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  9月5日下午,寻找中国创客2018年度路演之区块链专场如期举行,这也是区块链真相组织的首场线下路演活动。万数链、网录科技、图灵奇点、原本区块链、医互保、Workingchain、易保全、众享比特、Virgo Network、矩阵元、八分量、弦子科技共计12个项目亮相现场。

On the afternoon of September 5, a special session was held to find China’s founder’s 2018 block chain, which was also the first under-line performance of the block chain truth organization. Tens of thousands of links, video technology, Turingchi points, original block chains, mutual health insurance, Workingchain, ease of preservation, Hensbyt, Virgo Network, matrix elements, eight points, string technology, and 12 projects.


The search for China's founder, Director-General of the Beijing Wein Investment Group, Dai Quixeng, Executive Director of the Huaxing Fund, Lui Ming, Founding Partner of the build-up capital, Fan Lei, Manager of the Gobi Investment Management Partnership, Chiang Woo-tao, Partner of the ICI, Jiang Woo-je, Chief Engineer of the former Chinese Institute of Information and Communications Research, Dr. Han He, Director of the Cloud Calculus and Big Data Research Institute, Lee Yong-Gong Guo, Partner of the Big River Investment Project, Firebreaker Block Chain Laboratory, Young-Giang, Partner of the Inno Angels Foundation, Long-Jung, Editor of the Truth in the Block Chains, and Wang Yong-chun, Director General of the Yamada Investment Agency, served as panel members of the road show. They rated and scored on the road show.


In an opening address on the road, the representative of the host, Wang Yongchun, Managing Director of Yamatosu, said that the current currency turmoil was being strictly regulated by the regulatory authorities, which was a good thing for a genuine project to develop and apply block-chain technology. She said: “The future of block-chain technology can empower many industries, bring new opportunities for innovative entrepreneurship, and look for Chinese creators who want to work side by side with good block-chain projects to contribute to industrial progress.”


At the end of the road show, an interview was conducted with investors and entrepreneurs who were present on some of the hot topics of the block chain industry.


Five questions about investors: wind, direction and questions


1. Which block chain projects have you invested? How does investment in block chain industries differ from other industries?


In the first place, it is important to understand the core technology of the chain, as well as to understand the financial sector, and to be more comprehensive in terms of the capacity of investors.


Mr. Jiang Woo-jee, co-founder of the Ithio-Initiative.


Dr. Han Heng: The block chain is invested, the current model is not clear enough, it is more risky and there is no application scenario for strong demand.


The Gobi Initiative Manager, Chiang Tao: The block chain industry currently lacks real users compared to the Internet. Moreover, many block chain projects tend to be ambitious and few landfalls.


Firebreaker's Block Chain Laboratory, Inno Angel Foundation partner Deng Yongqiang: We have invested in technology, applications, hardware, security, etc. I think the logic of investment in the block chain is connected to the Internet, the difference being that the block chain is a valuable Internet that breaks the traditional model of fast growth of the Internet on a free basis.


2. How can it be judged whether a block chain company is worth investing? What are the main concerns?


Dr. Han: Technology, compliance, and team. Teams, for example, need to be innovative and have business experience.


The Gobi created Chiang Tao, a partner in investment management: In addition to the number of users and the availability of the project, there is a good entry point. I see a few entry points: the content industry, the trading platform, and the game.


Lee Young-goon, co-founder of the River: Team technical background, forward-lookingness and love are more important if bottom technology is the main innovation direction; team understanding and resources in traditional business areas corresponding to vertical areas are more important if they are primarily commercial applications.


The first is the team's technical and industrial background; the second is the team's ability to learn; and the third is whether the technology and product development capabilities are prominent and the ground is broken.


Firebreaker's chain lab, Enoch Angel Foundation partner, Deng Yongqiang.


What, in your opinion, are the main current problems in the block chain industry?


Initiating partner, Jiang Woojee: First, there was no breakthrough in the core technology; second, the impact of the landing was not validated.


Dr. Han Xian: First, there is too much non-compliance and bad currency for good; second, application needs are not clear and the direction of the industry as a whole is uncertain.


