
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:25 评论:0



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特斯拉召回28.5万辆Model 3、Model Y汽车

Tesla recall 285,000 Model 3, Model Y

6月26日,据国家市场监管总局信息显示,日前特斯拉汽车(北京)有限公司、特斯拉(上海)有限公司向国家市场监督管理总局备案了召回计划,共涉及285520辆进口Model 3及国产Model3、Model Y。

On 26 June, according to the General Directorate for the Supervision of National Markets, Tésla Motors (Beijing) Ltd. and Tesla (Shanghai) Ltd. filed a recall plan with the General Directorate for the Supervision of National Markets, involving a total of 285520 Model 3 imports and a national product, Model3 and Model Y.


byte beats on line "Carway" App


In recent days, the byte-jumping “Cross the Cars” has introduced an App called “Carnets”, which provides transactional services to car dealers and buyers.



On 26 June, Shanghai Box Horse Network Science and Technology Ltd. was fined $500,000 in recent days for publishing false advertisements by the Market Supervisory Authority of the Pudong District of Shanghai City.



According to the International Rating Agency Global Rating Company, 25, in view of China's effective control of the new crown epidemic and its rapid vaccination campaign, China's real gross domestic product (GDP) is projected to grow by 8.3 per cent in 2021.



This morning (26), our largest marine polyclinic training vessel, the Chinasan University, was officially delivered at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai, and the Chinasan University also released its first medical mission, which is scheduled for a scientific mission to the South China Sea in October this year.


/ strong


According to data from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, the annual production of the Guangdong branch will reach 1.4 million tons this year. To date, more than 15,000 tons of the branch have been exported to more than 20 countries and regions.


Scientists named 146,000 years ago the new species the dragon

河北地质大学特聘教授季强博士为首席科学家的国际古人类研究团队宣布,他们于2021年6月25日在《The Innovation》杂志上以封面文章报道了中国东北哈尔滨市发现的中更新世古人类头骨化石的研究成果,正式将该古人类头骨化石命名为人属的一个新人种:龙人(Homo longi),为研究智人起源和人类演化提供了至关重要的证据。

Dr. Jiang Qiang, a special professor at Hebei Geological University, as chief scientist, announced that on 25 June 2021, in the magazine The Innovation, they had published under cover the results of a study of the fossilized human skull found in the city of Harbin, Northeast China, which officially named the fossilized skull of the ancient human skull as a new human species: the Homo Longi, which provided vital evidence for studying the origins of the wise and the evolution of the human race.

港交所:Adam Singer将出任集团首席合规总监

Port : Adam Singer will be the Group's Chief Compliance Officer

香港交易所今天宣布,Adam Singer将出任集团首席合规总监。Adam Singer将于9月履新,向集团首席风险总监魏立德汇报,并将成为集团管理委员会的成员。

The Hong Kong Exchange announced today that Adam Singer will be the group’s chief compliance officer. Adam Singer will take up his new post in September, reporting to the group’s chief risk director, Weillide, and will be a member of the group’s management committee.


admission letter to Shanghai University to send black technology chips


In recent days, Shanghai University has sent a “future core” to the undergraduate freshman to activate the button behind the “future core” key badge to light the “future core” and bring it closer to the cell phone to read the micro-programme, “Big SHU”, which enables the freshman to watch the “Red Legacy” promotional film for the first time, together with a personal exclusive electronic entry letter.


Dr. Strong warned against blind superstitious movies:

近日,中成药片仔癀在市场上 " 一粒难求 " 引发了网友热议。对此,医生提醒,片仔癀的主要作用是清热解毒,凉血化淤,消肿止痛。但片仔癀不是保肝的药物,而是治疗药物。所以用这个药一定要找准自己的症型,找准用药的方向,不要盲目跟风。

In response, the doctor warned that the main role of the pill is thermally detoxified, degenerated, and swollen for pain. But the pill is not a liver medicine, but a cure.

