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In today’s digital currency boom, there is a lot of interest in mining in Ether. People have joined in this mining wave, hoping to gain a lot of money from it. So, what are the profits that will be made in one day’s mining in Taiyin?


The mining proceeds are changing as the price of the tavern fluctuates. As an encrypt currency based on block chain technology, the mining process needs to be done with arithmetic to ensure the safety and reliability of the transaction.


For the majority of ordinary diggers, the one-day gain from digging in the pits is not a fixed figure. It is influenced by a variety of factors, including market prices, difficulty in digging, and the cost of miners. High volatility in the price of the pits has a direct impact on the returns from mining. When prices are higher, diggers can get more incentives in the tusks; and when prices fall, the returns are reduced accordingly.


In addition, the difficulty of digging in the pits is one of the major factors affecting returns. As more miners join in, network computing increases, so does the difficulty of digging in the mines.


In addition to prices and difficulties, the cost of miners is one of the key factors determining the profits from mining. Miners’ fees are those paid to miners when the transaction takes place, and miners earn additional income by packing and receiving the corresponding fees.


Taken together, these factors can vary between a few dollars and a few hundred dollars a day in a tavern. For large mining sites with strong numeracy and professional equipment, their benefits may be even more significant. However, for ordinary diggers, it is not easy to obtain stable and substantial benefits, and it takes a lot of time and effort to optimize the mining strategy.


In mining roads, patience and persistence are more necessary than technology and arithmetic. Mining is not an easy way to be rich overnight, and requires sustained investment.


In general, one day's profits from mining in a tavern depend on a combination of factors. For most diggers, it is not easy to achieve stable returns. But, with patience and confidence, constant learning and adjustment, everyone has a chance to realize the dream of financial freedom in a monetary world with that number. Only persistent mining roads can yield fruit.

