
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:26 评论:0



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文 | 财联社 记者孙诗宇

Sun Shee-woo, a reporter at the Finance Association.



央行:将开展票据互换(CBS)操作 操作量为50亿元

Central Bank: CBS operations will be carried out at a cost of $5 billion.

央行:三季度银行网上支付金额551.60万亿元 同比增长11.29%

Central banks: 3-quarter bank online payments of 551.60 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.29 per cent.

央行:9月末人民币对美元汇率中间价为6.8101元 较上年末升值2.44%

Central Bank: The median exchange rate of the renminbi against the United States dollar at the end of September was 6.8101 yuan, an increase of 2.44 per cent compared with the end of the previous year

央行:完善货币供应调控机制 健全市场化利率形成和传导机制

Central Bank: Improve money supply regulation and market-based interest rate formation and transmission mechanisms

央行:不让市场缺钱 又坚决不搞“大水漫灌”

Central Bank: No shortage of money in the market and no "blowing water."




Cross-border finance will be implemented by the end of the year


Extension and expansion of currency swap agreements between the Central Bank and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority


Shanghai: Encouraging the establishment and development of foreign research and development centres




Liu Fuxing, Silver Insurance Supervisory Board: Censorship of financial irregularities in the real estate sector


Liu Fuxing, Silver Insurance Supervisory Board: Increased supervision of cooperation between banking insurance institutions and technology companies


Liu Fuxing: The blind expansion of financial assets has been fundamentally reversed


Silverguard Inspector Liu Fuxing: The P2P lending facility was fully zero by mid-November this year

因严重违反审慎经营规则等 上海银行及其分支行被罚180万元

The Shanghai Bank and its branches were fined $1.8 million for serious breaches of prudential rules, etc.


There were serious irregularities in the factoring business, and two shareholdings in the Beijing branch were subject to regulatory penalties.


The former Chairman of Gilling Bank, Zhang Po-xiang, was expelled from the Party and from public office.

长安银行党委书记、董事长涉赵永军嫌严重违纪违法 目前正接受审查

The Chairman of the Committee and Chairman of the Jang Bank Party is under review for serious disciplinary offences.


The bank ate the bank! The former vice president of Hebei's branch was "divided"


Industries >

刘桂平:以金融开放为契机 引导各类资金有效参与国内大循环

Liu Guiping: Financial openness as an opportunity to direct all kinds of funds to participate effectively in the domestic cycle


Vice-President of the Board of Governors of the Bank of China: non-discriminatory treatment of State-owned, private and foreign institutions


Vice-President of the Bank Insurance Supervisory Board: currently 61 per cent of the total amount of social financing is financed by bank credit


The experts expect that the straight-up tool and cost reductions will continue to work.

银行板块延续涨势 机构称未来还有60%以上上涨空间

Bank plates continue to rise, and agencies say there's still more than 60% of the future.

银行理财子公司再扩容 浙商银行拟出资20亿设浙银理财

The Bank of Merchants is offering $2 billion in silver.

银行备战2021年“开门红” 存款利率上浮成卖点

The bank was ready to open the door in 2021, and the interest rate on the deposit floated to the point of sale.

中银协周更强:扎实推进银行理财转型 更好服务经济社会发展

The Bank of China and China has a stronger week: a solid push for the financial transformation of banks and a better service to economic and social development.


Feedback from IPO Certification Supervisory Board of Guangzhou Bank: Need to respond to 51 higher-level issues in real estate loans

徽商银行披露收购承接包商银行业务细节:承接负债总额983.82亿元 无需向包商银行支付现金

Bank of Insignia discloses the details of the acquisition of the subcontractor's banking operations: the total liability is $98,382 million and no cash payments are required to be made to the Contractor's Bank


A number of banks have suspended some of their precious metal transactions on an emergency basis or have been cautious in the event of large market fluctuations


In recent times, central banks have either implemented the core elements of monetary policy or stabilized the market, but the year-end financial situation remains fragile.


The Central Bank will be fully engaged in cash-refusal centralization and long-lasting mechanisms.

“金融数字化发展联盟”正式成立 金融业数字化发展步伐再度加快

The Financial Digital Development Alliance was formally established, and the pace of digitalization in the financial sector is accelerating again.

2000亿元支持中小银行专项债额度下达 四家城商行披露申请补充资本金方案

200 million yuan to support the issuance of a special debt line for small and medium-sized banks.


The China Postal Bank continues to procure Ali Yun technology and services

浙江、陕西下月将发行专项债补充银行资本金:合计96亿 期限10年

Zhejiang and Shaanxi will issue special debt replenishment bank capital next month: a total of $9.6 billion for 10 years

新加坡金管局今年底将颁发数码银行执照 蚂蚁集团、字节跳动都参与竞标

The Gold Agency of Singapore will issue a digital banking license by the end of this year.


Cross-border finance will be implemented by the end of the year


Do you have a plan or do you want to drink? Internet deposits are going to be in control.


Zhou Xiaochuan: The development of e-payments also requires the same difference


Standard transceiver of the renminbi cross-border payment system

三季度促成借款额483亿元毛利润9.8亿 乐信无风险、纯科技服务占比扩大至40%

Three quarters led to a loan of $ 48.3 billion gross profit of $ 980 million.

建设银行纳闽分行撤回发行数字债券 “币圈”亢奋反应或是主因

The construction bank's Labuan branch has withdrawn the issue of digital bonds, the currency circle reacts or the main cause.


Hong Kong Treasury Director Chen Mao Bo: Actively explore with the Central Bank to improve the two-way flow of RMB funds


Suzhou will launch the digital renminbi in two-twelve.


Too many spells: never applied for the direct sale of bank plates


Deutsche Bank: digital payments through mergers and acquisitions and joint enterprise development

商业银行年内二级资本债发行额逼近6000亿元大关 已超去年全年水平

Commercial banks have reached nearly $600 billion in second-class capital debt issuance during the year, which is above last year's full-year level.

经济回暖利润修复 机构看好银行业估值回升

The recovery of profits from the recovery of the economy and the institution's interest in the recovery of the value of the banking sector.

全国最后一家二级农信社改制完成 广东汕头海湾农商行挂牌

The country's last second-tier agronomist has been re-established.




Xinghai Lease: about 107 million shares of Tianjin Bank have been registered to Hong Kong under the name Xinghai


Bank of Insignia: acquisition of RMB 15.3 billion worth of operations of the Bank of Consignors

建设银行:因工作调动 刘桂平辞任行长等职务

Construction of the Bank: as a result of his transfer to work, Liu Guiping has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, etc.