降低高考选志愿门槛,夸克App近日登顶App Store免费应用下载榜

Lowers the voluntary threshold for high-selection and Quaker App has recently come to the top of App Store to apply the free download list

App Store免费应用下载排行显示,夸克App登上下载总榜和工具类应用榜第1位。随着高考进入填报志愿的关键阶段,越来越多的家长和考生开始使用智能工具来协助决策,具有海量免费信息查询、模拟志愿填报等功能的夸克App受到更多人的青睐。

App Store applies download rows free of charge, and Quaker App goes to the download master list and tool class application list number 1. As senior candidates enter the critical phase of volunteering, more and more parents and candidates start using smart tools to assist in decision-making, and Quaker Apps, with the ability to search for big amounts of free information, simulate voluntary filing, etc., are favoured by more people.


今日,针对召回事项,特斯拉客户支持官方微博表示,本次召回范围内的车辆(Model 3/Model Y),由于主动巡航控制功能可能被驾驶员误激活,在极端情况下存在安全隐患。用户无需到店即可通过汽车远程升级(OTA)完成召回;如无法通过OTA升级的车辆,特斯拉服务中心将联系相关用户,为车辆升级主动巡航控制软件。

Today, in response to recall, Tesla's client supported the official Weibo's statement that the vehicle within the scope of the recall (Model 3/Model Y) has a security risk in extreme cases because the active cruise control function may be wrongly activated by the driver. Users do not need to come to the shop to complete the recall by remote upgrade of the vehicle (OTA); in the case of vehicles that cannot be upgraded through OTA, the Tesla service centre will contact the relevant user to upgrade the active cruise control software for the vehicle.

Apple Watch 获得国家药品监督管理局医疗器械审批

Apple Watch Access to Medical Devices by the National Drug Supervisory Authority

据国家药品监督管理局,Apple Watch 获得国家药品监督管理局医疗器械审批,移动心电图(ECG)与房颤提示软件过审。

According to the National Drug Supervisory Authority, Apple Watch was approved by the National Drug Surveillance Authority for medical devices, and the mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) and room tremors software were reviewed.



Today, the China Association for the Payment of Liquidation and the Chinese Banking Association launched an initiative to reduce fees paid by micro-enterprises and individual business owners. On the same day, the payment of treasures was announced as a response to the initiative, which continued to be free of charge for the next three years.


Chairman of the Board of Directors of


On 25 June, five Dharma Academy scientists and three teams were awarded the “Dharma Prize” to Alibaba's highest technology honour. Zhang Yong, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alibaba's Board of Directors, stated that Dharma House was a medium- and long-term site for the purpose of making scientific breakthroughs and finding technological and industrial convergences without profit.

华为P50 4G版本已入网公示,直接预装鸿蒙系统


According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, version 4G of China’s P50 has now been posted on the Internet, and information indicates that the machine will be ready for direct pre-loading of the Hong Meng system, which is also the product of China’s first direct pre-screening of the Hong Meng system’s mobile phone.


UFO report released by the U.S.: I can't be sure if it's an alien, and I don't know what it is.


In the afternoon of 25 local time, UFO reports were published by U.S. intelligence agents who believed that the U.S. Navy pilots had discovered an unknown flight that was not the work of aliens, but they could not explain what it was.


Delta strains continue to spread and the multinational epidemic rebounds


At present, the spread of Delta mutagenic strains has rebounded in many countries. A risk assessment released this week by the European CDC indicates that Delta strain is expected to become Europe’s most prevalent strain in August this year, and that by the end of August it is expected that 90% of the new confirmed cases in the EU will be infected with Delta strains.


The Prime Minister of Tunisia has been infected with the new crown, having been vaccinated against Pfizer.


According to the news, the Tunisian Government announced on 25 June that Prime Minister Hisham Mahishi had a positive test for the new coronary virus. Mahishi was 47 years old and was Prime Minister last year. He completed his second dose of Pfizer coronary vaccination on 25 last month.

