区块链不是发币炒币 它实际的作用比你想象的要大

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:26 评论:0



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  中新网北京12月4日电 (彭婧如)区块链在中国正迎来前所未有的政策利好,掀起新的发展热潮,但一度沉寂的虚拟货币炒作热度却再度抬头,甚至有人竟敢假借中国人民银行名义发币炒币。

On December 4, China’s new network, Beijing’s block chain, is gaining unprecedented policy benefits in China and has set in motion a new wave of development, but the fever of a once-silent virtual currency has resurfaced, and some even dare to use the People’s Bank of China as a name for their currency.


Why is this happening? What is the relationship between the block chain and the counterfeiting of virtual currency?


  资料图:中国人民银行总部。中新社发 杨明静 摄 图片来源:CNSPHOTO


"Strong" dares to pay coins in the name of the central bank.


Recently, a website called & ldquo; DCEPAPI” a pseudonym for the introduction of so-called & ldquo in the name of the People's Bank of China; a new encrypted electronic monetary system & & rdquo; & & & ldquo; the People's Bank DCEP is not distributed directly to the public and the People's Bank first converts DCEP to commercial banks or other financial institutions, which then converts them to the public & Hellip; & Hellip; & & & rdquao; and DC/EP is the digital currency being developed by the People's Bank of China.


In response, the People’s Bank of China issued a public announcement on 13 November stating that the People’s Bank had not issued a statutory digital currency (DC/EP) or authorized any asset trading platform to carry out transactions. The People’s Bank has been studying the statutory digital currency since 2014 and is still in the process of testing it.


According to the People's Bank of China, the current online circulation of so-called legal digital currency issuances, as well as the appearance of individual institutions in the name of the People's Bank & ldquo; DC/EP” or & & ldquo; DCEP” transactions on asset trading platforms may involve fraud and distribution, and the general public is invited to raise awareness of the risks, be faithful and guard against harm.

  为何个别机构胆敢冒用中国人民银行名义发币炒币,还有人竟然相信了?这背后是因为区块链为人所熟知源于比特币。前几年,投资比特币等虚拟货币掀起的 “暴富故事”传闻风靡网络,让很多人知道了区块链。

Why do individual institutions dare to use the People’s Bank of China as a name for money-grabbing? Behind this is the fact that the chain of blocks is well known to come from bitcoin. In previous years, investment in virtual currencies like bitcoin started with & & ldquo; & rdquo; and anecdotal networks that make the chain known to many.


& & ldquo; this has led many to misunderstand that the block chain is a virtual currency. & & & & & & & the Director of the Centre for the Study of the Rule of Law in the Blocks of the University of China.


Finally, the economic and financial order was severely disrupted by the prevalence of various currency-distribution activities and suspected illegal financial activities. In September 2017, the People’s Bank of China, the Central Network Office, among others, issued a circular characterizing the financing of the issuance of currency as & & ldquao; an unauthorized act of public financing & rdquao; and a clean-up of the currency-distributions.



& ldquo; Virtual currencies such as Bitcoin are only a &rdquao for the application of block chain technology; and the Vice-President of the Ant Gold Clothes and Head of the Technical Laboratory, Chiang Kong, have stated that the value of the block chain is not in the form of currency exchange, but in the form of confidence-building and synergy to solve social problems.


He explained that the block chain was merely a neutral technology, based on distributed accounts, and that some of the outlaws were plaguing in the guise of technology, under the banner of the block chain.


She's invested almost $140,000 in a block chain-management product in a televised room. Uniquely, in August of this year, &ldquao; Bit hog & rdquao; investigated by the Shanghai Police in the case of & & ldquao; chain + pets = high returns & rdquao;


The director of the Chinese Institute of Information and Communications Research’s Research Institute for Cloud Calculation and Big Data, Ho Bao-Hung, warned that block chains, as a platform technology, could indeed issue currency. But many of these are illegal fund-raising, distribution, and fraud in the guise of block chains.


Virtual currency: a standard financial bubble

  信达证券首席策略分析师陈嘉禾在一份研究报告中对虚拟货币的评价是“一个标准的金融泡沫” 。

In a study, Chen Jiawan, the chief strategic analyst for Sindha securities, evaluated the virtual currency as & ldquao; a standard financial bubble & rdquao;.


& ldquo; although the vast majority of virtual currencies claim that they are issued in limited quantities and do not expand indefinitely & & rdquo; but Chen is of the view that virtual currency is not a real currency, has no state power to endorse, has no real value and has no real supply restrictions, and the price of virtual currency can only be expressed by the price that the next receiver is willing to offer.


A doctoral graduate in finance at a university has been following and studying the block chain, stating that many block chain forums ran from 2017 to 2018, and that the most popular link in many forums was not to talk about technology applications, but to recommend various virtual currencies with a very high potential yield, “ this kind of popular currency coins are ‘ eaters do not spit bones & & rsquao; & & & rdquao;


With the official start of the virtual money clean-up in September 2017, Chinese and new Internet journalists found that some of the people working in the virtual money industry were currently oblivious to industry and occupation.


As Ms. Zhang, in 2017, under the influence of attractive pay, she chose to jump into a company with the concept of a block chain, and now, when asked about her work, she did not want to talk about it, “ the industry is sensitive, my identity is not easy to answer, please understand. & & rdquo;



What does the block chain do?


The combing shows that the electronic paper of the block chain, the electronic invoice of the block chain, the electronic prescription of the block chain and the insurance settlement of the block chain have now begun to be piloted in a number of cities.


According to Ho Bo-Hung, the block chain has broad market applications prospects, including supply chain finance, judicial evidence, areas of livelihood, and governance of the country.


Yanxi Tanya, the founder of the CBX Institute, who studied block chains, stated that he had recently been thinking about how to transform the film industry using block chain technology to make direct connections between film producers and consumers, thus moving as far as possible beyond intermediaries such as cinemas and video sites.


According to the Managing Director of All Links Ltd., the digital expression of data in block chains can be used in the fields of digital assets, national sovereign digital currencies, and so on. Some investors also argue that China’s turning digital money into a reality can have a destabilizing effect on global financial investment and Internet application development.


& & ldquo; the transparent and indefensible nature of block chain technology significantly reduces the cost of social trust and enhances the efficiency of society’s operations. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; ; ; ; ) & & & & & & & & & ) ) & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & ; & & & ) & & )? )?????????????? & &?????????????????????????????????????????




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