Merchant Bank: Asset hosting out of $15 trillion


Hangzhou Bank: the independent director of Lee Changqing has been approved by the regulatory authority

农业银行:汇市剧烈波动 部分结构性存款产品仅获低收益概率升高

Agricultural banks: The volatility of money transfer markets increases the probability that some structural deposit products will receive only low returns.


Bank of Warsaw: Technology will expand to 3,000 in three years


Chengdu Bank: completion of the issuance of an open-term capital bond of $6 billion


Brochure Bank: proposed to issue no more than $25 billion in write-down capital bonds for an indefinite period


Chestbank: 2 billion yuan is proposed for the establishment of the Silver Resources Limited.


Suzhou Bank: Vice President Lee Wei has been accredited


Agricultural banks: Adjustment of foreign exchange transactions between the two branches of the money transfer market and the individual


Transport Bank: it is proposed to participate in the establishment of the Qinghua Silver (Shanghai) Fund through the investment of subsidiaries


Transport banks: proposed issuance of write-down capital bonds up to a total of $140 billion


Jiangsu Bank: 3-16 December “Sweeds-to-Debt” stopped transferring shares and trading


Chengdu Bank: more than 70 million shares auctioned by the judiciary


Transport Bank: Completion of the issuance of the first offshore permanent debt by the Chinese capital bank


Sino-Bank: Board of Directors agreed to appoint Reed as Vice-President


Poupau Bank: completion of the issuance of $50 billion in open-term capital bonds


Bank of China: Repository of priority shares in the first instalment and de-carding completed


Chengdu Bank: 24.43 million restricted shares released on 30 November


Bank of Transport: Chief Risk Officer Zhang Hui resigned as a result of his reassignment


ISBM principles agree that the charter bank is subject to insolvency proceedings.


Bank of Transport: Qualification of Director Lee Xiao Hui has been approved by the Supervisory Authority


The Silver Insurance Supervisory Board has granted approval for a replenishment programme with a maximum of 1.634 billion shares.


Bank of Sonon: 77.8 million restricted shares released on 30 November



1.央行:将开展票据互换(CBS)操作 操作量为50亿元

1. Central Bank: CBS will operate with an operating capacity of $5 billion .


On November 27, the Central Bank announced that on Friday, 27 November 2020, the People’s Bank of China would operate the eleventh round of the Exchange of Central Bank Notes (CBS) in 2020. The current operation would amount to RMB 5 billion for a three-month period, with a fixed-rate bid rate of 0.10 per cent for traders at the operational level on the open market, and the first settlement date would be 27 November 2020, with an expiry date of 27 February 2021 (continuing on a holiday).

2.央行:三季度银行网上支付金额551.60万亿元 同比增长11.29%

2. Three-quarter bank online payments amounting to 551.60 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.29 per cent.


On November 27, the Central Bank issued a circular on the overall operation of the payment system in the third quarter of 2020: in the third quarter, banks handled 64,977 million electronic payments, amounting to $6,9644 trillion. Of this, 2,2444 million online payments, amounting to $5,560 trillion, an increase of 12.56 per cent and 11.29 per cent, respectively.

3.央行:9月末人民币对美元汇率中间价为6.8101元 较上年末升值2.44%

3. Central Bank: The median exchange rate of the renminbi against the United States dollar at the end of September was 6.8101 yuan, an increase of 2.44 per cent compared with the end of the previous year

11月26日讯,中国央行发布2020年第三季度中国货币政策执行报告。报告显示,2020 年以来,跨境资本流动和外汇供求基本平衡,市场预期总体平稳。人民币汇率以市场供求为基础,有贬有升,双向浮动,在合理均衡水平上保持基本稳定。前三季度,人民币对美元汇率弹性增强,小幅升值。9月末,人民币对美元汇率中间价为6.8101元,较上年末升值2.44%,2005 年人民币汇率形成机制改革以来累计升值21.53%。

On November 26, the Central Bank of China issued a report on the implementation of China’s monetary policy in the third quarter of 2020. The report shows that since 2020, the exchange rate of the renminbi has been based on market supply and demand, and that the market is expected to be generally stable.

4.央行:完善货币供应调控机制 健全市场化利率形成和传导机制

4. Central banks: perfect money supply regulation mechanisms, sound market-based interest rate formation and transmission mechanisms


On November 26, the Central Bank issued a report on the implementation of China’s monetary policy in the third quarter of 2020. The next phase will be the construction of a modern central banking system, the improvement of the mechanisms for regulating the supply of money, the improvement of market-based interest rate formation and transmission, and the construction of institutional mechanisms for effective financial support to the real economy.

5.央行:不让市场缺钱 又坚决不搞“大水漫灌”

5. Central banks: No shortage of money in the market and no “stroking of water” .


On November 26, the Central Bank issued a report on the implementation of China’s monetary policy in the third quarter of 2020. The next stage will be to improve the mechanisms for regulating the supply of money, keeping in mind the macro-level situation and market needs, scientific control of the intensity, pace and focus of monetary policy operations, while maintaining a reasonable level of liquidity and keeping markets from being short of money, as well as making a firm effort to avoid a “blown flood” of money from the market.




Cross-border finance will be implemented at the end of the year .


On 25 November, the Bank, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Macao Monetary Authority jointly issued a joint communiqué in June on the implementation of the “Transborder Finance” pilot in Hong Kong, Australia and the Gulf region. Today, the Governance Report will be implemented by the end of the year. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has indicated that the details will be finalized as soon as possible, in accordance with the framework, with a view to the early launch of the Finance Management Framework.


2. Extension and expansion of the Exchange Agreement between the Central Bank and the Hong Kong Financial Authority


On 25 November, with the approval of the State Council, the People's Bank of China and the Hong Kong Financial Authority recently renewed their currency swap agreement, which was expanded from HK$400 billion to HK$500 billion, which is valid for five years and renewable by mutual agreement. The two sides believe that the renewal of the exchange agreement is conducive to maintaining financial stability between the two regions, facilitating trade and investment between the two regions, and facilitating the development of Hong Kong's offshore renminbi market.


3. Shanghai: Encouraging the establishment and development of foreign research and development centres


On 24 November, Shanghai City issued the Shanghai City Regulation on encouraging the establishment and development of foreign research and development centres in Shanghai. It states that the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank and the Shanghai City Bureau of the National Foreign Exchange Administration support banks in providing convertible cross-border financial services to foreign research and development centres based on trust free trade accounts, including cross-border financing, technology trade, franchising, pooling of funds, etc., facilitating related cross-border financial services for the participation of foreign research and development centre employees in equity incentive schemes in accordance with the law, and facilitating convertible cross-border financial services based on individual free trade accounts for foreign investment research and development centre personnel imported abroad.




