好用的虚拟信用卡推荐(开卡教程) - 解决 ChatGPT Plus 海淘购物等无法支付问题

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618 好价

如果你经常出没于网上各种网站平台,你会发现很多海外购物网站、开通各种 APP 或影视会员、订阅网络服务、购买 VPS 服务器等等的时候,使用国内的信用卡都可能“无法支付”。

If you often go to web platforms, you find a lot of , opening various APPs or video members, subscription to web services, purchasing , etc., when using domestic credit cards etc.

而最近热门的 ChatGPT 无论是 Plus 会员或 API 绑定信用卡问题也同样难倒了无数人。并不是所有人都有国外朋友帮忙代付,所以申请一张能真正通行全球的「国外虚拟信用卡」就极其有用了。而且虚拟卡好处是免资质审核、注册即用,最重要是能成功解决很多烦人的支付问题……

, which also makes it difficult for countless people to bind credit cards, whether by Plus members or API. Not all people have friends abroad to help with their payments, so it would be extremely useful to apply for a virtual foreign credit card

「主要推荐:NobePay  |  Dupay

最近很多人在烦恼 ChatGPT 无法开通 Plus 会员,或者 API 里没有余额,必须绑定信用卡才能继续使用,而国内的卡片基本都无法成功绑定。所以我们还是值得办一张「虚拟信用卡」(Virtual Credit Card) 来专门对付这种需求的。所以异次元实测了几张能成功的虚拟卡,推荐给大家。

or API has no balance. Credit cards must be tied in order to continue to be used, and the cards in the country cannot be tied successfully. So we still deserve a virtual credit card to deal specifically with this demand.


虚拟信用卡 (也叫 VCC) 除了解决 ChatGPT Plus 购买和绑定的问题外,还能解决众多国外购物平台、网络服务/应用软件订阅、买游戏、购买 VPS 服务器等等的支付问题,甚至对那些绑定信用卡免费试用的活动还能薅薅羊毛

Virtual credit card (also known as VCC) in addition to resolving the purchase and binding problems of ChatGPT Plus, it also solves many problems with the payment of , web services/application subscriptions , purchase >, and even the free-of-card-card-card-card-card-carding activities .

而相比传统的实体银行信用卡,虚拟卡的好处是无需审核资质、注册方便快捷、无需等待实体卡,充值即用,而且可以批量多开卡,同时还有不同的卡组织 (VISA / Master / 运通等) 或卡号可以选择,能顺利通过很多用实体卡无法成功支付的场景,因此用途特别广泛。

In contrast to traditional entity bank credit cards, the advantage of virtual cards is that they are available without qualification, ease of registration and speed, without waiting for a real card, that they can be filled, that they can be issued in bulk, and that there are different card organizations (VISA/ Master/ Express, etc.) or card numbers that can be selected, and that can successfully pass through many of the scenes that cannot be successfully paid on the real card , thus being particularly widely used.


fibic credit card use

VCC 的品牌其实不少,而下面是目前网上比较热门且值得推荐的虚拟信用卡,各有各的优势和缺点,大家可以根据自己的需求选择。

VCC has a number of brands, and the following is a more popular and recommended virtual credit card on the Internet, each with its own strengths and weaknesses and one can choose according to one's own needs.

NobePay」的虚拟信用卡最大的优点就是「能直接用微信充值」!这一点对广大普通用户来说g更为方便!而且他提供了很多种卡号可以自由选择,能针对不同的用途使用不同的卡。无论是支付 ChatGPT Plus,或是支付广告费、海淘等等都行,只要是正规用途都可以用。

The greatest advantage of the virtual credit card is that ! This is easier for a wide range of ordinary users g! and he offers a wide range of card numbers that can be freely chosen and can use different cards for different purposes. Whether , or for advertising, nagging, etc.