Dr. Han Hak, former Chief Engineer, Institute of Cloud Computation and Big Data, China Institute of Information and Communications


The Gobi's investment management partner Chiang Tao: The biggest problem is that there are no users.


Lee Young-goon, co-founder of the River: At present, most of the projects are undervalued and understaffed, and the stability of the project team without a long-term background for cooperation is likely to be problematic in relation to the stage of the project.


The Firebreaker Block Chain Laboratory and Inno Angel Foundation partner Deng Yongqiang: The overall environment of the block chain today is somewhat like the Internet from 1995 to 1997, with inadequate infrastructure, inefficient systems, poor security, lack of sufficient talent in the industry, few users, few investment institutions, and other disruptions in the industry that prevent regulation from keeping pace with development.


4. What areas do you think are more suitable for block chain technology and what are not for block chain technology?


Initiating partner Chiang Woojee: Finance, advertising, games are suitable for block chain technology; large, well-centralized industries, and vertical, offline service industries need not be remodeled with block chains.


Dr. Han: Finance, Law, Leisure.


The Gobi's investment management partner, Chiang Tao: The content area is the most appropriate.


Lee Young-goon, co-founder of the River: The field of documentation is relatively easy to access, and there is a natural combination of financial science and technology and block chains that is sensitive to compliance; in addition, product traceability, networking, distributed energy, asset-equity trading, etc., also applies to block chain technologies.


Lee Young-goon, co-founder of the river.


What proposals do you have for the block chain project?


Mr. Jiang Woo-jee, a founding partner, has been working hard to finance the stock market.


Dr. Han Xian: To establish contacts with industry, to cooperate and to land.


Gobi created Chiang Tao, a partner in investment management: For traditional VCs, the economy or markets are often a good time to invest, and we are actively looking for suitable long-term investment opportunities, rather than short-term speculative opportunities.


Chiang Tao, Co-Chair of Gobi Investment Management


First of all, equity investments in block chains cannot be counted as cold winters in relation to other areas; most investment agencies are now relatively cautious, and the role of the core founders is most critical for the project team to find a way to survive and not to get paid for it, and to be able to work together with blueprint incentives and solidarity teams.


Six Questions for Entrepreneurs: Initial Hearts, Misunderstandings and Winter Winters


One, a word about your firm's core competitiveness or innovation?


Workingchain Founder and CEO Yang: We're a technocrat, and there's a lot of counterfeiting in the digital advertising industry at home and abroad, and we're working to make it cleaner.


Founder and CEO Lee Joon-min: A block chain platform for healthy finance.


Director-General of Science and Technology, Wang Jie: Web-based technology is an internationally experienced block-link technology firm that works at the bottom of the block chain, creating private or union chains for enterprises or institutions with business scenes and needs.


Pre-Safety Senior Superintendent He Yinghui: The chain of blocks plus the bottom of the justice system is at our core a credible judiciary capable of enabling other block chains to be applied.


Ex-Supreme Chief Inspector He Yinghui.


Turingian Point CEO Kwokchen: We have a good industry background and a very advanced accumulation of know-how.


The original block chain, CFO King Rock: With technology coupled with knowledge of the industry, deep integration is our core competitiveness.


Eight-point CMOho: A more secure and compatible new-generation public chain, our vision is to make people believe in machines.


A matrix product operator, Zhou Shao Jun: The matrix is the next generation of computing architecture service providers, empowering data to flow adequately in the value Internet age, and providing simple, efficient distributed data exchange and multi-dimensional computing services based on privacy protection and password security.


Shao Jun Zhou, matrix meta-product operations manager


Tens of thousands of chain founders and CEO Sheredon: The tens of thousands of chain chains are meant to connect the islands between data through block chain technology to create comprehensive personal data declassification, privacy protection, data value discovery, etc. for individuals.


Director-General Wang Yi of the Henbit Products: The Henbits combines block chain technology and databases to improve the speed of data search through the full mapping of block chain data onto the database, addressing the low volume of block chain networks and slow writing.

  Virgo Network CEO彭靖姝:我们是一个轻量级的弹性区块链网络,要打造移动端友好的区块链架构。

Virgo Network CEO: We are a lightweight network of flexible block chains to build mobile-end-friendly block chain structures.


