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bitcoinday price: $27,031.4

24H最高: 27,463.6 24H最低: 27,006.3 历史最高: 69,273.1 历史最低: 0.0495
24H成交量: 18.13万 24H成交额: 50亿 发行总量: 2100万 市值: 5237亿
24H换手率: 0.95% 24H波幅: 1.69% 流通数量: 1936万 市值占比: 46.13%
昨开: 27,321.3 昨收: 27,213.4 流通率: 92.20% 完全稀释后市值 5680亿

1.比特币对人民币汇率 今日比特币兑换人民币最新价格

The currency exchange rate of the bitcoin to the renminbi is today's latest currency exchange rate of the bitcoin to the renminbi.



1 bitcoin = 191,481.0080881 yuan


The current Bitcoin exchange rate against the renminbi is: 191481.0081081


At current exchange rate, 1 bitcoin is convertible by RMB 19148081081

汇率更新时间:2023-06-05 09:00

Exchange rate update: 2023-06-0509

2.人民币对比特币汇率 今日人民币兑换比特币最新价格

The currency exchange rate of the renminbi is now the latest currency exchange rate of the renminbi to the bitcoin.



RMB 1 = 0.00005 bits


The current RMB exchange rate is 0.000005.


1 yuan convertible 0.00005 bits at current exchange rate

汇率更新时间:2023-06-05 09:00

Exchange rate update: 2023-06-0509

日期 收盘 开盘 交易量 涨跌幅
2023年6月5日 27,018.4 27,122.3 27,125.5 26,966.7 25.83K -0.38%
2023年6月4日 27,122.3 27,070.9 27,410.2 26,956.1 23.81K 0.19%
2023年6月3日 27,072.0 27,246.0 27,317.5 26,931.4 20.62K -0.63%
2023年6月2日 27,244.7 26,819.0 27,299.4 26,541.3 49.37K 1.59%
2023年6月1日 26,819.0 27,216.4 27,340.9 26,662.3 51.98K -1.46%
2023年5月31日 27,216.1 27,696.9 27,825.0 26,865.1 63.08K -1.74%
2023年5月30日 27,698.2 27,738.9 28,033.6 27,583.8 45.19K -0.15%
2023年5月29日 27,739.4 28,068.4 28,431.2 27,548.8 54.56K -1.18%
2023年5月28日 28,071.2 26,855.3 28,181.9 26,788.5 55.23K 4.52%
2023年5月27日 26,857.5 26,711.2 26,882.9 26,591.2 18.68K 0.55%
2023年5月26日 26,711.5 26,475.5 26,911.6 26,330.0 45.88K 0.89%
2023年5月25日 26,475.8 26,327.1 26,589.2 25,892.5 50.17K 0.56%
2023年5月24日 26,328.4 27,220.7 27,220.7 26,088.7 72.65K -3.28%
2023年5月23日 27,220.7 26,851.6 27,448.1 26,804.1 50.89K 1.39%
2023年5月22日 26,847.3 26,749.9 27,048.9 26,546.1 35.56K 0.36%
2023年5月21日 26,749.9 27,116.2 27,257.1 26,677.6 27.42K -1.35%
2023年5月20日 27,116.2 26,883.0 27,147.2 26,831.3 17.72K 0.87%
2023年5月19日 26,882.9 26,828.2 27,154.7 26,711.3 36.67K 0.20%
2023年5月18日 26,828.0 27,403.8 27,467.0 26,449.8 63.39K -2.10%
2023年5月17日 27,403.1 27,035.5 27,465.3 26,597.7 58.14K 1.36%
2023年5月16日 27,035.3 27,183.9 27,295.3 26,881.9 45.29K -0.55%
2023年5月15日 27,183.9 26,920.4 27,651.7 26,752.1 53.27K 0.98%
2023年5月14日 26,920.0 26,777.4 27,176.1 26,609.9 26.35K 0.53%
2023年5月13日 26,777.5 26,798.7 27,011.9 26,695.6 27.95K -0.08%
2023年5月12日 26,799.2 26,983.1 27,044.0 25,853.1 87.49K -0.68%
2023年5月11日 26,983.5 27,604.3 27,607.4 26,766.2 62.85K -2.25%
2023年5月10日 27,603.3 27,634.3 28,311.7 26,885.7 91.45K -0.11%
2023年5月9日 27,634.9 27,670.5 27,816.0 27,366.3 49.75K -0.13%
2023年5月8日 27,670.5 28,424.8 28,627.8 27,280.3 85.72K -2.65%
2023年5月7日 28,424.8 28,857.1 29,122.0 28,419.6 36.50K -1.50%
2023年5月6日 28,857.1 29,512.8 29,816.4 28,414.9 58.94K -2.22%
2023年5月5日 29,513.2 28,842.2 29,653.9 28,825.3 74.52K 2.33%

