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Lending is the most primitive and dynamic financial demand, with thousands of years of development. In recent years, with the development of Internet technology, traditional lending under the line began to reach the net, and the network lending model of P2Ps, cash loans, and consumer instalments quickly erupted, creating trillions of markets.


However, the Internet has facilitated the dissemination and processing of information, but has failed to resolve the question of trust.


On the borrower side, relevant data indicate that the loan overhang rate is currently rapidly rising, while the high-risk cash lending platform generally has a bad debt rate of more than 30 per cent, relying on millions of dollars.


With regard to the P2P platform, more than 130 platforms have been opened for investigation since the start of the P2P thunderstorm in June 2018. Internet House data show that there are currently over 5300 problem or shut-down platforms, and most of the remaining 1,000 platforms have been difficult to operate. Lenders have suffered huge losses, government regulatory pressure, and social instability have risen. As a result of the crisis of trust, the P2P sector has experienced the first net outflow of funds since June, amounting to hundreds of billions per month.


In summary, there are two main types of trust problems in the Internet lending industry:

第一,对借款人的信任问题:平台方(或放款方)在KYC(Know Your Customer)时无法准确识别可信用户,多头借贷严重,专业团伙欺诈骗贷猖獗。

First, the question of confidence in borrowers: the platform (or lender) was unable to accurately identify credible users when it came to KYC (Know Your Cstomar), multiple lending was serious and professional groups engaged in fraud and fraud.


Second, the question of trust in the platform: the internal operation of the platform is in violation of the law, there is a widespread pattern of self-mutation, mismatches of deadlines, pools of funds, and serious violations such as false labels, ponzi schemes, etc.


Therefore, because information is asymmetrical and lenders do not trust the platform, the platform's (or lender's) inability to effectively identify credible users becomes the most central issue of Internet lending.


As we all know, the block chain is a distributed book, open and transparent, and the data behind the chain are inexorable and indefensible. At the same time, smart contracts are executed automatically, in accordance with pre-agreed rules, free from outside interference.


Network credit typically includes the following processes: feed, wind control, loan lending, post-prior monitoring, and late disposal.


1. Entry


The trueness, completeness, and accuracy of the material are the basis of the entire lending business. In the industry, the issues of false information and false subject matter are largely rooted in this connection.


As a result, the ability to chain raw incoming material (or material in Hashi value) through a transparent, non-defeating and indefensible feature of the block chain distribution ledger would greatly enhance the efficiency of audit inspections and reduce the willingness of borrowers and P2P platforms to commit malfeasance.

瞄准这一环节的痛点,在应用程序、中间件、基础设施三大领域,创业团队、巨头们纷纷布局。商业应用方面,国内外已有一些知名项目先后启动,如Origin Protocol、Civic、uPort、本体、IDHub、THEKEY等,激烈的竞争,或是行业即将取得突破的信号。

In terms of commercial applications, several well-known projects have been launched at home and abroad, such as the Origan Protocol, Civic, uPort, home, IDHub, THEKEY, or the signal that the industry is about to make a breakthrough.


Wind control


Wind control is a key element in lending decisions, and Internet lending typically analyses borrowers’ repayment capacity and willingness to pay through multiple dimensions, such as anti-fraud rules, wind control models, and letters of credit models, on the basis of large data technology. The core of wind control is two dimensions: letters and guarantees.


At present, there is a high degree of fragmentation in the country’s credit sector, and it is difficult and costly for traditional technologies to share and trust each other. The use of block-chain technology to build a platform for coalition institutions allows data-sharing to be integrated across institutions and to solve the problem of industry-based letters of credit.


In addition, with the digital identity of block chains and the development of the translatorization of assets, collateral, pledges and guarantees can also be processed on block chains to address the current cumbersome and complex processes. In the above-mentioned commercial applications, solutions have been proposed for the home, IDHub, Civic, etc., and the industry is now on the verge of a qualitative change.


3. Loans


In the case of network lending, electronic contracts are usually concluded at the same time as lending. Using block chain technology to upgrade existing processes, it is now feasible to chain electronic contracts and the necessary data of borrowers, while sharing data with notaries, judicial arbitration bodies and Internet courts to prepare for subsequent post-lending management and late disposal.


4. Post-credit monitoring


Post-lending surveillance will affect the recovery rate of loans, and periodic post-lending checks are essential.


If a pass model is introduced in the lending process, it can be done through block chain smart contract technology, pre-empting post-prior inspection rules, triggering automatic warning of smart contracts by events, automating the suspension of lending, a pass freeze, and so on.


5. Overdue disposal


When a loan is overdue and bad debts occur, it triggers a call for collection and guarantee, i.e. requiring the delivery of a pledge, or the guarantor to perform the guarantee. In real life, this process usually takes months.


It is gratifying to note that many attempts have been made by pioneers in the block chain industry in the area of lending.

数字货币质押借贷领域,目前参与者众多,项目非常活跃,颇有当年千团大战、P2P大战的阵势。国内外项目如SALT、ETHLend、CRED、MakerDAO、LendChain、Social Lending、币币贷、贝宝等均涉足了这一领域。主要模式有质押数字货币兑换数字货币、质押数字货币兑换稳定币、质押数字货币兑换法币等,借款形式上和网络借贷最为相似,包括了C2C、B2C等。

In the field of digital money pledge lending, there is a large number of participants, projects are very active, and there were a thousand wars and P2P wars. Projects at home and abroad, such as SALT, ETHLend, CRED, MakerDAO, Lend Chain, Social Lending, Currency Loans, Bébo, etc., are all involved in this area.


In the area of credit lending, the Suretly project uses the multi-person guarantee model, whereby each borrower needs guarantees from dozens of guarantors to obtain a loan. If the borrower fails to repay the loan, each guarantor has to bear the small portion of the borrowing for which it is responsible.

要打造一个基于区块链的网络借贷产业,除了各种不同的贷款平台外,还需要一些基础设施。这样的项目包括: GXChain,旨在打造可信数据的价值网络;Dharma,目标是为开发人员提供必要的工具和标准用于开发在线贷款平台;Bloom将信用评估引入区块链领域;原力协议打造全球去中心化P2P借贷协议,解决P2P借贷信任问题,使得借贷平台方便快捷的开发去中心化借贷应用,共享全球借贷订单;以及前述的Civic、本体等项目。

A network lending industry based on block chains requires infrastructure in addition to a variety of lending platforms. Such projects include: GX Chain, which aims to build a value network of credible data; Dharma, which aims to provide developers with the tools and criteria necessary to develop an online lending platform; Bloom, which introduces credit evaluation into the block chain; the GLA, which builds a global decentralised P2P lending agreement, addresses the P2P lending trust problem, and allows the lending platform to be developed quickly to centralize lending applications and share global lending orders; and the aforementioned Civic, home-grown, etc.


In the future, as the technology of the bottom public and union chains matures, lending-related infrastructure can resolve the current credit-value transfer challenge, automates the credit process and decentralize its management. Digital assets, especially physical assets, will provide more room for growth and imagination in net lending, greatly contributing to social productivity and economic growth.




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