2. Why do you choose to start a business in the block chain industry? What are the unique charms of this industry?


Workingchain’s founder and CEO: The basic feature of the block chain is that it cannot be removed or modified. We have seven or eight advertising companies, and then we're going to go to the big data company to store their data and filter the fake flow.


Founder and CEO of Workingchain.

  Virgo Network CEO彭靖姝:我认为互联网行业有很多弊端,区块链让互联网有一些新的机会,可以打破之前的规则。区块链最大的魅力是重新进行了一次分配,让所有人有一个平等的机会参与进来。

Virgo Network CEO: I think the Internet industry has a lot of vices, and block chains give the Internet some new opportunities to break the previous rules. The greatest charm of block chains is a redistribution that gives everyone an equal opportunity to participate.


Turingian Point CEO Guochen: By the end of 15, when we chose to start a business primarily in the direction of electronicization of instruments, we discovered that block-chain technology could solve the problem of the circulation of the OTC market, and we drew the system into that architecture.


C.E.O. Kwok Sung, Turingian Point


The original block chain, the CFO King Rock: In fact, we encountered problems in the process of content recommendation and distribution, in the hope of finding a lower value distribution solution. In 2015, we ran into block chain technology, which we believe is a natural combination of distributed trust mechanisms and content industries.


Tens of thousands of chain founders and CEO Shretton: My previous job was to deal with data, and we found that the problem of islands in the field of data is serious, that personal data is not accessible and that block chain technology can solve it through distributed networks.


3. What problems have been encountered in the actual process of starting a business? How can we solve them?


Workingchain Founder and CEO: Extension. Water to Qing is fishless. The advertising industry itself has a more complex business relationship, which is not easy to spread if you keep everyone clean.


Founder and CEO-Li Jun Ming: first, promotion, second, technology and, lastly, finance.


Founder and CEO Lee Jun-min.

  Virgo Network CEO彭靖姝:我们是一个比较年轻的团队,会受到来自市场和资本方面的质疑。

Virgo Network CEO: We are a younger team that is challenged by markets and capital.

  Virgo Network CEO彭靖姝

Virgo Network CEO Peng Jing Yeong-chung


Pre-Safety Senior Superintendent He Yinghui: The biggest problem now is the scarcity of skills in block chains.

  万数链创始人兼CEO薛瑞东:首先就是技术本身,产品是否真能像当初设计的那个样子落地;其次是在推广上,尤其是To B的项目推广难度会更大一些。

Tens of thousands of chain founders and CEO Xerridon: First, technology itself, whether the product is actually on the ground as it was originally designed; second, it will be more difficult to replicate, especially the ToB project.


4. What areas do you think are more suitable for block chain technology and what are not for block chain technology?


Workingchain’s founder and CEO: Data interface industries, such as medical, financial and digital exchange, need the power of a block chain. And I personally think that stuff from the entity can't run in the server.


Director-General Wang Yi of Henby: We are all talking about block chains that solve problems of production relations, but they address business scenes like cross-sectoral, multi-stakeholder decision-making, which are not appropriate if one is just doing something. Moreover, the TPS bottleneck of block chains is not suitable for real-time data feedback applications, such as chatting; and, in addition, extracting core data from the chain, other data can be recorded centrally.


Mr. Wang Yi, Director General of the Bent Products.

  Virgo Network CEO彭靖姝:我们认为在供应链方面,现在区块链可以提高供应链的效率。以目前技术发展的阶段来说,现在的区块链+人工智能可能还为时尚早。但在未来,区块链+人工智能结合的生产关系+生产力的高效革新将是非常可期的。

Virgo Network CEO: In terms of supply chains, we believe that now block chains can improve the efficiency of supply chains. At this stage of technological development, it may be too early to add to artificial intelligence.


Pre-Safety Senior Inspector He Yinghui: I think it's the closest to landing at this point, and of course justice is better for us. I believe that the chain of blocks will involve more industries in the future, and it will be more or less radioactive in all fields.


