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在 2022 年,如果不碰到“元宇宙”一词,就很难行动。继 Facebook 在 2021 年底更名之后,几乎每个公司都渴望让我们了解他们对数字世界的愿景,让我们可以在一个虚拟平台上工作、娱乐和社交。

In 2022, it was difficult to act if the word “megaspace” was not encountered. Following Facebook’s change of name at the end of 2021, almost every company was eager to inform us of their vision of a digital world, allowing us to work, entertain, and socialize on a virtual platform.

然而,任何一直关注元宇宙的人都会意识到,这些愿景往往大相径庭。虽然 Meta 专注于创建虚拟现实环境,但 Microsoft 和 Nvidia 等公司正在开发用于协作和开展数字项目的元宇宙环境。

However, anyone who has been interested in the meta-cosmos realizes that these visions are often very different. While Meta focuses on creating virtual reality environments, companies like Microsoft and Nvidia are developing a meta-cosm environment for collaboration and digital projects.

与此同时,那些相信互联网的未来是去中心化并建立在区块链上的人正在尝试使用不可替代的代币 (NFT) 来实现数字资产的所有权,以及旨在将数字民主带入虚拟世界的去中心化自治组织 (DAO)我们居住的世界。

At the same time, those who believe that the future of the Internet is de-centralized and built on a block chain are trying to use irreplaceable tokens (NFTs) to secure ownership of digital assets, as well as de-centralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) that bring digital democracy into the virtual world that we live in.

预计到 2030 年,元宇宙概念将为全球经济增加 5 万亿美元的价值,而2023 年可能是确定其发展方向的关键一年。

anticipates that by 2030, the meta-cosmos concept will add $5 trillion in value to the global economy, while 2023 may be a crucial year for determining the direction of its development.

与搜索引擎和社交媒体(web 1.0 和 2.0 的技术推动者)一样,营销和广告将提供推动元宇宙进入主流的燃料。

As with search engines and social media (web 1.0 and 2.0 technology facilitators), marketing and advertising will provide fuel to drive the meta-cosmos into the mainstream.


This concept may not yet be fully integrated, but global lifestyles and fashion giants such as HSBC and Morgan Chase and Gutzy, from the international financial giants, have demonstrated their ideas and begun to build their virtual world.


The appeal of strong is obvious -- we know consumers have been looking for new and more attractive ways to connect with brands they want to do business with.

元宇宙专注于客户体验和一对一的联系,是另一种沟通渠道。至关重要的是,它不像社交和搜索那样已经被谷歌和 Meta 等公司很好地缝合起来,这里仍然有可以争夺的地盘。

By focusing on client experiences and one-on-one connections, the meta-cosm is another channel of communication. Essentially, it has been sewn very well by Google and Meta companies, and there is still room for competition.

在接下来的 12 个月里,企业会全力以赴将自己定位在“黄金级”虚拟地点——无论是通过建立自己的平台,还是占领 Meta Horizons、Fortnite、VR Chat 或 Decentraland 等现有领域。

In the next 12 months, businesses will do their utmost to position themselves in the “gold” virtual location — whether by building their own platforms, or by occupying existing areas such as Meta Horizons, Fortnité, VR Chat or Decentraland.


In addition to its powerful function as a marketing tool, the meta-cosmos is committed to providing a platform, tools and a virtual world where business can be done remotely, efficiently and intelligently.


We can look forward to seeing the confluence of meta-cosm concepts with the concept of "digital twinness" – virtual simulations of real world products, processes, or operations that can be used to test and prototype new ideas in a digital security environment. From wind field to formula one, designers are recreating physical objects in the virtual world, which can be tested for efficiency under any possible conditions, without having to test them in the physical world at the cost of resources.

元宇宙技术在企业界的另一个用途是进行培训、入职培训和其他任务。例如,咨询巨头埃森哲创建了一个名为 The Nth Floor 的元宇宙环境,该环境具有现实世界办公室的复制品,并允许员工和新员工在虚拟世界中执行许多与人力资源相关的职能。

Another use of meta-cosm technology in the business community is training, induction training, and other tasks. For example, consulting giant Essenge created a meta-cosmic environment called The Nth Floor, which has replicas from the Real World Office and allows employees and new employees to perform many human resources-related functions in the virtual world.

随着团队研究远程工作的新方法,同时保持与同事及其创作过程的互动,元宇宙 协作工作环境(例如用于设计和制作新产品原型的 BMW 增强现实实验室)也将变得更加流行。

As teams study new methods of teleworking while maintaining interaction with colleagues and their creative processes, the meta-cosm collaborative working environment (e.g. BMW Enhanced Reality Laboratory for designing and producing new product prototypes) will become more popular.

元宇宙最终将采取的形式的一种愿景是围绕权力下放。根据 Web 3.0 的支持者的说法,分布式账本和区块链技术将产生一个不受全球公司控制的新互联网,它们将不再拥有审查他们不同意的意见或在他们想要的情况下拔掉插头的权力以使某人完全脱机。

One of the visions that the metacosystem will eventually take is around decentralization. According to Web 3.0 supporters, distributed bookbooks and block chain technologies will generate a new Internet that is not controlled by global companies, and they will no longer have the power to review opinions they disagree with or to remove plugs if they want to.

这一愿景是围绕去中心化的元宇宙平台(例如 The Sandbox 和 Decentraland)构建的,这些平台最终将被组织为 DAO。购买所有权将使个人对构建虚拟域的组织的运行方式有发言权,这最终将导致虚拟民主国家和用户拥有的社区的建立。

This vision is built around decentralised meta-cosmos platforms (e.g. The Sandbox and Decentraland), which will eventually be organized as DAOs. Purchase ownership will give individuals a say in the way organizations that build virtual domains operate, which will eventually lead to the creation of virtual democracies and user-owned communities.

