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In recent days, the Bitcoin Congress was held in Miami, United States, in 2021.


In June, in Miami, there was a irritation of money everywhere, with new tidal phrases such as NFT, Bitcoin, block chains, Token, etc., all over the world, and a crazy energy in the air.


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South Florida is hot and damp every quarter of the year, and, of course, those who have come here from California and New York when the epidemic continues to rage have heard of it. But for them, nothing is more important than the gathering of like-minded monetary friends in this city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif.

  “2021年比特币大会”(Bitcoin 2021)的现场气氛正如迈阿密的空气一样湿热——这是由一家以比特币命名的杂志所举办的币友定期聚会。因为疫情,去年的活动被推迟到了今年,所以今年会议举办期间至少有1.2万数字货币爱好者涌入迈阿密,前来参加这场全球最盛大的币友大会。

The atmosphere at the Bitcoin 2021 conference was as wet as the Miami air – a regular meeting of monetary friends organized by a magazine named Bitcoin. As a result of the epidemic, last year’s events were postponed to this year, at least 12,000 digital money fans arrived in Miami during this year’s conference.


For more than a year now, countless encoded money lovers have been able to come to the scene, and the excitement has been echoed: they have embraced conversation with enthusiasm and without masks; meeting souvenirs have included fine waistbags, colorful carnival bracelets and a Lamborghini; and currency-stable terms such as stablecoin, P2P, private keys, etc. are as common as alcoholic beverages.


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In those days, Miami was like a ball of fire, burning infinite possibilities, endless wealth and desperate, endless struggles.


The success of the 2021 Bitcoin Congress heralded at least control of the epidemic. Like other business conferences, it was filled with familiar and ordinary elements: plastic sunglasses with logo, colorful sponsors' booths, visible tapes and billboards everywhere. Some of the participants were dressed in commercial entertainment, others dressed as music festivals – and even bikinis.


Even though $64,000 fell sharply from April this year to $36,000 today, confidence has not been undermined. Wall Street bankers, investors in financial institutions, prominent media outlets, and even Republican senators in Wyoming, have come to Miami.


Are people here to build people's lives and find revolutionary breakthroughs in the global financial system, or just to be rich overnight?


Several participants said that the Conference had provided a channel for the expression of feelings — the successful holding of the 2021 Bitcoin Conference — which augured well for the end of the new crown epidemic.

  这场盛会之所以在迈阿密而不是纽约、旧金山或洛杉矶举办是有原因的:迈阿密已经变成了名副其实的加密货币之城。大街小巷上随处可见比特币ATM机;一家名为FTX的加密货币交易所最近购买了迈阿密热火队(Miami Heat)球馆的冠名权;市长弗朗西斯·苏亚雷斯(Francis Suarez)今年甚至宣布,迈阿密将接受加密货币纳税,允许员工以加密货币的形式领取工资,并探索未来进一步将加密货币纳入资产负债表。

The event was held in Miami instead of New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles for a reason: Miami has become a city of veritable encrypted money. Bitcoin ATMs are visible everywhere in the streets; an encrypted currency exchange called FTX recently purchased the title of the Miami Heat stadium; and Mayor Francis Suarez has even announced this year that Miami will accept an encrypted currency tax, allow employees to receive wages in the form of an encrypted currency, and explore the future for further encrypting the currency into the balance sheet.


On Friday morning, just after 9 a.m., when crowds came into the room, a meeting organizer introduced Soares: “He may be the most irresponsible politician in the United States, the Mayor of Free Mecca”.


Suárez rebuts with confidence: “I am here to declare to all those who hate and doubt me that this is a movement to change the future of humanity.” The whistles and cheers of the exits broke out in the crowd.

  会场所有者、房地产大亨莫伊舍·马纳(Moishe Mana)带着几位随行人员穿行于拥挤的展位和加密货币艺术大厅里,多年来,他一直致力于将新科技公司、人才和创新引入迈阿密,现在他陶醉在这座城市的崛起中。

The owner of the conference room, Moishe Mana, accompanied by several accompanying persons, has been in crowded booths and an encrypted money art hall, and for many years he has been working to bring new technology companies, talent and innovation to Miami, and he is now intoxicated by the rise of the city.


Mana thinks that New York and San Francisco are becoming less attractive. "Every city has its own golden age," he adds, "There is no winner forever."

  舞台上,企业家、加密货币亿万富翁泰勒·文克莱沃斯(Tyler Winklevoss)和卡梅伦·文克莱沃斯(Cameron Winklevoss)正在向唱诗班布道。文克莱沃斯穿了一件印着美联储大楼的T恤,下面写着一行字“Rage Against the Machine”,暗指加密货币不受中央政府或银行机构控制。

On the stage, entrepreneurs, the encrypted money billionaire Taylor Winklevos and Cameron Winklevos are preaching to choirs. Ven Clives wears a T-shirt in the Fed building, with the line “Rage Against the Machine”, implying that the encrypted currency is not controlled by the central government or banking institutions.

  离会场几个街区之外,在一个名为LAB Miami的联合办公空间里,50余人聚集在一起讨论今年人气暴涨的数字艺术收藏品,即广为人知的NFT(不可替代代币,nonfungible token)。

A few blocks away from the venue, in a joint office space called LAB Miami, more than 50 people gathered to discuss a digital art collection of this year's surge, the widely known NFT (nonfundible token, nofungible).

  这群人中大约有一半是迈阿密居民,比如斯蒂芬妮·戴维斯(Stephanie Davis)。她去年从谷歌辞职,离开了硅谷,和同为谷歌员工的丈夫埃里克·卡米(Eric Kami)一起搬到了迈阿密。他们创办了一家名为Tribe Socks的初创公司。

About half of these people are residents of Miami, like Stephanie Davis. She resigned from Google last year, left Silicon Valley, and moved to Miami with Eric Kami, the husband of Google staff. They started a start-up company called Tribe Socks.


