狂赚125亿 他是比特币华人新首富

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Author: Internet blasts


Chinese boys have saved 125 billion dollars in bitcoin for six months, and when these words appear in the news, they rarely resist attention.


This Chinese fellow, Zhao Chang Peng, is a Chinese Canadian. In July 2017, Zhao Chang Peng created a virtual currency exchange website, which currently has 6 million users, serving as the world’s largest virtual currency trading platform.


Speaking of bitcoin, some would think of the so-called & & ldquo; the richest & rdquo of bitcoin in China; and the laughter of Li, but one of the most striking things is that the name Zhao Chang Peng is more in line with this designation. With this huge wealth, he was able to enter the Forbes magazine, the first & ldquo in the history published by Forbes; the virtual currency started a billionaire & rdquao; and the third in the list, the only Chinese.


Riching through bitcoin is not new, but it is well known that Li's path of wealth is controversial, saying that he is cheating, that he is illegally collecting money, and that he is reproducing the vast grey areas that could exist in bitcoin's wealth.


So, how this Zhao Chang Ping man seized such a great deal of wealth is worth taking.


Bitcoin players usually reveal an obvious & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; for example, Li laughs and says, & & & & & ; I don't think of bitcoin as money, but rather as a beautiful idea, a great social experiment. & & rdqua ;


The same is true of Zhao Chang Ping. Zhao Chang Ping has a famous saying in his circle that Bitcoin knows more than five points (the 10-point system) and doesn't like it. He also made a special test.


He was born in 77, born in Jiangsu, a professor at the Chinese University of Science and Technology, and went to Canada when he was in his teens. He was a programmer, early in the year, who set up a network trading system for the exchange and was a former executive of Bloomberg in New York.


In 2013, Zhao Chang Peng learned about Bitcoin from a poker friend and quickly entered the field. According to media reports, Zhao Chang Peng sold his property in Shanghai in 2014 and put all his money on Bitcoin.


He will always be full of bitcoins. & & ldquo; I usually buy all of the coins once I receive them (the majority of the mainstream exchange deals in French currency). Then, when you need to consume them, sell one. Just keep a few thousand yuan in the bank, not more than 10,000. & rdquo;


After falling in love with Bitcoin, Zhao Chang Peng and Li laughter started their sermons. In December 2013, Li Xiaoling went to Qinghua University to introduce Bitcoin.


The first occupation by Zhao Chang Po about Bitcoin is the technical director of Blockchain.info, a well-known foreign cryptographic money company known as Blockchain.info, which is said to be the most user and the most flowing website in the bitcoin field.


But not long ago, Zhao Chang Peng turned to OKCoin, a country's well-known Bitcoin trading platform.


In June 2014, Zhao Changjun officially entered the currency line, and he said: “ I think the currency line is the best bitcoin exchange in the world today, with the most professional technical platform, the safest risk management, the best customer service, the fastest deposit, the highest flow and depth, but most importantly the best team! Because I look not at the present, but at the potential of the bank and the foreseeable future. & rdquao;




So, he joined the currency line, which was actually not very well thought out. He explained that the plan could not keep pace with the changes. In the end, he thought that the currency line had more potential. In the world of Bitcoin, time was money, and there was no delay at all.


When Zhao was expecting and joined as a founder, there was a quick-to-speech puncture of dog blood.


In December 2014, Zhao and Blockchain— — i.e. the former landlords signed an agreement, not yet a contract. Under the agreement, the bank will be responsible for the operation of the Bitcoin.com domain name for five years, and the revenue generated by the Bitcoin.com website will be charged.

但因为运营效果并不佳,币行不愿做了。而Blockchain有一个厉害角色,即创始人罗杰·维尔(Roger Ver),人称“比特币耶稣”。罗杰认为币行应该每月支付1万美元作为补偿,或者支付按广告收入的百分比。

But the currency bank is reluctant to do it because it does not work well. And Blockchain has a strong role: founder Roger & Middot; Roger Ver, known as & ldquo; Bitcoin Jesus & rdquo; and Roger believes that the bank should pay $10,000 per month as compensation, or as a percentage of advertising income.


As a result, there was an economic dispute between the currency bank and Roger for several months.




In addition, he accused the bank of refusing to pay his salary, of forging contracts, of having thousands of robotics on the bank, of having paid money, and of having been a hot spot for the currency.


The currency line was also weak and responded that Zhao had cheated on the currency several times, pointing out that Zhao had forged a contract with Roger, forged a curriculum vitae, made no contribution to the company, failed to perform the CTO, and finally dismissed Zhao.


This farce, who is right or wrong, seems to be unclear to anyone, as if it were fair and fair, and the mother-in-law says it is. But in the world of bitcoin, under the mud, which is not regulated, both may be problematic.


In any event, Zhao's numerous jumps in the short term were an indisputable fact that his heart was floating, that the Bitcoin market was changing too quickly and that his heart was not yet entirely on the ground.


In August 2015, Zhao was involved in the creation of Shanghai Pier, an enterprise engaged in research and development of the financial transaction system, which is also the old business of Zhao Chang Peng.


By July 2017, Zhao had created a currency net. By everyone’s expectation, the currency had grown rapidly, with millions of subscribers registered for three months. On January 10, the currency announced that it had more than 5 million registered users worldwide, making it the largest global exchange, with the value of ICO’s tokens at $14.3 billion.


But there are fears in this world as well.


First, the conditions for the rise of the currency are not sustainable. Compared to other platforms, the currency began to do two things right: the model of the main push currency exchange and the internationalization of the main push.


In September 2017, seven ministries and departments, including the Central Bank, issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, which, by its very nature, is an unauthorized act of illegal public financing and should cease immediately. Subsequently, the three largest Bitcoin exchanges in the country’s currency network, OKCoin, and Bitcoin China were stopped.


As a result, only second-class platforms were seized. On the one hand, currency trading patterns were not regulated, and servers were located abroad, while, according to the data quoted in September of 36 kryptons, the share of Chinese users at that time was about 20%, which was not high.


But it's obviously not sustainable. Later on, it's replicable, and it's bound to encroach on the market for currency security.


Second, stronger operations will be harder on the international stage. When it comes to the virtues of currency security, a lot of people talk about better operations.


This should benefit from the co-founder of the currency union. The river is called & ldquo; Bitcoin's sister & rdquao;. Who worked with Zhao in the currency business and then joined the currency. Know why some of the online users say: & ldquo; how often they often appear in various micro-blogging groups and sometimes send red bags, and when they come up with a complaint, they also deal with them first, calling them & rdquo; & & rdquao;

除此之外,赵长鹏和何一经常在直播平台与用户互动。币安支持中、英、日等七种语言。赵曾表示,币安提供 7*24 的客服,币安将50%的支出用在市场运营上。这些方法措施决定了币安的运营导向。这一定程度安抚了用户在严监管下的焦虑心理。

In addition to this, Zhao Chang Peng and I interact with users on live platforms. The currency supports seven languages: Chinese, English, and Japanese. Zhao has stated that the currency provides 7*24 customers and spends 50% of its expenses on the market. These measures determine the direction of the currency’s operations.


But, according to January, only 3% of the more than 5 million users of the currency are Chinese. Recently, currency security has banned domestic IP transactions. That is, the future of the currency will be open to users around the world, & & & & & & & & & & & & China; and whether strong operations will suit foreign users?


Finally, in general, the more money the platform deals online, the more successful the currency exchange model will be. But, at present, it is clear that bitcoins are going down, once down by $6,000, and that virtual money markets have the potential for decline.


In short, the rise of the currency may be a miracle, but it may also be a flashback.


Source: titanium media


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