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1、您的钱包现在可以使用Unstoppable Domains域名来转账;

1. Your wallet can now be transferred using the Unstoppable Domains domain name;


2. The platform sets a period of calm for buyers and sellers.

3、抹茶 Web3 钱包全新功能模块——赚币上线!「赚币」聚合了AAVE、Yearn 和 Pancake等市场上各链协议和投资品,您可以通过「赚币」界面轻松完成一站式投资。

Web3 new functionality module /a > Money-earnings online! "Money-making" brings together the chain agreements and investment products of AAVE, Yearn and Pancake in the market, and you can easily make one-stop investments through the "Money-earning" interface.

完成创建子账户和 API Key 后,还有一步就是配置每一个账户。

After completing the creation of the sub-account and the API Key, one more step is to configure each account.


1, Account Configuration

我们可以通过以下的 REST API 查看当前账户/子账户的配置:

We can view the configuration of the current account/sub-account through the REST API:

GET /api/v5/account/config

API 会返回 (1) 账户模式、(2) 持仓模式、(3) 自动借币设置、(4) 期权希腊值 PA/BS 的配置。

API returns (1) account mode, (2) warehouse holding mode, (3) automatic currency borrowing settings, and (4) options Greek PA/BS configuration.


2, account mode

抹茶 统一账户交易系统提供多个账户模式:(i) 简单交易模式、(ii) 单币种保证金模式、(iii) 跨币种保证金模式。

The Unified Account Trading System provides multiple account models: (i) simple transaction mode, (ii) single currency security model, (iii) cross-currency security model.


As changes in account mode require user operations, changes are limited to web pages only.


3, warehousing mode

抹茶 统一账户交易系统新增了单向持仓模式(买卖模式),亦保留了原有的双向持仓模式(开平仓模式):

A new one-way warehouse (sale and sale) model has been added to the Unified Account Trading System, which also retains the original two-way warehouse (opening and clearing) model:

单向持仓模式 只可持有多头或空头仓位。交易所会根据您所指定的持仓数量自动开/平仓

A single-way warehouse can only hold multiple or empty warehouses.


Two-way warehousing mode allows for multiple and empty positions at the same time.

我们可以通过以下的 REST API 设置持仓模式(设置前需平掉所有仓位):

The following REST API settings are available (all storage spaces need to be levelled before settings are set):

POST /api/v5/account/set-position-mode


4, automatic borrowing


Automatic borrowing is a function of the cross-currency bond model and is limited to changes on the web page.

5、期权希腊值 PA/BS

5 with options Greek PA/BS

和 V3 API 相似,我们可以通过以下的 REST API 设置期权希腊值 PA/BS:

Similar to V3 API, we can set options for Greek PA/BS by adopting REST API:

POST /api/v5/account/set-greeks

抹茶 统一账户交易系统的全仓/逐仓设置更为弹性,我们可以同时以全仓和逐仓交易同一产品。

The whole warehouse/silo-by-ware setup of the Unified Account Trading System is more flexible, and we can trade the same product in full and out of warehouse at the same time.

因此,V5 API 并没有设置合约标的指数保证金模式的 API。取而代之,我们需要在下单时指定该订单的保证金模式(交易模式)。详情请查阅 API 文档或本文章的第 2 部分。

Therefore, V5 API does not have an API that sets the index bond model for the contract. Instead, we need to specify the bond mode (trading mode) for the order at the time of the next order. For more information, see API document or part 2 of this article.


1, leveraged multiples


1.1 Leverage Multiplier

我们可以通过以下的 REST API 获取杠杆倍数:

We can get leverage multiples through the REST API:

GET /api/v5/account/leverage-info


Currently, there is no global set-up for leverage multipliers, and the same product can have several leverage-multiplier settings.


1.2 currency leverage:


2, set-up-leveraging-multiplier


After obtaining the leverage multiples, the leverage multiples can be set according to your needs:

POST /api/v5/account/set-leverage

我们可以运用上述两个 API 编写程序,在交易前预先设置每个产品的杠杆倍数。

We can use the two API authoring programs mentioned above to preset the leverage multipliers for each product prior to the transaction.




Assuming that we have the following set-up and requirements:


Account mode: Cross-currency deposits


Warehouse mode: a one-way warehouse

需要设置杠杆倍数为 3.0 的产品:

Need to set product with a leverage multiplier of 3.0:





The above-mentioned products use only the full warehouse deposit model.

币币/币币杠杆的设置层面为币种,我们可以截取币种去逐一设置,即 BTC、USDT、EOS和 LTC。

The currency/currency leverage is set at the currency level, and we can intercept the currency for one by one, namely BTC, USDT, EOS and LTC.

设置 BTC 币种杠杆倍数为 3.0 的请求 body 示例(适用于卖出 BTC-USDT 和买入 LTC-BTC):

Sets the application body example for BTC currency leverage multiples of 3.0 (for BTC-USDT sales and LTC-BTC purchases):

设置 USDT、EOS 和 LTC 的请求 body 也很类似,不在此一一列举。

The requests for USDT, EOS and LTC are similar, not listed here.

