
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:27 评论:0



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A little blue attention. Don't get lost.


On the morning of the 18th day, the market for A and Ports was generally low.


Hong Kong’s Helium Index fell by almost 1.4%, and the Helium Index fell by more than 3%.


The three main shares of the A share are weak on the whole line, with deep fingers, a drop of more than 1 per cent in the start-up board and a narrow fall in the mid-morning period; the two cities have six half-day exchanges of over $700 billion, and there is a significant net outflow of funds from the North to the early stages, with a net sale of nearly $5 billion a day.


New energy plates, such as lithium batteries, hydrogen energy, wind power, rare earth and salt lake lithium, have returned to strength in recent days, and the concept of meta-cosm, which excites the fire today, has regressed dramatically, with a sharp drop of over 8 per cent in the head.

港股科技股集体大跌 哔哩哔哩跌超10%


In the early morning hours of today, the Hong Kong Unit's Science and Technology Unit fell collectively, closing at noon, falling by almost 11 per cent, the 100-degree group by more than 8 per cent, Ali Baba by almost 5 per cent, the United States Mission and the Gyeongdong group by more than 3 per cent, and the telecommunications holdings and fast hands by more than 2 per cent.


The third-quarter financial report, released on 17 Beep miles, shows that the company achieved a revenue of $5.21 billion in the third quarter, an increase of 61 per cent over the same period; the net loss of the non-United States General Accounting Standard (Non-GAAP) was $1.62 billion, a loss of slightly higher than market expectations. Of this, the growth in revenue from games was 9.18 per cent in the third quarter, a lower than market expectations.


In addition, the unaudited financial report for the third quarter, issued on 17 October, showed that companies had earned $31.9 billion during the current season, and the net profit on the 100-degree basis of non-United States General Accounting Standards was $5.09 billion, exceeding market average expectations.


It is worth noting that there was a significant increase of nearly 30 per cent in the top-heavy web drive as a result of a steady reduction in warehousing. As of the closing, there was an increase of 23.67 per cent for HK$2.09 per unit.


In the early morning days of this day, Henten Network announced that China would sell about 18% of its shares at a total price of approximately HK$ 2,128 million, at a sale price of HK$ 1.28 per share, at a discount of 24.26% on the last day of the transaction.


The announcement states that a large wholly-owned subsidiary has entered into an agreement with the Joint Resources Investment Holdings Ltd. The price of this sale has been negotiated fairly by both buyers and sellers after reference to the price of the current transaction on the Network.

锂电池板块再度活跃 西藏珠峰连续两日涨停


The lithium battery concept is once again strong in the early days of the day, and by the time of the release, there has been an increase of more than 10 per cent in Kugoko and a halt in the golden circle, the energy power of Kawa, Tibet Everest and the manufacturing of Koda.


Today, the Division of Electronic Information of the Ministry of Industry and Communications has made public comments on the Coded Conditions for the Lithium ion Batteries Industry (2021 editions) (for comments) and the Codex Alimentarius ion Batteries Industry (2021 editions) (for comments). The Codexes for the Lithium ion Batteries Industry (2021 editions) suggest that lithium ion battery enterprises and projects should meet the requirements of national laws and regulations for resource development, eco-environmental protection, energy efficiency management and safe production, meet the requirements of national industrial policy and related industrial planning and layout, meet the requirements of local territorial spatial planning and special plans for the protection of the environment.


It is worth noting that Tibetan Everest has risen for two days in a row as a result of the $700 million proposed project to build the Salt Lake of Angles.


According to the Tibetan Everest announcement, on the afternoon of 16 November, at the fourteenth China-Latin America Entrepreneurs Summit (hereinafter referred to as “the Summit”) in Chongqing, the company signed an investment agreement with the Government of the Province of Salta of the Argentine Republic on a project for the industrialization of the Salt Lake Resources Development Project in the Province of Salta.


Under the Investment Agreement, the company and its affiliates will invest approximately $700 million in Argentina in 2022 to build capacity for the production of 50,000 tons of lithium carbonate products per year in the Salt Lake of Angeles, Salta, and the project is scheduled to begin construction by the end of 2021, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2022; at the same time, the company will invest $15 million to complete geological exploration of the Salt Lake of Arizaro, Salta, in 2022, to obtain mining rights and environmental authorization (EIA); and plan to invest no less than $1 billion to build capacity for the production of 5 to 100,000 tons of lithium carbonate products per year in the Salt Lake of Arizaro.


For its part, the Government of Salta, Argentina, supports companies in their mining investments in Argentina and speeds up the processing of compliance procedures, such as the EIA; provides advice or guidance on the development, production and export of the company's lithium carbonate products; and facilitates infrastructure development for project development, the import of equipment, foreign exchange entry and exit of investments and the introduction of technology.