1. . > : .


On 27 November, Liu Fuxing, Chief Counsel of the China Bank Insurance Board, stated on 27 November, at the “Annual Financial Conference 2021: Forecasts and Strategies”, that it was determined to prevent and address systemic financial risks, to continue to dismantle high-risk shadow banking operations, to strictly monitor the flow of funds into real estate, and to actively cooperate in preventing the risk of hidden local government debt.


2. Silver Insurance Supervisory Board Liu Fuxu: Strengthening supervision of cooperation between banking insurance institutions and technology companies


On 27 November, Liu Fuxing, Chief Counsel of the China Bank Insurance Board, stated at the “Annual Financial and Economic Conference 2021: Projections and Strategies” on 27 November that it was necessary to combine the relationship between innovation development and risk prevention, to strengthen the application of financial science and technology, to continuously upgrade the level of informationization and digitization, to improve the governance of information technology, to strengthen the supervision of cooperation between banking insurance institutions and scientific and technological companies, and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers, particularly the security of information privacy.


3. . . > . >.................................................................................................................................................................................


On 27 November, Liu Fuxing, Chief Counsel of the China Bank Insurance Board, stated at the “Annual Finance Conference 2021: Forecasts and Strategies” on 27 November that the blind expansion of financial assets had been fundamentally reversed, shadow banking risks had continued to shrink, the scale of the historical peak had been reduced by some 20 trillion yuan, the disposal of bad assets had advanced, and the banking sector had disposed of less than the sum of the previous eight years from the beginning of 2017 to the end of September.


4. Silverguard Inspector Liu Fuxing: the P2P lending facility will be fully zero by mid-November this year


On November 27, Liu Fuxing, the lead attorney of China’s Banking Insurance Supervisory Board, stated that the blind expansion of financial assets had been fundamentally reversed, shadow banking risks had continued to shrink, and the scale of the historical peak had been reduced by about 20 trillion yuan. “Internet financial risks had fallen dramatically, and the country’s operational P2P lending institutions had fallen from a peak of about 5,000, and we had gradually fallen to zero by mid-November this year.”

5.因严重违反审慎经营规则等 上海银行及其分支行被罚180万元

5. The Shanghai Bank and its branches were fined $1.8 million for serious breaches of prudential rules.


On 25 November, the Shanghai Superintendency issued five tickets to the Shanghai Bank and its branch offices, directly responsible, for a total of $1.8 million. Specifically, the largest of the tickets was ordered by the Shanghai Bank for serious breaches of prudential rules in 2014-2018 and for failure to extend its performance remuneration for 2017 in 2018, which was corrected by the Shanghai Superintendency and fined to a total of $800,000.


6. Serious irregularities in factoring operations resulted in regulatory penalties for the Beijing branch of two equity companies .


On 25 November, the Beijing Superintendency of Silver Insurance issued two tickets for irregularities in bank factoring, which were imposed on the Bank of Heng and the Bank of Hong Kong.


According to the Beijing Superintendency of Silver Insurance, the Beijing branch of the Bank of China and the Beijing branch of the Bank of Hong Kong were ordered to be corrected and fined 300,000 yuan each for serious breaches of prudential rules by factoring operations.


7. Jang Po-xiang, former Chairman of Jilin Bank, was dismissed from party membership and public office


On 24 November, according to the Jilin Provincial Disciplinary Committee, the Jilin Provincial Disciplinary Committee recently opened an investigation into serious breaches of discipline by the former Party Secretary and Chairman of the Jilin Bank, Zhang Po-xiang, with the approval of the Jilin Provincial Council Committee. In accordance with the relevant provisions, the Jilin Provincial Disciplinary Committee, the Committee's Standing Committee, and the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, decided to impose a penalty for the dismissal of Zhang Po-xiang from the Party; the Jilin Provincial Supervisory Board imposed a disciplinary measure for his dismissal from the public service; and he was referred to the Public Prosecution Service for the prosecution of the alleged offences and the property in question was transferred with the approval of the Central Committee of the Central Committee.

8.长安银行党委书记、董事长涉赵永军嫌严重违纪违法 目前正接受审查

8. The Chairman of the Committee and Chairman of the Chang'an Banking Party, Mr. Zhao Young, is under review for serious disciplinary offences.


On 24 November, the Shaanxi Inspection Network announced that Zhao Yong Jun, the secretary of the party committee and director of Chang An Bank Ltd., was currently under disciplinary review and inspection, following the approval of the Governor of Zhao Young Bank on 18 March 2019, and that, as of now, he had been in office for less than two years.


9. Bank-eat bank! The former vice president of Hebei branch was "double-crossed" .


On the evening of 20 November, the CCM website reported that the CMC National Monitoring Team for Transport Banks and the CMC Supervisory Board for Tianjin City: the CMC National Monitoring Team for Transport Banks and the CMC Supervisory Board for Tianjin City had recently opened an investigation into allegations of serious breaches of discipline by former members of the party committee and Vice-President of the CMC Hebei branch.


Industries >

1.刘桂平:以金融开放为契机 引导各类资金有效参与国内大循环

1. Liu Guiping: Financial openness as an opportunity to direct all types of funds to participate effectively in the domestic cycle


On 28 November, Liu Guiping, Vice-President of the People's Bank of China, stated today at the annual academic conference of the Chinese Financial Society and the annual meeting of the China Financial Forum, in 2020, that financial opening was an opportunity to build a better financial market system, product systems, institutional systems and infrastructure systems that could better fulfil the pricing, risk-dispersing and service functions of finance, take advantage of market-based incentives, promote structural reforms on the supply side, and direct all types of funds to participate effectively in the domestic cycle.


2. Vice-President Cao Cao of the Board: Equal treatment of State-owned, private and foreign institutions


On November 28, the Vice-Chairman of the China Banking Insurance Supervisory Board, Cao Woo, stated that supervision was a legal border and a standard of conduct for regulators and a source and basis of regulatory authority. We should always maintain transparency in the rules of supervision and maintain consistency in the standards of supervision, with no distinction between Chinese and foreign, State-owned or private institutions, and apply consistent standards of supervision.


3. Cao, Vice-President of the Bank Insurance Board: current credit finance accounts for 61% of total social finance


On 28 November, the Vice-Chairman of the China Banking Insurance Supervisory Board, Cao Woo, stated at the annual academic conference of the Chinese Financial Society in 2020 and the annual meeting of the China Financial Forum that, to date, bank credit finance accounted for 61 per cent of total social financing and for 67 per cent of the balance of the bond market over the same period, both internal and external investment bonds, strongly supported real economic development.