比特币是一种数字货币,也是一种支付系统,由一个化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的匿名人士或团体于2008年首次提出。比特币是去中心化的,这意味着它不受政府或金融机构的控制。交易通过节点网络进行验证,并记录在名为区块链的公共分布式账本中。比特币可以与接受比特币的供应商交换商品和服务。它的设计目的是提供一种比信用卡或银行转账等传统方式更快、更便宜、更安全的交换手段。

Bitcoin is a digital currency and a payment system, first presented in 2008 by an anonymous person or group of people under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is decentralized, which means that it is not controlled by government or financial institutions. Transactions are verified through nodes and recorded in a publicly distributed book called the block chain. Bitcoin can exchange goods and services with suppliers that accept Bitcoin. It is designed to provide a faster, cheaper and safer exchange than traditional methods such as credit cards or bank transfers.

第一批比特币诞生于2009年。据估计,在2010年消失之前,中本聪已经挖掘了大约100万枚比特币,当时他把网络警告密钥和代码库的控制权交给了加文·安德森(Gavin Andresen),后者后来成为了比特币基金会(Bitcoin Foundation)的首席开发者,成为一家负责开发和推广比特币网络的非营利组织。

The first bitcoins were born in 2009. It is estimated that, prior to his disappearance in 2010, Nakamoto had excavated about 1 million bitcoins when he gave control of the network warning keys and the code library to Gavin · and Gavin Anderson, who later became the chief developer of the Bitcoin Foundation and a non-profit organization responsible for the development and promotion of the Bitcoin network.


As a pioneer in the field of encryption, Bitcoin has been priced more than any other encrypted asset. To date, Bitcoin remains the world’s most marketable digital currency. Bitcoin is also responsible for mainstreaming block chain technology, which over time has found the scene.


One of the most important uses of Bitcoin is to serve as a medium of payment for goods and services purchased online and offline. More than 15,000 businesses actively accept Bitcoin, including Microsoft, Starbucks, Jiatri, Etsy, New Eggs, AT&T, Samurai, Burger King, Kentucky, Virgin River, Dallas Cows, Norwegian Airlines, Travala and Victory.


Some argue that it is not as safe as traditional currencies, because governments or financial institutions do not support it. Others claim that Bitcoin is not actually used for any real deal, but rather for trading like a stock or commodity.


So, how is Bitcoin safe to facilitate transactions? The Bitcoin network operates as a block chain, a public ledger for all bitcoin transactions. It grows, “ completes bits & rdquo; adds it to the new audio collection. Each block contains the previous block's encrypted hash, time stamp and transaction data. Bitcoin node (a computer using the Bitcoin network) uses a block chain to distinguish between legitimate bitcoin transactions and attempts to reuse bitcoins that have already been consumed elsewhere, known as double consumption (double flower).


Bitcoin is designed to resist censorship. Bitcoin transactions are recorded on the public block chain to increase transparency and prevent one party from controlling the network. This makes it difficult for governments or financial institutions to control or interfere with Bitcoin networks or transactions.


