原标题:比特币挖矿赚钱并不容易 5800台“矿机”一天电费6720元
As the “lead sheep” in the current virtual currency, Bitcoin is well known. And how does Bitcoin’s “mine” function, and how is it profitable?
Bitcoin's 矿场”和矿池),交易环节(交易所),储存流通环节(比特币钱包)和最后的使用环节(各种应用)。一般而言,“矿场”挖出的币都会先储存起来,再在市场上择机卖出,这也是“矿场”最根本的盈利模式。
Simply put, the Bitcoin industrial chain has now developed and is now divided into output links (bitcoin “ 目前,整个“矿场”的盈利状况如何呢?据工作人员介绍,芭蕉溪“矿场”每用1度电可产生3分钱的利润。记者按此计算,该“矿场”一天用掉16.8万度电,每天产生利润为5040元,预计“矿场”年利润能达到184万元。 According to the staff, the mine in Balang Creek generates three cents for each degree of electricity. According to the journalist, the mine consumes 168,000 centimeters a day, generates a profit of $5040 a day, and is expected to make a profit of $1.84 million a year. 币价是“矿场”盈利晴雨表 The price is a "mine" profit barometer 按照理论计算,一个像芭蕉溪这样的中型比特币“矿场”,年收益能达到将近200万元。不过,“矿场”的投资回报,还要考虑币价的波动、比特币产量周期性减半,以及挖矿难度系数变化等多种因素。 Theoretically, a medium-sized bitcoin “mine” like Baldwin Creek would yield nearly $2 million a year. However, the return on investment in the mine would take into account a variety of factors, such as currency price fluctuations, the cyclical nature of the bitcoin production, and changes in the mining difficulty factor. 挖出的比特币想要变现,最终还得投向市场。因此,币价高低直接决定了“矿场”收益,是“矿场”盈利情况的“晴雨表”。 The diggered bitcoin wanted to be realized and eventually had to go to the market. Thus, the higher and lower currency directly determines the “mine” returns and is the “barometer” of the “mine” profits. 不过,每个“矿场”都有自己的交易风格。由于币价波动,每个“矿场”选择变现时机不同,取得收益也不一样。雷科告诉《每日经济新闻》记者,天嘉网络这几个“矿场”,每月除还掉必要电费开支外,其余的比特币一般都会存着,“公司选择的策略是长线投资。” However, every “mine” has its own style of trading. Each “mine” chooses to realize at different times because of currency price fluctuations, with different returns. Reko tells the daily Economic News reporter that the “mines” of the Tenga Network, apart from the cost of the necessary electricity per month, are usually kept in bitcoins, “the company’s strategy is long-term investment.” 币价也是最真实的行业景气指数。在2013年比特币的风光时刻,每枚币最高达到8000元。雷科回忆到,“那时候每度电虽高达七八毛,“矿场”也能活下来。而且币价高,矿机价格也会水涨船高。”而到了2015年初的行业低谷,每枚比特币价格一度跌到900多元,“很多“矿场”公司一夜之间就倒闭了,市场极其惨淡。” Currency is also the most real industry climate index. At Bitcoin’s windfall in 2013, it was up to $8,000 per penny. Reko recalled that “the mine would have survived at that time, even though the electricity was as high as 78 cents.” And the price of the mine would have been higher, and the price of the mine would have been higher.” By the beginning of 2015, industry prices had fallen to more than 900 pieces, and “many “mines” had collapsed overnight, and the market was extremely bleak.” 影响“矿场”营收的另一个因素是记账奖励递减。按照中本聪的算法,比特币每隔4年会发生一次产量减半。与之相应,“矿场”挖出的币大幅减少。最近一次产量减半发生在2016年7月,下一次减半将发生在2020年左右。不过,由于减半时间可以预测,“矿场”都会提前做好相应的准备。 Another factor affecting the collection of “mines” is the decline in bookkeeping incentives. In line with 在比特币产生初期,比特币非常好“挖”,普通电脑CPU就能完成,只需下载软件就可以自动“解题”。由于每天产出区块数量固定,随着币价上涨,“解题”的人越来越多,挖币难度也会越来越大。与之相应,全球的算力增长越多,币就越来越难挖。不过,挖出的单枚币价也极有可能上涨。 In the early days of Bitcoin, Bitcoin was very good at digging, and the normal computer CPU was able to do it, and just downloading the software would automatically “solve the problem”. As the number of output blocks is fixed every day, the number of “solvers” increases, and the number of “solvers” increases, it will become more difficult to dig the money. “ 的收益高低,受多种因素相互影响,总体而言是一个动态平衡的过程。如果维持目前的行情不变,投资一台比特币矿机,可能需要八九个月才能回本。”雷科向记者分析。不过,与传统行业相比,将近1年就能回本的生意,已很难得。 “The benefits are high and are influenced by a variety of factors, and are generally a dynamic and balanced process. If the current pattern is maintained, investing in a bitcoin mine will take eight or nine months to return.” Reko analyses it to journalists. However, it is hard to get back in business for nearly a year, compared to the traditional industry. 