Tens of thousands of chain founders and CEO Xerridon: The transformation of chains is not suitable for all projects, and some securitization of assets does not necessarily require the concept of a block chain, so it would need to be seen whether the business scene really needs a block chain.


The founder of the tens of thousands chain and CEO Xerridon.


Founder and CEO-Li Jun Ming: We have counted the top three cases of localization of industry applications: government, finance, and health.


What's your winter strategy?


Founder and CEO-Li Jun-ming: He was prepared to start his own business, made a contribution at the beginning of the year, and is now actively seeking new financing.

  Virgo Network CEO彭靖姝:这对于我们技术团队影响不大,我们要做的是一起干实事,准备好过冬子弹,无论是否冬天,我们都会做技术研发和创新,尽可能要降低自己的消耗。

Virgo Network CEO: This has little impact on our technical team. What we have to do is work together, prepare bullets for winter, whether winter or not, we have to do technological research and innovation and minimize our own consumption.


CEO Wang Jie: Indeed, the price of the currency is falling, but it's a good thing for block-link companies that do things. So it's not a white paper, it's time for a story to be financed.


Mr. Wang Jie, Director General of Technology and Commerce.


Pre-Safety Senior Inspector He Yinghui: Winter is only for the currency circle, so-called Bear City is irrelevant to us and is now a positive upward state for the chain.


CEO Quixeng: There is only one word — Accompanies! Financing is on the one hand the ability to build blood without financing.


The original block chain, CFO: On the one hand, everything has a so-called cycle, and the winter doesn’t affect the pace of our work. But on the other hand, some projects, with white papers with no substantive technological reserves, could finance tens of millions of dollars, and it is now true that something needs to be done to attract investment.


The original block chain, the CFO King Rock.


The founder of chords technology, Li Xiao: We can vote ourselves.


Tens of thousands of chain founders and CEO Xerridon: We have approached some investment agencies, and the industry is indeed in the winter, and token’s financing is very cautious. But, in another sense, winter is not bad. If it is loud, many valuable projects will be buried in it; if the tide goes away, I think some projects that share ideas will be discovered. So our strategy is to upgrade our own blood-producing functions and run out the product according to plan.


What do you think is the greatest misunderstanding of the block chain industry in the outside world? How can these misunderstandings be dispelled?


Workingchain’s founder and CEO: Many people have the impression that the chain of blocks is a currency. When all the people who sell the coins leave, real good things will come out slowly, and you will be more appreciative of the value of the chain itself.


Founder and CEO-Li Jun Ming: Many would think that the chain of blocks is bitcoin or ICO, which is the biggest misunderstanding, to change, first to regulate and second to market phase-out.


The eight-point CMOho: The biggest misunderstanding is that the currency is equal to the chain, with many people equating the chain with the cutting of vegetables.


It's an eight-point CMO-Haw.

  Virgo Network CEO彭靖姝:对于一个早期的技术,大家有误解是很正常的。现在区块链门槛较高,普通人可能根本不了解区块链是什么。在行业早期,大家有各种各样的误解是很正常的。

Virgo Network CEO: It is normal to have misunderstandings about an early technology. Now that block chains are high, ordinary people may have no idea what they are. In the early days of the industry, it is normal to have all kinds of misunderstandings.


Pre-Safety Senior Inspector He Yinghui: I think the biggest misunderstanding is that the chain is not separated from the currency circle, that many people have demonized the chain of blocks, and I think that the people who work in the chain of blocks need to do what they really do to make more people aware of the true nature of the chain of blocks.


Mr. Li, founder of string technology: It is not the essence of the chain of blocks that cannot be tampered with, nor is decentralized, as is often mentioned, but the essence of the chain of blocks is that it brings with it the decoupling of collaboration, precisely because it promotes greater collaboration.


The founder of chords technology, Li Xian.


Director-General Wang Yi of Henby: Many people have given the block chain to God, thinking it can do anything. A good business model can do without some fundamentals, such as how to build a stable system, and the addition of the block chain is to speed up some of the links, not to lose the basics of having the block chain. This is a mistake.

编辑:贺树龙 杨梓铭

Editor: He's a tree dragon, Yang's motto.




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