LINE舉辦年度發表會「LINE CONFERENCE 2018」 | LINE Corporation | 新聞

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● LINE將重塑(Redesign)娛樂、媒體、業務、商務、人工智慧與金融六大事業領域

• LINE will recreate the six major areas of entertainment, media, business, business, artificial intelligence and finance

● 宣布以區塊鏈技術建構LINE代幣經濟(LINE Token Economy)與新服務

• Declaring the LINE Economy and the new services in a regional chain technology




1) 主題演講

1. Keynote address


LINE總部(LINE Corporation)於今(28)舉辦年度發表會LINE CONFERENCE 2018。會中不僅分享過去一年的豐碩成果,更宣布將重塑(Redesign)旗下現有的溝通、內容、業務等領域的服務,持續便利、豐富用戶的生活。同時,也宣布下一步更將特別著重於人工智慧(AI)、金融這兩大領域。 

In addition to sharing the rich results of the past year, LINE Corporation has announced that it will re-establish services in the domain of communication, content, business, etc. under the banner of Redesign, which will continue to facilitate and enrich the lives of its users. At the same time, it has been announced that the next step will focus more on artificial intelligence (AI), finance, and so on.

在近期,LINE不斷開展與區塊鏈相關的服務。LINE認為,區塊鏈是「重塑」(Redesign)各種網際網路服務的關鍵科技,而這也是「LINE代幣經濟」(LINE Token Economy)的概念之一。

In the recent past, LINE has continued to open services related to the sector links. LINE believes that the chain is a key technology for the re-engineering of Internet services, and this is one of the concepts of LINE Token Economy.


LINE執行長 出澤剛


會中所提到的代幣經濟,是指LINE將運用自行開發的區塊鏈技術,在用戶使用服務並回饋使用意見(reviewing service)後,給予用戶LINE自己的貨幣(currency),獎勵用戶多多回饋意見,讓LINE的服務持續優化,創造正向循環。 

The currency economy referred to in the conference is that LINE will use self-initiated chain technology to give LINE its own currency after users use the service and use the advice, and to reward users for more comments, allowing LINE’s services to continue to improve and create a positive cycle.


In this way, many services can be activated, as well as the users of these services. This way, not only for LINE services, the next step will be to expand to non-LINE services, so that developers and clients with similar needs can join and save them the time and cost of developing their own systems.

LINE正在全力投入區塊鏈技術的市調與開發,到目前為止,在今年四月已經在旗下成立了專注於設計與開發「去中心化」應用程式的研究機構「LINE Blockchain Lab」,以及「unblock」這家為了發展代幣經濟的子公司。在今年五月,與全球區塊鏈去中心化網路「ICON」結盟,共同成立了「unchain」這家專注於開發代幣經濟相關技術的公司。

LINE is investing heavily in the marketing and development of regional chain technologies. To date, in April of this year, a research facility dedicated to designing and developing "decentralizing" applications, "LINE Blockchai Lab" and "unblock", a subsidiary for the development of the money economy, was set up under the umbrella of the "unchain" project.





2) 娛樂領域

2) Entertainment Fields


這個主題探討的是「娛樂 x 科技」,娛樂如何結合科技,以及科技如何為娛樂相關服務帶來創新。會中宣布將重塑以下服務。

The theme is "Technology for entertainment", how to combine technology for entertainment, and how technology can create innovations for entertainment-related services.



LINE Music持續穩定成長,逐步成為日本音樂串流平台界的領導者。截至2018年5月,LINE Music應用程式下載次數已突破2,600萬次,付費用戶數大幅成長至近130萬。為進一步加速服務與產業的成長,在會中宣布推出兩項新功能:聊天室背景音樂及Music Video。

LINE Music has continued to grow steadily and has gradually become the leader of the Japanese music streaming platform community. As of May 2018, LINE Music applications had been downloaded 26 million times, and user fees had grown significantly to nearly 1.3 million. To further accelerate service and industry growth, two new functions were announced at the conference: chat room background music and Music Video.


聊天室背景音樂(Chat BGM) (日本暫定將於2018年夏季推出)

• Chat BGM (Japan tentatively scheduled to launch in summer 2018)


Background music (BGM), currently used by more than 7.8 million Japanese users, is set in their own LINE personal files. Users will also be allowed to set background music in chat rooms. The chat rooms are the most frequently opened pages in LINE, where users can listen to feature songs while talking to their relatives and friends, thus adding more fun to chatting.