At the same time, the company suggests that it is in the advanced stages of development and that it will not be able to reap the benefits in the short term. And that the gains from the development of lithium salt lakes depend on the future market end prices for lithium salt, which, if the price of products falls sharply, may have market risks that do not yield the expected returns on investment.


In the case of lithium plates, the CCS notes that the supply of lithium in 2022 was tight or unmitigated, that lithium prices were expected to remain on the upward trend, and that the plate configuration logic shifted from “up” to “performance.” As a result of the rise in lithium prices, lithium companies are expected to perform significantly more in 2022 than in the previous year, bringing significant valuation advantages.

顶层设计呼之欲出 氢能源概念强势拉升


Stimulating by the good news from the industry, the hydrogen energy concept has been rising for 18 days, with the China-Thailand shares increasing by about 12 per cent as of noon, gold-energy, solar-coalification, and American-American energy and Kamet gas by more than 5 per cent.


According to the news, under the “doubt carbon” target, our hydrogen energy industry is on the fast track, with more than 50 local municipalities issuing plans for the hydrogen energy industry. According to industry experts, top-level designs at the national level for the development of the hydrogen energy industry will also be put in place.


According to the information received, hydrogen energy as a clean, low-carbon energy source for achieving the country's “carbon peaks, carbon neutrality” is strongly supported by national policies. The recently published Opinion of the Central State Council of the Communist Republic of China on Deep Pollution Prevention and Control, clearly states that clean diesel vehicles (machines) are to be implemented in depth, that the country is to be largely phased out from three and below emission standards, that it is to be promoted to demonstrate the application of hydrogen fuel cell cars and that it is to be promoted in an orderly manner.


In addition, a number of policies have been introduced to encourage the hydrogen energy industry and to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen energy industry. According to incomplete statistics, China, Hebei, Sichuan, Shandong, Inner Mongolia, etc., have introduced an overall hydrogen energy industry development policy; Guangdong, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Henan, etc., have introduced specific policies in the field of hydrogen fuel car segmentation; and several regions have integrated hydrogen energy-related development plans into the 14th Plan for the New Energy Automobile Industry.

元宇宙概念“熄火 ” 盛天网络、中青宝等大跌


In recent years, the strong concept of the meta-cosm has suffered a major setback in the 18-day series. By noon, the sky network had fallen by almost 11 per cent, good news had fallen by more than 9 per cent, and the new nation had fallen by more than 8 per cent in gold-carrying lasers, Internet-based technology and Chinese Qingbao.


Since October, a large number of shares with the concept of the meta-cosmos have been active, with a cumulative increase of about 147 per cent as of yesterday, an increase of about 110 per cent in the number of good news, an increase of nearly 80 per cent in the number of online Chinese, and an increase of over 50 per cent in the number of technocratic and skyscrapers.


Since November, a number of companies have received regulatory and follow-up letters from the Centre for the Advancement of Women, the Centre for the Advancement of Women, the Centre for the Advancement of Women, the Centre for the Advancement of Women, the Network for the Promotion of Science and Technology, and others.

面对元宇宙的火爆,人民日报评论表示,元宇宙是资本炒作还是新的赛道 下结论前不妨“让子弹飞一会儿”。文章称,有人认为元宇宙会让人更有身临其境之感,用户将置身“实体互联网”之中;有人概括出元宇宙的几大特征,称元宇宙不仅是与真实世界平行的虚拟空间,更“和现实世界相互影响”,甚至拥有与现实世界相互联通的经济系统……多元的声音不一而足,可以明确的一点是:虽然元宇宙似乎拥有广阔空间和多种可能,但目前还是一个尚未成型的新兴事物。

Faced with the flames of the meta-cosm, the People's Daily commented that the meta-cosmos could be “a moment for a bullet to fly” before drawing conclusions. The article said that some people thought that the meta-cosmos would make people feel more comfortable and that users would be in the “physical Internet”; some outlined the main features of the meta-cosm, saying that the meta-cosmos was not only a virtual space parallel to the real world, but that it was “interacted with the real world” and even had an economic system connected to the real world.


Some know-how-paying projects package the meta-cosmos into an opportunity to be rich overnight, claiming that “the future is only the path of the meta-cosmos” and take advantage of it in a way that sells anxiety. Some say that the meta-cosmos has nothing to do with it.


It is clear, however, that some new concepts carry confidence in technological development and expectations for a better future. It takes time to move the new concept and its industry toward maturity, and to move to an amazing future in science and technology. Just as the central word is “real” whether it is a virtual reality, an enhanced reality or a hybrid reality, it also presages that the reality is supported by a molten log of the sea market.


Editor: Manjian.




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