NobePay 虚拟信用卡

它可选的卡号也更丰富!用途更为广泛!而且也无月费,充值更方便,强烈推荐!!而金额充值进去好歹也是可以自己随意消费,所以只要能用回来就不亏。USDT 充值则无最低门槛限制,后面我们有提到利用「币安」进行 USDT 充值的教程。

But it also has a threshold for the use of the renminbi, the minimum amount of which is £500. It's a little expensive, but it's also expensive. After all, it is almost the only virtual card that supports the renminbi's direct charge, which is absolutely cost-effective, and The optional number of cards is more abundant! It is more widely used! It is also free of monthly charges, easier to charge, and strongly recommends

注册 NobePay 虚拟卡
如要邀请码,可填 支持一下


而且 NobePay 还能支持一些要求 3D 验证的支付渠道(比如土耳其区的一些在线商城),能通过这个验证的基本只有少数银行的实体卡,所以 NobePay 的兼容性还是非常值得一赞的。

And Nobepay can also support some of the payment channels that require 3D certification (e.g., some online malls in the Turkish district), which are basically physical cards of a small number of banks, so the compatibility of Nobepay is very commendable.

  • 注册邀请码: → 注册入口
  • 充值方式:支付宝、微信、USDT
  • 最低充值金额:500¥ 人民币 / USDT 不设限 (可参考后面的 USDT 充值教程)
  • 优点:多种卡号任选,VISA / Master 可选,支持 3D 验证
  • 费率:服务费率 3% 普通用户;2% 专业用户;1% 企业用户
  • 月费:无月费,但有开卡费 $1 美元/张 (不同卡头价格不同)
  • KYC (实名认证):必须
  • 其他:官方暂时政策不允许绑定国内平台消费,比如微信、支付宝或在成人网站消费等。

DuPay」(以前也叫 DePay) 是网上超多人推荐的虚拟信用卡之一,它的特点是申请容易,而且无充值金额门槛,实测支付 ChatGPT Plus 无问题。但它需要使用 USDT (加密货币) 进行充值。所以流程是,你先要借助「币安」等交易所,将人民币兑换成 USDT,之后才能充值到 DuPay (DePay) 里进行消费。

(formerly known as Depay) is one of the virtual credit cards recommended by a number of people online, which is characterized by easy application and no threshold for the full payment of ChatGPT Plus. It requires the use of USDT (encrypted currency) for charging. So the process is to use exchange to convert the renminbi to USDT and then to consume it in Dupay (Depay).

DePay 虚拟信用卡

如果你不嫌注册币安麻烦,或者本来手上就有加密币的同学,那么 DuPay / DePay 就非常实用了。基本用多少充多少,随意消费。而且 DuPay 的优点在于可以绑定卡片到国内平台( 微信、支付宝、淘宝等) 消费,换句话说,你可以将 USDT 的加密币变成国内日常消费卡使用。

If you don't mind registering , then DuPay/Depay is very practical. It's basically as much as it costs. And the advantage of DuPay is that you can tie cards to domestic platforms (microletters, payment treasures, scavengers, etc.) for consumption, in other words, you can turn USDT's encrypt currency into a national daily consumption card.

注册 DuPay 虚拟卡
如需邀请码可填 支持一下

卡片额度/月20000 USD20,000 USD50,000 USD200,000 USD
卡片充值费用2.00%1.35%1.20%1 .00%
  • 充值方式:USDT
  • 注册邀请码: → 注册入口
  • 最低充值金额:5$ 美元
  • 优点:可选无需 KYC 的卡种,支持国内消费使用
  • 费率:不同卡种对应不同的开卡费和月费,参考表格
  • KYC (实名认证):Lite 卡无需实名,但费率更高;而其他卡种必须实名,费率更低。
  • 其他:支持在国内平台消费,可绑定支付宝、微信、美团、淘宝、亚马逊电商、亚马逊云、谷歌商店、苹果商店、PayPal 等支付渠道

OneKey Card」虚拟信用卡是由一家专做“硬件数字钱包”的 OneKey 公司发行的。OneKey Card 的费率比 DuPay 低廉一些,支持通过 USDT 或 USDC (USD Coin) 充值。它不仅可以支持绑定开通 ChatGPT PLUS 服务 (美国卡),而且也可以绑定微信、支付宝、PayPal 甚至是 Google Pay 等渠道进行日常消费,加上费率相对低廉,非常实用。

is a virtual credit card from issued by a company. OneKey Card has lower rates than Dupay, supports daily consumption through USDT or USDC (USD Coin).