4. The experts expect that the “direct-in-the-tool” and reduced costs will continue to work .


According to the 28 November news, in relation to the current financial system as a real economic concession, the chief macro-analyst Wang Qing, Kim Jong Kim, believes that it is basically time-bound. In November and December, banks are expected to reduce the real economy by about 80 billion yuan-100 billion yuan per month by lowering interest rates, and the size of the “deficit” will increase compared to the previous months of September and October.

5.银行板块延续涨势 机构称未来还有60%以上上涨空间

5. The bank plate continues to grow.


On November 26, the Central Bank issued the Report on the Implementation of China's Monetary Policy for the Third Quarter of 2020, which indicated that the Central Bank would follow up firmly on the deployment of the Party's central, State Council, integrating the control of the epidemic and economic and social development efforts, making every effort to complete the “6-S” and “13-F” planning exercises, improving macroeconomic governance, developing cross-cyclical policy designs, promoting economy balance, structural optimization, and internal and external balance. The data show that, on November 26, a total of 20 bank units showed a single net inflow, totalling $958 million. All four banks, such as Business, Hewl Bank, Light Bank, Building Bank, etc., recorded a significant increase in net capital inflows from “6-S” to “6-System” and “13-Five Five-Five-Five” to “Sy-System” banks, accounting for a net increase of $17,654 million, 1.48 million in space, $146.82 million in space, $111.69 million in capital, and $4.09 million in net bank gains, which had been recognized a significant increase of interest of $5.7 billion.00.

6.银行理财子公司再扩容 浙商银行拟出资20亿设浙银理财

6. The Bank of Merchants is planning to fund 2 billion bank accounts .


On November 27, the Bank of Zimmers announced yesterday evening that it would fund $2 billion to set up a limited liability company for silver finance. The scope of silver finance operations included: public distribution of property to the unsettled public, investment in and management of entrusted investor property, and non-public distribution of property to qualified investors. Since this year, several banks have set up and operate financial subsidiaries, and at least 36 banks have announced the establishment of financial subsidiaries throughout the country, 23 of which have been approved, including two joint ventures outside the home and 21 have been opened.

7.银行备战2021年“开门红” 存款利率上浮成卖点

7. Bank readiness 2021 “open door red” deposit interest rate floated into sales point


On 27 November, several banks recently pre-positioned their 2021 “open doors” in advance. Some banks have introduced high-interest deposit products and a variety of promotional activities to attract customers, some of which have interest rates of up to 4.25 per cent, and credit products, as well as substitute insurance products, have become the driving force of the banks.

8.中银协周更强:扎实推进银行理财转型 更好服务经济社会发展

8. . > >. . >. . . >...................................................................................................................................................................


The Deputy Secretary-General of the Chinese Banking Association, Zhou, stated today at the 2020 Finance Management Summit that the banking company was already on the ground. The establishment of the finance company by the commercial banks was an important step in implementing the new regulations. To date, 21 banks have established the “ice break” company, 19 of which are already operating.


9. Feedback from IPO of Guangzhou Bank: Need to respond to 51 issues of higher real estate lending


On 27 November, the CSRC disclosed feedback from the Guangzhou Bank IPO, according to which the Guangzhou Bank was required to respond to 51 questions, including the relatively high proportion of real estate loans, the high concentration of loans from the top 10 clients, and the partial annual regulatory target below the target.


The Bank's previously disclosed offer shows that, as at 31 December 2019, the main clients of the Guangzhou Bank loans were in real estate, rental and commercial services and wholesale and retail trade, with loans from three major sectors accounting for 64.34 per cent of the total corporate loans and advances (of which real estate loans accounted for approximately 25 per cent) and 29.9 per cent of the total loans and advances.

10.徽商银行披露收购承接包商银行业务细节:承接负债总额983.82亿元 无需向包商银行支付现金

10. Bank of Insignia discloses the details of the acquisition of the subcontractor's banking business: the total liability is $98,382 million and no cash payments are required to the Contractor's Bank


On the evening of the 27th day, the Bank of Insignia disclosed the details of the underwriter’s banking operations at the Hong Kong border office. As at the base date of the transaction, the total value of the net book value of the assets under the acquisition and the liability of the Bank of Insignia was approximately 98,382 million yuan, with an asset assessment value of approximately 65,347 million yuan and a business value of $15.3 billion.


“There is no need to pay cash to the Contractor's Bank for the acceptance of the acquisition.” Bank of Insignia states in its bulletin that the amount of the difference between the value of the liability and the assessment value of the acquisition assets carried by the Bank is reduced by the amount of business value to be paid by the Bank, leaving a total amount of approximately 17,735 million yuan.


11. Several banks have suspended some of their precious metal transactions on an emergency basis or have taken care to


On the afternoon of 27 November, several banks issued an emergency notice suspending some of their accounts for precious metals.


They also note that the market for precious metals has fluctuated considerably in recent times and may have triggered a risk model for some institutions, and banks have taken the above-mentioned measures out of caution.


12. Recent central bank monetary policy implementation core factors or market stabilization, but the year-end financial situation remains fragile


Analysts have pointed out that recent credit events have hit market confidence, and that the central bank’s most central consideration is now either to stabilize the market. But, towards the end of the year, the central bank may continue to maintain its current policy operations of tight balance in aggregates, with easy capital.


The report states that risk mitigation tasks need to be carried forward in a sound manner, and that local risks must not evolve into systemic risks and regional risks evolve into national risks. A more robust system of accountability for financial risk management should be accelerated, putting pressure on shareholders, various types of creditors, local governments and financial regulators.


Tokukawa, the top analyst for the Toshio Securities Macro, said to FAFIS that the above statement in the Central Bank's report was indeed a response to the Yong Coal incident and meant to stabilize market expectations.


13. The Central Bank will undertake a comprehensive process of cash rejection centralization and long-term mechanism development


Li Wei, Director of Science and Technology of the People’s Bank of China, stated at the State Council’s policy briefing today that the People’s Bank attaches great importance to solving the difficulties of older persons in using smart technology. In cash management, in response to existing discrimination, exclusion from cash use, etc., the People’s Bank, with the unified deployment of the State Council, will undertake a comprehensive process of centralizing the withdrawal of cash and building lasting mechanisms.

14.“金融数字化发展联盟”正式成立 金融业数字化发展步伐再度加快

14. The Financial Digital Development Alliance was formally established and the pace of digitalization in the financial sector has again accelerated


On November 26, 202 banking financial institutions and industry-related parties, the Financial Digital Development Alliance was launched, including industry chains such as bytes, hunger, communications, and smooth logistics. The pace of digitalization in the financial sector has accelerated again. Currently, activities of the Financial Digital Development Alliance to promote digitalization in the financial sector are under way, and the Alliance has published its first research report on the theme of digital transition in consumer finance by 2020.