下一步就是设置 BTC-USD-210319、BTC-USD-210326 和 BTC-USD-210625 的杠杆倍数。因为这三个产品都有共同的标的指数(即 BTC-USD),我们只需在这三个产品中选其一设置杠杆倍数。

The next step is to set the leverage multipliers for BTC-USD-210319, BTC-USD-210326 and BTC-USD-21626. Because each of these three products has a common indicator (i.e. BTC-USD), we just need to select one of the three.

最后,我们需要设置 BTC-USD-SWAP 的杠杆倍数。虽然标的指数和上述的交割一样为 BTC-USD,但交割和永续的杠杆倍数设置是分开独立的,我们仍需要发送以下请求 body 去设置:

Finally, we need to set the leverage multipliers for BTC-USD-SWAP. Although the target index is BTC-USD, as with the above-mentioned cut, the leverage multipliers for delivery and eternity are separate, and we still need to send the following body requests to set them:

在发送了上述共 6 个 API REST 请求后,这 8 个产品杠杆倍数的设置便完成了。

After sending the above-mentioned six API REST requests, the eight product leverage multipliers were completed.


1, trading mode

抹茶统一账户交易系统的全仓/逐仓设置更为弹性,我们可以同时以全仓和逐仓交易同一产品。因此,我们需要在下单时指定该订单的交易模式(tdMode 字段)。

The whole warehouse/ warehouse-by-ware system is more flexible, and we can trade the same product in full and out of warehouse. We therefore need to specify the trading mode for the order (tdMode field) at the time of the next order.

各种情景下 tdMode 所需的值:

Values required for tdMode under various scenarios:


2, examples


Assuming that we have the following set-up and order requirements:


Account mode: Cross-currency deposits


Warehouse mode: a one-way warehouse




Bond model: full warehouse


Order orientation: purchase (overopen)


Type of order: price limit


Portfolio: 50.912.4 USDT

委托数量:1 张

Number of commissions: 1

查找上表得知 tdMode 字段应填上“cross”。

Finds the tdMode field above and finds out that the tdMode field should be filled in with " crosses ".

我们建议下单时填上客户自定义订单 ID(clOrdId 字段),识别订单时会更为容易。客户自定义订单 ID 需由字母与数字或纯字母组成,必须以字母开头,区分大小写,最长 32 位。

We suggest that the customer custom order ID (clOrdID field) be filled in when the order is placed, which is easier to identify. The customer custom order ID must consist of letters and numbers or pure letters, must be written at the beginning of the letter, be case-sensitive, with a maximum of 32 places.

此示例我们会在 clOrdId 字段填上 testBTC0123.

This example we'll fill out the testBTC0123.


3, subscription order channel

下单前,我们应先使用 WebSocket 订阅订单频道,这样我们才能够监察订单状态(如等待成交、完全成交)和作出相应的操作(如在完全成交后下新单)。

We should use the WebSocket subscription order channel before the next order, so that we can monitor the order status (e.g. waiting for a deal, full deal) and perform the corresponding operations (e.g. a new order after a full deal).

V5 API 的订单频道提供多种维度的订阅。要订阅上述BTC-USDT-SWAP 订单的数据,我们可在连接到和登入私有 WebSocket 后,传送下表任一请求:

The V5 API order channel offers multiple dimensions of subscriptions. To subscribe to the above-mentioned BTC-USDT-SWAP order data, we can transmit any request in the following table after connecting to and logging into the private WebSocket:

我们亦可以把 instType 参数填上 ANY,一次性订阅所有产品类型的订单更新。

We can also fill in the instType parameter on ANY and subscribe to order updates for all product types once in a while.


Note: The order channel does not host the full amount of data for the first time, but only updates the order when the order's status changes (e.g. when a waiting order is delivered successfully).

换言之,我们无法在订阅订单频道时得知当时的订单数据。要获取订阅订单频道前未完成订单的数据,可通过以下的 REST API 查看:

In other words, we cannot learn about the order data at the time when you subscribe to the order channel. To get data on the outstanding orders before you subscribe to the order channel, you can see the following REST API:

GET /api/v5/trade/orders-pending


4, next line

在订阅订单频道后,我们便可以准备 BTC-USDT-SWAP 订单的下单。

After subscription to the order channel, we can prepare the order for BTC-USDT-SWAP.

V5 API 提供 REST 和 WebSocket 两种协议去下单。

V5 API provides REST and WebSocket protocols to place the bill.


我们可以通过以下的 REST API 下单,服务器收到请求后会返回订单 ID(ordId 字段)。

The server returns the order ID (ordId field) when the request is received.

注:这只代表交易所已成功收取请求,把订单 ID 指派到该订单。这时候订单有可能还没在线,我们需要进一步检查订单状态去确认。

Note: This only represents that the exchange has successfully collected the request, assigning the order ID to the order. The order may not be online at this time, and we need to check the order status to confirm it.


