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Block chain technology is a typical decentralisation model. Each computer host is a node, and they are equal, with no node in the system interacting directly and without the concept of a central node. At the same time, the transaction information at any two node is encrypted to the whole web, and all nodes are stored individually in encrypted blocks in time series, thus forming a completely new decentralization model. The process of transmitting the flow of A-B funds is therefore the process of clearing A-B funds, and A and B prove identity through their respective digital signatures, without the need for third-party trust endorsements to directly achieve point-to-point electronic cash payments.


The block chain-based transfer payment system is efficient, secure, available and extended. Using block chain technology, distributed accounting, each user can access the transaction status by password, and the funds are liquidated in real time, both reducing transaction costs and risks and making the transaction more efficient.



Omise was established in 2013 as a Thai-based financial technology start-up company and has now received three rounds of financing. Omise operates mainly in Thailand, Japan, Singapore, and Indonesia, and expands rapidly in the Asia-Pacific region. In November 2016, Omise was rated & ldquo; financial technology star & rdquo; and in May 2017, Omise announced that it would work with payment treasures to launch an electronic wallet to integrate & ldquao in its own payment service package; payment treasure & rdquao; and payment solutions to help local e-commerce businesses in Thailand accept online payments from Chinese tourists.

关于OmiseGo 这个项目是采取传统VC+ICO组合模式,之前通过VC融资了大概2500万美元的Omise发起的ICO,项目名称为OmiseGo。它打算利用以太坊的技术开发一个电子钱包,通过OmiseGo,任何人都可以以一种完全分布式和比较便宜的方式来进行金融交易。

With regard to OmiseGo, which is a traditional VC+ICO portfolio model, the ICO, a project called OmiseGo, which has been financed through VC for approximately $25 million, is intended to develop an electronic wallet using the technology of Taiku, and through OmiseGo, anyone can carry out financial transactions in a fully distributed and cheaper manner.


Bytes Snowball (GBYTE)


Byteball is a new platform called block chain 3.0. Rather than a block chain, it uses a more sophisticated DAG technology than a block chain.


Byteball has a very good wallet. For the first time in an encrypt world, a model like AppleStore allows free developers to develop applications on the Byteball platform.



白币依靠社区,优先考虑重大项目,和对社区最重要的整体开发方向。白币开发团队通过我们的网站, 选举,投票和我们在 bitcointalk.org论坛上的主帖的方式,不断为您的社区,做最重要的开发工作。

The white currency depends on the community, giving priority to major projects and the most important overall development directions for the community. Through our website, elections, votes and the "http://itbbs.pconline.com.cn/"target="_blank" crisss= "cmsLink" forum , the white currency development team continues to do the most important development work for your community.

白币由一个专门的支持者团体驱动,没有一个人能独自控制。 这种有吸引力的组合将有助于确保稳定性、 增长和引人注目的技术发展。来自世界各地的人们一直致力于开发白币,使其安全可靠。 白币自 2014年 初以来就存在。

This attractive combination will help ensure stability, growth, and remarkable technological development. People from around the world have been working to develop white currency to make it safe and secure.

我们通过您决定的创新举措,持续聚焦白币的稳定性、安全性和长寿性。 我们通过增强我们的钱包、将 服务和商家整合到我们的块链中,同时不断改进我们的代码,使我们的技术与其他数字币分开。

We continue to focus on the stability, security, and longevity of the white currency through the innovative initiatives you have decided on. We keep our technology separate from other digital currencies by increasing our wallets, integrating our services and businesses into our chains, and constantly improving our codes.

当你决定投资白币时,你不会投资一个快速致富计划,而是投资于社区和价值观念,那就是我们向纯粹 的伟大持续改进。

When you decide to invest in white coins, you don't invest in a quick-rich scheme, but in communities and values, and that's what we're doing for the pure, great, continuous improvement.

白币这样一个年轻的数字货币已经经历了时间的考验。 从伴随着一帮只关心钱的开发者而来的野蛮起始 阶段,白币现在已经演变成为由 LOGO标志所描绘的强大能量所驱动。 现在白币是由投资者,开发者和社 区驱动的。 目前,所有的工作都是以志愿者为基础,同时对于关键的开发、图形和社区推动的倡议提供 奖金。 白币过渡团队已经开始接受捐赠,用于支付开发、营销、服务和其他经营费用。

From the start of the barbarous phase, accompanied by a group of money-only developers, the white currency has now evolved to be driven by the powerful energy that the LOGO logo depicts. The white currency is now driven by investors, developers, and social communities.