15.2000亿元支持中小银行专项债额度下达 四家城商行披露申请补充资本金方案

$1.500 billion to support the issuance of a special debt line for small and medium-sized banks


The Ministry of Finance has recently disclosed that an additional $20 billion in specific bonds to support the mitigation of risks in local small and medium-sized banks has now been issued in full.


The market believes that this approach will help to broaden external capital supplementation channels and ease the financial pressure on small and medium-sized banks. To date, Wenzhou Bank, Guangxi North Bay Bank, Uhai Bank, and Inner Mongolia Bank have disclosed their application for local-specific debt replenishment schemes.


16. The China Postal Bank continues to procure Aliun technology and services

11月25日讯,中国邮政储蓄银行日前发布采购公示,将采购阿里云提供的技术和服务,以加快产品和服务推出,快速应对市场变化、响应客户需求。采购公示显示,中国邮政储蓄银行将通过单一来源方式继续采购阿里云mPaaS移动开发平台及分布式金融核心套件bPaaS灾备相关组件及服务,以支撑旗下“YOU生活”APP系统的研发和运营等工作。今年7月,阿里云正式中标中国邮政储蓄银行“YOU生活”APP工程采购项目,最新披露的采购则是在此基础上的补充性采购行为。公开资料显示,“YOU生活”APP是中国邮政储蓄银行构建的以用户为中心、侧重提供泛生活服务的平台, 提供包含健康、汽车、机场服务、留学签证、外卖、积分兑换、会员体系等多种生活和金融服务。

On 25 November, the Postal Savings Bank of China issued a new procurement announcement to support the development and operation of the “YOU Live” AP system under the flag. In July this year, Aryan officially signed the “YOU Live” project of the Postal Savings Bank of China, the latest disclosed procurement was a complementary procurement action on this basis. According to public information, the “YOU Live” package is a user-centred platform of the Postal Savings Bank of China that focuses on the provision of general life services and provides a variety of living and financial services, including health, automobiles, airport services, school-leaving visas, external sales, stock exchange, membership systems, etc.

17.浙江、陕西下月将发行专项债补充银行资本金:合计96亿 期限10年

17. Zhejiang and Zhexi will issue special debt replenishment bank capital next month: a total of 9.6 billion for 10 years


On November 25, each of Zhejiang and Shaanxi Provinces will issue a special local government debt in December to supplement the capital of small and medium-sized banks, amounting to $5 billion and $4.6 billion, respectively, for a 10-year period. Of this amount, Zhejiang Province has been issued for a specified period of mid-December. The Ministry of Finance has recently indicated that, with the approval of the State Council, on November 11, it has issued an additional special bond amount of $20 billion to support the risk reduction of small and medium-sized banks in the region.

18.新加坡金管局今年底将颁发数码银行执照 蚂蚁集团、字节跳动都参与竞标

18. The Gold Authority of Singapore will issue a digital banking license by the end of this year.


On November 25, Singapore’s Director of Financial Management, Mon Wenchen, said today (25th) that Singapore is scheduled to issue digital banking licences by the end of this year. Mon Wenchen indicated that Singapore’s requirements for digital banking licence applicants include the ability to provide good services, as well as appropriate risk management, and a smooth exit strategy. Singapore expects to issue up to five pure digital banking licences by the end of this year.


19. Cross-border finance will be implemented at the end of the year


On November 25, the Bank, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the Macao Monetary Authority jointly issued a joint communiqué in June on the implementation of the “Transborder Finance” pilot operation in Hong Kong, Australia and the Gulf region. Today, the Governance Report will be implemented by the end of the year. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has indicated that the details will be finalized as soon as possible, in accordance with the framework, with a view to an early start to the operation.


20. Do you want to save or drink? Internet deposits will be subject to regulation .


Despite the absence of any further regulation at this time, the market has anticipated that the policy of regulating the Internet deposit market, involving nearly 100 banks, is in the process of being developed: the regulatory hierarchy has recently slashed Internet deposits, pointing to excessive reliance on Internet deposits by banks in some high-risk areas or leading to instability of debt funds, which is tantamount to a thirst-free drinking.


Journalists have looked at a number of banks that are interested in Internet deposits and found that a number of small and medium-sized banks, which have narrow storage channels, rely on Internet platforms for bank deposits, and that deposit balances have soared, or even multiplied, but the cost of holding them is higher than below the line.


“This is similar to previous active liabilities, such as joint ventures, which, if too dependent, could lead to the volatility of such deposits.” The Deputy Director of the National Financial Development Laboratory has just indicated to journalists that Internet deposits may in the future control size, limit interest rates, or refer to the relevant provisions of the joint venture.


It is worth noting that some banks that rely on Internet deposit channels have started to build their own channels. A private banker has told journalists that Internet platforms can indeed be fast-tracked or new customers can be rapidly expanded for banks, but that they will be regulated in terms of size and interest rates. “Although they will not abandon Internet deposit channels, banks will also increase their own platform.”


21. > : Development of e-payment currencies also requires co-discrepancies


On 24 November, the financial summit of the China People’s Bank, the Vice-President of the Bojong Asia Forum, and the Chief Representative of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, focused their opening remarks on digital-currency trade between countries and the development of electronic payments. Zhou Xiaochuan said that, in the light of the impact of the epidemic, the digital economy was being valued for development, online instruction, home-based work, etc., and the use of cash in retail payments was declining, creating a good time for vigorous development of digital money and electronic payments.


22. Standard transceiver of the renminbi cross-border payment system


On 20 November, the Standard Transfrontier Payment System (CIPS) transceiver was successfully connected to the Transport Bank and Hainan Bank and successfully completed its first cross-border remittance operation.


It was stated that the CIPS standard transceiver was on the line on a pilot basis at Hainan Freeport, helping to leverage the unique resource endowment and location advantages of Hainan, promoting the cross-border use and two-way circulation of the renminbi, and contributing to the construction of a new pattern of external openness based on a large domestic cycle and mutually reinforcing domestic and international two-cycles.

23.三季度促成借款额483亿元毛利润9.8亿 乐信无风险、纯科技服务占比扩大至40%

23. > 23.3 billion gross profit from borrowing in three quarters > > 980 million free of risk, pure technology service ratio expanded to 40%


On November 24, LeHN released its unaudited financial performance for the third quarter of 2020. In the third quarter, LeHN facilitated the borrowing of RMB 48.3 billion, an increase of 30.6 per cent over the same period; raised RH 3.2 billion, a gross profit of RMB 980 million, and a pre-tax profit of RMB 50 million under the non-United States General Accounting Standards (NO-GAAP).