The new bitcoin is generated through a process known as the machining-Hoshe process. When miners verify and record transactions on the block chain, they get a bitcoin reward. Miners use special software to solve mathematics problems and get a certain amount of bitcoin in return. This stimulates people to dig and helps to ensure that the creation of new bitcoin is predictable and equitable. The number of bitcoins per block is reduced over time because the network adjusts the rate of addition of new blocks to the chain of blocks.


You need a bitcoin wallet before you make a deal. Bitcoin wallet is where you store bitcoin. You can use this wallet to receive and send bitcoin. You can get a bitcoin wallet by setting up an account at a digital currency exchange (e.g., the OIE Exchange) or by a specialized provider.


When you want to pay, you just send bitcoin to the recipient's wallet address, then the miners verify the transaction and record it on the block chain. Bitcoin deals fast, cheap, safe.


The Bitcoin network consumes a great deal of energy. This is because running computers to authenticate and record transactions on the block chain requires a great deal of electricity. As more and more people use bitcoin, more and more miners join bitcoin, and the energy needed to maintain bitcoin will continue to grow.


Bitcoin critics argue that this consumption is unsustainable and ultimately environmentally damaging. However, miners can switch to clean energy such as solar or wind. Moreover, some experts believe that it will eventually become more efficient as the Bitcoin network develops and matures.


The ownership of the Bitcoin network is decentralised, which means that no individual or entity controls or decides what changes or upgrades are to be made. Its software is also open-sourced, and anyone can propose changes to it or produce different versions.

然而,比特币有一些有影响力的人,他们在比特币的推广和维护方面发挥着更积极的作用,比如比特币基金会(Bitcoin Foundation)。比特币基金会是一个非营利组织,促进比特币和区块链技术的使用。该基金会成立于2012年,其使命是“标准化、保护和促进比特币数字货币的使用,为全球用户带来收益。”

However, Bitcoin has a number of influential people who play a more active role in its promotion and maintenance, such as the Bitcoin Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes the use of Bitcoin and block chain technology. The Foundation was established in 2012 with the mission of “ standardization, protection and promotion of the use of Bitcoin digital currency to bring benefits to users worldwide.


The Foundation is supported by relevant companies and individuals in the Bitcoin industry, including exchanges, wallets, payment processors and software developers. It also provides grants for projects to promote its mission. Four principles guide the work of the Bitcoin Foundation: user privacy and security; financial inclusion; technical standards and innovation; and responsible stewardship of resources.


The demand for Bitcoin is driven by three key factors: its use as a value storage, investment asset and payment system.


This limited supply makes bitcoin a deflationary asset. It also means that bitcoin will always have only 21 million, making bitcoin different from the statutory currency that central banks can readily create, and more similar to assets with a fixed supply such as gold.


Over the years, a large number of bitcoins have been lost. It is estimated that about 20% of bitcoins have been lost or rendered unusable. This is due to a variety of factors, including people losing their private keys, forgetting their passwords, or dying without transmitting information. This reduces the supply of bitcoins in circulation, which, as some assume, may have a positive impact on the value of bitcoins.


Bitcoin's code design reduces the incentives generated by blocks over time. For every 210,000 blocks, or approximately every four years, the increase in bitcoins awarded to miners is reduced by half.


Given that the number of bitcoins is only 21 million, the scarcity effect has had a positive impact on the price of bitcoins. Looking at the price history of bitcoins, we can see that bitcoins tend to rise in the months or days before the halving event.


There will be no new bitcoin incentive when all 21 million bitcoins are found and distributed. The only source of revenue for miners will be transaction fees thereafter.

