machine rather than a man. It produces trust in a technical way, and it makes it clear that it relies on a mathematical algorithm. It achieves trust in the behaviour and event itself, not in the person who sends it. The significance of that trust lies in the fact that, without any guarantee of trust, strange people can carry out economic transactions in an untrustworthy environment where the demand for trust is extremely high.


Then why should such a model of trust be built?

这需要从比特币诞生的原因来说。 比特币出现的背景是2008年全球严重的金融危机爆发,经济活动中市场这只无形的手已经失灵了,政府有形的手也失灵了。人们对赖以产生信任的政府,银行等中心化机构产生了怀疑,认为现有的信任模式已经不可信,所以一些技术极客们想通过创造一种不依靠人和机构就能自动产生信任,依靠一套更强的用数学规则来发行,分发和流通货币的机制。

Bitcoin emerged in the context of the severe global financial crisis of 2008, when the invisible hand of the market in economic activity had failed, and the Government’s tangible hand had failed. Doubts were raised about trust-producing governments, centralized institutions such as banks, that existing models of trust were no longer credible, so some technocrats wanted to create trust by creating a system that was independent of people and institutions, relying on a stronger mechanism for issuing, distributing, and circulating money using mathematical rules.


All of Bitcoin's design concepts and techniques revolve around how to be safer, more reliable and more easily achieved: automatic distribution of digital money without the intervention of third-party intermediaries, and free distribution and circulation among strangers.


It is uniquely characterized by a range of technologies around Bitcoin: decentralization or weak centralization based on distributed networks, transparent data recording based on encryption, non-rotability, traceability, privacy protection based on cryptography, etc.


Because of these characteristics, on the bottom of the technical block chain of Bitcoin, we see great value in technology, in commerce and in social governance, as well as the transformational visions that it could bring about.


For example, value transfer, governance models and collaborative approaches, changes in distribution patterns, etc.

1. 关于价值传递:比特币实现了数字资产在个人之间自由地传递。区块链将其扩展到任何具有价值的数据,信息都可以自由进行传递,将互联网从信息传递带入到价值自由传递的时代。

1. With regard to the transmission of values: Bitcoin achieves the free transfer of digital assets between individuals.


It means that value exchange and circulation accelerates and expands in scope. First, because the content that can generate value for people is so rich that, in addition to visible property, goods, securities, instruments, assets, etc., there are invisible intangible values, such as people’s own behaviour, ideas, abilities, creativity, creativity, etc., that can be converted into negotiable digital money in a certain way, free exchange and trading. Second, because point-to-point transmission means that any two people in the world can exchange between themselves in the network, free from the constraints of central institutions, will greatly release people’s demand for transactions.

2. 关于治理模式:大家可以想象一下在比特币的网络中有多少人自己花钱买来服务器架在家里就开始轰隆隆地挖矿,或者干脆买下几千台矿机到四川的山沟里建一个矿场开干。这些人是在为谁工作呢?你可以说他们是在为自己打工,但是往深里说,他们实际上是在替区块链工作,帮助它去记录和存储数据,为它建设一个安全的网络,提供安全计算的基础。那他们与区块链之间有雇佣关系吗?没有,他们是完全自由加入,也可以自由退出。没有人招聘,不需要人组织,协调,监督和管理,也没有固定的机构给他们开工资。但是这个组织就这样平平稳稳地运行了10年,从未宕过机,记错过账,交易中也没出现过任何收不上来款的坏账。 这是一个没有公司股东会、董事会以及管理层的自发性组织,甚至比特币区块链没有员工,没有经营场地,没有收入,没有资产负债表,可在它上面跑着几千亿美元的市值。

2. With regard to the governance model, one can imagine how many people in Bitcoin’s network pay for their own servers to start digging up mines in their own homes, or simply buy thousands of mine machines to build a mine in a ditch in Sichuan. Who are these people working for? You can say that they are working for themselves, but deep down, they actually work for a block chain to record and store data, to build a secure network, to provide a safe basis for calculation.


Who's gonna decide how this network works? Clearly, it's not the decision of the board or management.


This is because of the governance model of block chains, i.e. consensus and incentive mechanisms. It is governed by a mathematical algorithm, a playing-based consensus algorithm, and a digital-currency-based incentive. Each node involved in the block chain works according to a pre-prepared set of rules, and acts according to the rules are effective and even rewarded, and there are losses.


A distributed self-governing organization that does not require companies and regulatory bodies gives us much imagination. This is the fourth form of organization outside the State, the market and the company, which is neither planned nor market, but rather a new form of social organization accompanying the emergence of block-chain technology, which maximizes the effectiveness of the organization and the flow of its values and creates new business changes whose theoretical and applied values deserve to be studied in depth.

3. 关于分配方式:由于人们在使用区块链的网络中进行各种协作和链接,可以最大化发货资源的社会价值。那么这个网络的价值由谁来享受呢?因为区块链没有公司和员工,所以其产生的价值不由股东享受,因为它没有股东,也不是由董事会的董事,也不是由管理层,也不是由员工来享受,而是由这个网络的所有加入者共享,百分之百由参与者在使用。

3. With regard to distribution: the social value of the consignment resources can be maximized by the various kinds of collaboration and linkages that people use in the network using the block chain. So who would enjoy the value of the network? Since the block chain does not have companies and employees, the value it generates is not shared by shareholders, because it does not belong to the board of directors, nor does it belong to the management, nor does it belong to the staff, but is shared by all participants in the network and is used 100 per cent by the participants.


So who distributes the value and the resources? Also, because the block chain has no company and is not controlled by the government, it is not allocated by the company’s shareholders, management, or government agencies. It is automatically distributed by machine procedures according to pre-agreed rules, which means that if value is paid in accordance with the rules, the process ensures that you receive the corresponding remuneration, and this distribution avoids the unfair distribution resulting from a person’s own self-interest or rights, and also avoids the lack of autonomy in the distribution of personal values as determined by others.


It is precisely because of the entirely spontaneous division of labour and the pattern of collaboration in the block chain and the way in which it is distributed that fundamental changes have been made in the social relations that have developed in the production of resources, that there is no need for a company or regulatory body to coordinate the division of labour and collaboration between people and for a centre to allocate value and resources.


So the most important thing about the block chain is that it's a change in productive relations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


This post is taken from the author, Cher's little sister.




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