● Music Video(日本暫定將於2018年秋季推出)

MusicVideo (Japan is tentatively scheduled to launch in autumn 2018)

用戶將可於LINE Music應用程式中觀看來自各大音樂公司的MV。

Users will be able to view the MV from major music companies in the LINE Music application.

暫定初期合作夥伴包括:Universal Music LLC / avex entertainment Inc /  JVC KENWOOD Victor Entertainment Corp. / Pony Canyon Inc. / King Record Co., Ltd. /   Space Shower Networks Inc. / K.K. A-Sketch / Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc.

Initial partners are: Universal Music LLC/ avex entry Inc./  JVC KENWOOD Victor Engineering Corp. / Pony Canyon Inc. / King Record Co., Ltd. / & nbsp; & nbsp; Space Shower Networks Inc. / K.K. A-Sketch / Sonny Music Engineering (Japan) Inc.



● 與南韓最大漫畫與書籍服務領導者NAVER WEBTOON進行資本結盟

> capital alliance with Naver WEBTOON, the largest cartoon and book service leader in South Korea

為了進一步擴展LINE旗下的數位漫畫服務LINE Manga,LINE將與在韓國國內外營運線上漫畫與書籍服務的領導者NAVER WEBTOON進行資本結盟,將於2018年7月2日成立「LINE Digital Frontier Corporation」。藉由雙強聯手,NAVER WEBTOON在日本所推出的免費線上漫畫服務XOY,將在2018年併入LINE Manga。

In order to further expand the digital comic book service under the LINE flag, LINE Manga, LINE will be associated with NAVER WEBTOON, the leader of comic and book service on Korea’s internal and external lines, and will establish the “LINE Digital Frontier Corporation” on July 2, 2018. With a combination of two powers, NAVER WEBTOON will introduce the free comic service XOY in Japan, which will be added to the LINE Manga in 2018.


*More detailed information is available at



● LINE Quick Game(日本將於2018年夏季推出)

LINE Quick Game (Japan to be launched in summer 2018)

LINE宣布將推出「LINE Quick Game」系統,讓用戶透過用戶不需要離開LINE應用程式,或額外下載應用程式,在LINE官方帳號中就可以玩遊戲。預計於今年夏天推出八款遊戲,包含益智、射擊以及對話式劇情遊戲。

LINE announced that it would launch the "LINE Quick Game " system so that users do not need to leave the LINE application, or download the application, so that they can play games in the LINE official account. Eight games are expected to be launched this summer, with intelligence, shooting, and conversation drama games.


* More detailed information is available at 



The H5 game platform, which is expected to be launched in Taiwan in the second half of 2018, will be detailed to Taiwanese players at the time of the launch.



LINE's chaining system will be associated with the internationally recognized game "Operation Wild" (Japan only). will be launched.

LINE攜手網易遊戲(NetEase Games),在國際知名遊戲「荒野行動」(Knives Out)中導入LINE的串接機制,讓用戶可以在遊戲中運用LINE的社交圈。

The NetEase Game, which guides LINE in the internationally known game Knives Out, allows users to use LINE's social circle in the game.


Smart Channel是位於聊天室列表最上方的資訊區域,概念是讓用戶可以隨時在此搜尋「現在最想知道的事情」。Smart Channel會根據用戶屬性以及過去於LINE app中的活動紀錄,為用戶提供最實用的客製化資訊,像是當地天氣預測、重要新聞推薦及災害資訊等。

Smart Channel is the information area at the top of the chat room list. The concept is to allow users to search for "what they want to know most now" whenever they want. Smart Channel will provide users with the most practical personalized information, such as local weather predictions, critical news references, and disaster information, based on user properties and the record of past activities in LINE app.




3) 海外領域

3) Overseas territories



As one of LINE’s major overseas markets, LINE Taiwan’s prime minister, Mr. Chen, shared with you this year the importance and importance of LINE’s presence on the stage. This is the first LINE Tokyo conference to include overseas performances, showing that overseas markets are highly valued.


