详细的比特币挖矿教程 - 如何挖矿获得比特币?详细教程告诉你如何挖矿赚比特币

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  想要开始挖矿,我们至少需要有些必要的准备,否则到最后你会得不偿失。需要准备显卡、比特币钱包、挖矿软件等。由于GPU拥有非常可观的运算能力,所以显卡是很好的“挖矿”设备。显卡最好是 AMD ATI 的显卡,N卡不成,速度没有A卡的效果好,当然等级越高越好。

If we want to start digging, we need at least some of the necessary preparation, or you're gonna end up in the end. We need to prepare a card, a bitcoin wallet, a mining software, and so on. Because GPU has a very good computing capability, the card is a good "mining" device. The card is better at AMD, and the N-card does not work well without the A-card, of course as high as possible.

  开始挖矿必须要有一个操作方便、产出稳定的矿池,它的作用就是为各个终端细分数据包,可以通过精密的算法将终端计算好的数据包按照比例,支付相应数量的比特币。这里推荐国外BTC Guild矿池,虽然现在国内也有很多矿池了,因为没有具体研究,不做评判。不过提醒大家,在选择时一定对比各个矿池的产出和收益差距。

In order to start mining, there must be an operational, output-stable pond, whose effect is to break down the data packs for the various endpoints, which can be proportionally paid by using sophisticated algorithms. Here , it is recommended for foreign BTC Guid ponds, although there are many in the country now, because there is no specific study and no judgement.

  下面以www.btcguild.com 矿池为例,教大家注册的具体流程。之所以推荐这个矿池,是因为相对新手来说更简单易用。打开主页后直接免费注册账号(如下图),注册登陆后需要一番必要的设置,特别是电子邮箱地址一定要填写。然后就是比特币电子钱包地址,如果没有固定的电子钱包,那就先不填写,等挖到一定数量的比特币之后,再设定一次性钱包地址导出来,导出后再及时更新钱包地址。

The following is an example of a mining pond: www.btcguild.com. This is recommended because it is easier to use than newcomers. Open the home page and register the account number directly free of charge (see figure below), requiring the necessary set-up after registration, in particular the e-mail address has to be filled in /a>. Then it is the Bitco’s electronic wallet address, which, in the absence of a fixed electronic wallet, will not be filled in until a certain amount of bitcoin has been dug, then the one-time wallet address will be exported and the wallet address will be updated in a timely manner.




This will be followed by a click on the home page of W orkers, with a miner's account number as shown in the figure below.


  其实这种挖矿器也有很多种,作为新人我们推荐小巧易用的GUIminer,它能够支持CPU、OepnCL、CUDA等多种计算模式,这样你的设备包括CPU和显卡都能发挥出最大性能,进而相对更快速的获取比特币。大家可以去官方网站下载,是个绿色的软件,下载地址:http://guiminer.org/ ,点击“Download”即可下载。

In fact, there are many kinds of diggers like this, as we recommend small easy-to-use GUIminer, which can support a variety of computational models such as CPU, OepnCL, CUDA, so that your equipment, including CPU and graphic cards, can perform maximum performance and thus obtain Bitcoins relatively quickly. You can download it from the official website, which is a green software, at http://guiminer.org/, by clicking on “Downlo.


  GUIMiner是个绿色软件,安装完成后我们可以先设置下语言,以便更方便进一步设置。界面改为中文后,就很简单了。然后新建一个采矿器如果你是A卡就用opencl,如果是N卡就用CUDA采矿器。接下来需要对采矿器设置服务器、用户名、密码、设备等。一般服务器从BTC guild系列里面选一个网络较好的就行,用户名和密码就是我们之前自己设置的。设备选GPU就好,CPU不要选,用CPU来挖矿连电费也赚不回来,核心是否勾选也关系不大。上面这些设定完毕后,就可以正式开始采矿了。

GUIMINER is a green software, and once installed, we can set the language to make it easier to set it up further. The interface is simple when replaced with Chinese. Then a new miner is opencl if you are an AC card, and a CUDA miner if you are a NC. Next is the need to set up a server, a user name, a password, equipment, etc. The normal server picks a better network from the BTC guld series, and the user name and password are the ones that we set ourselves. The CPU does not choose, the CPU does not want to use the CPU to dig the mine and the electricity costs do not come back, and the core does not have much to do with it.