TenX seeks to maximize user access to as many block chain assets as possible, while complying with the highest safety standards in the ecosystem. This can be done through block chains, using COMIT standards to work in full trust, real time, and cost-free ways. We provide end-users with debit cards and accompanying mobile wallets, not only with Bitcoin (BTC), Etheria (ETH), Dash (DASH), but also with almost all block chain assets. TenX wallets can be used in nearly 200 countries, and today receive more than



Metal is a block-chain-based technology that supports user processing of payment confirmations, using MTL tokens as incentives, similar to Bitcoin’s digital currency. Metal has a friendly user interface product, like Venmo, Square, PayPal. Metal, as a payment tool, applies to both bitcoin and other digital currencies. While there are many small businesses in the world that are more willing to accept cash, no cash is the future trend, and refusing to accept digital currency or credit card payments lags behind the society.


UTRUST 旨在为买家提供线上交易应有的消费保护,成为一个中介平台, 一名矛盾的调停者, 低成本及低跨境交易阻力,允许商家与来自全球各地日益壮大的加密货币持有者进行交易。UTRUST目标是为市场打造一款综合的支付应用程序接口(API)并有能力成为贝宝(PayPal)在加密支付行业里的竞争者。

The goal is to create an integrated payment application interface (API) for the market and to be able to compete with PayPal in the crypto-payment industry.

Request Network(REQ)


Cryptonex (CNX) is a global decryption currency developed on its own block chain platform. The main purpose is to make the currency of any country in the world convertible with any encrypted currency or token. It buys the desired goods and services through and payment cards.


Hyper Pay是全球化的电子货币与加密数字货币支付聚合解决方案,支持包括BTC(比特币)ETH(以太坊)Hcash(超级现金)在内的多种主流数字货币与电子化法定货币的实时无缝兑换与交易支付。即将实现包括支付宝,微信,银联,Visa,Mastercard等现有主流电子货币支付方式在内的一码聚合支付。

Hyper Pay, a global solution for the convergence of electronic and encrypted digital monetary payments, supports real-time seamless conversion and transactional payments of multiple mainstream digital and electronic legal currencies, including BTC (bitcoin) ETH (super-cash). The payments are about to be made at one level, including payment treasures, , Silver Link, Visa, Mastercard, etc.



Cryptonex (CNX) is a global decrypting currency developed on its own block chain platform. The main objective is to make the currency of any country in the world convertible with any encrypted currency or token, and to buy the desired goods and services through mobile phones and payment cards.


According to our plan, all free money will be received or purchased by the Crypto community in the near future.


Currently, we are developing and implementing services to simplify the use of encrypted currencies & mdash; & mdash; multi-currency wallets (including Bitcoin and Ethers) that have the opportunity to effect exchange with legal currencies, mineral ponds, P2P platforms, offline CNX card services, integration with exchanges, joining services, mobile applications, interface re-engineering, etc.


Red Pulse (RPX)

Red Pulse将推出一个令牌,即RPX,将为全新的内容生产,分销和消费平台提供支持,最初集中在中国的资本市场。我们的愿景是创建由RPX令牌促成的直接激励生态系统,创建一个全球同事社区。同时,红脉通过对平台结构进行编辑监督,管理公平透明的激励制度,审核选定研究生产者作为专家级贡献者,维持质量。RPX有助于研究消费者和生产者符合对中国市场见解的日益增长的需求,从而受益于中国经济的兴起。

Red Pulse will launch a token that RPX will support new content production, distribution, and consumption platforms, initially concentrated in China’s capital markets. Our vision is to create a direct incentive ecosystem driven by RPX, creating a global community of colleagues.

红色脉冲令牌(RPX)是由Red Pulse发布的NEO令牌,Red Pulse是一家事件驱动的研究公司,涵盖影响中国企业、部门和整体经济的市场事件。

Red Pulse (RPX) is a NEO medal issued by Red Pulse, an event-driven research company that covers market events affecting Chinese enterprises, sectors and the economy as a whole.



Monoeci’s mission is to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of using encrypted currency in a real world environment. Monoeci can be used directly for all economic transactions, from simple groceries to the purchase of real estate.



Decentralized debit cards and decentralized wallets based on block chain technology, with Centra wallets and Centra cards, allow real-time management and use of virtual currency assets for payments, investments or transactions.



The OXYCOIN mobile platform allows investors to use FIAT (i.e., United States dollars or euros) directly to purchase encrypted currency, manage all wallets and passwords and achieve a user-friendly global address book.


TokenCard的核心要素是:代币合约钱包(Token Contract Wallet),用于保护用户的资产安全,并执行用户所设置的支付及安全参数。TokenCard,能够将代币合约钱包连接到VISA网络,并使用其钱包内的ERC20代币实现在线支付、PoS交易和ATM机提款等功能。

The core elements of TokenCard are: Token Contracting Wallet, which is used to protect the assets of users and to implement payment and security parameters set by users. TokenCard, which is able to connect the wallet to the VISA network and uses the ERC20 in its wallet to perform online payments, PoS transactions, and ATM withdrawals.



MinexCoin (MNX) is a payment system based on a virtual currency based on the low activity of the Minex ecosystem. Because of its stable transaction frequency, MinexCoin is a payment tool, and stable currency growth makes it a good tool for storing values.




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