LINE台灣的市場滲透率與用戶黏著度皆高居全球之冠,市場滲透率高達總人口的89%,黏著度達87%(日活躍用戶數佔月活躍用戶數比例),且超過三分之一的人口每日使用LINE進行語音/視訊通話,顯見LINE已成為人們日常及工作中最重要的聯繫與溝通管道,也因而催生了與遠傳電信合作推出的LINE MOBILE;不僅如此,LINE台灣近年也積極朝「智慧入口」願景邁進,發展不同面向且針對在地的多元服務,LINE購物、LINE Pay、LINE TODAY等的推出,皆受到台灣用戶的廣泛支持。

LINE’s market penetration and user sticker are among the highest in the world, with a market penetration rate of 89% of the total population, 87% of the total population, and more than one third of the population using LINE daily for voice/vision messages, and it is evident that LINE has become the most important channel of communication and communication in people’s daily and work, and has also created LINE MOBILE, which has been launched in collaboration with telecoms.


隨著台灣用戶對LINE的高度依賴及認同,最新一期《商業周刊》所公布的台灣100大影響力品牌(係由《商業周刊》與益普索市調公司共同進行研調),LINE拔得頭籌,成為2017年台灣最具影響力的品牌,亦為人們最有感的品牌。陳立人總經理表示:「LINE台灣成功的關鍵在於『超適地發展』,即時且緊密地融入人們在地的生活。」他舉例說明,100%由台灣在地團隊開發,今年一月甫推出的LINE購物已迅速累積900萬用戶,並創下高達10%轉換率、40%客戶回流率等卓越成績;滲透率達總人口77%的LINE TODAY不只新聞服務,也提供多樣豐富內容如中華職棒與NBA賽事等直播,形成內容入口;而LINE Beacon的應用,像是在35個台北捷運站點佈建LINE Beacon,創造全新且有趣的用戶互動模式,在LINE平台上展開更多元的線上線下串連應用。這些服務皆是洞悉台灣市場及用戶需求適地發展而成功獲得台灣用戶的迴響。

As Taiwan users are highly dependent on and agreeable to LINE, the most influential brand of Taiwan, published in the latest edition of Business Weekly (which was developed jointly by the Business Weekly and Ipso City Board), is the most influential brand in the Gulf in 2017, and the most sensitive brand. “LINE Taiwan’s success lies in the fact that it is “excessively developed” and is now closely integrated into people’s lives.” He states that 100% of the mainland’s LINE purchases, launched by the local team in January of this year, are fast-tracked by 9 million users, with 10% turnover, 40% client turnover, and so on; and that the new LINE DAY, with 77% of the total population, is not just a news service, but also a source of wealth.



In addition, for the first time in Taiwan this year, the "Election 2018 Project" was launched in Taiwan, where the Prime Minister of Chen expected LINE, Taiwan's favorite user, to play a positive role in encouraging more citizens to participate in public affairs.





4) 業務領域

4) Business Fields



To date, LINE has been established to communicate with users, such as LINE's official account and corporate sponsorship, and LINE has announced in the conference that it will be transformed into a full-scale business solution for connecting customers, businesses and business owners by re-engineering services, and that it will no longer be a one-way broadcast, but rather a "user service" provided by businesses and business owners.


過去主要提供給大型品牌主的LINE官方帳號和主要是中小型商家、甚至是微型商家在使用的LINE@帳號將整合為單一服務,成為「進化版LINE官方帳號」。進化版LINE官方帳號將同時整合LINE Business Connect(讓企業和用戶之間可以建立雙向溝通的功能)、LINE Customer Connect(客服服務功能)和LINE Point Connect(讓企業用戶可以即時發LINE Points給用戶的功能),API做為預設開放的功能,讓帳號得以提供更多樣化的服務。為了讓更多的企業和企業主能使用LINE官方帳號旗下多樣化的相關服務,進化版LINE官方帳號的最低門檻為月費0元起跳。

In the past, LINE official accounts, mainly for large brand owners, and LINE@ accounts, which are used mainly by small and medium-sized businesses, and even micro-businesses, will be integrated into a single service and will become the "advanced LINE official accounts" and API will also integrate LINE Business Connect (which allows companies and users to create two-way functions), LINE Customer Connect (serve service functions) and LINE Point Connett (which allows business users to release the LINE Points functionality for users in an instant fashion), as well as pre-screened services, allowing the accounts to be made more modeled. To enable more business and business owners to use multiple versions of the LINE official accounts, the lowest threshold cost of LINE official accounts will be zero dollars per month.


