
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:27 评论:0



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As new confirmed cases continue to run low, this unprecedented new coronary virus-control campaign is nearing its end. In this public health disaster, new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and block chains are emerging as battle fighters in the field of technology.


Memorial forever on the block chain


On 7 February, the departure of the whistleblower Li Wen. Dr. Lee Wen-Liang was marked with a monument on the chain of the Taiwan district with an altitude of 94328224. Dr. Lee's story will always be engraved in the chain of blocks, unalterable and unremovable. Lee Wen-Ling's interview said that a healthy society cannot have only one voice. In the world of the chain of districts, the whistle he whistled will always warn the rear, with the courage and strength to pursue the truth.


big data >


At the beginning of a comprehensive containment of the spread of the epidemic, close contacts are tracked by means of large data, artificial intelligence, etc., and suspicious individuals are screened; remote consultations are conducted using artificial intelligence to reduce unnecessary infections; cloud computing is closely linked to large data, helping local authorities with severe epidemics to set up epidemiological data platforms and conduct epidemiological data assessments and analyses. New digital technologies have created a firewall in the fight against terrorism.


block chain > epidemic public good


In the face of the inefficiency and confusion of the Wuhan Red Cross in dealing with donor resources, the use of block chains can address the transparency of information and the scientific distribution between the demand side and the donor side. The Wuhan Red Cross, following its traditional management model, faces a serious crisis of trust, which has been followed by technology companies that have moved the block chain back online, contributing to the efficiency of the social-goods system during critical periods of the epidemic.


At the beginning of February, the payment treasures were placed online on the Anti-Physics Information Service platform, which is visible through search and trip search functions. In contrast to other material information platforms, the platform, using the ant block chain technology, is led by the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission, the Trust Agency, which reviews and documents the supply, supply, and transport of materials.


According to the official presentation of payment treasures, trust mechanisms in the block chain can provide a credible link, with one party issuing a list of needs and one party's material entering the logistics chain starting with the information chain, where every link to the material, identified by the person, is displayed.


In public health emergencies such as neo-crowd pneumonia, the recipient may not be the final recipient and will need to be managed centrally by a third party. But, regardless of how many links pass, the whole chain of blocks is documented, confirmed by the parties as irretrievable, efficient and retrospective, resolving the complex issue of multiple synergies and leaving no links in the box.

  目前,浙江省医疗物资保障组已发起第一项物资需求清单,其中包括医用口罩、 防护服、工作帽、一次性隔离衣、消毒液等,更新时间为2月4日。

At present, the Zhejiang Medical Material Security Unit has launched the first list of material requirements, including medical masks, protective clothing, work caps, one-time isolation clothing, disinfection fluids, etc., which was updated on 4 February.


In addition, the Yon An Group of China has been on the line with the Tribute Platform for the Management of philanthropy grants in the block chain, which uses a network of Union philanthropy endowments to make the donation process fully open, prevent tampering, traceable and subject to public scrutiny.


block chaina href=http://insurance.hexun.com/'target=_blank' insurance


In the event of the epidemic, a number of insurance platforms have opened a fast-tracking green route to the processing and settlement of claims. In the case of compensation, a number of smart technologies have been applied, as manual services have not been well distributed in the event of an outbreak, and the use of block-chain technologies in insurance has been emphasized.

  针对“核保难”,“理赔慢”、“中介多”的行业痼疾,各家保险业务采取了相应动作。京东推出了冠状病毒的专项保险,阿里则推出“相互宝”使用区块链来管理与冠状病毒相关的索赔,一次性最高赔付额约十万人?币。据了解,2月,中国在线互助平台相互宝将冠状病毒纳入到符合资格的疾病保障范围,一次性最高赔付额约为14,300美元 (100,000元人?币)。该系统采用了区块链技术,以防止欺诈和进行更快的索赔处理。

In February, China’s online mutual aid platform included the virus in its eligible disease coverage, with a maximum payment of approximately $14,300 (US$ 100,000) per lump sum. The system adopted block chain technology to prevent fraud and expedite claims processing.

  东亚银行旗下的蓝十字保险公司则通过了一款医疗索赔应用。保险服务公司董事总经理帕特里克·万(Patrick Wan)告诉《南华早报》:“我们的区块链支持的理赔服务在冠状病毒爆发期间发挥了关键作用,它完全消除了书面流程,也不再需要将来回文件传送到诊所。 这确实有助于减轻面对面接触造成的感染?险。”

The Blue Cross Insurance Company, under the auspices of the Bank of East Asia, has adopted a medical claim application. Patrick Wan, Managing Director of Insurance Services, told the South China Morning Post: “Our block chain-supported claims service played a key role during the outbreak of the coronary virus, and it completely eliminated the paperwork process and no longer required the future transmission of documents to the clinic. & nbsp; this does help to reduce the risk of infection caused by face-to-face contact?”


block chain > + community governance


In the area of community governance, the new Shanghai Sage II platform, through block chain technology, provides services to more than 20 communities, over 20,000 masked appointments, re-registrations, health cards, etc., and electronic records allow the relevant information to be effectively recorded and traceable.


Post-strong epidemic + block chain


In conjunction with the problems exposed by the epidemic, industry has analysed that the chain of blocks has much to offer in many situations where there is a need for trust, such as:


1. The block chain is used to trace medical products, allowing users to quickly identify counterfeit products using mobile phone scans and to avoid the use of substandard masks to infected the virus.


2. Block chains can be used for project collaboration, businesses can work at home during the epidemic, block chains can facilitate distributed organization, some modular processes can be deployed automatically on block chains, many messages can be shared transparently, automation and collaborative efficiency can be increased


Block chains can also be used in a variety of areas, such as management, rumours, outbreak data disclosure, etc.


(责任编辑:王治强 HF013)



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