Twitter CEO将与马斯克在7月比特币活动上对话

Twitter CEO will talk to Musk at the July Bitcoin event

Twitter CEO将与马斯克在7月份的一个比特币活动上进行对话。

Twitter CEO will enter into a dialogue with Musk at a Bitcoin event in July.


Mask: V9 upgrade of Tesla full autopilot package will be delayed by another week


On Friday, local United States time, Tesla CEOEEELON MASK indicated that the company had postponed the release of the FSD test version for a further week.


says Mercedes Benz will hire about 1,000 software engineers .


According to the information received, Mercedes Benz would employ approximately 1,000 software engineers.


Intel Mac Unconnected Windows 11: Apple does not support TPM 2.0

搭载英特尔处理器的Mac设备无缘Windows 11操作系统。即便是搭载最新一代英特尔处理器的Mac设备,可能也无法运行Windows 11。因为苹果公司从未在英特尔版Mac设备上提供对TPM 2.0的支持,这使得它们与Windows 11不兼容。

The Mac device with the Intel processor has no access to Windows 11. Even the Mac device with the latest generation of Intel processors may not be able to run Windows 11. Apple has never provided support for TPM 2.0 on the Intel version of the Mac device, which makes them incompatible with Windows 11.


Samsung opposed the sale of iPhone at the LG retail store: Galaxy's cell phone should also be sold

此前有消息称,苹果正在考虑与LG建立新的合作关系,苹果将在LG的400多家零售“LG Best Shop”销售iPhone、iPad和Apple Watch。现据韩媒报道,三星对该合作关系表示反对。三星正试图通过要求韩国三大运营商(其中包括LG U+)要求LG在Best Shop门店销售Galaxy手机来间接向LG施加压力。

Earlier, it was reported that Apple was considering a new partnership with LG, and that Apple would sell iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch to more than 400 retail LG “LG Best Shop” outlets. According to the Korean media, Samsung has expressed opposition to the partnership. The Samsung is trying to put indirect pressure on LG by asking three Korea operators, including LG U+, to sell Galaxy mobile phones at Best Shop Gate.


据财联社报道,当地时间周五,英特尔首席执行官Pat Gelsinger表示,半导体短缺将在今年下半年触底。

According to FAFI, on Friday local time, Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger stated that semiconductor shortages would hit the bottom in the second half of the year.

高通:骁龙7c、8c以及8cx第2代等平台均支持Windows 11

Hightower: Windows 11 is supported by platforms 7c, 8c and the 2nd generation of 8cx

高通官方微博宣布,高通骁龙 7c、8c、以及 8cx 第 2 代等计算平台均已支持全新 Windows 11 操作系统。

The official Hightower Weibo announced that the hightower 7c, 8c, and 8cx 2nd generation computing platforms have all supported the new Windows 11 operating systems.



On June 24, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Information and Communications announced that 23.5 trillion won (US$ 20,846 million) will be invested next year in national research and development projects, of which 2.48 trillion won (US$ 2.2 billion) will be spent on biotechnology and health care, the future automobile and system-grade chip (SoC) industry.


1. On 24 June, HK32MCU announced the completion of the investment of well-known investment agencies into capital C rounds.

2. VR社交平台VRChat宣布获得8000万美元D轮融资,本轮融资由Anthos Capital领投,Makers Fund、GFR Fund等跟投。

2. The VR social platform VRChat announced $80 million in D-round financing, which was led by Antonio Capital, Makers Fund, GFR Fund, etc.


3. Helping 100,000 teachers to turn around with $65 million in financing for the Salesplus platform in SaaS, India.


4. The Austrian online mentoring platform, GoStudent, received $244 million in C-round financing, valued at $1.7 billion after investment.