今年7月《商业银行互联网贷款管理暂行办法》颁布施行,肯定了助贷市场和机构作用,并鼓励商业银行以合作方式吸收新技术推动信贷行业变革与创新。乐信方面表示,三季度公司业务结构已从重资本担保风险助贷模式,转向不承担风险的科技助贷模式,无风险To B科技服务已经成为乐信重点发力方向。

In July of this year, the Interim Scheme for the Management of Commercial Bank Internet Loans was introduced, confirming the role of the lending market and institutions and encouraging commercial banks to collaborate in absorbing new technologies to drive change and innovation in the credit sector. The confident side said that the three-quarter corporate business structure had shifted from a high-capital guarantee risk lending model to a risk-free science and technology lending model, and that risk-free ToB science and technology services had become a priority.

24.建设银行纳闽分行撤回发行数字债券 “币圈”亢奋反应或是主因

24. The construction bank's customs branch withdraws the issuance of digital bonds, the currency ring reacts or is primarily due to


Given the high level of resonance and interest in the market, the Asian Digital Assets Exchange FUSANG, on 23 November, reported that the China Construction Bank Labuan branch had informed FUSANG of the alleged decision to withdraw the digital bonds originally scheduled for 13 November and listed in February 2021, and that the Labuan Financial Services Authority had been notified of the suspension.

对于建行此次做出撤回发行的决定,欧科云链首席研究员李炼炫向财联社记者表示,或是由于市场反应过于热烈,并且关注点出现偏差,“虽然建行声明了不接受比特币交易,但市场的关注点却聚焦于 ‘建行发行的区块链债券可以使用比特币购买’。如果发行成功,只会使得‘币圈’更为亢奋。”

In response to the decision to withdraw the issue, Okoyun chain chief researcher Li Xuan Xuan Xuan said to FAFIA journalists, or because the market reaction was too intense and the focus was biased, “Although the bank declared that it would not accept the Bitcoin deal, the market focus was ‘the block chain bonds issued by the bank can be bought in bitcoin’. If the issue succeeds, it will only make the ‘currency circle’ even more exciting.”


25. Hong Kong Treasury Director Chen Mau Bo: actively explore with the Central Bank to improve the two-way flow of RMB funds


On 23 November, Hong Kong's Director of Finance, Chen Maobo, stated that Hong Kong had been following the development of the People's Bank's digital renminbi and that if it could be applied to cross-border payments, it would further promote connectivity between Hong Kong and the Mainland, particularly the Grand Bay region, and that the Government and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority would actively explore with the Central Bank possible options to improve and expand the channels for the two-way flow of renminbi funds.


26. Suzhou will launch the digital renminbi red package in two-twelve years


On 23 November, an informed source from Suzhou learned today that after Shenzhen, Suzhou will launch a digital renminbi red bag test in two-twenties. According to the above-mentioned sources, a large number of businesses have installed NFC 2-D codes in the Suzhou contemplation area, only to pay the carrier is still in the hands of the tester, and the tester has experienced digital renminbi payments and can use “offline” and “haps.” In addition, Chengdu’s insiders are also in the process. According to one Chengdu banking practitioner, they are now invited on a white list to download the People’s Currency wallet (known as the “Panda Walls”) through an invitation from a large-scale employee.


27. Multiple spells: never applied for direct sale of bank plates


In response to today's self-proclaimed media “exploitation” that “many more are applying for the direct sale of banks”, many have said: “The company has never applied for the direct sale of a bank licence plate, nor has it joined any bank that has applied for the licence plate, nor has it made any more false claims to its own media”, the company has reserved the right to be held liable for false accounts. The many ways in which it says that not only has never applied for the license plate in the past, but the company will not apply for the direct cancellation of the licence plate in the future.


28. Deutsche Bank: Digital payments through M&As and joint enterprise development

德意志银行主管Stefan Hoops表示,公司正寻求并购和组建合资企业,以增强其在欧洲支付处理行业的影响力,数字支付是其战略上优先考虑的领域之一。最近几个月,德意志银行聘请了多位外部支付专家,其中包括金融科技公司Figo的创始人Andre Bajorat。该公司还招聘了破产支付处理公司Wirecard的一些高级管理人员,其中包括Kilian Thalhammer。不过,该行决定不收购Wirecard。

The head of Deutsche Bank, Stefan Hoops, said that the company was seeking mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures to increase its influence in the European payment processing industry, and that digital payments were one of its strategic priorities. In recent months, Deutsche Bank had hired a number of external payment experts, including Andre Bajorat, founder of Figo Financial Science and Technology.

29.商业银行年内二级资本债发行额逼近6000亿元大关 已超去年全年水平

29. Commercial banks close to $600 billion in second-class capital debt issuances during the year, exceeding last year's full-year level


On November 23, 2020, commercial banks continued to increase their capital replenishment in the form of second-tier capital debt. To date, the total amount of second-tier capital debt issued by banks has been close to 600 billion yuan in the current year, exceeding the level issued in the previous year.

30.经济回暖利润修复 机构看好银行业估值回升

30. Recovery of profits from economic warming.


On November 23, bond dealers recently published a report on banking strategy for 2021. Several agencies have pointed out that the current valuation of banks is at a historically low level, and that, as macroeconomic recovery progresses, the basics of listed banks will continue to be repaired.

31.全国最后一家二级农信社改制完成 广东汕头海湾农商行挂牌

31. The last second-tier agribusiness in the country has been converted and the Gulf Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Guangdong has registered .


On 21 November, the Rural Gulf Commercial Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Gulf Chamber of Agriculture) was inaugurated, marking the successful crossing of rural commercial banks by the country's last secondary corporate, the Agricultural News Agency.


The Gulf Chamber of Commerce and Industry was re-established by the Union of Rural Credit Unions in the Special Economic Zone (hereinafter referred to as the “Standards” Association, which is managed by a “secondary legal entity” and has been operating for more than a decade on the basis of emergency refinancing from the People's Bank, and is a high-risk institution and a significant risk to regional financial risk.