OneKey 虚拟信用卡

注册 OneKey 虚拟卡

充值可以用 Binance 币安OKX 来购买 USDT / USDC,具体流程跟 DePay、NobePay 的步骤基本一致,大家完全可以参考其他 USDT 充值步骤,这里就不重复了。

The full value can be purchased by , , the process is largely consistent with the steps of DePay, Nobepay, and it is entirely possible to refer to other USDT charging steps, which are not repeated here.

在 DePay 维护的期间,OneKey 卡可以说是相当好的替代品了。尽管 OneKey 的充值最低门槛是 $30 美元,但其充值的费率要低于其他几家,所以使用成本比较低,也是非常值得推荐的。

OneKey can be said to be a pretty good alternative during the Depay maintenance period. Although OneKey has a minimum charge threshold of $30, its charge rate is lower than that of the others, so the cost of use is very low and highly recommended.

  • 注册邀请码: → 注册入口
  • 充值方式:USDC、USDT
  • 最低充值金额:30$ 美元
  • 优点:无需月费 (银卡以外),费率低,支持国内消费使用
  • 费率:不同卡种对应不同的开卡费和月费,参考表格
  • KYC (实名认证):需要
  • 其他:支持国内平台消费,可绑定支付宝、微信、Paypal、Google Pay 等渠道

注意:OneKey 虽然因政策原因宣布已不支持国内身份 KYC 验证。但网友实测可以选择中国香港,然后上传内地身份证或护照即可成功验证

Note: OneKey has declared for policy reasons that it no longer supports the domestic identification of KYC. But the web-friends' measurements NobePay、DuPayOneKey 等都可以通过 USDT 充值,这里以 DuPay 为例子,介绍怎样将人民币兑换成 USDT,大概的步骤流程是这样子:人民币 → USDT → DuPay 钱包 → 兑换成美元 → 充值进去虚拟卡。(NobePay 可直接 RMB 充值所以简单些)

, , , using DuPay as an example, describing how to convert people's coins into USDATE

USDT 充值虚拟信用卡教程


具体 USDT 充值操作流程 (DuPay 为例) 如下:

  1. 前往这里注册 DuPay 账号 ,并下载 DuPay APP (支持安卓和 iOS)
  2. 如看到需要填推荐码的地方,可以填我的 支持一下
  3. 注册成功后可选择 0 元开卡 (需实名认证),也可开通 $10 的 Lite 卡 (匿名免认证,但后续消费费率会高一点),也可开通 $50 的无月费的白金卡,这个你自己选择。
  4. 在 APP 里,可选择申请一张虚拟的 Master / VISA 卡 (不同卡不同费率)
  5. 虚拟卡余额需通过加密币 USDT 充值,可以问朋友/咸鱼或注册一个交易所平台比如「币安 Binance」或「欧易 OKX」来使用微信/支付宝购买 USDT。

    注册欧易 OKX 账户

    注册币安 Binance 账户

    注 1:需用非中国 / 非美国的 IP 访问
    注 2:国内用户要用邮箱注册
    注 3:此类网站特殊性,部分浏览器会提示“欺诈网站”,请自行判断
  6. 在“DuPay APP → 钱包 → USDT → 充币 → TRC20”里能获取 USDT-TRC20 的充值地址
  7. 进入 币安欧易 后「买币」获得 USDT,然后「提现 (或叫提币) → 转账网络必须选 USDT-TRC20 (或叫 TRX Tron TRC20)」,总之必须是 TRC20,然后 USDT 地址输入你在 DuPay APP 上获取的充值地址
  8. 充进去后,在钱包里将 USDT 转换成 USD 美元,再将美元充进卡里,之后即可消费

派安盈 PayOneer」比较特别,它是一个正规的电商跨境支付解决方案服务平台,它主要面向做外贸生意的人群,并不太适合广大普通网友。因为派安盈 PayOneer 最大的卖点在于帮你收款,然后将美元 / 欧元 / 日元等货币提现成人民币。它的资金来源主要是海外电商、外贸生意的收入,而并没有提供普通的充值方式。但这对于本身就有海外收入的朋友反而特别合适!!

is more special. It is a formal power provider's platform for cross-border payment solutions, which is primarily aimed at people engaged in foreign trade, and is not well suited for the general network. Because the biggest selling point for PayOneer is to collect for you , and then to raise currencies such as US dollars/euro/Japanese yen to people's currency.