<p>为了正确地回答这个问题,让我们从头说起:先假设一台挖矿设备,然后使用合理的数据,再经过实际分析,看看以太坊挖矿可以赚到多少钱。</p><p>In order to answer that question correctly, let us start from the beginning: to assume a mining facility, then to use reasonable data and then to actually analyse how much money Ether's mine can make.</p>
<p>1.挖矿成本的假设</p><p>1. Assumptions of mining costs</p>
<p>你可以看到,这个虚拟的挖矿设备比市面上现有的较好的挖矿设备更高效,更赚钱。我们假设有4个GPU,每个的挖矿能力为40MH/s。硬件的规格为:4个GPU、1个处理器、1个主板和1个1000瓦的电源。这个挖矿设备的成本大约是3千美元。</p><p>As you can see, this virtual mining facility is more efficient and more profitable than the better mining equipment available on the market. We assume that there are four GPUs, each with a capacity of 40 MHz/s. The hardware specifications are four GPUs, one processor, one main board and one 1,000-watt power source. The cost of this mining facility is about $3,000.</p>
<p>一般电费大约是每千瓦时10美分,这个数据来源于美国国家平均电费价格。为了运行挖矿设备,每小时至少需要为每千瓦支付10美分。这意味着每天挖矿所需的电费是2.4美元。</p><p>General electricity costs are about 10 cents per kilowatt hour, a figure derived from average electricity prices in the United States. In order to operate mining equipment, a minimum of 10 cents per kilowatt per hour is required.</p>
<p>我们还需要在这基础上加上2020年1月的区块奖励和区块难度。我们假设在矿池工作的时候仅可使用一台设备。有些矿池征收10%的费用,好点的只收1%。所以我们取中间值1.5%。</p><p>We also need to add to this the block incentive and block difficulty of January 2020. We assume that only one device can be used while working in a pond. Some ponds charge 10 per cent, while the good ones charge only 1 per cent. So we take the median of 1.5 per cent.</p>
<p>我们从Etherescan的历史图表上截取几个点作为难度系数,然后运行一次指数回归,就可以得到指数增长系数,它反映了以太坊挖矿的难度增长情况。</p><p>We take a few points from Etheescan's historical chart as a difficulty factor, and then run an index regression, and we get an exponential growth factor, which reflects an increase in the difficulty of digging mines in the Taikus.</p>
<p>2.区块难度增长函数</p><p>2. Block Difficulty Growth Functions</p>
<p>根据这个函数,我们得出了下列值,用于描述难度函数未来值的预测曲线。</p><p>Based on this function, the following values have been derived to describe the forecast curve for the future value of the difficulty function.</p>
<p>3.以太生态系统的假设</p><p>3. Assumptions of too-ecosystems</p>
<p>利用区块难度的增长,我们可以算出一年后,难度系数将从2.280.210.891.539.710增长到11.880.071.363.893.300.此难度系数是根据上面拟合的难度函数计算的,并假定这个函数也适用于未来的难度系数。</p><p>Taking advantage of the increased difficulty of blocks, we can calculate the difficulty factor from to 11.880.071.393.89300. The difficulty factor is calculated on the basis of the above-defined difficulty function, assuming that it also applies to future difficulties.</p>
<p>区块难度与以太坊挖矿的设备产生的利润成反比。这意味着,随着每天难度的增加,设备的利润会下降。</p><p>The difficulty of blocks is inversely proportional to the profits generated by equipment used to dig mines in the underworld. This means that the profitability of the equipment will decline as it becomes more difficult every day.</p>
<p>最终,设备赚的钱不够支付运行所需的电费。到时就必须关掉设备了,因为你会赔钱。</p><p>Eventually, the equipment doesn't make enough money to pay for the electricity needed to run.</p>
<p>借用CoinWarz的挖矿利润计算器,输入一个不断增长的区块难度,我们发现仅需要一年的时间每天的利润就从18.24美元降到1.60美元。这个计算器使用的输入信息有:hash速率(MH/s)、功率(瓦)、电费单价(美元/千瓦时)、难度、区块奖励、矿池收费、ETH到BTC的兑换率、BTC到美元的兑换率,以及硬件成本。对于利润预测函数,我们用这个计算器每个月计算一个点,并假定每两个点之间是线性的。</p><p>Using CoinWarz's mining profit calculator to enter a growing block, we find that the daily profit will fall from $18.24 to $1.60 in just one year. The calculator uses input information such as: hash speed (MH/s), power (watt), unit price of electricity (US$/kWh), difficulty, block incentive, pit charge, ETH-BTC exchange rate, BTC-US$ exchange rate, and hardware cost. For a profit projection function, we use this calculator to calculate a point per month, assuming that it is linear between two points.</p>
<p>根据这个计算器,如果从2020年1月开始,1年半(476天)后以太坊挖矿设备的运行费用将超过产生的利润(假设以太坊的价格是固定的),然后就会开始赔钱。</p><p>According to this calculator, a year and a half (476 days) after January 2020, the operating costs of the mine-mining equipment at the Taiyet will exceed the profits generated (assuming that the price at Taiyem is fixed) and then begin to pay for it.</p>
<p>最后到挖矿设备关闭为止,总计获得的利润为2.916.59美元。但是,回顾一下本文开头,我们计算过投入的成本大约为3000美元,所以不难发现实际上是有点赔钱的。当然你可以把GPU卖掉收回一些成本,但是二手设备会大幅降价,而且随着新挖矿设备以惊人的速度更新换代,旧设备的降价只会加剧,一年半前购买的GPU基本已丧失了大部分价值。最终GPU的出手价格将决定此次挖矿整体的投资回报。</p><p>Finally, until the mining facility was shut down, the total profit was US$ 2.916.59. But, looking back at the beginning of this paper, we calculated that the cost of the input was about US$ 3,000, so it is easy to find that there is actually a price to pay for it. Of course, you can sell the GPU, but the second-hand equipment will be significantly reduced, and the price of the old equipment will only increase, with the new mining equipment being replaced at an alarming rate, and the GPU purchased about a year and a half ago will lose much of its value.</p>
<p>想想看,一个600美元的GPU,一年50%的折旧率已经算相当不错了。如果你以每个300美元的价格卖掉GPU,那么总共可以获得1200美元,于是总计收入为4.116.59美元,这意味着利润为1.116.59美元,大约是37%的回报率。</p><p>Imagine a $600 GPU, 50% depreciation per year is pretty good. If you sell GPU at $300 a year, you get a total of $1,200 and a total income of $4.16.59, which means a profit of $1.116.59, which is about 37% return.</p>
<p>看看亚马逊你就会明白GPU的价格很容易就会贬值到100美元以下。即便按照100美元计算,总共可以收回400美元,那么整体的收入为3.316.59美元,利润为316.59美元,回报率大约为10.5%。</p><p>When you look at the Amazon, you realize that GPU prices easily depreciate below $100. Even if a total of $400 can be recovered at $100, the overall income is $3.316.59, profit is $316.59 and returns about 10.5%.</p>

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