1. Fanhai Lease: about 107 million shares in Tianjin Bank have been registered in Hong Kong under the name

11月27日讯,渤海租赁公告,2020年10月30日,公司全资子公司香港渤海与BL Capital在北京签署了《股权转让协议》,由香港渤海受让BL Capital所持天津银行106,993,500股股权,受让价格为9.75亿港币,用于等额抵偿BL Capital欠付香港渤海的股权转让款,剩余2092.84万港币股权转让款由BL Capital以现金支付予香港渤海。截至公告披露日,天津银行106,993,500股股权已过户登记至香港渤海名下,且香港渤海已收到BL Capital支付的剩余股权转让款人民币1814.95万元(以2020年10月30日港币兑人民币汇率1:0.86722计算,折合2,092.84万港币),此次受让天津银行股权交割及剩余股权转让款支付工作已完成。此次交易完成后,香港渤海持有天津银行106,993,500股股权,占天津银行总股本的1.76%。

The Hong Kong Stock Transfer Agreement between Hong Kong and BL Capital, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, was signed in Beijing on 30 October 2020. The Tianjin Bank of Hong Kong, with 106,993,500 shares held by BL Capital in Hong Kong, was granted a grant price of HK$ 975 million to cover the equivalent of the balance of BL Capital's share transfer due to the Hong Kong Sea, and the remaining balance of HK$ 209,284,000 was transferred by BL Capital to the Hong Kong Sea in cash. At the date of the announcement, the Tianjin Bank, 106,993,500 shares were registered under Hong Kong Sea, and Hong Kong China received BL Capital's remaining share transfer of HK$ 18,14.95 million (at the exchange rate of 1:08,6722 on 30 October 2020), and the remaining share of HK$ 2,09,284 million was transferred to Hong Kong.


2. Bank of Insignia: acquisition of business value of the undercontractor bank is RMB 15.3 billion


On 27 November, the Bank of Insignia announced in Hong Kong that the Bank and the Bank had agreed that the Bank would take over the net book value of the assets acquired, including the four branches of the assignor and the corresponding liabilities matching the general bank. As at the date of the transaction, the total liability of the net book value of the assets under the acquisition and the subcontractor bank under the contract was RMB 98.4 billion, with an asset assessment value of RMB 65.3 billion and a business value of RMB 15.3 billion.

3.建设银行:因工作调动 刘桂平辞任行长等职务

3. Building banks: as a result of mobility, Liu Guiping has resigned as President and other posts


On 27 November, the construction bank announced that, as a result of the transfer of work, Liu Guiping had submitted his resignation to the company's board of directors as Vice-Chairman, Executive Director, President of the bank and member of the board's strategic development committee and risk management committee.


4. Merchant banking: assets hosting up to $15 trillion


On 27 November, the caller bank was informed that since the beginning of the year there had been a rapid growth in the hosting of bank assets, which had reached 15.5 trillion yuan by the end of October, an increase of 2.2 trillion yuan since the beginning of the year.


5. Hangzhou Bank: >. .........................................................................................................................................................


On November 27, Hangzhou Bank announced that in recent days, the company had received an approval from the Zhejiang Supervisory Authority of the China Silver Insurance Board regarding Li Changqing’s eligibility for office. The Zhejiang Supervisory Board of the China Silver Insurance Supervisory Board has approved Li’s eligibility for the post of independent director of the company.

6.农业银行:汇市剧烈波动 部分结构性存款产品仅获低收益概率升高

6. Agricultural banks: The probability of low returns for some structural deposit products is higher


On November 27, the Agricultural Bank announced in a recent announcement that the current international market is closely following events such as the new crown epidemic and the United States presidential election, and that the foreign exchange market has become more volatile. As a result of the upward movement of the euro against the United States dollar, there is a higher probability that the following agro-banks will be able to deliver only low returns.


7. Warscha Bank: Science and Technology will expand to 3,000 in three years


On November 27, in a forum on international financial security today, the Governor of the Bank of Huaxia revealed that the Bank of Huaxia's technology subsidiary had been established for more than a thousand years and was ready to expand to 3,000 within three years. It also revealed that, at present, there are more than 700 technologists in the Bank of Huaxia and that it is expected to reach 2,000 by the end of this year, of whom some 1,300 belong to independent science and technology companies.


8. Capital bank: completed the issuance of $6 billion in open-term capital bonds


On 26 November, Chengdu Bank announced that, with the approval of the People's Bank of China and the Sichuan Supervisory Authority of the Insurance Supervisory Board of the Bank of China, the company had recently succeeded in issuing “Congress Bank Limited's Open-Term Capital Bonds for 2020” on the national interbank bond market. The current bond was filed on 24 November 2020 and released on 26 November, with an amount of RMB 6 billion, with a nominal interest rate of 4.8 per cent for the first five years, adjusted every five years, with a conditional foreclosure for each day of interest paid in the fifth year and thereafter.


9. Zapbank: to issue no more than $25 billion in write-down capital bonds


On November 26, Merchant Bank announced that the company’s fifth board of directors, at its sixth interim session in 2020, had decided to consider the adoption of a bill on the issuance of deflated capital bonds of up to 25 billion yuan yuan. The deflated fixed-term capital bonds, in line with the relevant provisions of the Commercial Bank Capital Management Scheme (pilot) and the Guidance on Innovation in Commercial Bank Capital Tools (Amendment), could be used to supplement other levels of commercial banks’ capital.


10. Zapbank: proposed $2 billion to set up a silver limited liability company


On 26 November, the Bank of Chests announced that it intended to contribute 2 billion yuan in funds to set up a company with limited financial responsibility for silver.


11. Suzhou Bank: Vice President Li Wei has been accredited


On 26 November, the bank of Suzhou announced that the company had recently received a " Revocation of Li Wei's Qualifications by the Jiangsu Supervisory Authority of the China Silver Insurance Supervisory Board ", approving the post of Vice-President of Li Wei.


12. Agricultural banks: adjustment of foreign exchange transactions between two branches of the money transfer market and individuals


On 26 November, the Bank of Agriculture adjusted the foreign-exchange transactions between the two branches of the money transfer market, the new version of the business agreement further clarified the rights and obligations of the parties and refined the provisions restricting transactions, termination of agreements, etc. The revised rules of the transaction included, but were not limited to, the enhancement of customer risk tolerance requirements, the assessment of suitability of new products, and an increase in the number of start-up transactions of various varieties.


13. Transport banks: to participate in the establishment of the Qinghua Silver and Silver (Shanghai) Fund through the investment of subsidiaries


On November 26, the Transport Bank announced its intention to participate in the establishment of the Qinghua Silver and Silver (Shanghai) Fund through the investment of subsidiaries, with a total investment of RMB 1.5 billion, to be financed by the Banked Financial Assets Investment Corporation Ltd. and RMB 400 million by the Banked International Trust Ltd. The above-mentioned funds are financed in instalments. The meeting agreed to authorize senior management to deal specifically with matters related to this investment.


14. Transport banks: proposed to issue write-down capital bonds up to a total of $140 billion


On November 26, the Transport Bank announced that the company’s board of directors had agreed to issue deflated second-class capital bonds in the domestic and foreign markets up to a total of RMB 140 billion or its equivalent in foreign currency. The meeting had agreed to submit the bill to its shareholders’ assembly for consideration and approval.