為加速觸及中小企業用戶,LINE將在大阪、福岡設立業務團隊,藉由提供自助式的LINE廣告平台(LINE Ads Platform),讓中小企業也可靈活運用LINE促銷貼圖(LINE Promotion Sticker)及和LINE Point Code。

In order to accelerate access to small and medium-sized businesses, LINE will set up business teams in Osaka and Fukuoka to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to use LINE Promotion Sticker and LINE Point Code by providing a self-help LinE Ads Platform.




5) 商務發展

5. Business development


LINE在會中也針對LINE Shopping(去年6月甫於日本推出、今年6月註冊會員數已突破2,000萬大關)與LINE Delima分享最新進展,更進一步宣佈將最新服務LINE Travel。

LINE also shared the latest developments with LINE Delima in connection with LINE Shopping, launched in Japan last June and registered 20 million members in June of this year, and further announced the latest service LINE Travel.




(Japan will start in autumn 2018)

為進一步發展服務,將在今年秋季推出整合線上/線下的服務。作為發展多元購物入口的下一步, LINE與dinos Koshigaya Outlet store在去年合作進行了一項測試計劃,透過LINE Shopping官方帳號,傳送訊息給人正在dinos Koshigaya Outlet store實體店舖附近的用戶。而收到訊息的用戶,在結帳時出示訊息中的條碼,就可依購買金額不同而獲得LINE Points回饋。LINE計劃將對實體店舖業者推廣這個新服務。

As a next step in the development of the Multi-Purpose Portal, Line and Dinos Koshigaya Outlet store worked together last year on a test project to send messages to users in the vicinity of the Dinos Koshigaya Outlet store through the LINE Shopping official account. Users who received messages, presenting the code in the message on the account, would be able to get Line Points back on a different amount of money.


在結帳時,導入LINE Pay帳號認證支付(將於2018秋季開始) 

>, directs the LINE Pay account (to start in the autumn of 2018) & nbsp; .

LINE Pay帳號認證支付(LINE Pay for ID Payment)是LINE Pay在行動轉帳與支付服務方面的最新功能,用戶使用LINE Pay線上付款時,可以使用所擁有的LINE Points來支付,並省去在每個地方購物、每個地方都得填寫電子郵件與信用卡等資訊的麻煩,輕鬆地完成購買流程。LINE Shopping將於今年秋季開始在合作商店導入此功能,為用戶提供更方便、流暢的結帳體驗。

LINE Pay for ID Payment is the latest LINE Pay function in the area of transactional transfer and payment services, and when users use LINE Pay to pay on the line, they can use LINE Points to pay for it and save the trouble of shopping everywhere, filling in e-mails and credit cards everywhere, and easily complete the purchase process. LINE Shopping will start introducing this function in the cooperative store this fall to provide user with a more user-friendly and fluid booking experience.



● Shopping Lens功能(將於2018年6月28日推出)

Shopping Lens function (to be launched on 28 June 2018)

這個新功能讓用戶可以在LINE Shopping的六千萬件商品中,以圖找圖。

This new feature allows users to search for maps of 60 million items in LINE Shopping.


*More detailed information is available at



LINE Travel是全方位的旅遊服務,是LINE商務發展領域中最新登場的事業。LINE Travel讓用戶可以在250家公司(包括旅行社、航空公司,與熱門旅遊網站如JTB)所提供的國內外飯店、套裝行程,與機票中搜尋、預定,與比價。LINE Travel中的功能將陸續上線,今年夏季將先推出能預訂國內外住宿的功能,接續於10月將推出機票相關功能,12月將推出國內外旅遊套裝行程的相關功能。    



在台灣,延續推展多元服務的佈局,未來也將計劃推出LINE Travel服務。




6) 媒體領域


截至2018年6月, LINE NEWS每月活躍用戶數已突破6,300萬人次,是日本的行動新聞新聞服務中用戶觸及數(user reach)最高的服務,此用戶觸及數同時也高居所有媒體服務類型之冠。龐大的用戶觸及數讓LINE累積對於用戶的深度了解,進而宣布LINE NEWS將以「深度個人化」(Deep Personalization)作為下一步,同時也將對外募集原創內容以增強內容的多樣性。



