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Bitcoin, a fully site-to-place improved electronic cash, will support one party's direct online payment to another, without the need to pass through financial institutions. “Digital signature” offers a partial solution, but if a trusted third party is still needed to prevent “double payment”, it loses its key value. The solution we propose for “double payment” is to use a “point-to-point” network. The network uses “hashing (Hashi)” as a “time stamp” on transactions, thus combining all transactions into an ever-expanding Hashi-based “ workload proof” chain that constitutes a record. Unless the “volume proof” is reconstructed, the record cannot be tampered.


i. Introduction


Internet commerce, which evolves almost exclusively to deal with electronic payments through financial institutions that are trusted as third parties. However, even if the system is functioning well enough to deal with most transactions, it still suffers from its inherent “trust-based” defects. “Absolutely irreversible transactions” are not really feasible because financial institutions cannot avoid being involved in dispute mediation. The transaction costs of such mediation limit the possibility of making transactions small enough to materialize, while cutting off the possibility of day-to-day small transactions, and there is a broader cost, namely, that the irreversible capacity to pay, designed for irreversible services, will be reduced.


Thus, an electronic payment system that replaces trust with a cryptographic-based certificate is necessary to allow any willing parties to deal directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. Transactions that cannot be calculated to be avoided will protect the seller from being denied, and conventional third-party intermediaries will be able to easily protect the buyer. In this paper, we propose a solution to the problem of double payment by using a point-to-point time stamp server to generate quantifiable evidence of sequences of transactions in chronological order of time. The system is safe as long as honest nodes jointly control CPUs more than coordinated attacker nodes groups.

艾瑞咨询:数字货币通过第三方支付兑换流通已有政策铺垫:艾瑞咨询今日发布《2020中国第三方跨境支付行业研究报告》,其中指出数字货币推广和第三方支付应用是相辅相成而非相互替代的关系,因为今年发布的《非银行支付机构客户备付金存管办法》已经规定非银行支付机构按规定通过现金形式为客户办理备付金赎回的,应当先通过备案自有资金账户办理,再通过备付金主监督机构从备付金集中存管账户将相应额度的客户备付金划转至备案自有资金账户,这一规定对应的业务场景正是用户将目前的第三方数字钱包账户余额兑换为数字货币应用,因此数字货币通过第三方支付兑换流通已有政策铺垫。[2021/8/14 1:54:11]

Eri Consulting: A policy advance has been made for digital currency flows through third-party payments: A study of the Chinese third-party cross-border payment industry for 2020 was issued today by Erie Consulting, which noted that the promotion of digital currency and third-party payment applications are complementary rather than substitute relationships, since the Measures for the Custody of Payments by Clients of Non-Bank Payments Agencies, issued this year, already requires non-bank payment agencies to make deposits for customers in the form of cash as required, should be processed by filing their own funds accounts and then transfer the corresponding amount of the customer's payment from the central deposit management account through reserve monitoring agencies to filing their own funds accounts, and that the corresponding business scene is where the user converts the balance of the current third-party digital wallet account into a digital currency application, so that the digital currency, through third-party convertibles, has a policy in place. [2021/8/14:54:11]


II. Transactions


We provide that the electronic currency is equivalent to the digital signature chain. Each owner transfers its electronic currency to the next, signs a Hashi by number, which is the previous transaction and the next owner’s public key, and adds it to the end of the electronic currency. The payee can prove ownership of the chain by checking the signature.


The problem is, of course, that the payee cannot verify that a certain owner does not have “double payment” of the currency. The common solution is to introduce a central authority that is trusted, or a casting factory, to check whether each transaction is double-payment. For our purposes, the first transaction is important, so we do not have to worry about subsequent attempts to “double-payment.” The only way to verify that a transaction exists is to make all transactions known. In a model based on a molar, the molar is the informed owner of all transactions, and it is clear which of the first transactions has to come through, as if they were one. In the absence of a trusted party, the transaction has to be publicly broadcast, so we need a system that allows participants to reach a common understanding of their order.


iii, time stamp server


The solution we are proposing starts with a time stamp server. The time stamp server operates by extracting Hashi from a project block that is time-stamped and spreading it widely, similar to emailing in newspapers or on the global news network. The time stamp validation data do exist at a certain point in time, apparently with the aim of joining Hashi. Each time stamp includes the first one that was added to Hashi, forming a chain, because each additional time stamp complements the previous one.

