第二轮“币圈肃清运动”拉开大幕 虚拟货币交易所风声鹤唳 | 链茶馆 11月25日,多家行业媒体在文章中报道了关于中国人民银行《中国金融稳定报告(2019)》发布的消息,并称,国内173家虚...

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:33 评论:0



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来源:雪球App,作者: 链茶馆,(https://xueqiu.com/1903522932/136371657)


On 25 November, several industry media outlets reported on the release of the People’s Bank of China’s Financial Stability Report (2019), stating that 173 virtual money-related platforms in the country were largely risk-free. When the news came out, currency booming, and many virtual money platforms were at risk for everyone.


Image by Coinpost


However, the Central Bank did publish the Chinese Financial Stability Report (2019) after investigation. However, the content of “the virtually risk-free exit of the 173 virtual currency-related platforms in the country” is an old story. It is understood that the report was published by the Shanghai Securities Bulletin on 23 August 2018 and that “88 virtual currency trading platforms and 85


Although this appears to be a false alarm, in a visual Focus Interview broadcast on the evening of 18 November, the programme team conducted a related survey of the chain of blocks that had become popular in recent days.


On the one hand, Focus Interviews confirm the advantages of block chain technology, which is decentralized, non-manufacturing, full-range traces, and retrospective, and consider it to have broad application prospects. At the same time, programme crew reporters find that, with this wave of block chain boom, virtual currency chaos has re-emerged.


1 First Round of the Currency Circle Cleaning Campaign


In 2017,


The Proclamation explicitly negates the transactions and circulation of virtual money in the country and states that the issuance of virtual currency is essentially an unauthorized act of illegal public financing and is suspected of illegal distribution of currency coupons, illegal issuance of securities and criminal activities such as illegal collection of funds, financial fraud, distribution, etc.


In August 2018, according to the Shanghai Securities Portfolio, 88 virtual currency trading platforms and 85


2 after it's all over again. >/b>


According to public sources, the domestic virtual currency exchange has been on the line for more than 165 virtual currencies and 220 transactions, but in August 2018 only 34 of them were on the line, the vast majority of which were non-mainstream. As of November 22, the tea-painting platform had been set up with several bounties.


Since February 2019, the Tea Exchange has reportedly launched the IOU-era currency model and embarked on a violent financial path. The so-called IOU, the currency of the Exchange, was virtually non-existent or blocked from other platforms at the time, when the Exchange had no currency.


The VDS resonance rose almost 20 times after two months of wearing tea. The VDS model is to exchange it in bitcoin on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to promote a typical distribution model for head-to-head connections. It is known that the VDS upline has created an alarming flow of tea. Since then, tea has been added to several marketless resonances, such as the LDS, the HDS, and the FDS, whose “fundboard” circuits are the same.


Similar to tea, another virtual currency exchange, BiKi, was previously exposed by the media to a huge bill of money from the project side, while not only did it not provide the relevant services, but also distributed funds and money-distribution advertisements in its community. According to the media, BiKi stated that he was based in Singapore, whereas the owner was working in the country, and, like his tea, was “exported for sale.”


In addition, the OKEx Exchange is well organized. Previously, media sources revealed that the OKEx claimed to have shut down its domestic operations with regard to virtual currency and that all of its teams had moved abroad, but its corporate development was still in China, and its users and teams were almost all Chinese.


3 coins are cleared twice, and the exchange is on its way .


Recently, with Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and others, the financial authorities began to “realize” and proceeded with a mapping exercise of activities such as virtual currency transactions, with the second round of the currency ring clean-up campaign taking off.


On 13 November, the Beijing City Local Financial Supervisory Authority issued a Risk Notice for unauthorised operations of branches of trading places, stating that “it would be a violation if branches of foreign port trading places (financial assets exchanges) were to operate in Kyoto”.


The so-called “ports trading place” refers to a company that is registered and has a server overseas, but operates a domestic virtual currency exchange, which is currently almost always the same model.