Davis said that in Silicon Valley, people learned that when they decided to leave Google to start a business, they were worried to ask what the situation was. But in Miami, “everyone will say, ‘Congratulations!’”

  企业家兼投资者德鲁·奥斯汀(Drew Austin)在演讲中描述了他成功投资NBA Top Shot的经历,这是一个买卖“数字篮球片段”的网站。另一位小组成员亚历克斯·陶布(Alex Taub)插话说:“奥斯汀只投入了3万到5万美元,目前他的收益超过200万美元。”

In his presentation, the entrepreneur and investor, Drew Austin, described his success in investing in the NBA Top Short, a web site for buying and selling “digital basketball clips.” Another panellist, Alex Taub, said: “Austin has invested only $30,000 to $50,000, and he now earns more than $2 million.”

  奥斯汀认为,NBA Top Shot让传统用户也可以投资加密货币。他说:“从2013年开始,我就一直在向我的朋友们宣传加密货币,而NBA Top Shot让他们迈出了接触加密货币的第一步。”

Austin thinks that NBA Top Short allows traditional users to invest in encrypted money. He says, "I've been promoting encrypted money to my friends since 2013, and NBA Top Short has made them the first step in accessing encrypted money."


The topic then turned to the recent decline in the NFT market volume. According to the technology media Protos, which focused on encryption money, NFT’s weekly sales fell by 90% from its peak in early May.


“90% of NFTs will eventually become worthless.” Taubou warned.

  下一个讨论的主题是Zed Run,这是一家购买、比赛和饲养“数字马”的网站。阿里·斯帕诺拉(Ali Spagnola)是一位颇受欢迎的YouTube主播,她最近开始以NFT的形式销售自己的画作。她询问Zed Run的商业合作伙伴关系主管罗曼·蒂隆(Roman Tirone),这些“数字马”能活多久。

The next topic for discussion is Zed Run, a website that buys, competes, and breeds “digital horses.” Ali Spagnola, a popular YouTube anchor, recently started selling her paintings in the form of NFT. She asked how long the “digital horses” would last.


“Digital horse for eternity.” The latter is confident.

  沿路而下,在历史悠久的抒情剧院(Lyric Theater),一群女性与会者在一场名为“葡萄酒、女性和加密货币”(Wine, Women and Crypto)的聚会上边交谈边畅饮葡萄酒。加密货币高管纳贾·罗伯茨(Najah Roberts)和开发了“黑色华尔街”(Black Wall Street)应用程序的希尔·哈珀(Hill Harper)解释说,投资加密货币是黑人社区走向金融自由和财富的关键一步。

Along the road, in the long-standing Lyric Theater, a group of female participants at a party called Wine, Women and Crypto, drinking wine at the same time as they talk. The encrypted currency capacitors, Najah Roberts, and the development of Black Wall Street applications, Hill Harper, explained that investment in cryptographic money is a crucial step towards financial freedom and wealth for the black community.

  “在比特币的世界里,没有殖民,没有种族歧视,”希尔说。他穿着一件t恤,上面印着一行字“中本聪是黑色的”——中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)是比特币的发明者。

“In the world of Bitcoin, there is no colonization, there is no racial discrimination,” Hill says. He wears a t-shirt with a line on it, “Middle is black” -- Satoshi Nakamoto is the inventor of Bitcoin.

  根据金融服务评级网站The Ascent的一项调查,只有14%的美国成年人购买过加密货币。

According to a survey by the Financial Services Rating website The Ascent, only 14 per cent of adults in the United States had purchased encrypted currency.

  与会者、非营利性机构高管肖恩达·帕甘(Shownda Pagan)说,一年前,在侄子和儿子的鼓励下,她购入了比特币和狗狗币,还购买了一度陷入困境的连锁影院AMC的股票。在社交媒体的影响下,该公司股价一路飙升,甚至成为了一只“迷因股票”。帕甘表示对自己资产的快速增长感到震惊。

Participant and non-profit agency executive Shownda Pagan said that a year ago, with the encouragement of her nephew and son, she bought bitcoin and dog coins, as well as shares from AMC, a once-suffering cinema chain. Under the influence of social media, the company’s stock prices rose sharply, and even became a “moderate stock.” Pagan expressed shock at the rapid growth of her assets.


As the night fell from pink to dark black in Miami, the 2021 Bitcoin Congress was transformed into cocktails, roof dinners and yacht parties.


The colleagues who worked remotely through Slack and Zoom for a whole year finally met and enthusiastically held each other; people used self-service sushi under fancy chandeliers to talk about the concept of new tides.

  一些人在八卦主办方为购买19795美元特别门票的与会者举办的“鲸鱼”派对,另一些人在猜测周日的拳击比赛谁会赢,这场比赛的对阵双方是前拳击手、现为加密货币交易员的弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather Jr.)和YouTube主播洛根·保罗(Logan Paul);发一条推文就能让加密货币大幅波动的埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)同时受到了大家的赞颂和嘲讽。

Some hosted a “Walf” party for participants buying special tickets of US$ 19795, while others guessed who would win a boxing match on Sunday with former boxers, Floyd Mayweather Jr., who is now an encrypt currency dealer, and YouTube hosts Logan Paul; a tweet would allow the encoded currency Elon Musk to be lauded and scorned at the same time.


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After such a grand meeting, the market for encrypted money, such as Bitcoin, did not rebound, and the future of encrypted currency transactions and mining remains unpredictable.




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