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TRX(全称 TRONIX)是由波场基金会发行的基于波场协议的主网货币,简称 TRX。与以太坊和比特币等基于 PoW 挖矿不同,TRON 采用 DPoS 机制。

TRX (all referred to as TRONIX) is the main network currency, TRX, issued by the Wavefield Foundation, based on the Dome Agreement. Unlike PoW based mining such as Etheria and Bitcoin, Tron uses the DPOS mechanism.

当前的 PoW 机制遭受高能耗,低效率和低 TPS 等问题。 为解决上述问题 TRON 开发了独特的 DPoS 机制,并根据社区反馈做了进一步改善以满足网络需求。了解更多

The current PoW mechanism suffers from high energy consumption, inefficiency, and low TPS. TRON has developed a unique DPOS mechanism to address these issues, and further improvements have been made to meet network needs based on community feedback.

TRX 是 TRON 区块链上账户的基本单位,所有其他代币的价值均从 TRON 价值衍生出来,TRX 也是所有基于 TRC 标准代币的天然桥梁货币。TRX 贯穿于整个波场生态体系中,具有丰富的使用场景,为链上的交易和应用提供动力。

TRX is the basic unit of the account in the Tron block chain, and the value of all other tokens is derived from the Tron value. TRX is also the currency of all natural bridges based on the TRC standard tokens. TRX runs through the entire wavering ecosystem and has a rich use scene that provides the impetus for transactions and applications in the chain.



过多的无关紧要的交易导致网络拥塞,类似于以太坊,这延迟了交易确认。 为了避免阻塞网络,TRON 网络允许每个帐户免费启动有限数量的交易,而较高的交易频率需要带宽点。 交易以网络中的字节数组的形式传输和存储。 交易占用的带宽点数由此交易中字节数组的大小决定。 如果交易的字节数组长度为 100,则交易需要消耗 100 个带宽点。

To avoid blocking the network, the Tron network allows a limited number of transactions to be started free of charge for each account, while the higher transaction frequency requires bandwidth points. Transactions are transmitted and stored in byte arrays in the network.



智能合约运行时执行每一条指令都需要消耗一定的系统资源,资源的多少用 Energy(能量) 的值来衡量。

The implementation of each command during the operation of an intelligent contract requires a certain amount of system resources, measured by the value of Energy.

进行 TRX 转账时,要保证你的现金钱包资产充足,并且带宽和能量足以支付转账所需的消耗。

TRX transfers are made in such a way as to ensure that your cash wallet has sufficient assets and that its bandwidth and energy are sufficient to cover the consumption required for the transfer.



1. 所有交易皆需要消耗带宽,比如转账和智能合约调用

1. All transactions require the consumption of bandwidth, such as transfers and smart contract calls

2. 部分交易需要消耗能量,比如智能合约调用(TRC-20 转账和 DApp 使用)

2. Some transactions require energy consumption, such as smart contract calls (TRC-20 transfers and Dapp usage)

3. 激活账户每 24 小时拥有免费 5000 带宽资源,可用于每日 TRX 和 TRX-10 代币 10 多笔免费转账

3. Activating accounts have free 5,000 bandwidth resources every 24 hours, which can be used for daily TRX and TRX-10 tokens more than 10 free transfers

4. 被消耗的带宽与能量资源将会 24 小时内逐渐恢复

4. Spent bandwidth and energy resources will gradually recover within 24 hours

TRX 转账教程

TRX Transfer Tutor

如何使用 imToken 转账/收款

TRX 转账可能会遇到以下情况

TRX transfers may encounter the following:

● 在波场钱包中,如何冻结与解冻带宽或能量?

• How can the bandwidth or energy be frozen and unfrozen in the band wallet?


What's bandwidth with energy?

1. 带宽代表发送交易大小的字节数,比如转账交易大小为 250 字节则消耗 250 带宽。

1. Bandwidth represents the number of bytes in which the transaction size is sent, e.g. 250 bytes in which the transaction is transferred, consumes 250 bandwidth.

2. 能量代表智能合约执行消耗时间,比如智能合约执行消耗 100 μs 则消耗 100 能量。

2. Energy represents time spent implementing smart contracts, such as smart contracts, which consume 100 & mu; s consumes 100 energy.


How do you get bandwidth and energy?

1. 冻结 TRX 将可以获得带宽或能量,资源价格随着全网提供的资源数量和冻结资源数量波动。

1. The freezing of TRX will provide bandwidth or energy, and the price of resources will fluctuate with the volume of resources provided by the whole network and the amount of resources frozen.

