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& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; in 2017 Bitcoin went crazy for a whole year, and the chain of blocks rekindled in 2018. “You can hardly imagine anything like the chain of blocks, and in a few days the fire went all over the coil, and the heat was high.” On January 13, an Internet company, CEO, was struck at the annual meeting.

  区块链公司  155---0116---2665  区块链的应用难以脱离代币发行,因此解决代币投机问题仍有难点。而受制于场景应用、技术配套以及缺乏第三方来翻译区块链语言,区块链落地也成为一大难点。意为首次代币发行,源自股票市场的首次公开发行(IPO)概念,是区块链项目首次发行代币,募集比特币、以太坊等通用数字货币的行为。政策一出,国内区块链企业发行虚拟代币的情况被遏制,发币行为转至地下。 

Block chains & nbsp; 155--0116--2665 & nbsp; block chain applications are difficult to separate from the issuance of tokens, and therefore it is still difficult to solve the problem of surrogates. It is a major challenge to be subject to the application of scenes, technology packages, and the lack of third parties to translate the language of block chains. For the first time, the concept of the first public release (IPO) originated in the stock market, which is the first time that a block chain project has issued tokens to collect money and collect generic digital currencies such as bitcoins and tatais.


Block chain technology is special, and to apply it, digital assets must be generated, and the medium that sustains the operation of the asset is a token, also known as a translator, a code. The real logic of the ICO should be that the developers of the block chain need to raise resources in front of the project to develop the block chain, but once the project has been completed, the developers can no longer exercise control and can only exchange the development of the project tokens with the resources raised in the previous period. For example, in a number of sector chain projects that have been used for food safety traceability, the tokens have become a sign that can be created indefinitely, so that there is no value for fumes.


  目前,国内互联网公司的第一梯队腾讯、阿里、百度、京东等已在涉足区块链项目,其他互联网公司也在近日传出上马区块链项目,甚至一些A股上市的传统企业也热炒区块链概念。也有人对区块链的爆发十分谨慎,区块链金融平台Goopal Group创始人孙茳涛近日发文表态称,“现在的区块链无疑是积聚了海量的泡沫,而这个泡沫恐怕在2018年,或者说在几个月之内就将彻底引爆。”

Currently, the first echelons of domestic Internet companies have been involved in block chain projects, Ali, 100, and Kyundong, and other Internet companies have recently passed out on horse block chain projects, and even some A-stock-listed traditional businesses have been burning the concept of block chain. There are also people who are very cautious about the outbreak of block chain outbreaks, and the founder of the block chain financial platform, Goopal Group, Sun Xiaotao, has recently stated that “there is no doubt that the current block chain is a bubble that has accumulated the sea volume, and it is feared that it will explode completely in 2018, or within a few months.”


The bubble is due, on the one hand, to the fact that some people themselves want to “rich” through the concept of block chains, or, on the other hand, to the fact that it is difficult to land on the block chain at this stage. “The block chain should be applied in a shared, co-built, co-supervised way, with a deep study of block chain technology and an understanding of the pain in its application.


One application of block chains is in the area of supply chain finance. He explained that supply chain finance involves institutions such as core firms, upstream and downstream enterprises, and banks, and that block chain technology is well suited to address credit transfer challenges in traditional supply chains.


New Kyoto reporters found that in June 2017, Kyoto introduced the “Kyoto Quality Anti-Pseudo-Coalition Coalition” for the use of block chain technology in the field of living and living, and that consumers can access information such as the source of fresh production in the union by scavenging codes. But, for consumers, it is a big challenge to verify the authenticity of two-dimensional logs of information. “The chain of blocks is so hard to distinguish from those who do not know how to program it.” Shaw Qian, on the other hand, there is currently no effective third party in the market to interpret, evaluate, etc., the chain of blocks against forgery.


Real landing is also an important criterion for investment agencies to judge a block-chain project. “We have invested in a block-chain project in early 2016, and today we see that industry is more mature, but market bubbles persist.


“The block chain has the value of smart contracts, and machine contracts account for a large part of artificial intelligence. If the block chain technology is integrated with AI technology as one of its underlying technologies, then the contract between machine and machine can be executed automatically.” Tanmo says, in addition to machine contracts, machine safety is also a matter to consider. The development of artificial intelligence is then to consider how to define and reverse control of the person’s relationship with machine.


Zhao Yongqiang gave an example: Assuming that scientists now have developed a robot with the same mental skills as a normal person, there is no difference on the face of the two. In this case, how can the identity of the two be distinguished?


In the case of reverse control of humans and machines, the same idea can be applied. Generally, artificial intelligence is learned by a large number of machines, and the machine becomes autonomous. With autonomy, once the process is out of control, the person can no longer control the machine. In this case, the block chain, as a programming technique with encryption algorithms, cannot be tampered with, ensures that the machine is executed without disruption in accordance with predefined procedures.


In addition to this, the combination of block chains and autopilot technologies can also prevent unsafe factors such as autopilot and attack. “In this sense, block chains can idealize and balance the uncertainty or insecurity created by high technology in the future. But these are still at the stage of exploration and research.” Zhao Yongqing said.


& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Block chain heat, which gives a growing number of people the expectation of “subversive” technology giving block chain technology, such as “promoting progress in human science and technology.” Changing the financial system, achieving value transfer, and maintaining the safe operation of smart machines... It is as if the technological applications of block chains are beyond our understanding of traditional thinking.


“The block chain is essentially a technological innovation, but it is an innovation that gives rise to great power in terms of social organization collaboration and improved productive relations. In the technical circles, the block chain is a step forward, but applying it to social organization relationships can lead to significant changes in social organization and modes of collaboration.” Meng Iwu.


For example, in a block chain community, a group of people in an organization determine the relationship of interest by means of a translator (i.e. a token) and decide a thing together. There is no need for a pyramid structure like that of a traditional company, but rather for an individual to interact directly with the individual.


“The hierarchical form of pyramid organization is, to a large extent, designed to overcome the problems of trusting borders. Once these problems are resolved by technical means, changes in social relations will occur.” Mon-Ion means.


In this logic, it is much more destabilizing than technological change in the form of the organization. In the view of Xianqian, the structure of the company’s organization will change as soon as it is widely applied in the future, even without the management of various leaders and managers.


Although it seems ambitious, Li Jun is not optimistic about this “subversive” situation: “decentralization will occur if it does not reach a high level of material enrichment.” In his view, the way the block chain is decentralized is contrary to the social habits and organizational patterns that have developed over thousands of years; and if, within the framework of the P2P organization, it is difficult for a person to communicate directly with tens of thousands of people in the light of normal human energy, the centralization (intermediary) exists precisely in order to improve efficiency.




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