声音 | Altmarket CEO:数字货币经济进入了第一个衰退期:Altmarket的CEO Bryce Weiner在Twitter发文表示,数字密货币经济目前已经经历了整整四分之一的负增长。我们已经进入了第一个衰退期。[2018/11/25]

Altmarket CEO: The digital currency economy has entered its first recession: CEO Bryce Weiner of Altmarket wrote on Twitter that the digital currency economy has now experienced a full quarter of negative growth. We are already in our first recession. [2018/11/25]


iv. Certification of workload


For a distributed time stamp server to be constructed on a point-to-point basis, we would need to use a “ workload certificate” system similar to the “Hashi cash” created by Adam Baker, rather than a newspaper or global news network mail. In the Hashi calculation, the “volume certificate” introduces a search for a particular value, such as running the SHA-256, which starts with a certain number of zero characters. The average amount of work required is an index of the number of 0 characters required, which can be tested by simply performing a Hashi calculation. For our time stamp network, we give a random number of zero strings in a given block of Hashi value until a value is found to construct a “ workload proof” mechanism. As long as the CPU calculation is consumed to satisfy the “volume proof” mechanism, the block cannot be modified unless it is re-worked. For the next link, the workload of modifying the block must include rebuilding all the blocks behind it.


The “volume proof” mechanism also solves the problem of identifying agents who make most of the judgement. If the “most” is based on a “one IP address with a vote”, it will be destroyed because everyone can distribute many IPs. The “volume proof” is essentially “one CPU with a vote. The longest chain represents most of the judgement because it has the largest amount of “volume proof” that attempts to invest. If the majority of CPU computing power are controlled by honest nodes, the honest chain will grow faster than other competing nodes. In order to change a completed block, an attacker will be forced to rebuild the block “volume proof” and all subsequent nodes, and then catch up with more than the honest node. We will mention later that the probability of a slower attacker following the node is reduced at the exponential level as a result of the continuous increase in the number of blocks that follows.


V, Web


The steps to run the network are as follows:

动态 | 欧洲大型交易所基金Flow Traders NV进军数字货币市场:据彭博报道,欧洲大型交易所基金Flow Traders NVI日前进军数字货币市场。位于荷兰的Flow Traders NV正基于比特币和以太坊为基础,创建首批交易所交易票据。[2018/7/6]

Flow Trades NV, a major European exchange fund, has moved into the digital currency market: according to Bloomberg, the European large exchange fund Flow Trades NV is moving forward in the digital currency market. The Dutch-based Flow Traders NV is creating the first exchange trading instruments based on Bitcoins and Taiku.[2018/7/6]


1) New transactions are broadcast to all nodes.


2) Each node integrates a new transaction into a block.


3) Each node tries to find a difficult “workload certificate” for its own block.


4) When a node is found, it broadcasts the block to all nodes.


5) When and only when all transactions in a block are valid and have never occurred before, the node is accepted.


6) Node expresses its acceptance of the block by adding the next block in the chain, using as a pre-Hashi the accepted block.


Nodes always see the longest chain as correct and will continue to extend the chain. If the next block of the two nodes broadcast at the same time is not described in the same time, some nodes will take the lead in accepting one or the other. In this case, they work to take the first block they accept, but save another fork to prevent it from becoming longer. When the next “worker certificate” is found, and a split becomes longer, the tie will be broken; the nodes on the other nodes of the work will eventually be transferred to this longer block.


When they reach most nodes, they will be included in a block within a short period of time. Blocks also have the ability to accommodate missing information. If a node does not receive a block, it will make a request when it receives the next block and is aware that a block is missing.


vi. Incentives


According to the rules, the first deal in the block is a special deal, which generates a new currency that belongs to the creator of the block. This will increase incentives for node support networks, and provide a way to start the distribution and circulation of money, which is therefore a way of issuing without a central institution.


If the output value of a transaction is below its input value, the difference is the transaction fee, which increases the incentive value of the control block. Once a predefined amount of money is in circulation, the incentive is converted into a transaction cost and completely free of inflation.