15. Jiangsu Bank: 3-16 December “Sweeds-Somber-to-debts” stopped transferring shares and trading


On 25 November, Jiangsu Bank announced that, in accordance with the procedures and arrangements for the distribution of the joint stock, “Seam and Silver” had stopped transferring shares and transferring shares codes (190053) between 3 December 2020 and 16 December 2020.


16. More than 70 million shares of Chengdu Bank were auctioned by the judiciary


On 25 November, according to the Kyoto judicial auction platform, Chengdu Bank had three planned auctions totalling more than 70 million shares, which were expected to start on 30 November, with more than 7,000 per shareholds. At the same time, according to financial reporting data, the business as a whole has been operating at a reduced rate, except for the third quarter, when net profits have declined, while concerns about the rise in class, sub-category, suspect types of loans have increased the risk of a negative rebound, while the construction sector in the fifth largest lending sector of the bank is at the top of the top ten lending industries. From the capital market to the company’s operating position, the final result is whether it can be added to the auction. According to information from the Kyoto judicial auction platform, Ie and Group, Inchen Trade, Gowe Investment Three companies hold an unlimited circulation of A shares in Chengdu banks, which will be auctioned on 30 November and 1 December by the Central People’s Court in Sichuan, with an interest of 50 million shares (from $5.35 million), 10.9 million (from $1.17 million) and 1.19 million (from 1.49 million).


17. Completion of the issuance of the first foreign-resistible debt of a Chinese-owned bank


In recent days, the Transport Bank has successfully completed the issuance of $2.8 billion in fixed-term capital bonds (permanent debt) in offshore markets, with a final nominal interest rate of 3.8 per cent, the first time since the introduction of a sustainable debt stock of bankers in mid-2019, and the single trigger conditions and de-sortization clauses have truly been brought into line with international practice, leading to the largest issuance of other dollar-level sustainable bonds since 2020 and expanding the channels for diversification capital replenishment.


18. Sino-Bank: Board of Directors agreed to appoint Reed as Vice-President


On 24 November, the Bank announced that the Board of Directors had agreed to appoint Mr. Reed as Vice-President of the Bank and that he would take office on the day the regulatory body approved his eligibility for office.


19. Pouphound Bank: completes the issuance of $50 billion in open-term capital bonds


On 24 November, the bank announced that, with the approval of the China Bank Insurance Supervisory Board and the People's Bank of China, the company had issued “Shanghai Podong Development Bank Limited's Open Term Capital Bonds for 2020” on the national interbank bond market and had completed the registration and hosting of bonds with the Central State Debt Register Settlement Limited. The current bond was filed in books on 19 November 2020 and was issued on 23 November 2020. The current bond issue was RMB 50 billion, with a nominal interest rate of 4.75 per cent for the first five years, adjusted every five years, with a conditional foreclosure from the issuer on each date of interest payments in the year 5 and beyond.


20. Bank of China: Repository and de-carding of priority shares in the first instalment


On 24 November, the Chinese bank announced that on 23 November 2020, the company had paid in full the amount of the first priority shares of the company registered with the Shanghai branch in China on 20 November 2020 and the dividends of the first priority stock, held between 21 November 20th and 20 November 2020, in the total amount of 33.920 billion yuan yuan, to redeem all of the 320 million first priority shares issued by the company. The company was notified today of the closing of the Shanghai branch in China, and the first priority shares in China have been cancelled. According to the notification of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Stock Exchange terminated the transfer service to the first priority shares in the company. The first priority shares in the company have been redeemed and removed.


21. Chengdu Bank: 24.43 million restricted shares released on 30 November


On 24 November, the Chengdu Bank announced that the first public distribution of the restricted shares in the current limited stock market was 244.225 million shares, and that the date of the circulation on the market was 30 November 2020.


22. Transport Bank: Chief Risk Officer Zhang Hui resigned as a result of his reassignment


On 24 November, the Transport Bank announced that Zhang Hui, for reasons of mobility, had today submitted a written report to the company’s board of directors, resigning from his post as the company’s chief risk officer, with effect from 24 November 2020. Zhang Hui has confirmed that there are no differences of opinion with the company’s board of directors and senior management, and that there are no matters relating to his resignation that require notification to the company’s shareholders and creditors.


23. SISB principles agree that a contractor bank is subject to insolvency proceedings


On 23 November, the SISCO announced that it was agreed in principle that the charter bank should be subject to insolvency proceedings and that follow-up should be carried out in strict compliance with the relevant laws and regulations and, in serious cases, in a timely manner.


24. Transport Bank: approved by the regulatory authority for the appointment of Director Lee Xiao Hui


On 23 November, the Transport Bank announced that the company had received today the approval of the China Silver Insurance Supervisory Board on the eligibility of Li Xiao Hui to serve as a transport bank, and that the China Silver Insurance Supervisory Board had approved the eligibility of Li Xiao Hui to serve as an independent non-executive director with effect from 18 November 2020. As a result of the organization of work, Liu ceased to serve as an independent non-executive director of the company, as a member of the Board's Board's Board of Auditors, and as a member of the Board's Committee for Control of Risk Management and Associated Transactions from the date on which Li's independent non-executive director's eligibility for appointment was approved by the China Bank Insurance Supervisory Board in 2019, in accordance with the Company's General Shareholders'resolution.


25. The Board of Governors of the Bank agreed to issue an enhanced equity programme of up to 1,634 million shares .


On 23 November, the Superintendence of Silver Insurance granted approval to BKW to issue an enhanced equity programme of up to 1,634 million shares, to BKC to subscribe to 901 million shares and to the Canadian Pension Fund Investment Corporation to subscribe to 466 million shares.


26. Sunan Bank: 77.8 million restricted shares released on 30 November


On 23 November, the Bank of Shunan announced that the current restricted share marketed was 77,801.66 million shares (self-imposed lock-in) for the first public part of the restricted share market, which was dated 30 November 2020.


Source: IFA.


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    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...
  • 12年怎么购买比特币?比特币投资,轻松掌控

    12年怎么购买比特币?买卖比特币可以通过以下交易所进行购买,分别是:欧易官网平台、ZG交易所、艾戴克斯交易所、C2CX交易软件、BaseFEX交易APP、波网交易平台、安银交易所、BitMart交易软件、紫牛币交所交易APP和澳网(AOMEX)交易平台等等十大平台下载,高效安全的数字货币交易平台。How do you buy bitcoins in 12 years? Bitcoins can be purchased through ten major platforms...
  • 0.00015693个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...