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  在区块链世界中,除了交易还有另一个基础要素:地址。在欧科云链日前推出的Onchain AML合规技术方案,也有一个与区块链地址密切相关的概念:KYA(Know Your Address,了解你的地址)。

In the block chain world, there is another fundamental element to the transaction: address. The Onchain AML compliance technology program, launched before the Ocowin chain, also has a concept closely related to the block chain address: KYA (Know Your Address, know your address).


That's the question. What's the use of the block chain address? Why do we "know your address"?


What can we do with a block chain address?


An address is the most basic but important concept in the block chain world. All block chain interactive activities start at the address and end at the address.


A common block chain address is a string of numbers and letters derived from public keys or scripts via encryption algorithms. The following graph shows the process of generating the Bitcoin address (extracted from Bitcoin):


There are minor differences in the addresses of the network of blocks, such as the Bitcoin address, which starts with “1” for the most part, and the Taiwan address, which can all be considered as the only identification and grouping of assets in the chain.


The initial role of block chain addresses is to receive, send and store various types of virtual assets. And the application of block chain addresses is becoming more widespread with the development of ecological applications on the chains, including DeFi, NFT, DD, etc.:


When we interact with various Dapps on the chain, we need to use the address to authorize access and access;


When we create smart contracts or participate in voting on the chain, we need to use an address for identification;


When you search your own or someone else's chain of dealings, you also need to use the address in the block chain browser for the search...


Addresses are the entry keys to the world on the chain, and the building blocks for the future of the Internet. Perhaps one day in the future, when we face a job search or other need to share our scenes with others, it will be enough to show our block chain addresses directly: because they already record all of our past and present chain dynamics and are truly credible.


What's the difference between the address on the chain and the bank account?


Because the basic function of the block chain address is somewhat similar to that of a bank account, the two are often compared. In practice, however, the greatest difference between the block chain address and the bank account is in real names, aside from the other functional differences between the two.


Each bank account corresponds to a real-name person or institution, and the block chain address has no such correspondence:


First, the single address in the block chain world does not necessarily point to individual users/institutions, may be behind a group of people or institutions (e.g. multiple-sign addresses), or even eventually to an intelligent contract (specify that the block chain address includes an externally owned account address (EOA) and an intelligent contract address).

  上图为Uniswap V2的工厂合约地址(来源:OKLink)


Secondly, when we go to the bank to open an account, the steps that have to be completed are real name certification, and when we generate a block chain address, that can be done without any real name information — which is not possible in the banking system.


As a result of this low threshold of block chain addresses, the growing financial system of block chain ecology is seen by more users and institutions as a more inclusive and open model of financial development that can benefit groups of long tails that cannot be served by traditional financial institutions.


But this anonymous and low-threshold address system also poses risks and challenges to block chain ecology: an individual can easily generate tens of thousands of block chain addresses that can then be used to receive and deal with funds generated from illegal activities such as fraud, distribution, etc., through block chain networks and other privacy enhancement techniques, making it difficult to trace and investigate the world on the chain.


How do you get to "know your address"?


As an ordinary investor, perhaps you never thought about using your own address to engage in these risky activities, but you might be caught up in it unwittingly: there is no guarantee that all the addresses that interact with you on the chain are healthy and safe.

  那我们应该如何应对?欧科云链Onchain AML合规解决方案中的KYA(Know Your Address)Core或许可以给提供帮助。KYA Core是一款对链上地址的风险特征进行识别、分析、测算和分类的大数据风险评估工具。普通用户可以在交易前对对方地址进行初步的风险筛查,并根据相应风险特征采取针对性措施。当然,用户也可以时刻对自己的地址进行健康度检测,从而保证自己的链上资金安全。

How should we deal with this? The Kya (Know Your Address) Core in the Ocowin AML compliance solution may help. KYA Core is a big data risk assessment tool for identifying, analysing, measuring and classifying the risk characteristics of the links. Ordinary users can pre-trading each other’s addresses and take targeted measures based on their respective risk characteristics.

  比如下图的以太坊地址,用户如果利用OKLink KYA Core的地址健康度功能,就会发现它存在较大风险,可能与网赌地址相关,这种情况下你还会选择与之交易吗?

For example, at the Etheria address below, if the user uses OKLink Kya Core's address health function, it will find that it is at greater risk and may be linked to the Internet address, in which case will you choose to trade with it?

  除了C端用户外,机构用户同样可以借助欧科云链的KYA Flex产品满足风控及合规需要。机构用户可以根据自身的实际诉求和合规需要,自定设定区块链地址的风险评分维度及命中规则,在保证风控和合规的同时,保证用户的使用体验和风险评分规则的可解释性。

In addition to C-end users, institutional users can also meet wind control and compliance needs with the KYA Flex product of the Ocowin chain. Institutional users can set their own risk scoring dimensions and impact rules for block chain addresses, depending on their actual claims and compliance needs, while safeguarding wind control and compliance while ensuring the interpretability of user experience and risk scoring rules.

  而无论是KYA Core还是KYA Flex,都离不开OKLink底层庞大的地址标签库。就如同一个人高矮胖瘦、兴趣爱好等个人特征一样,地址标签也是区块链地址的特征表达,让普通人也能看懂地址背后的各种信息。截止2023年8月,OKLink已经拥有超过34亿的地址标签和近7000万黑灰地址标签。

By August 2023, OKLink already had over 3.4 billion addresses and nearly 70 million black ash addresses.

  (以上图片由欧科云链提供 授权中国网财经使用)

(The above picture is provided by Ocoyun's chain and authorized to be used by China's Internet finance)





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