When we confirm that they are set to be correct, the point “starting mining” button starts to dig bitcoins, and the cards will soon become fully active, with higher temperatures, higher fan speeds, and you can monitor the state through GPU-Z or card drive. It is worth noting that since only the cards are running at full capacity, the CPU load is only one number at this time, so nothing affects the lightweight applications that do not involve 3D mode, e.g., online, office, etc., but it is clearly not possible to continue playing 3D games.


  GUIMiner挖矿器显示的运算能力只是理论值,比特币的实际开采产量,我们需要登陆矿池网站也就是BTC Guild来查询自己的账户信息,希望你的努力会获得丰厚的回报。

The GUIMINER miner has shown only theoretical values, the actual production of bitcoin, and we need to access the pond site, BTC Gild, for information about its accounts, in the hope that your efforts will be well rewarded.


  这也许是新人最关心的问题吧,现在我们假设大家已经挖到了几个比特币,这些比特币自然是存在于BTC Guild这个老外的网站里面,暂时无法交易,也不能兑换成现金。怎么才能兑换成现金呢?我们要做的就是去一个交易平台注册账号,既然在国内,我们推荐比特币中国交易平台,网址:btcchina.com 。选择的平台是十分重要的,因为这里面将会存储你辛苦挖矿得来的比特币,所以在设置密码时一定要尽量复杂,账户信息也要真实有效,以便万一丢失时方便找回。

Now, let's assume that you've dug up a few bitcoins, which are naturally located on an out-of-the-art BTC Guid website, and which cannot be traded for a while or converted into cash. How do we convert to cash? All we have to do is go to a trading platform to register accounts, and we recommend a bitcoin Chinese trading platform at home, the web site: btcchina.com. The chosen platform is important, because it will store bitcoins that you've been working hard to dig, so it must be as complicated as possible when you set the passwords, and account information must be genuinely valid so that it can be easily recovered in case of loss.



As for the use of the Bitcoin China trading platform, I think the website is still very well designed and functional. The basic function is to provide real-time bitcoins in United States dollars/people's currency, which can be bought into bitcoins, or to sell bitcoins in exchange for yuan, plus the renminbi charge (which can be paid through third parties, such as cash, payment bonds, etc.), and the bitcoins charge (to import the stolen bitcoins into the Bitcoin China trading platform) and the cashier (to export them to other bitcoins' electronic wallet addresses). The most commonly used function is to charge bitcoins, to sell bitcoins, to sell bitcoins, to present the renminbi, etc.


  首先,我们再回到挖矿的矿池,也就是前面说过的BTC Guild矿池网站。还记得我们最初留空的位置吗?对的,我们将比特币中国交易平台提供的这个一次性钱包地址填写入BTC Guild矿池网站设定页面钱包地址处,然后在回到网站主页,点击“Request Payput”按钮,就可以把已经挖到的所有比特币全部导出到比特币中国交易平台了。一般系统可能会经过几分钟的确认才会收到款项,这样你就可以用比特币兑换现实的人民币了。(这里比特币中国交易网站的具体步骤没有详细写,因为觉得网站上面都是中文,自己看一下就很容易就会操作的)

First, we go back to the mining pond, which is the BTC Guid site, as mentioned earlier. Remember where we first left the blank space? Right, we fill out this one-time wallet from the Bitcoin China trading platform and set the page wallet address on the BTC Guid trading platform, and then we go back to the home page, click on the “Request Payput” button, and we can export all the bitcoins that have been dug out to the Bitcoin China trading platform.





1. Transactions are anonymous and therefore not traceable or taxable


2. No depreciation due to inflation. Its algorithms actually fuel deflation.


3. No transaction costs in general


It can be used to buy things.


5. to verify your ownership




Like the dollar, the renminbi, it has no intrinsic value. If people don't want it, they're worthless.


Bitcoin is not for face-to-face transactions because every transaction you make takes about 10 minutes to be certified, and this time will only be longer and longer in the future.


Like a wallet with cash, if Bitcoin's wallet is lost, the money's gone.


4. The anonymity of transactions also has a negative effect, resulting in the greatest use of bitcoin for various illegal transactions, such as fraud, money-laundering, the black market and so on, and now one more speculation.




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