5. Joyride, based in Toronto, recently completed $3.7 million in seed rotation financing.

6.以色列生物技术公司Better Juice近期获得800万美元种子轮融资,本轮融资由iAngels公司领投。

6. The Israeli biotechnology company, Better Juice, recently received $8 million in seed rotation financing, which was led by iAngels.


1.每日优鲜美国IPO首日开盘破发,现跌24%,报9.85美元,此前给出的IPO发行价为每份ADS 13.00美元。

1. The first-day opening of IPOs in the United States of America fell by 24 per cent to $9.85, following a previous release of ADS 13.00 per copy.


2. On 25 June, United States East Time, the Hangzhou Group Nuclear Information Technology Limited officially presented the F-1 offer to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


3. According to the Board of Directors of the Science and Technology Board, it was first adopted by the Société Générale d'Ensign, Inc., Inc., and the Société Générale de Gestion.


According to the Chief Executive Officer of the Auto-Driving Technology Corporation, “Magnage Wise”, the company is considering listing in the United States to help it achieve the objective of commercializing unmanned call-in services.


5. Gilly withdrew the listing application.


6. On the evening of 25 June, China Tourism Group Exempted Company Ltd. submitted a listing application to Hong Kong for its co-sponsorship, Sino-King and Swift Group.


1. The three major indexes of the United States share have increased by 0.7 per cent, this week by 3.44 per cent, the largest increase since 12 March; the pamphlet 500 index by 0.33 per cent, the highest increase since 12 March; this week by 2.74 per cent, the largest increase since 5 February; and the fingerline by 0.06 per cent, the week by 2.35 per cent, the largest increase since 9 April.


Bitcoin lost US$ 31,000/mere, dropping by more than 2 per cent per day.


3. The offshore renminbi (CNH) against the United States dollar at 04:59 Beijing Time, $6.4612, an increase of 97 points from the Thursday's New York chassis, in which the entire amount was allocated between $6.4724 and $6.4520.

4.尼日利亚将7月份Qua Iboe石油官方销售价格(OSP)上调至较同期布伦特原油溢价0.50美元/桶,那将是2020年8月份以来的最高水平;6月份为贴水0.76美元/桶。

4. Nigeria raised the official sales price of Qua Iboe oil (OSP) in July to $0.50 per barrel over the Brent crude oil premium for the same period, which will be the highest level since August 2020; in June, the premium was $0.76 per barrel.

5.国际原油期货结算价收涨超1%,WTI 8月原油期货收涨0.97美元,涨幅1.33%,报74.05美元/桶,本周累涨3.4%。

5. International crude oil futures settlement prices rose by more than 1 per cent, WTI by $0.97 in August, an increase of 1.33 per cent, to $74.05 per barrel, and by 3.4 per cent this week.


6. Brent's crude oil futures increased by $0.99 in August, by 1.31 per cent, to $76.18 per barrel, and by 3.63 per cent this week. All registered five consecutive increases, which have continued at a new high since October 2018.

7.COMEX 8月黄金期货收涨0.06%,报1777.80美元/盎司,本周累涨约0.5%。

7. COMEX recorded an increase of 0.06 per cent in gold futures in August at $1777.80 per ounce, or about 0.5 per cent during the week.


8. The European share was mixed, with a 0.12 per cent increase in the German DAX index and a 1.04 per cent increase in the current week; a 0.12 per cent decline in the French CAC 40 index and a 0.82 per cent increase in the current week; and a 0.37 per cent increase in the British 100-hour rich index and a 1.69 per cent increase in the current week.


Today, 1936, the world's first helicopter to be operated properly was the first to fly in Germany .


On 26 June 1936, the world’s first normally operated helicopter, Fw61, was successfully piloted in Germany for the first time. The aircraft was manufactured by the German company Focker-Ulf. Fw61 was a horizontal two-wing helicopter of 7.3 metres in length and 2.65 metres in height; it weighed 800 kg, with a maximum take-off weight of 950 kg (i.e. 1024 kg).




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