Web 3.0 的进化简史

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A brief history of evolution.

  在以区块链为代表的分布式技术推动下,从去中心化点对点账本实验到去中心化智能合约平台,催生了无数的新型应用(Dapp),慢慢 DeFi 形成了数字世界里的“金融服务”, 而 NFT 加速了资产上链。我们看到,传统世界(线上和线下)之外,用户越来越接近一个相融相生的数字世界。至此,人们呼唤一个全新的网络世界——元宇宙,即可信地承载个人的社交身份和资产,社区将拥有更强大的主导权。

Driven by distributed technology, represented by block chains, from the decentralized point reconciliation book experiment to the decentralized smart contract platform, numerous new applications (Dapps) have been created, slowly DeFi has created “financial services” in the digital world, and NFT has accelerated the asset chain. We see that outside the traditional world (online and below), users are getting closer to an integrated digital world. To this end, communities will be called upon to take a much stronger ownership of a new web world — the meta-cosmos — credibly carrying the social identity and assets of individuals.

Web 3.0 的进化简史Web 3.0 的进化简史

  在谈论什么是Web 3.0 之前,我们需要简单回溯一下Web 1.0和Web 2.0的概念和内涵,才能更好地理解Web 3.0 为什么会诞生以及它所想要解决的问题。

Before talking about what is Web 3.0, we need to go back briefly to the concept and content of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 in order to better understand why Web 3.0 is born and what it wants to solve.


Platform creation, platform ownership, platform control, platform benefits

  Web这个概念最早诞生于1989年欧洲粒子物理研究所的一项研究中。当时,为了方便全球的研究人员能在不同计算机之间共享和更新信息,英国科学家Tim Berners-Lee提交了一项关于“在全球范围内建立超媒体信息检索系统”的提案,并将这个系统命名为 World Wide Web(万维网)。其设想是,互联网上的资源可以在一个网页里比较直观的表示出来,而这些资源可以在网页上相互链接。

The concept of Web was first born in 1989 in a study by the European Institute of Particle Physics, when, in order to facilitate the sharing and updating of information between different computers by researchers around the world, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal for a “global supermedia information retrieval system” that would be named   World Wide Web (web). The idea was that resources on the Internet could be expressed more directly in one web page, and that those resources could be linked to each other.

  1990年10月,Berners-Lee已经编写了三种基本技术,这些技术成为网络的基础,包括第一个网页编辑器/浏览器(World Wide Web.app):

In October 1990, Berners-Lee developed three basic technologies that formed the basis of the network, including the first web editor/browser (World Wide Web.app):


As we can see from the inventive background and definition of the World Wide Web, which was designed for information sharing and exchange, the World Wide Web is like a platform for information displays aimed at becoming a window for people to understand the wider world.


Between 1991 and 2004, the flow of information on the World Wide Web evolved from text to pictures and into videos, and the information portal age surged. A large number of browsers and information portals, such as webscapes, yahoos, and new waves, emerged around the globe in the wake of the rains. While these websites radically changed the way people understand information, the information was static, read-only, and the users were only viewers and could not participate.


So soon, a change in the age of Internet interaction came.


User creation, platform ownership, platform control, platform allocation


  Web 2.0最早由信息架构咨询师Darcy DiNucci在1999年撰写的文章《Fragmented Future》中首次创造,在这篇文章中她提出:“我们现在所知道的 Web 基本上是以静态形式被加载到浏览器窗口中,但这只是未来 Web 的雏形。未来的网络不再只是满屏的文本,而是一种会产生实时交互的传输机制。”

Web 2.0 was first created by an information architecture consultant, Darcy DiNucci, in 1999, in an article entitled Fragmented Future, in which she suggested: “What we now know about Web is basically being loaded into the browser window in static form, but it's just a prototype of the future Web. The future network is no longer just a full-screen text, but rather a transmission mechanism that produces real-time interactions.”

  这个概念从提出到被大众广泛知晓经过了近5年,直到2004年末,O’Reilly Media Web 2.0会议在旧金山召开,O’Reilly媒体的创始人Tim O’Reilly才正式将Web 2.0带进了大众视线,并进一步阐释和丰富了Web 2的定义和内涵。他表示,Web 2.0是一种新的互联网方式,其模式将更以用户为中心,将允许用户作为内容的创建者,并通过社交媒体进行交互和协作。

The concept was introduced and widely known to the general public for almost five years, until late 2004, when the O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference was held in San Francisco, the founder of the O'Reilly media, Tim O'Reilly, formally brought Web 2.0 into the public eye and further elaborated and enriched the definition and content of Web2. He said that Web 2.0 was a new Internet approach that would be more user-centred and would allow users to act as creators of content and interact and collaborate through social media.

  如今,我们所熟知的大部分科技公司都是Web 2.0时代的产物。包括以谷歌为代表的搜索引擎,以Facebook、Twitter为代表的社交网站,以YouTube、Tiktok为代表的视频社区,以维基百科为代表的知识社区等等。在用户创造内容的模式下,互联网规模开始急速膨胀,网络开始成为了人们生活必不可少的部分。而时至今日,我们其实还仍然处于Web 2.0的时代中。

Today, most of the technology companies we know are products of the Web 2.0 era. These include Google-represented search engines, Facebook, Twitter-represented social networking sites, YouTube, Tiktok, and Wikipedia-represented knowledge communities.


User creation, user ownership, user control, protocol allocation


  在Web 2.0时代,互联网的发展已经偏离了最初的设计轨道。随着用户从信息的接收者变成了参与者,用户在网络上的数字行为也被一一记录了下来,并且以数据形式由各个公司掌握。比如谷歌记录你的搜索痕迹,Facebook、Twitter记录你的人际关系和互动,亚马逊记录你的购买记录等等。这些科技型巨头通过大量的数据来获取利益,算法掌控了你的世界。

In the Web 2.0 era, the development of the Internet has deviated from its original design trajectory. As users have become recipients of information, their digital behaviour on the Internet has been recorded and captured by companies in the form of data. Google records your search trails, Facebook, Twitter records your interpersonal relationships and interactions, Amazon records your purchases, and so on.


And most importantly, your personal data does not belong to you, but is based on companies as a profit tool. For example, if Facebook collapses one day and your social accounts are shut down, all the dynamics, relationships that you've built will disappear with Facebook, and your information does not really belong to you.

  2014年,以太坊联合创始人Gavin Wood在自己的一篇博客《Insights into a Modern World》中首次明确提出了Web 3.0这个概念,提出了一种全新的互联网运行模式:信息将由用户自己发布、保管、不可追溯且永远不会泄露,用户的任何行为将不需要任何中间机构来帮助传递。

In 2014, Gavin Wood, a co-founder of Taiwan, explicitly introduced the concept of Web 3.0 for the first time in his blog Insights into a Modern World, proposing a completely new mode of Internet operation: information will be published by users themselves, kept in custody, unretroactive and will never be leaked, and any user's behaviour will not require any intermediary to help transmit it.

  Web 3.0的体验可能和Web 2.0分别不算太大,而差异在于使用者或创作者能对自己贡献的内容保有所有权,还能获得一定程度的回报。私隐方面,用户能清楚知道这些数据的用途,并且具有决策权。

The Web 3.0 experience may not be much different from Web 2.0, but the difference is that the user or creator retains ownership of the content to which he or she contributes and has a certain level of return.

Web1.0-Web 3.0的变迁Web1.0-Web 3.0的变迁


Note: The articles are from OpenWindow, and all articles shared or reproduced here are intended to convey industry information and do not constitute any investment advice or hint that investment is risky and market entry requires caution.






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