如前所述,当前的区块奖励是6.25 BTC。下一次比特币减半将发生在2024年初,这一次减半将使得每个区块的奖励降至3.125比特币。

As mentioned earlier, the current block reward is 6.25 BTC. The next half of Bitcoin will take place in early 2024, and this time it will reduce the incentive to 3.125 bitcoin per block.

比特币是由化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的个人或团队创建的。2008年10月31日,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)宣布破产六周后,在全球金融危机期间,中本聪发布了名为《比特币:点对点电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A p2p Electronic Cash System)的比特币白皮书。

Bitcoin was created by individuals or teams under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. On October 31, 2008, six weeks after Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, during the global financial crisis, Bintcoin published a bitcoin white paper called Bitcoin: A p2p Electronic Cash System.


On 3 January 2009, Nakamoto excavated the creation block of Bitcoin, giving birth to the world’s first decentralised, non-sovereign digital currency. Bitcoins were issued at a price of zero dollars, and new bitcoins can be easily obtained through medium-utility computing devices such as personal computers.

中本聪把比特币网络的修改密钥和代码库的控制权交给了加文·安德森。加文后来成为比特币基金会的首席开发者。比特币的Github存储库列出了超过750名贡献者,包括Jonas Schnelli、Gavin Andresen、Marco Falke和Wladimir J. van der Laan。

China has given control of the changes in the Bitcoin network to Gavin · Andersen. Gavin became the chief developer of the Bitcoin Foundation. The Github repository in Bitco listed more than 750 contributors, including Jonas Schnelli, Gavin Andresen, Marco Falke and Wladimir J. van der Laan.

萨尔瓦多法定货币2021年,萨尔瓦多的政府迈出了大胆的一步,采用比特币作为法定货币,成为世界上首个以数字货币作为法定货币的国家。总统Nayib Bukele在迈阿密比特币2021大会上发表讲话时宣布了这一举措,称比特币将有助于促进该国经济。Bukele声称,比特币的使用将使汇款手续费每年减少约4亿美元,从而刺激更大规模的资金转移。

In 2021, the Government of El Salvador took a bold step by adopting bitcoin as the legal currency, becoming the first country in the world to use digital currency as the legal currency. President Nayib Buke announced this initiative in his address to the Miami Bitcoin 2021 Congress, stating that Bitcoin would help to boost the country’s economy.


In addition, the Government has developed a digital wallet called Chivo (in Salvadoran & ldquo; cool & rdquo; meaning) and will provide a 30-dollar bitcoin bonus to citizens who download it. Salvadorans will be able to draw cash from 200 ATMs and 50 other locations. For the first time, the Government has also purchased 400 bitcoins, valued at approximately $21 million.

中非共和国法定货币 2022年4月,在一致通过一项法案后,中非共和国效仿萨尔瓦多的做法,开始采用比特币作为法定货币。萨尔瓦多在前一年宣布采用比特币。此举将使中非共和国成为第一个采用数字货币作为法定货币的非洲国家。

In April 2022, following the unanimous adoption of a bill, the Central African Republic, following the example of El Salvador, began to adopt bitcoin as the legal currency. In the previous year, El Salvador announced the use of bitcoin. This would make the Central African Republic the first African country to adopt digital currency as the legal currency.

广泛认可 从2020年开始,散户和机构投资者对比特币的兴趣越来越大,部分原因是知名名人和有影响力的人对比特币的兴趣以及有利的市场。这些有影响力的人包括科技巨头埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey),他们都表达了对比特币的强烈支持。

It is widely acknowledged that since 2020, the interest of bulk and institutional investors in Bitcoin has grown, in part because of the interest of prominent celebrities and influential people in Bitcoin, as well as favourable markets. These influential people include the technological giants Elon & Middot; Elon Musk and Jack & Middot; and Jack Dorsey, all of whom have expressed their strong support for Bitcoin.


Ilon & Middot; Mask, the chief executive officer of Tesla, the world’s largest car manufacturer, led Bitcoin’s acceptance. However, Tesla stopped accepting Bitcoin on environmental grounds, but Ellen & Middot; Mask said that the car manufacturer might soon resume accepting digital money.