● My News(日本將於2018年推出)

LINE NEWS將推出全新的My News功能,My News預計將成為LINE NEWS的發展核心,LINE NEWS將根據LINE在日本7,500萬月活躍用戶所累積的使用行為做深度學習(deep learning)、分析,並針對每一位用戶需求提供最有用、最感興趣的內容。 


● 原創內容募集(日本計劃將於2018年推出)

除了已推出的「LINE Premium Interviews」之外,LINE宣布將創建一個對外部募集原創內容的系統,邀請外部專業媒體人及業餘愛好者共襄盛舉,一同讓LINE NEWS在圖片、影片及多元種類的新內容更豐富。




7) 人工智慧


LINE在會中也回顧了其在人工智慧(AI)一路以來的耕耘,包含自去年AI語音助理Clova發布以來的重大事紀、首款Clova智慧喇叭「Clova WAVE」推出以來日本市場的反饋、Clova的相關技術發展以及其它改良。LINE同時也宣布其在Clova技術應用的拓展、與豐田汽車最新的合作進度,以及即將推出的新款智慧喇叭。



● 邀請更多製造商加入Clova Home connectivity行列(於2018年夏天陸續推出)

LINE宣布將持續拓展可連結Clova Home的家電產品種類,讓用戶可透過Clova 控制搭載物聯網驅動功能的家用產品。

除了Phillips Hue(Signify Holding)以外,LINE也計劃邀請更多製造商的加入:

its communications Inc. / Qrio, inc. / Glamo Inc. / SHARP CORPORATION / Secual, inc. /

Toshiba Visual Solutions Corporation / Panasonic Corporation / Mitsubishi Electric Corporation /

Philips Hue (Signify Holding) / RATOC Systems, Inc. / LIXIL Corporation /

LinkJapan Inc / Rinnai Corporation


● Clova Friends Dock(計劃將於2018年秋天推出)

專為Clova Friends和Clova Friends mini所設計的紅外線底座將於今年夏天推出,未來只要將LINE Clova Friends或LINE Clova Friends mini放置於Clova Friends Dock紅外線底座上,便可使用如同Clova Wave所配備的紅外線遠端遙控功能。



● Clova擴充套件(Clova Extension Kit)(計劃將於2018年7月開放)

LINE計劃於今年7月推出Clova擴充套件(Clova Extension Kit),並於7月中下旬推出Clova技術平台(Clova Skill Store),邀請開發者一同加入技術市場,研發Clova新技術並延伸Clova現有技術的應用,並可經由審核及上架提供給有相同需求的用戶。第一階段共有34間合作夥伴針對用戶需求呼聲高的服務進行開發,例如東京急行電鐵株式會社(Tokyu Corp.)將推出可發佈東急線的各個鐵路服務狀態通知的東急線app(Tokyu line app)和Lawson預計推出讓用戶可即時收聽店內廣播的Lawson app。




● LINE FRIENDS小小兵(計劃將於2018年秋季推出)

LINE將推出小小兵造型的Clova Friends和Clova Friends mini,並計劃加入可與小小兵對話的功能。



● Clova Desk(計劃將於2018年冬天推出)

LINE宣布將推出搭載螢幕的智慧型喇叭Clova Desk,將一次發表白色及黑色兩款外觀,並配備可辨識圖像的相機、紅外遙控功能以及電池。



LINE宣布將利用深度學習(Deep Learning)為基礎的DNN-TTS(深度神經網絡文本到語音)技術,深化Clova角色發展。藉由DNN-TTS(深度神經網絡文本到語音)技術,LINE將只需要使用最少的資訊量,約莫原有技術的1/10、等同4小時的聲音收錄,就可模仿並合成清晰擬真的聲音,即使是遇到新的詞彙也不影響其合成。



既LINE與豐田汽車在2017年東京車展示搭載SDL系統並可應用Clova的車款後,今日更鄭重宣布自2018年冬天起新款豐田汽車將搭載與Clova Auto可相容的車上機系統。此功能將連結汽車儀表板及方向盤上的聲音辨識按鈕,讓駕駛在開車過程可以透過聲音安全操作日常所需的功能,包含接收LINE訊息、撥打LINE免費語音通話及使用LINE MUSIC聽音樂等。此外,LINE推出LINE My Car官方帳號(LINE My Car Account),可用於新款Toyota Crown、Corolla Sport及Prius PHV,讓用戶在上車前即可透過LINE與愛車溝通,並完成設定導航目的地、確認汽油量等工作。