A 24-hour digital monetization: According to data from the Bitfinex trading platform,


(a) The latest BTC transaction price of $53,682.8 with a maximum price of $55,204.04 and a minimum price of $53,283.65, with a turnover of 198,000 and an increase of 0.39 per cent;


(a) The latest ETH transaction price of $4477.63, with a maximum price of $4615.08, with a minimum price of $4443.53, with a turnover of $96,800 and a decline of 1.71 per cent;


The latest BCH transaction price was $7820.79, with a maximum price of $8382.79, with a minimum price of $7746.7 and a volume of $35.2 million, with an increase of 0.82 per cent.[2018/5/22]


If a greedy attacker is capable of organizing CPUs more effectively than an honest node, he will be forced to choose whether to steal the money he has paid by fraud or by generating a new currency. He should find that it is more profitable to act in accordance with the rules that make it easier for him to acquire more new money than everyone else who unites, and better to destroy the system and undermine the effectiveness of his own wealth.


vii. Resume disk space


Once the last deal in a currency is included in a sufficient number of blocks, it saves disk space by discarding previously invalid transactions. To ensure that the deal is not destroyed at the same time, the transaction is randomly scattered over a “Mekel tree” and simply places its “root” in that block. Just cut off the other branches of the tree, and the previous blocks can be compressed.


If you want to generate a block every 10 minutes or so, about 4.2 MB per year (80Bx6x24x365=4.2MB) is sold in 2008 with a random 2GB storage space. Given that Moor’s law predicts that the growth rate is now 1.2GB per year, storage will not be a problem even if the first block must be permanently preserved.


Payment certification is also possible in the absence of running all the nodes of the network. The user only needs to keep a first backup of the longest “ workload proof” chain, so that he can question the node in the network until he is convinced that he has the longest block chain and thus achieves the purpose of connecting the transaction through the Merkel branch to a block that has been time-stamped. He cannot check the transaction on his own, but by connecting to a point in the chain, he can see that a node in the network has already accepted the transaction, and the subsequent addition of blocks further confirms that the network has accepted the transaction.


VIII, Simplified payment certification

俄罗斯联邦金融监测局已经出面反对俄罗斯境内进行交易数字货币:据俄罗斯媒体Bits.media报道,俄罗斯联邦金融监测局(Rosfinmonitoring)已经出面反对俄罗斯境内进行交易数字货币。俄罗斯联邦金融监测局副主席Pavel Livandy在俄罗斯银行协会(ARB)的大会上发言表示,数字货币是高风险的投机资产,并没有真正的价值。3月初,俄罗斯金融市场委员会负责人提交了一份名为“数字金融资产”的法案草案,要求数字货币交易只能通过交换服务运营商进行数字资产交易。该委员会希望这种方法能够防止企图和其他金融动机的欺诈活动,交易所必须是在俄罗斯经营的合法实体。[2018/4/5]

The Financial Monitoring Service of the Russian Federation has spoken out against trading in digital currency in Russia: according to the Russian media Bits.media, the Russian Federation Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has spoken out against trading in digital currency in Russia. Pavel Livandy, Vice-President of the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Russian Federation, addressed the General Assembly of the Russian Banking Association (ARB), stating that digital currency is a high-risk speculative asset and has no real value. In early March, the head of the Russian Financial Markets Commission submitted a draft bill entitled “Digital financial assets” requiring digital currency transactions to be carried out only through the exchange of service operators. The Commission hoped that this approach would prevent attempted and other financial-motivated fraudulent activities, and that the exchange must be a legitimate entity operating in Russia.[2018/4/5]


At this point, as long as an honest node controls the network, the test is reliable, but if the network is pressured by the attacker, it is very vulnerable to attack. While the node can verify its transaction itself, as long as the attacker can continue to suppress the network, the easy method will be fooled by the exchange that the attacker has forged. A targeted protection strategy must be adopted to receive the warning signals that are sent when the node discovers an invalid block and to alert the user to download the entire block and to be called to the transaction in order to confirm its inconsistency. For reasons of more autonomous security and faster certification, commercial agencies that receive a large number of frequent daily payments are likely still willing to run their own nodes.


ix. Merger and division of values


While it is possible to deal with a single currency, it would be difficult to separate a transaction for each currency in a single transfer. To allow the value to be split and consolidated, the transaction consists of multiple input and output. Normally, either a single input from the previous larger transaction or a multiple input from a smaller amount is combined, with a maximum of two outputs: one for payment; and the other for zeroing.


