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Master Po, the original name is Guo Hongjian, an angel investor in Bitcoin, born in 1983, from Shanxi Ping.


In 2003, like all young people, Master Bao took the high school exam, but it was surprising that Master Bao had not done well, but that the first volunteer had filled out Qinghua without surprise, and that 300 points of the high school exam would have made him Qing Qinghua. That was a particularly brave face, and that character might have been a sign of his future.

同年,宝二爷拿着父母给的10000元跑到北京谋生。在清华照澜院租了个房子,边旁听课程边琢磨怎么赚钱。那个时候,很多人还在沉浸在考上大学的喜悦中,偶然的机会宝二爷在当时流行的水木BBS论坛中看到了商机,他把论坛中的音像资料复刻成光盘再转卖。那个时候光盘兴起不久,据说后来他靠着卖这个月入过万。当时的清华本科毕业生工资也就四五千人民币,紧接着他还拿下了清华网络电话校园总代,在学校里卖网络电话,又是一笔收入。郭的 “大学生活”不仅没花钱,还赚了不小的一笔。

In the same year, Mr. Bo went to Beijing to earn a living with $10,000 from his parents. He rented a house at the Qinghua courtyard, while listening to the course and wondering how to make money. At that time, many people were still immersed in the joy of going to college, and Mr. Po saw business opportunities in the then popular BBS forum, where he re-engineed audio and video material into CD-ROMs.


In 2006, Guo Hoon estimated that he had heard about the Qinghua course, that he had saved almost all his money, that he had decided to ride his bike all over the country and that this trip had been a turning point in his life.


At one time, Bo met his late wife, Kim Yoon-Yang. At that time, Er-Po was a skinny, spirited fellow, attracted by the smart and open character of Er-Bo, and then went to Li-eung together.


In 2008, Kim Yoon University graduated, both of them went to Shanghai to start a business together, and they opened a net shop to sell flat-cut beef, and in the early days of the electric company, they sold well and earned the first barrel of gold. At this point, Bo and Kim Yoo-yang agreed to go to Beijing, because life at the end of the day was just too boring. They already had two children, and they agreed to leave.


When he came to Beijing, he had a chance to go to a garage café, a magical place where all the new ideas of entrepreneurship were fermented, a cup of coffee, a computer, and big information for you to listen to. By coincidence, New Orient Master Lee smiled just in the garage coffee for a bitcoin fair, and he smiled in a unique way to immerse the ocean in the world of Bitcoin, and then she bought 100,000 bitcoins at a cost of $500. But then she didn't know, either.


Not long ago, Bitcoin rose to $600, and the paper was dead. When he looked at it, it felt like it was being marketed, allowing the gold to be sold. In a few disputes, Kim Yoo-Yan went to see him laughing. This meeting of history, an angel named Bitcoin, was born at this moment. When he returned home, Bo stopped selling beef and prepared for the soybbitcoin.


In 2013, Bo and Kim Yoo-Yan partner created China’s first bitcoin from the media, The Ocean Interviews. During this time, Bo could be described as a spring-and-sun-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee-wee.


In February 2014, the Door Trench Exchange stole 850,000 bits of money overnight. Next to that, the price of Bitcoin fell sharply.


A quantitative advantage is achieved without a price advantage.


Second Master Bo went to Nemon with his only remaining pair of pants. He built a bitcoin mine himself. But what's surprising is that it's not efficient, and that the bitcoin that's dug up in one day will be enough for electricity. Guo Hong sold the mine to Bitcoat. He bought BTC123, the domestic digital money trading platform, and the Bitcoin portal.

2015年为了更快推广比特币,让比特币拥有更强大的共识,郭开启了中国行。在全国各地来回演讲,演讲风格自成一派,以接地气、大俗话为特点,煽动性还极强。按他自己的说法:“使劲造势,使劲地讲我是多么没文化,我赚钱就是这个逻辑” ,很快他就成为圈内的“网红”。

In 2015, in an effort to promote bitcoin more quickly and give bitcoin a stronger consensus, Kwok opened up the Chinese business. Speaking back and forth around the country, the style of the speech was self-styled and inflammatory. In his own words, he said, “Move up and tell me how uneducated I am, and that is the logic of making money,” and soon he became a “net red” in the circle.


In 2016, Lord Po was invited to the Davos Forum. He said, “The value of Bitcoin is equal to the value of GDP for all countries in the future”, and that “people will no longer believe in gold, cash, dollars, and the technology of block chains.” This rebuttal pushed Bitcoin’s enthusiasm to the top, and the more powerful media began to spread bitcoin, block chain technology and many descriptions of future visions.


In 2017, the conflict between the United States dollar and the world monetary system intensified, and people in other countries sought a new way of paying instead of the United States dollar. Bitcoin was placed in high hopes because it was in keeping with the needs of the people. The emotional eruption of people around the world was quite horrific.


In 2018, the family moved to Silicon Valley in the United States and named the home as the “Skins Estate”.


After five years of his life as a cow bear, Lord Po's courage became a force of wealth at a price of 10 billion dollars.

成功没有偶然,敢想敢干,all in有时候并不是疯狂。

Success is no accident, you can't do it, all in sometimes it's not crazy.




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