Let's start with the conclusion:
Web3.0 is not a pure conceptual fiction, but a future trend. The virtual economy and the real economy go hand in hand, and this will be the trend for the next decade or two.
Users have full freedom of access and low thresholds in the “area” of an Internet application; user behaviour is not restricted by third parties; Internet applications break the original so-called ecological and inter-ecological boundaries and there is a high degree of combination and complexity between applications; a combination of synthetic assets, NFTs, etc., can even integrate traditional world wealth into Web3.0 without permission or handover. Web3.0 internal applications based on different infrastructure can be addressed by a “cross-link” agreement.
The ownership of the data belongs to the user and the transfer of value does not require authorization from a third party.
Users’ content creation in Web 2.0 Internet applications is limited in many ways by platform audit restrictions and cross-platform restrictions, particularly in community governance, thus limiting user value capture in terms of economic sharing among creators. Web3.0 promises to break the limit, and the value of the token incentive in block chains effectively feeds the content economy to creators.
The typical application of the current phase of Web3.0 is as follows:
虚拟货币: Web3.0设计理念之- -就是拥有独特的经济系统、 生态系统,从而再虚拟的世界里衍生出完整的经济体系,该体系不需要管理者,而是通过自己的激励机制维护运行,而虚拟货币就是其独特的激励机制,其且的是通过”矿工”来维持该体系的平稳运行,例如比特币、以太坊、LUNA、泰达币、USDC、BUSD等.
Virtual currency: The idea of the design of Web3.0 is to have a unique economic system, an ecosystem, and thus a complete economic system in a virtual world, which does not need a manager, but maintains its operations through its own incentive mechanisms, which are unique incentives, and which sustains the smooth operation of the system through “miners”, such as Bitcoin, Ether, LUNA, Titanic, USDC, BUSD, etc.
NFT:是一-种被称为区块链数字账本上的数据单位,例如画作、艺术品、声音、视频或其他形式创意作品。每个NFT可以代表-个独特的数字资料。由于Web3.0独特性质, NFT拥有独自的“商标”, 原因是这些代表它们的代币在其底层区块链上能被完整追踪,故能为买家提供所有权证明。目前部分NFT作为数字资产底本供商业使用。
NFT: is a type of data unit known as a block-chain digital ledger, such as paintings, works of art, sound, video or other forms of creative work. Each NFT can represent a unique digital file. Because of the unique nature of Web3.0, NFT owns a separate “mark”, because these tokens represent them that can be fully tracked on their bottom block chains and thus provide proof of ownership for buyers.
Listed companies:
The sky and earth are on the line and so on.
The above figure is from: Tontazin Financial Terminal.
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