On 15 November, under the leadership of the Shanghai Internet Finance Office, the Shanghai City Joint Financial Stability Office and the Shanghai headquarters of the People’s Bank of China jointly issued a circular on the development of a virtual currency trading place-training scheme. The circular indicated that the focus of the reform was on virtual currency-related activities, including virtual currency transactions, currency payments and fund-raising, as well as advocacy, diversion, etc., for registered exchanges abroad.


Pursuant to the deployment of the National Office for the Reciprocal Control of Funds, the Office for the Reciprocal Control of the Regions will carry out a mapping exercise of activities related to the virtual currency, which will be completed by 22 November.


On 21 November, the Office of the Head of the Task Force for the Specialized Management of Internet Financial Risks in Shenzhen City issued a " Risk Alert on Preventing the Illegal Activities of the “Virtual Currency " ", and informed the District Offices, the former Maritime Authority, the Central Branch of Shenzhen City of the People's Bank, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, through the Bureau of Investigation and the Municipal Communications Authority, among others, that they were jointly conducting inspections of virtual money trading sites.


According to the media, the campaign focused on three activities: the provision of virtual currency trading services in the country or the opening of virtual currency trading sites; the provision of services to offshore virtual currency trading places, including services such as diversion, brokering, etc.; and the sale of currency in a variety of names, raising funds from investors or virtual currency such as Bitcoin, or in taut currency.


According to media sources, the local financial regulatory authority in Shenzhen City has now identified 39 enterprises suspected of engaging in illicit activities in virtual currency through the Lingyu system.


As a step-by-step result of this round, the Beijing police uncovered the illegal virtual currency exchange BISS (the currency market) and qualified it as an illegal fund-raising fraud, which became the first case of a virtual currency exchange in the currency ring being “a pot”.


4'b's safe. Can you really avoid it?

11月21日,美国媒体The Block报道称,上海警方突击检查了虚拟货币交易所币安在上海的一处办公点,查处了约百余位员工。币安随后关闭了该办公点,并要求其员工远程或赴新加坡工作。对于该报道,11月25日,币安联合创始人何一发布博文辟谣称,“币安2017年就已经关闭在沪办公室及相关业务,积极配合上海有关部门完成无风险退出,同时感谢币圈媒体成功出口转内销做成大新闻,让币安上电视。”

On 21 November, the U.S. media report The


On 22 November, however, a round-the-clock media reporter visit to the premises of the 26th floor of the Shanghai ring found that the building had been empty and that the administrator had been informed that all the personnel had been evacuated two days earlier on the grounds of group tourism.


In response, some netizens shouted, "What's real? It's a fucking mess." Interestingly, why did one reply to it say, "The news is true, but the news was closed down at the office for 17 years, and the bad business and the bad money were put together, thank you!" And then, on the other hand, the Internet said, "The East Guards spread rumours about Chang Ping and one sister."


In fact, in late October this year, the media journalist visited the premises of Liam, and found that many people were on duty during work hours.


On November 20, it was reported that a micro-public, such as Deep Chain Deepchain, Bonde, a coin, and the Mob, had been seized. However, according to the chain teahouse, the Deep Chain Deep Public had been reactivated on November 21 and had published an article up to the time of publication.


It has also been reported in the media that the official tweets on the currency and the market have been blocked; that the case of Xu Star, suspected of “embezzlement” of customer funds, has also been officially opened; and that several exchanges have made emergency seizures of upkeep money, which has been suspended. In response, insiders close to the regulatory level have revealed in interviews that “the ring has only just begun.”


According to the same source, the supervision of the “north-to-north” area was only the beginning, followed by a similar rowing in Chengdu, which is expected to take place in more than a dozen cities throughout the country. According to the bankrollers, Chengdu’s tea-painting office is currently being investigated, but Chen’s founder, Chen Jian, is no longer in the country.


According to the chain teahouse, many virtual currency exchanges are located in Chengdu and are now in a state of “everyone’s own peril.” It is believed that, with comprehensive regulation, Chengdu’s “the happiest city in the country in 2019” will no longer be able to make these exchanges feel comfortable and comfortable.




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