The movement of these days is evidence of the aggressive self-preservation of the ETH in the past, using it to burst into thin air and then boiling hot water into the frogs, which, despite its over-intended behaviour in the past, has not been broken, and is now back in the middle of the zone, which has always been an indication that the ETH has gone downhill and that the currency used for snorting and siloing has not yet been kept in love. See clearly the strength of the ETH plate is still in place.
ETH的倒塌必然会有新的币种进阶2号龙头位置, 有人说是BNB,对于平台币的风口早都过了,这是2018年平台还不完善时候的产物,趋势过后平台币没炒作的空间。还有一种,你在人家的平台,炒人家的平台币,所有的数据都被一览无余,相当于在裸奔,最终相当于站在绝大部分人的相反面,没技术可言。
The collapse of the ETH will surely have a new currency number 2 tap, and some say it's BNB, which is the product of the platform's imperfection in 2018, and where there is no room for pyrotechnics after the trend. In another way, you have a platform, a platform, a platform, and all the data are seen, and it's like running naked, and eventually it's like standing in front of the vast majority of people, with no technology.
To add, collapse will not take a short time, at least for a few years.
That's it for today. There's something else.
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