我们亦可以通过 WebSocket 下单,理论上比 REST 更有效率和节约资源。

We can also get a check from WebSocket, which is theoretically more efficient and resource-efficient than REST.

由于 WebSocket 操作为异步通信,我们需要提供信息 ID(id 字段)以便识别其返回。

As WebSocket operates as an asymmetrical communication, we need to provide information on the ID (id field) to identify its return.

于私有 WebSocket 登陆后,传送以下 WebSocket 信息:

Sends the following WebSocket messages after a private WebSocket landing:

服务器收到请求后,会连同信息 ID(即 NEWtestBTC012)返回结果,并附上交易所指派的订单 ID(ordId 字段):

Upon receipt of the request, the server returns the result with the information ID (i. e. NEWtestBTC012), with the order ID (ordID field) assigned by the exchange:

注:这只代表交易所已成功收取请求,把订单 ID 指派到该订单。这时候订单有可能还没在线,我们需要进一步检查订单状态去确认。

Note: This only represents that the exchange has successfully collected the request, assigning the order ID to the order. The order may not be online at this time, and we need to check the order status to confirm it.


5, check order status

下单后,我们会预期在 WebSocket 订单频道收到该订单状态为“live”的信息。

After the next order, we will expect to receive information on the WebSocket Order Channel about the order's status as “live”.

信息示例(以产品类型 + 标的指数维度订阅订单频道):

Information examples (index-dimensional subscription channel by product type +):


When the order is fully settled, we will receive the following examples of push messages, changing the order status to “filled” and filling in other relevant transactional fields.

信息还会附上最新成交 ID (tradeId 字段)。这字段可用于与持仓对账,会在稍后的章节讲解。

The information is also attached to the latest signed ID (tradeId field). This field can be used for reconciliation with the holding warehouse and will be explained later in the chapter.


6, change single

V5 API 已支持所有产品类型的改单,让您修改订单的价格(newPx 字段)和/或数量(newSz 字段)。另外 API 也提供 cxlOnFail 参数,设置修改失败时自动撤单。

V5 API has supported changes in all product types to allow you to change the price of the order (newPx field) and/or number (newSz field). API also provides cxlOnFail parameters, which automatically withdraws the order when the change fails.


POST /api/v5/trade/amend-order

WebSocket 业务操作请求参数:

WebSocket Operational request parameters:

“op”: “amend-order”

与下单相似,我们应会收到服务器相应 REST / WebSocket 的成功返回,然后于 WebSocket 订单频道收到已填上“amendResult”字段的订单推送更新。

Similar to the next list, we should receive a successful return of the server REST/ WebSocket, and then receive an order for updates on the WebSocket purchase channel that has been filled in the "amendResult " field.


Note: An order cannot be changed when it has been fully paid or when it has been withdrawn.


7, withdraw the order

我们可以以类似的方式,通过 REST 或 WebSocket 撤单。

We can drop the bill in a similar way, through REST or WebSocket.


POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-order

WebSocket 业务操作请求参数:

WebSocket Operational request parameters:

“op”: “cancel-order”

同样,我们应会收到服务器相应 REST / WebSocket 的成功返回。当我们从 WebSocket 订单频道收到订单状态为“canceled”的推送更新时,才代表订单撤单成功。

Similarly, we should receive a successful return from the server REST/ WebSocket. It is only when we receive an update of the order from the WebSocket order channel that the order status is “canceled” that represents a successful withdrawal of the order.


Note: An order cannot be withdrawn when it has been fully paid or when it has been withdrawn.


8, batch operation

下单、改单、撤单均支持批量操作,每次最多 20 张订单。受惠于统一 API,同一批量操作的订单可包括不同的产品类型。

Lists, change orders, and withdrawal orders support batch operations with a maximum of 20 orders at a time. For the benefit of Unified API, orders for the same volume may include different product types.


下单POST /api/v5/trade/batch-orders

Next list POST/ api/v5/trade/batch-orders

改单POST /api/v5/trade/amend-batch-orders

Change POST / api/v5/trade/amend-batch-orders

撤单POST /api/v5/trade/cancel-batch-orders

Dismissed POST / api/v5/trade/cancel-batch-orders

WebSocket 业务操作请求参数:

WebSocket Operational request parameters:

下单“op”: “batch-orders”

Next list "op": "batch-orders"

改单“op”: “batch-amend-orders”

Change "p" to "batch-amend-orders"

撤单“op”: “batch-cancel-orders”

Withdrawal "op": "batch-cancel-orders"

批量操作容许部分订单操作成功。在收到返回后,我们应检查返回结果内每个订单的 sCode 和 sMsg 字段来判段订单的执行结果。

The volume operation allows some orders to operate successfully. Upon receiving the return, we should check the sCode and sMsg fields of each order in the return results to determine the results of the order execution.


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