Twitter和支付公司Block的联合创始人杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)也表达了对比特币的支持立场,他在活动中推广比特币,甚至与娱乐大亨Jay Z合作推出了一项名为BTrust的计划,旨在发展比特币。其他著名人物如Mark Cuban和Snoop Dogg都表达了对比特币的支持,并被认为拥有相当数量的比特币。

Jack & Middot, co-founder of Twitter and the payment company Block; Jack Dorsey, who also expressed his support for Bitcoin, promoted Bitcoin in his activities and even launched a plan called BTrust, in cooperation with the entertainment tycoon Jay Z, to develop Bitcoin. Other prominent figures, such as Mark Cuban and Snoop Dogg, have expressed their support for Bitcoin and are considered to have a considerable amount of bitcoin.

由Lightning Labs开发的比特币闪电网络是添加在比特币网络之上的第二层( layer 2)网络,旨在通过允许更快、更低成本的交易来解决比特币的可扩展性问题。它于2018年3月推出,被比特币社区的一些人视为游戏规则的改变者。

The Bitcoin Flash Network, developed by Lighting Labs, is a second-tier (layer 2) network added to the Bitcoin network to address the expansionary problems of Bitcoin by allowing faster and lower-cost transactions. It was launched in March 2018, and viewed by some members of the Bitcoin community as a changer of the rules of the game.


While Bitcoin has already achieved its goal of accelerating the pace of transactions, the Bitcoin network still faces costs and security problems that impede its adoption as usage increases significantly.

比特币是由一个化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人或团队创造的。多年来,有几个人被怀疑或声称是中本聪,包括澳大利亚科学家克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright),一些人认为他拥有最可信的证据,证明他是比特币的发明者。

Bitcoin was created by a man or a team under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Over the years, several people were suspected or claimed to be Chinese, including the Australian scientist Craig & Middot; Craig Wright, some of whom believed that he had the most credible evidence that he was the inventor of Bitcoin.


Bitcoin is an encrypted currency, an electronic cash. It's decentralized, which means it doesn't have a central authority like a bank or government. On the other hand, the block chain is the bottom technology that allows Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies to exist.


Bitcoin can be used to purchase goods and services online, although its main purpose is value swaps, but it can also be an investment.


Bitcoin is legal in many countries. Two countries, El Salvador and the Central African Republic, have even accepted it as the legal currency.

你可以在欧易交易所购买比特币。欧易交易所为 BTC 提供 115 个现货交易对,包括BTC/USDT 以及 BTC/USDC 等。或者你可以直接用法定货币 购买BTC或将您的数字货币兑换为 BTC。

You can buy bitcoins at the OCEX. The OCEX provides BTC with 115 spot pairs, including BTC/USDT and BTC/USDC. Or you can buy BTC directly in statutory currency or convert your digital currency to BTC.

在欧易交易所进行交易之前你需要先 创建交易账户。要用您喜欢的法币购买 BTC,请点击顶部导航栏“买币”下的“刷卡购买”。如需交易 BTC/USDT 或 BTC/USDC,请点击“交易”下的“基础交易”。在同一选项卡下,可以点击“闪兑”将加密货币转换为 BTC。

You need to create a transaction account before a transaction is carried out on the ELEX exchange. To purchase BTC in the French currency you like, click on the top navigation bar &ldquao; buy the currency & rdquao; below &ldquao; brush cards to buy &rdquao; or, if you need to trade BTC/USDT or BTC/USDC, click on &ldquao; trade &rdquao; below & & rdquao; base transaction & & rdquao; under the same tab, click & & ldquao; flash &rdquao; convert encrypted currency to BTC.


This is the details of the BTC dollar price today of 05/06. More information on the Bitcoin price today.

Tag:比特币   今日价格  



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