2. 冻结 TRX 后获得能量或带宽,同时获得用于投票的 TRON Power。

2. Freezing TRX to acquire energy or bandwidth and also to obtain TRON Power for voting.

3. 资源解冻需要等待 3 天(以冻结的时间开始计算),解冻将会返回 TRX,并移除相应的资源和 TRON Power。

3. The resource unfrozen takes three days (to start counting at the time of the freeze), and the unfrozen returns to TRX and removes the corresponding resources and Tron Power.



1. 所有交易皆需要消耗带宽,比如转账和智能合约调用

1. All transactions require the consumption of bandwidth, such as transfers and smart contract calls

2. 部分交易需要消耗能量,比如智能合约调用(TRC-20 转账和 DApp 使用)

2. Some transactions require energy consumption, such as smart contract calls (TRC-20 transfers and Dapp usage)

3. 激活账户每 24 小时拥有免费 5000 带宽资源,可用于每日 TRX 和 TRX-10 代币 10 多笔免费转账。

3. Activating accounts have free 5,000 bandwidth resources every 24 hours, which can be used for more than 10 free transfers per day of TRX and TRX-10.

4.被消耗的 带宽与能量资源将会 24 小时内逐渐恢复。

4. The drained bandwidth and energy resources will gradually recover within 24 hours.


The difference between block chain transfers and bank transfers

● 转错地址怎么办?

• What about the wrong address?

转账成功后,币已经到了收款地址,imToken 无法帮你撤销。如果你转账时不小心填写了错误的收款地址,建议你和对方联系,并协商转回。

After the transfer has been successful, the currency has reached the collection address, which ImToken cannot cancel.


Nice tip:


If you fill in the wrong address, you copy it from the exchange and other software, please contact the exchange and other software services directly to file a complaint.


It is not a matter of case-sensitive addresses, as long as the letters are correct.
& nbsp;

波场 TRON 以推动互联网去中心化为己任,致力于为去中心化互联网搭建基础设施。旗下的 TRON 协议是全球最大的基于区块链的去中心化应用操作系统协议之一,为协议上的去中心化应用运行提供高吞吐,高扩展,高可靠性的底层公链支持。波场 TRON 还通过创新的可插拔智能合约平台为以太坊智能合约提供更好的兼容性。

The Spot Tron, which promotes decentralisation of the Internet, is committed to building infrastructure for decentralisation of the Internet. The Tron protocol under the flag is one of the world's largest block-based decentralised application operating system protocols, providing high ton-up, high-extension, and high-reliability bottom-chain support for decentralization applications. The Spot Tron also provides better compatibility for tatai smart contracts through an innovative and intrudable smart contract platform.

自 2018 年 7 月 24 日起,TRON 收购了位于旧金山的互联网技术公司BitTorrent Inc.。 BitTorrent Inc.设计的分布式技术能够有效扩展,保持智能化,并使创作者和消费者能够控制其内容和数据。 每个月有超过 1.7 亿人使用 BitTorrent Inc.开发的产品。 BitTorrent Inc.的协议每天可以传输全球 40% 的互联网流量。

From July 24, 2018, Tron acquired BitTorrent Inc., a San Francisco-based Internet technology company. BitTorrent Inc. designed distributed technology that can expand effectively, remain intelligent, and enable creators and consumers to control its content and data.

● 高吞吐量:高吞吐量是通过改善 TRON 中的 TPS 实现的,日常使用实用程度已经超过比特币和以太坊。

• High throughput: High throughput is achieved by improving TRON's TPS, and daily usage is more practical than Bitcoin and Etheria.

● 可扩展性:基于良好的可扩展性和高效的智能合约,应用程序可以在TRON中有更多部署方式,TRON 可以支持大量的用户。

• Scalability: based on good scalable and efficient smart contracts, applications can be deployed more in TRON, which can support a large number of users.

● 高可靠性:TRON 具有更可靠的网络结构,用户资产,内在价值,并且更高程度的分权化共识带来了改进的奖励分配机制。

:: High reliability: TRON has a more reliable network structure, user assets, intrinsic value, and a higher degree of decentralized consensus has resulted in improved incentive allocation mechanisms.

● 发行时间:2017-07-01

• Release time: 2017-07-01

● 最大供应量:99,214,066,142 TRX

• Maximum supply: 99,214,066,142 TRX

● 总供应量:99,214,066,142 TRX

• Total supply: 99,214,066,142 TRX

● 上架交易所:181家

• Previous exchange: 181

● 激励机制:DPOS

• Incentives: DOS

● 白皮书:简介与愿景.pdf

• White paper: and Vision.pdf

TRX 区块浏览器是一个查询区块、交易、钱包地址等信息的网站,实时同步更新 TRX 所有节点信息。

TRX Block Browser is a web site that asks for information on blocks, transactions, wallet addresses, etc., and updates all nodes of TRX in real time.




These are the details of the basic concept of TREN (TRX). More information about TRU (TRX) is available in other relevant script homes!

Tag:Tron   TRX  



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