放在整个比特币产业链中,雷科认为,“矿工”们其实处在整个产业链的底层,“就跟淘金一样,挖金工人都很辛苦,但能挣大钱的肯定不是挖金的人。在我们这个行业,道理也一样,真正挣钱的是矿机商和交易平台。” In the entire Bitcoin industry chain, Reco argues that the miners are actually at the bottom of the entire chain, "as in gold mining, the gold diggers are hard, but certainly not the gold diggers. In our industry, it is also the miners and the trading platforms that make the real money." “矿工们住的环境谈不上好,干的又多是脏活累活。很多时候,我们是帮人代管矿机,做的是服务。矿工们挣的都是辛苦钱。”雷科笑称。 "The miners live in an environment that they can't talk about, and they do a lot of dirty work. In many cases, we help people with the machine, and we do the service. Miners make hard money." Recko laughs. 关于比特币? about Bitcoin? 本质上,比特币就是一种通过特定的程序经过大量运算产生的数字货币。 In essence, Bitcoin is a digital currency generated by a large number of calculations through a particular procedure. 据了解,2008年一个网名为“中本聪”的人提出“比特币”的概念。2009年,全球首款比特币算法软件出现。接入网络的电脑只要运行软件,完成运算任务,就能获得一定数目的比特币。不过,软件会自动控制任务的难度,以此保证比特币的产生速度。现存比特币数量越多,获取新的比特币难度就越大。据估算,到2140年,比特币总量将达到上限——2100万个。 It is understood that in 2008, a web-based person named “Middle-Hear” introduced the concept of “bitcoin”. In 2009, the world’s first bitcoin software appeared. A computer with access to the network could obtain a certain amount of bitcoin by running the software and completing the computing task. However, software would automatically control the task’s difficulty, thus ensuring the speed of Bitcoin’s generation. The greater the number of bitcoins available, the greater the difficulty of obtaining new bitcoins. 今年年初,已诞生8年的比特币价格站上新高点,在1月5日一度达到8895元。随着央行进驻国内三大交易平台“约谈”,比特币闪崩随即开始,1月10日数据显示,币价一度跌至6347元。1月11日,一度跌至5400元左右。 At the beginning of this year, eight years after its birth, the Bitcoin price station rose to a new high of $8895, on 5 January. With the central bank’s “interview” with the country’s three major trading platforms, it began with a sudden collapse, and on 10 January, data showed that the currency fell to $6347. On 11 January, it fell to about $5,400. 春节后,比特币价格有所回升,截至2月21日9点5分,比特币价格上升至7231元。 After the spring festival, the price of Bitcoin recovered and, as of 21 February, at 9.05 p.m., the price of Bitcoin rose to $7231. 【延伸阅读】 Massive bitcoin "mines" in Sichuan mountains where electricity is cheap 在神秘的比特币世界,存在着一个特殊的环节——“挖矿”。顾名思义,就是像挖矿一样去“挖”比特币,“矿机”聚集地也因此被称为“矿场”。 In the mysterious world of Bitcoin, there is a special link — “mining”, which, by definition, is to “draw” bitcoin like a mine, so that the “miner” conglomerate is called a “mine site”. 《每日经济新闻》记者注意到,出于节省成本以及用电便利性等方面的考虑,比特币这种世界前沿金融事物,目前已经和一些中国偏远山区的小县城产生了交集,并在某种程度上改变了当地人的生活。 Daily Economic News journalists noted that, for reasons such as cost savings and electricity accessibility, world-front finance such as Bitcoin has now created a convergence with a number of small county cities in remote mountainous areas of China and to some extent has changed the lives of the local population. Back by $1,100 on the Bitcoin Drive near historical height 比特币周二盘中突破1100美元,近历史新高。中国央行今年加紧了对比特币交易的监管,但交易商已从交易所转移到地方P2P市场,继续购买和销售比特币。 Bitcoin broke by $1,100 on a Tuesday, which is nearly the highest in history. The Central Bank of China has tightened its regulation of bitcoin transactions this year, but traders have moved from exchanges to local P2P markets to continue buying and selling bitcoins. 媒体报道称,最大的地方P2P交易市场之一是LocalBitCoins(本地比特币),供买方和卖方找到彼此。用户可以当面见面,或在聊天平台和电话上交谈,安排涉及比特币的交易。 According to media reports, one of the largest local P2P markets is Local BitCoins (local bitcoins), which allows buyers and sellers to find each other. 目前,中国三大比特币交易平台已暂停比特币提币业务,以响应央行的号召,加大反洗钱力度。 At present, the three main bitcoin trading platforms in China have suspended their operations in bitcoin to respond to the call of the central bank to intensify anti-money-laundering efforts. 作者:陈耀霖 Author: Chen Yoon-hyun
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