USDT暴跌 usdt是什么币 USDT是国家充许的吗?USDT怎么购买(2)

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:30 评论:0



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2017年4月,Bitfinex和Tether将最后一家愿意处理Bitfinex交易的银行告上法庭,指控其中断了电汇服务。此后不久,彭博援引知情人士消息称,Noble Bank接管了Bitfinex的银行业务。

In April 2017, Bitfinex and Tether brought the last bank willing to deal with Bitfinex to court, alleging that it had interrupted wire transfer services. Shortly after that, Bloomberg quoted sources that Noble Bank had taken over Bitfinex’s banking operations.

但Noble Bank或许已难自保。

But Noble Bank may have been unable to protect himself.

9月30日,据Modern Consensus报道,消息人士称,Noble Bank已经接触过至少一个USDT持币大户,以求获得现金流,但是该请求被拒绝。

On 30 September, the source reported that Noble Bank had contacted at least one of the USDT holders to obtain cash flows, but the request was denied.

10月2日,彭博援引知情人士消息称,Noble Bank正在寻找买家,出售资产。同时,Noble Bank已经失去了许多客户,包括Bitfinex和Tether,并且不再盈利。

On 2 October, Bloomberg quoted sources that Noble Bank was looking for a buyer to sell its assets. At the same time, Noble Bank had lost many clients, including Bitfinex and Tether, and was no longer profitable.

10月7日,外媒Proof of Reasearch又发文质疑Bitfinex已丧失偿还能力,并警告用户取回资产。

On 7 October, the foreign media Proof of Reasearch sent another letter challenging Bitfinex's inability to repay and warning users to recover the assets.

一系列事情引发投资者猜测。Bitfinex股东赵东坐不住了。10月8日,赵东发微博称:“经Bitfinex同意发布信息:Bitfinex/Tether的CFO Giancarlo刚刚给我展示了他们在Noble银行的USD余额只有66.78美元。”

A series of events triggered speculation among investors. Bitfinex’s shareholder, Zhao Dong, couldn’t sit down. On October 8, Zhao Dong-feng Weibo called & ldquo; with Bitfinex’s consent, released a message that the CFO Giancarlo of Bitfinex/Tethe had just shown me that their USD balance at Noble Bank was only $66.78.


This number shocked investors. At the time, USDT had a market value of $2.7 billion, and if there was only one reserve bank, that meant that either there was no more USDT in circulation, or Bitfinex/Tether had already moved the money to another.


That evening, Zhao Tung gave an explanation: “ you misunderstand that Bitfinex meant that the assets of Bitfinex and Tether were safe and that there were no assets in Noble Bank. ” he wanted to say that all dollar assets were now safely transferred to other banks.


But such an explanation may no longer be useful.


Trust collapses and collapses?


On October 12, foreign Twitter and domestic micro-message spread reports that the USDT cannot convert USD into a thunderstorm. Poor market conditions may be a trigger for investors to sell USDT in large numbers. The USDT is unstable, and investors can only buy BTC and ETH hedge risks.


According to a senior player, Wang Keung, yesterday’s move was a long-premeditated harvest. He said in the microblogging group: the dealer sent out news, lured out the silos, and then the dealer went up high. A message should come back to explain that the USDT thunderbolt was fake, then the low-priced USDT made money, and the high-priced goods came out.

在投资者张明看来,Bitfinex就是庄家。昨日下午,有媒体称,根据Tokenlnsight统计,近24小时内Bitfinex BTC冷钱包共参与3笔交易,并转出4000枚BTC。“你看,大B出货了吧,我说法没问题。”张明信心满满地说道。

According to the investor, Bitfinex is the dealer. Yesterday afternoon, according to the media, according to Tokenlnsight, the BITC cold wallet of Bitfinex was involved in three transactions in nearly 24 hours and transferred 4,000 BTCs. & ldquao; see, Big B's delivery, I'm fine. ” Zhang is full of confidence.


The founder of the currency letter, Wu Steel, said in his circle of friends that the USDT problem would only lock in Bitcoin’s liquidity, thereby allowing Bitcoin to surge. The experience of 2017 tells you that every time a French currency difficulty can only cause bitcoin to surge.


The analyst Xiao Xiao stated that, at present, there is no smooth mechanism for stable currency exchange with French currency, so that, in the event of a credit crisis, investors would first convert it into bitcoin, a digital currency such as Taiku, instead of the United States dollar, leading to a substantial increase in prices such as bitcoin.


The short-term rise is clearly of no reference value, and a small wave of cattle quickly ended. On October 16, at 7 a.m., according to coinmarkcap, BTC prices have fallen near $6,500 and ETH prices around $210.


The currency circle has regained calm, but it may be a shock waiting for the USDT.


According to analysts, Bitfinex is less likely to have significant financial risks as a result of the company’s business model and Bitfinex’s operations. However, owing to shrinking market transactions and reduced USDT demand, excess USDTs will gradually be redeemed, and the pressure on Bitfinex’s cash balances will increase.


However, Shaw argued that USDT had dollar assets behind it and that, at this point, we cannot be sure of the proportionality, so the possibility of a complete collapse is not significant.


Past problems have not been resolved, and a number of players are currently stealing dollars from digital currencies. According to Cryptovest, on 27 September, a total of 57 stable currencies are being deployed and traded in an encrypted monetary ecosystem, 23 are fully initiated projects and 34 are in the preparatory phase.


Thus, the co-founder of the BKFUNND&GDF, Huang Xiao, spoke out, and with the break-up of the USDT consensus, the era of a stable currency of 2.0 was about to come.




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