8) 金融領域










LINE計劃於2018年秋天,在個人化金融管理(Personal Financial Management)領域推出LINE家計簿(LINE KAKEIBO),提供用戶間控資產管理資訊、每日開銷和收入的多合一家庭預算及財產管理的解決方案。透過串接LINE Pay及網路銀行、信用卡及電商網站等其它金融服務,用戶將能透過LINE家計簿看見投資、支出或管理等資訊,讓具體金流一目了然。此項服務同時也支援光學字元識別(Optical Character Recognition),用戶只要幫收據拍張照,LINE家計簿(LINE KAKEIBO)就能自動讀取並記錄收據明細。



LINE Financial Corporation於2018年4月和損保日本興亞(Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance Inc.)締結商業聯盟,跨足非人身保險領域(non-life insurance sector)。今日更於會議中宣布作為與其它夥伴合作的全新一步,LINE Financial Corporation將投資justInCase Inc.。 justInCase Inc.運用人工智慧及多種數據,為用戶個別計算風險並制定客製化投保費率,提供許多新型態的保險服務,其中包含用戶可直接透過justInCase Inc.的app進行投保的「智慧型手機保險」。justInCase Inc.目前已完成小額短期保險公司的登記,並計劃於2018年7月1日開始營運。



藉由在LINE CONFERENCE 2018公布的全新功能與服務,LINE宣布將與LINE Pay一同掀起「支付革命」。



為了進一步打造無現金社會,LINE Pay與JCB旗下非接觸式支付QUICPay正式宣布結盟,非接觸式支付將成為繼LINE Pay卡、LINE Pay掃碼支付(QR code及條碼)後的第3種線下的支付方式。未來,Android用戶只要將智慧型手機靠近讀卡機,就能以LINE Pay裡的儲值餘額付款,涵蓋日本國內將近72萬個支付點。





*More detailed information is available at


● 推出「商用LINE Pay 應用程式」(”LINE Pay for Merchants” payment app) (2018年6月28日即日啟用)

LINE Pay致力於因應不同的支付需求部署多元渠道,不僅為大型企業更新POS系統串接,有鑑於導入支付設備的前期成本對於中小企業而言是沉重的負擔,即日起為中小企業推出兼具支付與行銷功能,並且只要透過智慧型手機就能完成下載的商用LINE Pay 應用程式。商家下載商用LINE Pay 應用程式並通過審核成為LINE Pay商家後,即可使用應用程式中的「收銀機」與「訊息傳送」兩大功能:收銀機功能讓商家可直接以智慧型手機掃描用戶LINE Pay 的QR code完成交易;訊息傳送功能則讓商家可以透過應用程式傳送訊息、發放折價券給帳號好友,也讓商用LINE Pay 應用程式(”LINE Pay for Merchants" payment app)成為第一個擁有通訊功能的支付應用程式。


● 使用「商用LINE Pay 應用程式」掃碼收費3年免手續費(自2018年8月至2021年8月止)

/strong (from August 2018 to August 2021) /strang

為鼓勵商家踴躍加入LINE Pay QR code掃碼支付的行列,2018年8月起為期3年,LINE Pay將不會向使用商用LINE Pay 應用程式交易的商家收取任何前期費用及交易手續費,以更便利的支付流程回饋廣大用戶。



● LINE Points升級版獎勵機制「My Level」(自2018年8月1日至2019年7月31日止)

LINE Points Upgraded Scheme 'My Level' (from 1 August 2018 to 31 July 2019)

LINE Pay於日本推出LINE Point獎勵機制「My Level」,用戶可在LINE Pay主畫面確認徽章顏色(Badge Color),若徽章為綠、藍、紅或白色(若無顏色代表該用戶非獎勵對象),則將按顏色獲得不同比例的LINE Points回饋。LINE今日更於會中隆重宣布,今年8月起LINE Point獎勵機制「My Level」將大幅升級,擁有獎勵資格的用戶將可在原先LINE Points的回饋比例上再額外獲得3%的LINE Points回饋。 此外,在升級版「My Level」推行期間,單筆消費超過10萬日圓不予回饋點數限制也將取消。








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