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> Internet hygiene habits and security perceptions are poor, and smuggling downloads and malicious software attacks in the Asia-Pacific region are different from the global average of > > > strong > 22% > >/em > > > strong and > > 37% /strang > > >.


(2019 41日,台北訊)即使企業利用最新的安全情報和保護措施,在不斷變化的網路安全環境中努力立足,對網路犯罪份子而言,亞太地區依然是犯罪熱點。微軟在最新出爐的《智慧資安報告》(SIR),揭露亞太區的重點觀察,希望藉此提升亞太地區的網路攻擊防禦能力。

() microsoft advice: to have three elements: precautionary control, detection, response >p> /em technique to reduce risks > > > 2 2 >2


「毫無疑問地,網路安全是當今各企業組織最迫切的問題之一。隨著網路攻擊的頻率和複雜性不斷增加, 瞭解普遍存在的網路威脅以及如何降低其影響已成為當務之急。」微軟亞洲網路安全首席顧問Eric Lam 表示:「因應不斷進化的網路威脅環境,微軟在第24期的《智慧資安報告》中強調網路犯罪份子的技術和交易手段,並提供洞察以提高企業組織的恢復力和整體資訊安全。」

“There is no doubt that Internet security is one of the most pressing issues for business organizations today. With the increasing frequency and complexity of cyberattacks, it has become imperative to understand the pervasive threats to the Internet and how to reduce their impact.” Eric Lam, the chief consultant for Internet security in Microsoft, says: “In response to the constantly evolving Internet threat environment, Microsoft, in its Wisdom Report No. 24, has stressed the technical and trade tools of cybercriminals and provided insight to improve the resilience and integrity of business organizations.”


The 24th edition of the Wisdom Information Report consolidates the core insights and key trends from source-based data throughout 2018, including 6.5 trillion Internet threats detected daily by micro-soft clouds. It analyses 15 markets in Asia and the Pacific, including Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Viet Nam.


"Strong" on the mine, criminal hacking into a computer to open an encrypted currency, stealing an operating resource


With the added value of encrypted currency such as bitcoins, Internet criminals seeking illegal profits turn to malign software, using the victim’s computer to generate encrypted currency. This method allows criminals to handle hundreds or thousands of computers at the same time.

第24期的《智慧資安報告》指出,在 2018 年 1 月至 12 月期間,亞太地區加密貨幣挖礦惡意軟體的發生頻率[1]約為全球平均 1.2倍 (17%), 印度、斯里蘭卡和印尼的頻率為該區域最高。報告也發現頻率會隨著加密貨幣價值的起伏而變動。

The Wisdom Report No. 24 states that during the period from January to December 2018, the frequency of encoded currency mining malignant software in the Asia-Pacific region was about 1.2 times the global average (17%), with India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia having the highest frequency in the region. The report also found that frequency varied with the value of encrypted currency.




There are many reasons why mining may become a hotbed of malignant software. Unlike blackmail software, encrypt currency mining does not require user authorization, and criminals can steal equipment from back-end sources for mining purposes; it is difficult to detect unless the user’s computer performance is significantly affected.


Another factor contributing to this trend is the widespread availability and low penetration of existing software to provide currency for mining, which Internet criminals may re-modify as malignant software and pass on to unsuspecting user computers. Then, miners with malware will use similar tactics to send other threats, such as social engineering, invasion, and clandestine downloads, to individual victims.


The incidence of extortion software in the Asia-Pacific region is still 40% higher than in the world, and the threat cannot be ignored.


According to the 24th report, extortion software has decreased its frequency by 73% globally. Despite this decline, extortion software remains an invisible threat in the Asia-Pacific region, which is still 40% higher than the global average.


A key reason for reducing extortion attacks is that corporate organizations and individuals have become more alert and intelligent to threats to extortion software, for example, by being more cautious about attacks and making copies of important files to restore them when blackmail software encrypts them. While organizations and individuals are less exposed to extortion software attacks than they were last year, this does not mean that the severity of the attacks has decreased. It has caused significant damage to the real world by influencing business operations and important service providers, such as transport equipment, hospitals, transportation systems, etc.



There has been an increase in the number of illegal download attacks in the Asia-Pacific region, the most frequent in Taiwan .


Despite a 22% reduction in the number of illegal downloads worldwide, the number of illegal downloads in Asia and the Pacific has increased by about 22% compared to other parts of the world. The most frequent such downloads are in Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia.


A stowaways download is carried to an unstoppable user's computer while users are browsing the site. A malignant code is embedded through loopholes in web browsers, browsers, downloads, apps, and production systems. Even if users do not download anything, they may be infected with malignant software. A more advanced stowap download will also install blackmail software on the victim's computer, or even encoded currency mining software.

網路衛生不佳+安全意識貧乏 亞太地區發展中市場最易受到惡意軟體影響

The market is the most vulnerable to malignant software in the development of the Asia-Pacific region.


Malicious software creates risks for business organizations and individuals, including data loss, intellectual property theft, financial loss, emotional distress, and even life-threatening. Although global malware has dropped by 34%, the incidence of malware in Asia and the Pacific is 37% higher than the global average.

印尼、菲律賓和越南是亞太地區惡意軟體發生頻率最高的國家,突顯了頻率和社會發展情況及技術情況息息相關。不良的網路衛生條件和使用者安全意識貧乏可能會導致危險的 IT 行為,包括使用未修復的軟體、瀏覽具潛在風險的網站(例如檔案分享網站)、讓設備暴露在惡意軟體環境中。而使用盜版軟體也可能是感染的來源。報告還發現,亞太地區惡意軟體發生頻率最低的國家為日本、澳洲和紐西蘭。這些國家往往擁有成熟的網路安全基礎設施及完善的保護方案,並確實與公民分享基本網路安全的最佳做法。

Indonesia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam are the countries with the highest incidences of malware in the region, highlighting the relevance of frequency and social development, as well as of technology. Poor Internet health conditions and user safety and lack of awareness of IT behaviours that can be dangerous, including the use of unmodified software, browsing of potentially risky websites (e.g. file sharing sites), exposing devices to malware environments.

Lam 總結:「為了加強個人對技術的信任,防止網路攻擊破壞公司的數位轉型措施,網路安全專業人員需要制定一個整體策略,包括預防、偵測、回應這三大要素。並積極運用預防性控制、以雲端和人工智慧等加強安全行動等關鍵方法,有效提升組織復原力、減少組織風險。」

Lam Summary: “In order to enhance personal confidence in technology and prevent cyberattacks from destroying companies’ digital transformation measures, Internet security professionals need to develop an overall strategy that includes prevention, detection, and response to these three elements.


To learn more about the latest Internet threats and best practices available to business organizations, a full report can be downloaded here: [1] 頻率是指在運行 Microsoft 即時安全產品時,回報遭遇惡意軟體的電腦的百分比。遇到威脅並不意味著電腦已被感染。在計算頻率時,只有使用者選擇向 Microsoft 提供資料的電腦才會被列入計算。

[1] frequency refers to the percentage of computers that have encountered malignant software when running instantaneous Microsoft safety products.


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