What needs to be noted at this point is the export end, where a transaction depends on multiple transactions, which depend on more transactions, which is no problem. There is never a need to extract a complete stand-alone historical backup of the transaction.


10, privacy


The traditional banking model builds privacy levels by limiting access to data by related parties and trusted third parties. The need for public broadcasting of all transactions hinders this approach, but privacy can still be guaranteed by blocking the flow of information elsewhere: using an anonymously held public key. The public can see someone paying a certain amount to another person, but there is no information to connect the transaction to anyone. This is similar to the way stock exchanges publish information, where the time and scale of individual transactions, i.e. the “price offer”, is public, but does not tell the parties to the transaction.


As a supplementary firewall, a new pair of keys is used in every transaction to prevent them from connecting to an ordinary owner. Some connections are inevitable, because multiple entries inevitably reveal the same owner's input. The real danger is that if the owner's private key is leaked, the connection will reveal other transactions belonging to the same owner.


11, Calculating


We envisage a scenario in which an attacker tries to create an alternative chain faster than an honest chain. Even if it is technologically superior, it does not allow sudden intrusion into the system to be tampered with as it pleases, such as the uninhabited creation of value or looting of wealth that has never been attributed to him. Nodes will not accept an invalid transaction as payment, and honest nodes will not accept a block containing the invalid transaction. An attacker can only attempt to alter his own transaction to recover the money recently consumed. The race between the honest chain and the attacker's chain can be described as a “random of the two fork”; successful events extend a block of the honest chain to “+1”; failure is an extension of the chain of the attacker to “1”; failure is a reduction of the gap to “1”; the attacker's probability of catching up from a given deficit head is similar to that of “insolent insolvency”, assuming that there is a trail of credit, starting with a loss, and an endless test can be made to try to achieve a deficit balance.


p = Probability of an honest node to find the next block


q= probability that the attacker will find the next block


qz = probability that the attacker will catch up with block Z


We now consider how long it will take for the payer of the new transaction to wait until it is fully determined that the payer cannot modify the transaction. We assume that the payee is the attacker, who wants him to believe that the payment was made and, after a certain period of time, changed to his own. The payee will be shocked when it happens, but the payee hopes that it will be too late. The payee will generate a new key, give the payee the public key, and leave it for a short period of time before signing the deal: the payer will work through continuous work, prepare the chain well in advance, until he is very fortunate enough to reach the front, and then execute the transaction. Once the payee is sent, the payer will hope is too late.


In order to obtain the probability that the attacker will catch up, we multiply the probability density of the distribution of the number of blocks in which the attacker will make progress by multiplying the probability that the attacker will still be able to catch up with that number:


Convert to the following form to avoid endless numbers of claims...


Converts to C-language code...


Run results, we can see the probability Z is down exponentially. To solve the problem, P is below the Z value of 0.1%.


12, conclusions


In order to address this problem, we propose a network of point-to-points, using “volume certificates” to record the history of a public transaction, and for the attackers, if most CPU computing is controlled by honest nodes, it will quickly become unattainable in calculations. The network is co-ordinated by its simple and random puncture structure. The nodes need little coordination to work together. They need no recognition, because the information needs no route to particular areas, and they need to do their best to disseminate it. The nodes can leave and re-enter the network at any time, and all transactions that occur during their absence can be verified by receiving the CPU chain. They vote in terms of the CPU, and they can express their views in a way that seeks to extend the effective blocks and refuses to extend them after the invalid ones. Through this mechanism of consensus, any rules and incentives that are needed can be enforced.




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S. Haber, W.S. Storneta, How to Stall Digital Documents in Time, The Journal of cryptography, No. 2, 1991, pp. 99-111.


D. Bayer (Bail), S. Haber, W. S. Storneta, “Enhancing the efficiency and reliability of digital time stampes”, Series II: Theory of Communications Security and Computer Science, pp. 329-334.


S. Haber, W.S. Storneta, String Safety Naming, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of the International Computer Society on Computer and Communication Security, pp. 28-35, April 1997.


A. Back, Hashi Cash — Reverse Program to Reject Service Attacks, http://www.hashcash.org/papers/hashcash.pdf.


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Label: CPUhttps://ahref=https://www.qjnu.com/tag/HCA.html" HCA




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