NFT 是去中心化元宇宙的另一个方面。这些是存在于区块链上的独特代币——就像比特币等加密货币等非独特代币一样——可用于代表独特的在线商品或商品。

NFT is another aspect of the decentralised meta-cosm. These are the unique tokens that exist in the chain of blocks — just like non-unique ones like encrypted currencies like bitcoins — that can be used to represent unique online commodities or commodities.

包括耐克、阿迪达斯和 Forever 21 在内的品牌已经使用这项技术创造了可以由其所有者在虚拟世界中佩戴、交易和展示的数字商品。另一个鞋类品牌 Clarks 最近推出了一项使用 Roblox 平台的在线锦标赛,用户可以在其中赢得独特的虚拟商品。

Brands, including Nike, Adidas, and Forever 21, have used this technology to create digital goods that their owners can wear, trade, and display in the virtual world. Another shoe brand, Clarks, recently launched an online tournament using the Roblox platform, where users can win unique virtual goods.

元宇宙作为一个去中心化的、社区拥有的乌托邦的愿景与 Meta 和 Microsoft 等公司所倡导的愿景有些不一致,这些公司旨在建立他们自己将拥有绝对控制权的专有数字宇宙。2023 年可能会在这种数字文化的冲突中带来更多有趣的发展。

The vision of the Yuan universe as a decentralized and community-owned utopian is somewhat inconsistent with the vision advocated by companies such as Meta and Microsoft, which aim to build a digital universe that they themselves will have absolute control. The year 2023 may bring about more interesting developments in this digital culture conflict.

沉浸式、体验式技术的理念是元宇宙的核心——无论它最终看起来如何,它都将比我们今天习惯的数字世界(如 Facebook 或万维网)更具吸引力。因此,我们将如何与之交互的许多想法都涉及沉浸式技术,例如虚拟现实 (VR)、增强现实 (AR) 和混合/扩展现实 (MR/XR)。

The idea of immersion, experiential technology is at the heart of the meta-cosm – whatever it may eventually look, it will be more attractive than the digital world that we are used to today, such as Facebook or the World Wide Web. So many of the ideas on how we will interact with it relate to immersion technologies, such as virtual reality (VR), enhanced reality (AR) and hybrid/extended reality (MR/XR).

Meta 已经建立了关于虚拟现实互联网“下一个级别”的具体愿景,2023 年将推出其广受欢迎的 Quest VR 耳机的新版本,以及来自诸如此类公司的新 VR/AR/MR 耳机。

Meta has established a specific vision for the “next level” of the virtual reality Internet, and a new version of its popular Quest VR headphone will be launched in 2023, as well as new VR/AR/MR headphones from companies such as this.

虽然并非所有人都同意进入虚拟世界需要我们将显示器固定在眼前,但这无疑是构建沉浸式体验的方法之一,并且会产生最令人兴奋的情况,而 2023 年将在该领域带来许多新的发展。

While not everyone agrees that entering the virtual world requires that our monitors be fixed in front of us, this is undoubtedly one of the ways to construct a immersion experience that will produce the most exciting picture, and the year 2023 will bring about many new developments in this area.

除了头显之外,我们还可以期待看到全身触觉套装的新发展,这些套装已经被 NASA 和 SpaceX 等组织用于模拟极端环境,但也将用于创造更加逼真和身临其境的消费者虚拟世界体验——几家初创公司甚至正在试验能够将气味引入我们的虚拟体验的技术!

In addition to head-blowing, we can look forward to seeing new developments in whole-body tactile suits, which have been used by organizations like NASA and SpaceX to simulate extreme environments, but which will also be used to create a more up-to-date and accessible consumer virtual world experience — several start-up companies are even experimenting with technologies that can introduce smell into our virtual experience!


Many things about the meta-cosm will involve the idea that we use the incarnation that represents us in the digital world. Just as we are used to playing our roles in video games or expressing our roles in social media, the incarnation is our presence when we interact and interact with other users -- they may look like us, like cartoon characters, or like something completely amazing, never in the real world!

Meta 最初只提供非常基本的卡通化身——这被广泛嘲笑——但最近开发了几乎逼真的技术,这将使我们看起来几乎和我们在现实世界中所做的一模一样。

Meta initially provided only a very basic cartoon incarnation — which was widely ridiculed — but recently developed almost authentic technology that would make us look almost the same as what we did in the real world.

其他技术,例如 Ready Player Me 和 Zepeto,也可以让我们创建化身,然后可以将其放入许多不同的虚拟世界和环境中,而不是局限于特定平台。

Other technologies, such as Ready Player Me and Zepeto, can also allow us to create incarnations that can then be placed in many different virtual worlds and environments, rather than in specific platforms.

作者预测,在 2023 年,我们将看到更多先进的技术用例,例如动作捕捉,这意味着除了看起来和听起来更像我们之外,我们的化身将采用我们自己独特的手势和肢体语言。

The author predicts that, in 2023, we will see more examples of advanced technology, such as action capture, which means that beyond what seems and sounds more like us, our body will use our own unique gestures and body language.


We may even begin to see further developments in the realm of autonomy — which means that they will not be under our direct control, but will be our representatives in the digital world through artificial intelligence, while we ourselves are on a mission with other people who are completely unrelated.


The view in this paper is for reference purposes only and does not constitute an investment proposal.


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