派安盈 Payoneer 信用卡

注册 PayOneer 派安盈

你可以方便地利用派安盈将外币的电商收入提现成人民币(重点是不受美元限额限制,但你也得证明资金来源合法)。比如我一直用它提现 PayPal 里的收入,以及一些海外项目的收益,很多年了,非常稳定可靠

You can easily use to raise the income of a foreign-currency supplier into the renminbi (the focus is not limited by the dollar limit, but you have to prove that the source of funding is legal). e.g. I have used it to amass revenue from PayPal, as well as proceeds from some overseas projects, for many years, very stable and reliable .

之后,你就能申请开通 PayOneer 的虚拟信用卡了(可以选择要虚拟卡还是实体卡),然后就能直接用来消费账户里的钱了。所以它与前面介绍的几张卡都有所不同。

Then you can apply to open PayOneer's virtual credit card (and you can choose whether it's a virtual or a real card) and then you can use it directly to consume the money in the account. So it's different from the cards that you described earlier.

  • 支付开通各种网络会员服务,比如 ChatGPT Plus 、NetFlix、Spotify 等,还有各种订阅费用比如 Patreon、SetAPP 等;
  • 购买国外的 VPS 服务器;订阅国外的 APP 软件服务等;跨区服购买游戏,比如 Steam、小绿人、任天堂 Switch 游戏等;
  • 海淘购物防止砍单:部分购物平台风控严格,非本地信用卡下单会被砍单,使用虚拟信用卡则可以解决这类问题,大大提高海淘抢货的成功率。
  • 薅羊毛 (各种免费试用):很多工具软件、网络服务在使用前都可以通过绑定信用卡账号来获取免费试用机会,而虚拟卡正好能派上用场。
  • 避免资金损失:由于虚拟卡都是提前充值进去再消费的,只要你不大额充值,就算遇到被盗损失也不大。而传统信用卡的授信一般都比较高,可以被透支很多额度去消费。
  • 海外电商各种相关业务:如果你本身从事海外电商的一些业务,比如 Shopee、Shopify 开店,或需要在 Facebook、Google、Tiktok Ads 等平台投放广告等,都可以借助虚拟卡进行扣费支付



Although the /strang' can significantly improve the success rate of Internet payments, it is not all-powerful. Because credit card payments are “wind control” in many ways, not just the cards themselves, but the networks, geographical location, frequency of payments, etc.

比如近期很多人关注的开通 ChatGPT Plus 或绑定 ChatGPT API 问题,它对 IP 的检查非常严格,就算你的虚拟卡原本能成功,但如果它检测出你网络 IP 段所在地属于“高风险地区”,又或者这个 IP 段曾有过频繁异常的网络请求,或是尝试付款失败次数过多,都会“有杀错不放过”。

For example, in recent times, many people have been concerned about or tied to ChatGPT API, which is very rigorous in its scrutiny of IP, even if your virtual card could have been successful, if it had detected that your network IP section was located in a "high-risk area", or if this IP section had had had frequent and unusual web requests, or attempted to pay too many failed times, it would have been “cryful”.

所以,ChatGPT Plus 支付成功的关键,除了使用上述公认能过 GPT 的虚拟卡以外,更重要的因素就是「要有健康干净的 IP 段」,同时最好是要 IP 的地理位置要跟你的账单地址一致。因此,当你使用上面推荐的卡无法成功支付时,更换不同的网络 IP 再试会有意外的惊喜哦

So, the key to ChatGPT Plus's success is that, in addition to using the above-mentioned virtual cards, which are recognized to be above GPT, the more important element of is "to have a healthy and clean IP paragraph" , and preferably to have the IP geographic location match your billing address. So, Chrome 浏览器 开启「无痕模式」,再换到比较少人用的日本 IP 一遍就过了。所以,最后还是这个结论:使用虚拟卡+干净健康的 IP=成功支付

According to my own estimates, the same card, with one American IP, could not be used at all. (It is estimated that too many people share this IP segment are listed as high-risk by wind control systems.) Then , and then switch to less-used Japanese IPs . So, finally, this conclusion is: 美化布局示例



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